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Doon Business School, Dehradun

Dissertation on Electric Car

Marketing of Electric cars in India and in the world.

Submitted by – Sunny Anand, Post Graduate Diploma in Management

(Marketing Major)

Supervisor – Professor Davinder Wallia

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Post Graduate Diploma
in Management at Doon Business School


This dissertation contains no material which has been recognized for the honor of some
other degree or testament in any foundation and clearly and conviction, the assessment
contains no material as of late appropriated or created by another person, beside where
due reference has been made in the substance of the hypothesis.

Sunny Anand

There is an urgent need to stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry, dramatically reduce wasted
energy, and significantly shift our power supplies from oil, coal, and natural gas to wind,
solar, geothermal, and other renewable energy sources.

William Ernest McKibben

Undertaking work is never refined of a person. Maybe it is a blend of the endeavors, Ideas and co-tasks
of a person. It gives me tremendous delight to accept this open door to thanks every one of the
individuals who helped me in effectively finishing the task. My appreciation goes to Professor Davinder
Wallia for planting the beginning to deal with Electric Cars. Without his thoughts and management, this
postulation wouldn't have been conceivable. I need to thank – Doon Business School for giving me such
extraordinary experiences on such countless different subjects that prompted this work.

At last, I might want to thank each and every individual who guided and upheld me in this course. This
postulation for me is a little advance on the way I will be working, for example making the planet
feasible for people in the future.









6. 12 to 17



8. 18,19



10. 23 to 28

11. SWOT( INDIA, CHINA, GERMANY, U.S.A) 28 to 32

12. TOWS( CHINA, GERMANY, JAPAN, U.S.A) 33 to 40


14. DISCUSSIONS 46 to 47




18. REFERENCE 53 to 55
19. ANNEXURE 56 to 57


Governments have been consuming billions of dollars for extending the Electric Cars (EC). The game
plans are crashing and burning and Internal Combustion Engines due to low costs and low fuel rates are
creating. They are moreover making air defilement, blockage, etc Approaches ought to be encoded to
acknowledge what is the clarification, why these Electric Cars not extending. The assessment is directed
to find the fundamental factor which associates with progress or disillusionment of an EC market. In like
manner there is need for using EC as an instrument to reduce the total duty regarding and to improve
linkage among EC and harmless to the ecosystem power.

Since the methodologies are uncommonly new, hence the real governing bodies have been endeavoring
different methodology. A lot of them failing. In this way an alternate context oriented examination
assessment is planned for finding the 'key factor' by cross case appraisal. The arrangement of data is
through work region research.

Notwithstanding the way that the organizations have been obvious on gigantic direct sponsorships as the
crucial displaying technique for EC. The maker finds that quick sponsorship isn't the correct method.
Honestly, it has very obstructions. The basic part in EC system is of 'financial obligation inspirations'
which should be significant, master EC and threatening to ICE. The maker in like manner finds that
people won't recognize EC, with the exception of if their power source is endless.

This investigation isn't essentially more suggested for reducing the ICE, than extending the ICE.
Furthermore duplication of Charging Infrastructure is an amazingly disregarded region and should be
more researched by metropolitan spaces, obstruct and demand factors. This investigation has
fundamentally associated methods to lessen vehicles, improve techniques for EC, harmless to the
ecosystem power and to reduce the oil subsidiary usage in both energy creation and as a fuel in vehicles.
With everything taken into account, device is obliged the methodology makers by the maker to kill ICE.

Watchwords: Electric Cars, Policies, Governments, Fiscal Tax, Subsidies

Expanding Green House Gas (GHG) discharges, non-renewable energy source reliance and expanding
medical issues because of debilitates coming from cars have constrained governments across the globe to
create and acquaint imaginative arrangements all together with address these difficulties and to shorten
the contamination coming. Inward Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles are one of the essential supporters
of air contamination inside city regions. Despite the fact that legislatures are introspecting a wide range
of apparatuses like BRT's, metro trains, advancing cycling, strolling, and so on to diminish individuals
reliance of vehicles, in the midst of the public transportation is as yet not universal or because of endless
suburbia individuals need to rely on Motorized Individual Vehicles (MIV).

To limit the dangers brought about by ICE, one of the instrument is shift to vehicles to run on
inexhaustible and cleaner wellsprings of energy like use of biofuels, mixed fills, methane and through
jolt of transportation (REN 21, 2015). Change in outlook has been considered to power controlled
vehicles, may it be trains, transports, ships, vehicles, cruisers or bicycles, governments have presented
approaches and plans for expanding their market infiltration.

This change will need at any rate 20% of all street transport vehicles internationally to be electrically
determined by 2030 – if warming is to be restricted to 2 degrees or less. Light vehicles would essentially
contribute: in excess of 100 million vehicles in 2030, up from 1 million todays.

Paris Declaration

One of the instruments is by the utilization of vehicles which don't need non-renewable energy source to
run, for example try not to run on petroleum, diesel, lamp fuel, and so forth, these vehicles are called as
Electric Vehicles (EV) or Electric Cars (EC) in certain unique situations. EC will assist with clearing
way for another culture of portability alongside current metropolitan and advancement arranging
(German Federal Govt's. National Electromobility Development Plan). They have been known by
various names in various nations as demonstrated.


Countries China India Japan Korea U.S.

EV in New Energy XEV Next Green Cars Plug-In
documents Vehicle Generation Electric
mentioned Vehicle Vehicle

Several countries have made methodologies for the progression of these EC, and by far
most of them are at their beginning stage. Despite significant hypothesis by governments
and billions of dollars spend in giving sponsorships, foundation of EC Charging
Infrastructure (CI), and moreover putting overwhelmingly in R&D, through various
plans, most of the countries have fail to get any market. With uncommon instance of an
unassuming bundle of countries, generally have fail to get any interest from people. The
major different Electric Vehicles are named showed up in next Table.

• Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) - Runs prevailing part on gas and occasionally
on electric powered batteries.

• Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) - Runs comparably on both the power
sources: batteries and gas. Batteries being the supported best option here not in
any way like HEVs.

• Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) - Runs on unadulterated batteries, and no gas.

• Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) - Works on hydrogen power modules, no gas.


Since HEV and PHEV, both utilize some measure of fuel, hence they are subject to oils too. FCEVs are
exceptionally new are indeed aside from Japan, no other nation has any quantities of FCEVs in insights.
Accordingly, research is thusly led on just BEVs and they will be tended to in this theory as Electric Cars.
The principal objective behind this proposition is to consider the EC methodologies of huge countries
to recognize if a normal figure exists accomplishment or disillusionment of approaches in different
countries to make a sensible nexus between acceptable energy and EC. Since for all intents and
purposes none of the as of late done investigates on EC, have done assessment on the EC systems, in
this manner point is to explore each EC market significantly to find the basic hidden driver of each
country's accomplishment/frustration in EC draws near.

This proposition expects to perceive the basic driver on account of which bigger piece of the different
countries' systems on EC has been a mistake. Thusly, the ID of key segments will focus in the
regulatory methodologies on right track to achieve their targets with viability. Likewise, this
investigation will endeavor to find the huge preventions in the zeroed in on countries and metropolitan
networks, with the objective that the improvements will be more focused on the weak zones. The fact
of the matter isn't simply to assessments these methodologies from the governing body's viewpoint,

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yet to see from the client's perspective moreover for instance how much these techniques have an
implication on diminishing the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of the EC owners.

Another huge mark of the proposition is to find methods which could help the benefits of current
techniques and cutoff the troubles for EC and besides to chop down the obligation regarding, oil usage
and formation of energy from non-limitless sources. It will make an obvious understanding among
how governments should be refreshed for dispensing with significantly defiling ICE.


1. Problems concerning the insufficient government courses of action

Governments all through the planet are consuming billions of dollars to set a business
opportunity for EC. They are giving huge direct limits generally to entice arranged customers.
Amidst that, the selections are low. From this failure, the assemblies are losing adequate
money, yet moreover it is attracting investigation. If comparable game plans continue, and fails
to pass on any progression, in addition will be taken off in future leaving again no enormous
competition for ICE. Larger piece of the organizations have no idea about the requirements of
people, and giving sponsorships since some other country is doing same, as needs be missing
the mark. Henceforth, a colossal assessment is required find the issues in the methodology
system and where and how, the lawmaking bodies should change their techniques.

2. Problems concerning extending ICE and oil usage

The vehicle ownership is extending an aftereffect of the generous financing of ICE and fuel by
various governments. Frameworks are relied upon to decrease the belonging. Petrol subsidiary
are getting depleted and if this model continues, the gathering of individuals on the way will
manage more issues. Natural change is influencing all of the living natural substances, further
devouring of non-environmentally friendly power source and extending CO2 presence is
raising the temperature of the earth causing major climatic changes. Subsequently, it is critical
the energy for these EC, will be 100% from endless sources and besides to diminish vehicle


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To achieve the objectives developed, the investigation questions are revolved around 3 extraordinary

 Stream circumstance of Electric Cars in different business areas

1. Why the Electric Cars aren't creating?
2. What have the best advisers been for dispense with these EC preventions?

 Changing the techniques worried external components

3. How governments should change their methodologies?
4. What amount the replicability is possible from various countries?

 Analyzing the assorted EC markets:

5. To find what could be the 'key factor' that impacts the EC plans most?
6. How critical are prompt assignments?
7. How basic is the presence of monetary cost inspirations?


Technology Biggest Direct Success/Failur Reason of

countr e
y Focus Car Rebate studying/not
Companies studying
China BEV Yes Up to Failure Huge federal
$9800 and local
Why still
Japan FCEV; Yes Up to Success turned How the
earlier 7500$ failure biggest
BEV market fell?
India BEV, No Rs1.38 Not started No. 1 report
HEV lakh
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on Electric
not worth
Germany - Yes 0 Failure Yes. No
Perfect. Start
from scratch

U.S. BEV Yes Up to Failure Huge

$7500 subsidy.
Why failing

It could be seen that from figure that solitary Japan had impressive level of Electric Cars enthusiasm at
first but it didn’t lasted, subsequently its examination will be taken first to comprehend the elements
and afterward it will be a lot simpler to perceive what different business sectors are deficient.

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For the analysis of the research three tools have been used in this research -PESTLE, SWOT and
TOWS and survey based questions.

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PESTLE: The short from of Political-Economic-Social-Technical-Legal-Environmental, has been
chosen in this research because it analysis the external macro-environment. PESTLE analysis is
essential for the system which is new for the market. Hence, it will assist the EC being a new
technology for their adaptation to be faster in the markets.
The PESTLE analysis is chose in this case because it analyses the external macro environment in
which the business operates. The PESTLE analysis takes into account the changes, keeps the
companies on track with them and is very useful when a new product/service is started. It will assist
the electric vehicles being a new technology for their faster adaptation on the automotive market.

 Political: These factors arise from the administration impacts and decide the governments
outlook towards the EC, whether they want it to be next big change or they have no zeal. The
political factors consist of the current and future support for the electric vehicles.

 Economic: The purchase price of the electric vehicles is considered as one of the main
challenge to their further market penetration. According to the author the prices of ICE and gas
also influences market.

 Social: The social factors represent the attitudes of the consumers towards the electric
vehicles. Every society is different. The change in perception about EC can be due to the
factors such as public interest in adaptation of clean energy, Human Development Index (HDI),

 Technological: The technological factors that influence the EC, can be the R&D funding and
growth, the EC battery technology and how advanced the technical industry of the industry is.

 Legal: Federal laws for/against ICE are the biggest factors for the adoption of EC. In places,
where there are no heavy laws against ICE, it will be easy for people to purchase ICE, then go
for new technology EC.

 Environmental: The environmental factors concern the level of pollution created by the
electric vehicles. However, renewable energy sources for energy production for CI also plays
strong role.

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PESTLE Proposing
ANALYSIS Estimating Opportunitie
ACTION the odds
s and Threats

Brainstorming Rank high to

Issues low

Deduce Finding the

Variables latest values
of Variables

As per Figure, the outside climate or EC market will be investigated. First and foremost, to
conceptualize through the entire issues, at that point to concluding them to specific factors, tracking
down their most recent qualities. Again conceptualizing in positioning them from higher to bring
down significance. At that point sorting the significant ones as promising circumstances and dangers
and henceforth closing the PESTLE Analysis.



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SWOT: It is an essential instrument to take a gander at the inner strength, inward shortcomings, outside
promising circumstances or outer dangers to an item. The SWOT investigation helps sort data efficiently,
however further examination is as yet important to utilize the SWOT examination. In this specific case the
strength and shortcoming comes from the strategies and motivating forces for the EC given by the public
authority. The chances and dangers show up from the PESTLE examination done on the EC market. Thusly in
Figure 5, it is schematically shown how the inside approaches and outer elements structure the SWOT for
additional examination.


TOWS framework is the fundamental finishing apparatus. It improves conveying procedures

foundationally thinking about the relations between Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and
Threats. The results of the interior and outside variables can be supplanted in a lattice called
TOWS Matrix. TOWS grid serves to deliberately distinguish connections between dangers,
openings, shortcomings and qualities, and offers a construction for creating systems based on
these connections.

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To perform TOWS investigation, initially SWOT examination must be led for recognizable proof of
solidarity and shortcomings of the EC strategies offered the public authority and the outer chances and
dangers, which will emerge from the PESTLE investigation. There are 4 fundamental further
arrangements of characterization:

Small Maxi
Small Mini

In the Maxi-Maxi order, qualities are planned against the chances. It is embraced, what are the inner
qualities and how might they be coordinated against the chances. Basically, techniques utilizing
solidarity to expand the chances.

• "Maxi-Mini" Strategy

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In a Maxi-Mini Strategy, the qualities are planned against the dangers. It is embraced, to limit the
dangers by utilizing strength. To discover the methodologies, that would distinguish the qualities to
help decreasing or limiting degree of dangers.

• "Mini-Maxi" Strategy

In a Maxi-Mini grouping, the point is to limit the dangers by making the most of the chances. In the
investigation openings are planned against dangers. It is attempted, what are the shortcomings and
would we be able to address it not exclusively to eliminate however to distinguish openings that would
then open up.

• "Mini-Mini" Strategy

In a Mini characterization, the point is to discover methodologies that may limit the impact of dangers
and help to conquer the dangers.


EC are a very new instrument which countries have actually gotten in their establishments. The
techniques given by governments are for the most part new. Larger piece of them is circulated after 2017.
New game plans are moving from different govt. that may turn the recommendation, henceforth can't be
dismissed. The latest methodologies until mid-December 2020, are taken, subsequently there is no
composing review of them. The principal security from the assessment is the presence of uncommonly
confined composing in regards to the matter. The examination bases on BEV vehicles just, a huge bit of
the events the data is entire for BEV, anyway a couple of estimations mix BEV and PHEV. Thusly, it
unreasonable to isolate each piece. The bits of knowledge set contrary to BEV's are of gas or petrol just,
bio-forces and diesel are not considered as a result of time imperatives. The EC assessment avoids the
association vehicle estimations, since the evaluation plans for the association vehicles are absolutely not
exactly equivalent to the private vehicles. This might be also taken up as an increase of this assessment.
The composition and reports used in this work is dominatingly from Springer Journal, Wiley Online,
Sage Publications and Elsevier. Regardless, the online papers, locales, estimations, etc, which are
satisfactorily translated from Chinese, German, Japanese have also been used. The particular number of
charging stations is difficult to know paying little heed to having informational collections from different
countries and aides. This is an immediate consequence of a singular CI can have single or various
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centers, either private or public or both are counted isn't implied, since various private ones present, so
the certified informational collection doesn't have all the data. In like manner estimations use PEV, EV
or EC in their experiences, anyway the data is for all intents and purposes similar, thus can be ignored
concerning this investigation.


This assessment was a work region study research. The information was amassed from the power
destinations of transportation, electric vehicles, energy and environment at government and city levels.
Also, academic papers and private investigates from industry have furthermore been used. Academic
papers from Sage, Elsevier and Wiley are considered. This information was found in articles and reports
from investigates, private affiliations like International Energy Organization (IEA) and International
Council of Clean Transportation (ICCT). The ken is gained from books, private examines, academic
papers, paper articles. Moreover, the developments made by these examines is considered to breakdown
the headings into basic limits. Papers reports have been central since academic papers need approaches
examination especially for 2014 and 2015. In light of the extraordinary components, the investigation
contains plans up to mid-December, 2015.


To apply the as of late arranged framework, and to address the communicated assessment questions, the
recommendation is moreover made into four segments.

PART 1-Introduction

In this segment, the maker explains the reasons of presenting the assessment and suggests its importance
in the current circumstance. The issues and their importance are communicated. The assessment
questions are then arranged. The assessment system is then portrayed for doing the investigation. Finally,
the development of the investigation is explained.

PART 2 – Literature Review

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This part studies past investigates on EC as for the different systems by various countries, and what are
the outcomes from past researches. Moreover this part will endeavor to find the stipulations in past
investigates, that may the maker have the choice to answer from the examination.

This part will in like manner endeavor to find:

 What are the general limits for EC, for fast approaching customers?
 What are the game plans given by governments for EC?

The part moreover gives a comprehension of what are the different sorts of EC and which countries
giving game plans for what development EC.

PART 3-Analysis and Discussion:

This segment will separate the revelations from past parts and will discuss the proper reactions. This part
will endeavor to react to all the recommendation questions.

PART 4-Conclusion and Recommendation:

This part will wrap up all the assessment and notwithstanding will be giving ideas dependent on closes.
Moreover, it will endeavor to give some future assessment questions.

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EC have a huge assignment to do in achieving driven CO2 decline targets (Thiel et al., 2019), because
they decrease the air pollution in city level where MIV rate is high. In the figure 8, it might be
conveniently seen that the lifetime air pollution levels of a BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle) are less when
appeared differently in relation to ICE. Additionally, they increase the energy security by decreasing the
squeezing variable of oil based commodities dependence. Regardless, when the force comes from the
dirtiest coal overpowered power creation organization, still the EC produces lesser GHG outpourings
than their normal accomplices; with lower or none tailpipe incapacitates (UCSUSA.ORG, 2018). The
energy efficiency of the electric motor is around different occasions better compared to that of the ICE
(Figenbaum et al., 2019).

With the expansive gathering of module EV (PEVs), ozone hurting substance (GHG) spreads would be
diminished, regardless, when differentiated and more successful ordinary vehicles. Shocking vehicles
and non-road equipment will incite better air quality.


Authors: Lingzhi Jin, Peter Slowik Date: March 21, 2017

This paper surveys driving worldwide practices on electric vehicle buyer mindfulness and effort
exercises. It surveys writing on the significance of shopper mindfulness and distinguishes commendable
activities in driving electric vehicle markets. In light of our survey, we likewise chose five contextual
investigations for extra conversation to help better comprehend the critical components of effective
complete shopper mindfulness crusades. Albeit this work is centered on how activities to build
mindfulness and comprehension may impact electric vehicle take-up, we note that a wide exhibit of
advancement activities (e.g., monetary and non-monetary impetuses, organization of charging
foundation, high model accessibility, exertion to build mindfulness and getting, others) are vital to
growing the market. We finish up with the accompanying discoveries on electric vehicle purchaser
mindfulness exercises:

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• Action to expand customer care is a crucial piece of supporting the advancement in the early
electric vehicle market like India.

• Partners would ideally cooperate to utilize characteristics and feasibly utilize confined resources
on electric vehicle care campaigns.

• Supported projects that utilization a far reaching extent of exertion and care exercises are
practically sure to get a broader horde of unavoidable electric vehicle customers.

• Nearby setting and resources can be critical in studying the reasonableness and feasibility of an
electric vehicle client care program.

The Electric Vehicle: A Review

Author - Tek Tjing lie, Krishnamachar Prasad, Ning Ding

The features for different kinds of EVs have been studied in this paper. The PEV (Personal Electric
Vehicle) and FCEV (Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle) show the most potential to diminish the road side
release. Regardless, the PEVs have been kept by the bottleneck of current battery propels, while the
usage of FCEVs show diminished dependability. For the different levels of the standard HEVs, the
driving expectation has all the earmarks of being close to the ICEVs (Internal Combustion Engine
Vehicle). Nevertheless, the limitations on the high beginning cost and huge weight are unsatisfactory for
the mass market. The cream electric vehicle joins most pattern setting developments and essentially adds
to the biological security. PHEVs are considered as likely competitor to match ICEVs to the extent driver
supposition, driving reach and proficiency. Assessment shows that super capacitor, through its powerful
breaking point, is apparently fitting for execution in PHEV. To decrease the overall cost in BEV and
PHEV, elective materials and developments should be examined and investigated. The power devices
development required for the internal energy transmission should moreover be examined to improve the
overall efficiency.

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Consumer preferences for electric vehicles: a literature review

Fanchao Liao, Eric Molin &Bert van Wee

I direct the writing audit to distinguish which credits of EV and its administration framework affect the
utility of EV, including vehicle ascribes, foundation framework and EV advancement strategies. I
additionally mean to discover which individual-related factors influence one's inclination for EV. Most
examination which researched both of these two themes applied expressed decision strategy since it gives
a structure which can undoubtedly oblige the effect of both vehicles ascribes and singular attributes on
EV inclination.

The effect of monetary and specialized characteristics of EV on its utility is for the most part discovered
to be huge, including its buy and working expense, driving reach, charging span, vehicle execution and
brand variety available. The thickness of charging stations additionally emphatically influences the utility
of EV, which shows the significance of charging foundation improvement in advancing EV.

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Political Economic Social

High High High
 Govt. interest in EC  Oil dependency is high  Big ICE industry, failed in
promotion  Cheap ICE EC
 Overprotection oflocal
auto industry
 Restricted Foreign
direct entry

Medium Medium
 Cheap Gas
 New EC policies  Low public awareness
and incentives in about electric cars
2016 Low
 HDI is high

Technologic Legal Environmental

al High High High
 Cheap technology  Vehicle Purchase tax  Increasing air pollution
 Tech theft 18% for ICE  Largest producer of solar
 Energy use and cost  Excise Tax 3- 5% for ICE energy in the world
 Vehicle and Vessel Tax-  20% energy renewable
– 1200 Yuan for ICE
Medium Medium
 R&D spending is high  Increasing noise pollution
 Health Problems

Result PESTLE China: Subsequent to considering the P-E-S-C-L-E situations on China, it is clear
that Govt. needs to assume in key part in EC market. By improving guidelines on imported vehicles
just as squeezing fuel and ICE possession by charges. Likewise, Chinese market has capacity of
making less expensive advancements yet it needs to amalgamate in a more refined way/. China has
been relying upon colossal ICE imports and too experiencing gigantic air contamination. However, it
is the greatest maker of sun powered energy on the planet. The battery creation is least expensive on

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the planet and will offer incredible chance. Unfamiliar brands can assume gigantic part in EC market
in China.


Political Economic Social

High Medium High

.No zeal from govt. Gas is expensive  Biggest auto companies.
.Volkswagen-Scandal VAT on fuel
 No focus on EC
Low Medium
High GDP/capita HDI is high
Technology Environmental Legal
High High
 Pro ICE.  Reaching 95 g/km by 2020,
R&D spending
 Tax incentives based on CO2 not easy
Low  Annual Circulation Tax for  Highest producer of wind
Not developed battery tech ICE is only 20 Euros energy
 Registration Fee 26.30 Euros
 95 Gm/Km emissions by Medium
Main electricity production is coal.
2020, not enough taxing on
 MV Tax on ICE not enough to
go for ICE

Result PESTLE Germany: The arrangements for vehicles are genius ICE that makes it agreeable for
individuals to possess it. Close by, the ICE are not burdened intensely in Germany, With RF of 26
Euro, ACT 20 Euro, appears Govt. doesn't have any desire to push for cleaner vehicles. What's more,
the nation has power producing from coal, which additionally incorporates world's dirtiest coal. By the
by, it is greatest breeze energy creation, and EU natural laws are additionally putting strain to arrive at
95 g/km CO2 by 2021.

The German Electric Car market implies the absence of worry for climate from the government's side.
With Germany having second greatest bio-fuel creation and most noteworthy Solar PV limit, it energy
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is as yet coming from the world's dirtiest virus mines. Angela Merkel said that the govt. will
reconsider for approaches which could bring some good faith for the EC. Be that as it may, the
greatest positive might have been the VW diesel door embarrassment.

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Political Economic Social

High High High

 Focus on FCV and  FCEV, HEV more  Public fear from
Hybrid subsidies
energy coming from
 Govt. interested  Expensive electricity nuclear sources,
towards green fukushima nuclear
energy Medium
 Expensive gas
 Best EC companies
 GDP/capita is high
Technological Legal Environmental

High High Medium

 Highest technology  Huge taxes on ICE  Main electricity
 2 of the best
 High tax benefits, production is coal.
battery companies
direct subsidy  Highest producer of
 Highest developed
 High Key car tax on wind energy
battery market
ICE annually  Second highest solar
 High Automobile tax on energy production
ICE per capita
 High Kei Car tax on
 Tonnage Tax 6,600
 Key car tax
 AAT Tax
 High Tonnage tax on
 Annual Key car tax
2700 – 8100
 Key Car Tax Ice is 8,100
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Result PESTLE Japan: The Japanese strategies are engaged towards washing off ICE by offering
pushes to 3 ideas Hybrid, BEV and FCEVs. After the atomic debacle, the country needs to diminish its

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thermal power utilization. Thusly, from EC, it has set its new mechanical objective as FCEVs. Yet, for
the healthy advancement, the govt. has empowered a decent market by giving great yearly tax cuts
particularly at prefecture level and it has washed off range uneasiness by laying a lot of accentuation
on R&D innovation and EVSE establishment. Public dread from utilizing power for running after is
another let for EC market. Public are eager for elective wellsprings of energy.


Political Economic Social

High High

 Anti EC, Pro ICE

 4Billion $ tax relief to ICE  Large automobile
 Uncertain govt. support industry
companies every year
 Oil, ICE companies’  Tesla
 Cheapest gas
 Cheap ICE Low

 New players: Apple,

Google, Faraday Future

Technology Legal Environmental

Low High High
 7.5 b $ investment on EC  Very strong CARB,  EPA
till 2019 ZEV mandate  Highest CO2, GHG, Petrol
 Under developed  Tax on imported EC is  69% energy comes from
battery tech 2.5% only coal

 7.3% VAT on ICE  Clean cities initiative by

 Registration Fee 45 to 50
$  Only 12% energy

Result PESTLE U.S: U.S. greatest danger is its administrations actually don't have any enthusiasm

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for clean energy at full scale level. Oil anteroom and ICE organizations have attempted to hold their
syndication. In the midst of, California, USDOE, ZEV command and Tesla Motors are attempting to start
another insurgency. Clunker Tax is quite possibly the most significant charges and holds a critical part.
Coal fueled energy will additionally decrease individuals' assumptions from electric tanks and with least
expensive gas rates on the planet and high reserve funds on day by day travel rate.

In this chapter not only, the SWOT is constructed for further analysis but for finding the
replication factor strengths and weakness of every country policy will be deeply analyzed.



• Greater freedoms for innovative work.

• Create more open positions.
• Availability of capable work at less expensive
• Develop more eco-friendliness of BEVs and
improve range for the HEVs.
• Provide preparing to sellers and dispatch more
EVs on the lookout.
• Optimize creation interaction to limit
• Improve the legislative point plans for EVs and
fortify framework.
• Provide more modest motivators for a more
drawn out span to improve agreeableness.
• Decreasing fuel costs which contend to the EVs'
• Low running expense for upkeep and re-energize
Environmental amicability
• Smooth driving involvement in top tier advances
are found in EVs.
• Low factor Can decrease reliance on unfamiliar
oil imports.
• Government refunds More innovative work
should be possible.
• Manufacturing offices of customary vehicles can
be utilized.

31 | P a g e

Strength Weaknesses
 High Federal Subsidy up to $9,200  Taxes not relieved on foreign
 Average one-time federal benefit: manufactured EC
7221 Euros  25% import tax on EC
 Purchase Tax Exemption (10%)  No VAT relief
 18% CI in residential buildings  Low VVT Exemption Benefit
 Only focus on BEV  2-3 % Excise Cut not substantial
 Less EVSE
 Annual federal benefits: 325 Euros
Opportunities Threats
 Govt. interest in EC  Foreign entry, overprotection for
 20% renewable energy local industry
 Oil dependency  ICE are taxed very less
 Big auto industry  Increasing air pollution
 Largest solar energy producer  Big auto industry failed in EC
 Cheap technology  Low savings
 Technology theft

Result- Key Factor for China: The Federal government gives one major appropriation and the City
Government improves it further. In any case, in the midst of that the EC deals have been irrelevant.
The financial tax breaks appear to be absent from Chinese strategies, with 25% import charge on EC,
no VAT help, and other trifling tax breaks. That plainly shows the huge direct appropriations have no
genuine worth in China. In any case, the yearly tax breaks to the purchasers a both government and
city level are not contributing a lot to diminish the TCO. Consequently, the essential factor missing
from the Chinese approaches is the shortfall of yearly assessments that advantages the EC shoppers on
one hand, and demonstrates costly for ICE, the charges are excessively low for profiting an elective


32 | P a g e
Strengths Weaknesses
 HOV Access  19% VAT on EC
 Low interest bank credits  Zero Direct Subsidy
 Free parking at charging stations  MV tax exemption is not substantial
 Special Parking big profit to buyer
 Annual Circulation is not much,
therefore its exemption makes nugatory
 Building owners don’t allow EVSE
 No policies for Charging Infrastructure
at any level
Opportunities Threats
 VW Scandal  No govt. zeal for EC
 Large adapting consumers  No auto company focusing on EC
 Oil Consumption decrease  Policies pro ICE
 Easier acceptance of new tech  Coal Energy
 Environment laws 2020  Not developed battery tech
 Wind Energy

Result- Key Factor for Germany: Germany’s EC policies fail to show any major significant
strength. Inarguably, Germany hasn’t placed any major incentive till now to please the buyers. Merely
saving 20 Euros from ACT would not create even an inception to purchase EC. MV Tax is also
deficient enough to ignite interest. Non presence of any direct subsidy and big fiscal tax incentives
are the major cause of EC not being competitive in Germany. Also signifies putting small tax
benefits does not help.

33 | P a g e
Strengths Weaknesses
 Kei Car Tax: 2700 Yuan
 Initial subsidy till 8500 $
 Import Tax 10%
 Tonnage Tax
 Acquisition Tax
 Key car tax
 AAT Tax (75% Cut)
 Dense Charging
 2819 CHAdeMO
 40000 charging points
 11000-yen subsidy per charger
Opportunities Threats
 Govt. zeal for clean energy  Govt. focus on FCEV, HEV
 Battery  Fear for electric power
 Tech advanced  High electricity cost
 Clean energy people
 Heavy taxing of ICE
 Renewable

Result- Key Factor for Japan: The strength of the Japanese EC policies is the high initial
subsidy and the various federal one-time tax benefits at federal levels. Presence of annual local
municipality taxes is also significant. The taxes reinforced on ICE cars are big enough for consumers to
keep them away from them and look for an alternative. Dense and fast charging infrastructure helps to
bring down the TCO from expensive home charging. The presence of 40000 charging stations and
10000 yen as subsidy for CI contributes to motivation of people to go for these cars. Unfortunately,
under the policy, hybrids and FCEVs benefit also. This has led to stagnation of Japanese market.

34 | P a g e

Strength Weaknesses

 2000 $ Credit for home charging at federal level

 Vehicle/ EVSE safety regulation
 Gas Guzzler Tax Relief Charging
rates for non- peak hours

Opportunity Threats
 Gas Guzzler Tax
 Govt. having no zeal, wrong strategies
 No of Consumers
 Oil lobby
 Very high HDI
 Lost fuel Revenue
 Tesla
 Cost savings are less
 Coal Powered Energy
 Clean energy focus COP21
 Pro ICE taxing

Result: Key Factor U.S.: U.S. does not have any significant advantage for EC at federal level. The
direct subsidy is not contributing much to EC success. The key factor is the lack of fiscal tax benefits
to EC.

35 | P a g e

Hereby from the opportunities and threats from PESTLE analysis and strengths and weaknesses
from SWOT Analysis, the author conducts TOWS Analysis which will be discussed from here



Strength Weakness
1. Huge federal direct 1. Taxes not relieved on
foreign brands
2. High VVT exemption
2. Yearly fiscal tax benefits
to EC are not much
3. Only focusing on BEV
3. Less EVSE
Opportunity Maxi-Maxi Mini-Maxi
1. Govt. interest in EC  O3O5S3; Help local  O1S2; Increase annual
2. Foreign oil dependency industry for R&D on tax benefits to EC
3. Big auto industry BEV  O1O3S1; Auto industry
4. Cheap battery  O5S4; Improve battery to collaborate with
tech, keeping the price foreign brands to make
5. Local R&D
low economical battery and
technology, for future
 O1O3S1S2; Introduce cars
market capturing and
cheap EC models,  O1S4; Making further
lowering the price of
much easier to policies to replace
purchase for users current
6. 20% renewable energy
 O3O5O6O7S3; Solar  O4O5S3; Improve CI
7. Largest solar energy
panels on cars and road by improving std. tech
for charging, more with cheap price
Threats Maxi-Mini Mini-Mini
 Restricted foreign car  T1T4S1S2; Improving  T2T3W2; Increasing
entry, overprotection laws and legislatures federal tax on fuels, ice
for local industry for foreign brands, and better involvement

36 | P a g e
 ICE are taxed very less some tax of environmental taxes
 Increasing air pollution exemptions
 Low savings

Result- Change of Policies China:


The market prices of EC in China are high, and consumers are not getting much advantage from
direct subsidy. Since China is producing cheapest batteries, good R&D can provide breakthrough
research in overcoming range anxiety. Cheaper local EC, will be more economical and then this
direct subsidy will play a stronger role.


The current fiscal tax benefits are not competitive. Hence, policies must be reconsidered to
increase their effectiveness. To lower the prices of imported cars and to bring more models, govt.
need to make partnerships with foreign companies. When they will be manufactured locally, the
tax policies will be implemented on them also. Increasing the public acceptability. When the
policies start to roll out, government can replace by some new policies according to then needs.


Laws and legislations for foreign imports should be improved, reducing hefty VAT and VVT tax
off can considerably bring purchase price down and hence the direct subsidy will be more
significant then. Making new environmental taxes

Increasing taxes on fuel will decrease its consumption, ICE taxes will increase TCO of ICE,
hence will reduce its popularity to commute. In current scenario, air pollution is biggest threat to
China. Therefore, strong environmental laws must be superimposed on ICE

37 | P a g e
Strength Weakness

1. Charging, parking, 1. Tax benefits nugatory

HOV advantages
2. Zero Direct Subsidy

3. No CI advantages

4. Taxing laws making EC

even more expensive than
Opportunity Maxi-Maxi Mini-Maxi
O1S1; Tax benefits to be improved
1. New Policies  O1S1; Further increase for reaching targets
Announcement the monetary benefits to
2. VW Scandal EC users on daily life O1O2O3S4; Changing taxing laws
3. Large consumers
4. Clean Energy  O1O4O5O6: Charging O104T3; CI home and public
to be based from clean
5. Environment laws
2020 electricity power
6. Wind Energy
Threats Maxi-Mini Mini-Mini

1.No govt. zeal for EC

2.No auto company

focusing on EC
3.High Oil consumption
4.Policies pro ICE Coal
T1T2T4W1W4 Strict
 T4S1; High tolls and environmental goals
parking rates for ICE.

T2T4W1; Policies against ICE

 T3T4S1; Non access
of ICE on rush hours
or odd/even days on
HOV lanes
Result- Change of Policies Germany

38 | P a g e

Since the policies to EC are limited to petty benefits, further capitalizing on these benefits, the
government can further increase the parking, HOV lanes rates to make significant benefits for
users. Since Germany has good amount of wind energy, therefore, energy for CI should be


Tax benefits to EC are necessary, therefore, carbon based taxes need to be stronger. Laws for
installation and usability of CI must be started for both residences, offices, shopping complexes
and other essential places.


ICE are not exposed to high taxes. Therefore, it is generally important to tax them substantially.
High tolls, parking rates will demoralize the users. Non access on rush hours on HOV lanes or
odd-even day schemes to access roads can also be beneficial.


Policies need to change 180 degrees. From pro ICE to anti ICE. High taxes against ICE and fuels
are required to people look for other sources. Emission laws should be stricter to make people
stop using ICE.

39 | P a g e

Strength Weakness
1. High tax benefits for 1. No annual fiscal
benefits from federal
2. High direct subsidy
3. Densest CI
2. Less subsidies and
4. Highest CHAdeMO
benefits then FCEV
and PHEV
5. Municipal Taxes
Opportunity Maxi-Maxi Mini-Maxi
1. Govt. zeal for clean  O1S1; Giving more  O1O4W1; Improving
tax relief’s on BEVs annual fiscal benefits
2. Tech advanced
 O5S3S4; CI  O2W2; Improving
3. Clean energy
electricity should be and making battery
from renewable and tech cheaper to
non-nuclear sources reduce the EC
4. Heavy taxing of ICE
cost significantly
5. Renewable
Threats Maxi-Mini Mini-Mini
1. Govt. focus on FCEV,  T3S3S4; Subsiding the  T1T4T5SW2;
electricity charging Increasing fuel taxes
2. Fear for electric power
rates and cheap  T3T4W1; reducing
3. Electricity cost
electricity hours the cost of electricity
4. Low savings
 T2S3; Change power to reduce the TCO of
5. Oil Consumption source
EC users.
 T1T4T5S1; Increasing
the environmental

Result- Change of Policies Japan:


Tax benefits on BEVs must be increased in order to be competitive. People have zeal for cleaner
energy vehicle therefore when the CI will be sourced by much cleaner source than nuclear and
coal, acceptance will rise.

40 | P a g e
Annual fiscal tax benefits can be further improved to increase the profitability of using them.
Japan has great technological advantage. Hence cheaper batteries, cheaper CI, will bring down
the initial cost as well as TCO. Then these fiscal tax benefits will be more substantial.


Also people refusing to use BEV because of too much electricity usage, will be accepting them if
the energy is coming from other renewable sources. Then source of power must be shifted.
Environmental taxes must be further increased to demotivate ICE users and to decrease oil


To reduce the TCO of EC users, the charging rates must be reduced.

41 | P a g e
Strength Weakness
1. 7500$ according to 1. Lack of fiscal incentives at
financial condition all levels for EC
2. 2000$ Credit for 2. Non Ubiquitous CI
Opportunity Maxi-Maxi Mini-Maxi
1. Gas Guzzler Tax  O5O6S2: Renewable  O2O4O5W1; Strategically
2. High sources for charging adopting laws like ZEV,
prospective  O2O5S2; CARB for reaching COP21
consumers Unanimous reduction in goals
3. Tesla charging electricity rates  O2O6W1; More fiscal tax
4. ZEV  O4S1; With direct benefits to EC users
5. Clean energy focus subsidy, giving  O3O5O6W2; Planning CI
incentives similar to ZEV from renewable sources. And
6. Reduce oil consumption
cleaner batteries E.g.
Supporting Tesla Gigafactory
 O1W1; Giving more
advantages to EC, increasing
gas guzzler tax
Threats Maxi-Mini Mini-Maxi
1. Govt. having no zeal,  T1S1:Strategically  T6W2; Making goals for
wrong strategies redeveloping the energy coming from clean
2. Oil lobby policies. sources and not coal,
3. Lost fuel Revenue  T1T2T4T5S1; Making  T4T5T6SW1: Making ICE
4. Cost savings are less fuel expensive and and non-energy production
5. Pro ICE taxing electricity cheaper for expensive. Increase taxations
6. Coal Powered Energy increasing the profits on ICE

Result- Change of Policies U.S.

42 | P a g e

Since, the U.S. federal subsidy till now hasn’t proved itself to be significant. It needs to be
supported by ZEV laws, where customers can continue to get annually TCO reduced even after
purchase. In order to achieve climatic goals, the energy for vast charging, must be derived from
cleaner sources. Charging hours’ low rates but me ubiquitously adapted.


Different states need to adopt ZEV laws or make their own similar laws in order to reach
environmental goals of low oil consumption, low CO2 emission and more renewable energy
production. Fiscal tax benefits are necessary to shift TCO to a lower range. To develop CI,
batteries; must be relied and executed by purely renewable sources.


Government needs to redesign the whole process, in order to make direct subsidy significant.
Also Lost fuel revenue must be scrapped.


Taxing laws have to be made stronger against ICE and fuels. Daily travel expenses for ICE must
be increased. To increase cost savings, ICE needs to be taxed highly, which is currently not
happening in the U.S.

43 | P a g e

1. Gender

46% Female


2. Age

18 to 25
above 25


44 | P a g e
3. What are the factors contributing to the success of
electric vehicles in the world market?

Environmental Friendly
36% Range
46% All of them


As per the chart we can see that most of the people think that environmental friendliness is the key factor for the
success for the growth of electric cars in the world market. Now a day’s more and more customers are becoming
more & more environmental conscious. So while marketing electric cars marketers can go for this factor.

4. Is the Electric Vehicle (EV) the solution of our mobility

in the future?

24% Yes



That’s a good thing to see that most of the peoples are ready to accept electric vehicles as their future mode of
travel. Of course there are certain things to be worried about like range and reliability issues nut nonetheless
even after this shortcomings people are ready to shift to electric vehicles.

45 | P a g e
5. will you prefer electric vehicles over petrol/diesel
vehicles ?

26% Yes


We are in the greatest insurgency in motoring since Henry Ford's first creation line began turning around in 1913.
Furthermore, it is probably going to happen significantly more rapidly than we can imagine. Numerous industry
eyewitnesses accept we have effectively passed the tipping point where deals of electric vehicles (EVs) will
quickly overpower petroleum and diesel vehicles. It is surely what the world's enormous vehicle creators think.

6. Electric Mobility- Is this the right time to invest?



Albeit current numbers are lower, E-Mobility (supported by a solid Government push) is required to fill amazingly
in this way introducing a rewarding case for speculations. With problematic shift to vehicle jolt in progress,
conventional organizations will feel the pressing factor most yet there will be plentiful freedoms. Early movers
will have a strategic advantage over others.

46 | P a g e
7. Is TESLA's self driving cars can become successful in
Indian market ?

24% Yes



Unquestionably Tesla will hit huge in India, if u look at the chart result as well as the costs of petroleum in India
and to other western nations. In India it’s very high, likewise the underlying venture for the vehicle will be quite
high for what it's worth. Yet, given the conditions and new face in the market Tesla gets an opportunity to score

Can TOYOTA'S hydrogen fuel cells concept can

compete the electric vehicles concept in the near
future ?

26% yes


The hydrogen powered vehicles would be a massively wasteful economy that would at best use three to
six times more energy than an electric vehicle and solar/wind infrastructure and many times more water
than even gasoline uses.

47 | P a g e
9. On which aspects Marketers going to target while
advertising the electric vehicles ?

Less Polution
Charging Time



The main aspect as per the result is less pollution. In the wake of severe climate change consumers are thinking
that it is necessary to change their daily habits for the sake of survival. And marketers has to capitalize on this

10. Does India is ready for Electric Vehicle revolution ?




Yes, India is ready for electric vehicles with the increasing threat of climate change, India has to find a
clean energy alternative. The pollution has risen to alarming levels and thus the implementation of
electric vehicles in India should be welcomed.

48 | P a g e

How crucial are direct subsidies?

Regardless of having high monetary endowments China and U.S have neglected to stand out enough to
be noticed for EC. Beijing nearly getting perhaps the most elevated discount is no place nearer of being
an example of overcoming adversity. What's more, notwithstanding being no immediate sponsorship in
Norway, the vehicle enlistments are most noteworthy. Vehicle appropriations might be appealing,
however when contrasted with really cost of EC, there sponsorships are adequately not to tempt clients.
Moreover, since they have minor impact on TCO of the vehicle. Thus, they can improve showcasing
methodologies, yet they are not the most critical factor

How importance is the presence of monetary tax reductions?

Both one-time and yearly tax breaks balance the center of the EC strategy achievement. Different
approaches, for example, direct charging framework at that point shapes the external layer. As in the
event of Norway, the administrations have given most guides by tax reductions. When these assessments
are lumbering on ICE and the other way around on EC, it has the general effect to TCO benefits.
Particularly in Germany and U.S. where the approaches are genius ICE, the shortfall of monetary tax
reductions is the explanation individuals are dismissing EC advantage. Tax cuts are lesser danger.

How EC markets ought to be changing their arrangements? What amount the replicability is conceivable
from different nations?

Prior examinations recommend that administration public approaches goodly affect deals (Mock and
Yang, 2014), however as indicated by creators investigation, none of the public arrangements (aside from
Norway) can be said to goodly affect the deals.


In the different contextual investigation examination, it very well may be called attention to that having
great and thick CI, may build the take-up of EC, however if there should be an occurrence of Japan,
regardless of having the densest and quickest charging frameworks, is currently ailing in development.
Since these chargers likewise support PHEVs and HEVs, hence, they can likewise prompt develop of
different alternatives, not especially BEV, which for our situation is thought to be the most ideal choice.
The amount CI is adequate, needs a more profound exploration.

Since Germany, Norway and U.S., every one of them had great R&D speculations; still none of them
have had the option to foster innovation like China and Japan, in EC market. It was likewise not found in
the strategies that there is any arrangement of position of CI. Impromptu CI can prompt various clogs. As
it makes difficulties for metropolitan organizers (Steinhilber et al., 2018).

Economical Energy:

The discoveries from this examination recommend that none of the nations have any arrangement in
regards to the energy coming for charging these EC, should be sustainable. This factor is making a
dumbfounding problem among the EC. Cleaner energy will expand individual’s amiability of EC (Zhao
et al, 2015). Additionally it will make individuals more mindful on significance of maintainable energy.
For e.g.: in Norway, 98% of energy comes from hydro energy, this likewise could a factor, why
individuals have acknowledged EC. Additionally, in Japan, one of the variables individuals left EC for
49 | P a g e
other elective vehicles is that the energy was coming from thermal energy station and individuals were
discovering them politically off-base. Accordingly, it is profoundly essential that the energy for the
charging comes from a cleaner source.

ICE and Gas costs:

From the investigation, it is astounding that with the exception of Norway and up as far as possible
Japan, none of the nations have any future objectives of eliminating the gas filled ICE. Without a perfect
point of diminishing ICE vehicles, the arrangements given for EC, may now be adequate for them to
supplant ICE. Additionally, with simply an intend to build EC, with no attention on ICE, can prompt
more blockage and gridlocks.

Extra Incentives:

Pretty much every nation has exceptional number plates, stickers, held stopping, carpool lanes access. It
tends to be indicated that even Norway has them since quite a while. They can be a positive factor,
however not large enough to make buy an EC rather than ICE. Hannisdahl et al (2013) reasoned that
transport paths are profitable, yet as indicated by creator, they will upset the metropolitan versatility.
Consequently they should be halted.


Direct sponsorships actually leave a colossal hole between the expense of EC and proprietors ability to
buy. Chinese monetary tax reductions have tumbled down on EC customer's boundaries. They are
excessively low for EC proprietors to feel the advantages of not giving assessments. Receiving, the
Norway EC strategies probably won't be a possibility for China, since they don't have solid burdening
framework to profit the EC clients. Accordingly, the most suitable answer for them is by following the
Californian framework. To underscore on sustainable power and cause objectives for certain percent of
armada to be electric. Lessening the carbon power of power age in China can help further improve the
social benefit of utilizing EV (Zhao et al, 2015)

Germany: The price tag of EC is very high. Both the immediate endowments and FTI will have no force
except if the price tag is cut down. Massiani (2016) recommended 2000 Euro sponsorship for initial
200,000 vehicles in Germany could advance the circumstance, yet creator proposes that it will be a major
socially awkward act on the off chance that it is carried out. Direct sponsorships would welcome
analysis. Germany has models, high fuel rates, and great EU laws. It is plausible for Germany to receive
Norway framework, to accentuate on CI and to expand the assessments on ICE.

In spite of FCEVs and half breeds have become the primary inclinations for governments. It will be hard
for EC to keep up or increment their numbers in coming years. The exploration shows that putting
accentuation on inexhaustible wellsprings of energy can just guarantee individuals' trust back.
United States:
America great number of models (Figure), yet deals in California has been up to a large portion of the
deals in other 49 states consolidated. S.F. has the most noteworthy level of chargers and furthermore EV
share in America from the wide range of various urban areas. San Francisco has like Norway heaped on
most elevated vehicle charges, 10 % enrollment and 10.75% deals charges on ICE, which EC gets
diminished from. On the highest point of administrative sponsorship, the Californian Government adds
1500 $ endowment which could be taken off since appropriations in every one of the cases haven't
50 | P a g e
demonstrated their importance.



Direct Subsidies:-
The overall insight is the heavier the immediate appropriation, the bigger will be individuals obliged
towards buying an EC over an ICE. As for this belief system, dominant part of the world's EC
approaches spin around the immediate appropriations. Greater part of the nations have been utilizing this
methodology for expanding their EC whether it could be U.S. or on the other hand India, England or
China, and so on and accordingly neglecting to catch any open revenue and thus their offer stay
irrelevant in market. This off-base approach making can be deadly to the development of EC. After
inability to catch market even in the wake of giving tremendous advantages, the pundits promote that EC
are not so much as a choice and in this way rein of ICE will proceed without another option.

Monetary Tax Incentives:-

Perhaps the most neglected impetuses given by the legislatures. Governments to expand the quantity of
EC, eliminates some expense exceptions from proprietors that ICE clients need to pay. Since one of the
targets of the examination was diminishing the general vehicle possession, hence financial assessment
motivations are useful asset to accomplish that objective. Subsequent to concentrating on various
contextual analyses it is inferred that where the duties on ICE vehicles are moderately high and the EC
are totally or hardly profited by them, they are ideal safe house for EC to sell. Amazing model is
Norway. In places where the monetary assessments on ICE are not significant need a thought of
strategies. For instance, Germany has displayed all greatest assessments with the exception of VAT from
EC, those loose duties are low to the point that customers will not feel fulfilled.

Consequently, it is highest important to have high financial expenses on ICE vehicles, so the duty
alleviation may give the EC clients relative benefit.

Sustainable Sources of Energy:

Government strategies have till neglected to understand the significance of environmentally friendly
power for fueling the EC. Energy coming from non-inexhaustible wellsprings of energy, probably won't
be an answer for ecological changes, likewise will keep off the social adequacy of individuals. It is
significant for nations to understand that Norway energy is hydro, and one of elements Japan's EC
industry went down was on the grounds that energy was atomic. This may be a valid justification for
nations to make a shift towards cleaner and safe sources. For example France should attempt to move
from exceptionally dangerous thermal power.

Charging Infrastructure:
Mental hindrance of reach nervousness and information about EC, will possibly increment if there are
sufficient chargers out and about and individuals see others utilizing them advantageously. Since
charging establishment is finished by various privately owned businesses, in this manner the insights are
not comparable in every extraordinary report. All things considered, it is imperative to clear measure of
CI set after itemized arranging. It is likewise significant that this energy for EC CI ought not be costly,
others can begin to ponder HEVs.

51 | P a g e
Summing up

From the examination, it is inferred that somewhat making strategies autonomously for EC, they ought to
have an appropriate mix of approaches which are master EC, likewise making hostile to ICE
arrangements will diminish the quantity of ICE proprietors. Except if the all-out cost of activity makes
EC a less expensive choice than ICE, individuals won't be totally obliged by EC. EC ought to be utilized
as an apparatus to cut vehicles rate. To give EC benefits, the normal government, nearby assessments at
all levels, including every day compensation like stopping, cost rates, and so forth, should be raised till
the paragon. Lion's share of individuals due to expanded TCO will quit utilizing vehicles as
compensation mode, will restart to different methods. Though some may make a shift to Electric Cars.

China: The energy objectives should be stricter towards the CO2 emanations and environmentally
friendly power creation and putting fewer assessments on imported ICE can restore their EC market.

Germany: Post VW embarrassment, it's the most obvious opportunity for Germany to make another
market. Since the urban communities are equivalently like Oslo, thusly it can repeat the neighborhood

Japan: Japan has consistent and pleasantly positioned methodologies towards their objective. Albeit the
solitary change they need is more force from inexhaustible source like sun oriented, however the greater
part of their energy is as yet atomic. FCEV innovation is all around advanced and it will acquire quicker
acknowledgment than BEVs, since they cleaner and charging is pretty much as quick as 5 minutes.

U.S: The market for EC, is hard to create except if the govt. begin burdening the ICE intensely and gas is
burdened vigorously. The California laws are best answers for U.S. problems and ought to be applied.

It can likewise be presumed that individuals would prefer not to put resources into business sectors where
the strategy creators are themselves dicey of their strategies. Norway and California has been fruitful in
advancing EC in light of their inside and out strategies in captivating individuals, from the buy, to the
activity. They have given plentiful motivations to individuals to trust on. Individuals can't put interest to
EC where Governments are themselves skeptic.

52 | P a g e

53 | P a g e
As indicated by the creator, the primary principle of Marketing of Electric Cars ought to be by making
ICE costly. In the event that individuals actually need to buy them, TCO ought to be expanded further by
adding day by day travel charges and expanding the fuel rather. Further, at this crossroads, a decent
greater part of individuals won't be going to purchase a vehicle. Just since EC will be lesser costly,
however it ought to be noticed that individuals actually have less ken about EC, in this way they will be
bound to move their modular. Moreover, at that point it will be needed to check if EC are currently less
expensive choice, energy is supportable, energy is modest and enough CI is available.



Previous Power Minister Piyush Goyal had in 2016, reported that the public authority was focusing on
the offer of just EVs on Indian streets by 2030. Mr. Gadkari upheld this case by solidly rebuking vehicle
creators and encouraging them to change to clean vehicles. Anyway in March, the BJP diminished this
objective to 30% EV deals by 2030. Albeit these aspiring targets are proposed to show the BJP's
responsibility towards jolt, incessant arrangement changes and an absence of administrative lucidity is
subverting the area. Automakers are deciding to embrace a stand by and watch methodology, instead of
sloping up interests in EVs and clean other options, restricting customer decision and mindfulness.
India's first EV maker, Mahindra, created just 400 units in February, .

As indicated by a 2018 report by the Bloomberg New Energy Finance, India will just accomplish 7% EV
deals by 2030, in view of its present strategy direction. To meet its objectives and tackle India's
squeezing natural concerns, the BJP should present clean vehicle creation amounts for automakers. This
arrangement has been carried out in China and commands that automakers produce different kinds of
low-discharge vehicles to conform to severe government guidelines. India's creation amounts should be
at first intended to expand the stock of EVs and mixtures on the lookout, and to improve the eco-
friendliness of customary vehicles.


The critical suggestion for China is to expand assessments on all levels for ICE vehicles, both one time
and every year. Ecological keeps an eye on ICE vehicles ought to be recurrence and powerful fines ought
to be made against the organizations and proprietors. Gas charges should be out of this world to make
individuals quit utilizing their method of transport and shift to different methods. Setting hefty charges
Aside momentarily, probably won't move individuals to purchase EC, since they are costly, however will
continuously diminish individuals utilizing vehicles consistently.

Different proposals for China are as per the following:

 Supplying energy for CI from coal fueled plants will not assistance in climate supportability.
Thus sun based energy or some other ought to be centered around.

 Direct sponsorships ought to be halted. All things being equal, charge reliefs should be center
point. However, for that the duties should be expanded for ICE.

54 | P a g e

The vital proposal for Germany is likewise to expand the assessments on ICE. Once burdens and yearly
duties, both should be expanded adequately. Likewise day by day recompense charges should be
expanded, so that ICE clients TCO are influenced. Moderateness of vehicles should be diminished
imperceptibly. Discharge tests should be customary. Organizations going past fuel emanations should be
fined past limits.

Different suggestions for Germany are as per the following:

• Energy for the CI, should be from sustainable sources just to improve acknowledgment

• Policy for each organization to create certain portion of EC

• CI establishment


The vital proposal for Japan is to give inexhaustible and modest energy to make BEV more satisfactory.
Tax breaks at public level should be expanded for ICE.

Different suggestions are:

• Making fuel costly will cut more ICE and HEV

• Cheaper electric charging rates at home and public

• Decreasing direct endowment for every elective fuel and supplanting by new advantages.


The vital suggestion for U.S. is to quit sponsoring the oil and end imposing business model of oil-
automobile industry mastery. Appropriation of California state like laws and objectives will prompt a lot
of reasonable climate. Oil and ICE ought to be intensely burdened.

Different suggestions for U.S. are:

• Alternative wellsprings of energy for CI

• Ubiquitous CI is required, yet ought to be financed.

55 | P a g e

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58 | P a g e

1. Gender 2. Age

Male 36% 18 to 25
46% Female above 25

3. What are the factors 4. Is the Electric Vehicle (EV)

contributing to the success of the solution of our mobility in
electric vehicles in the world the future?
Friendly Yes
Cheapness 24% No
Range Maybe
36% All of them


5. will you prefer electric 6. Electric Mobility- Is this the

vehicles over petrol/diesel right time to invest?
vehicles ?

26% Yes Yes
No No

74% 74%

59 | P a g e
7. Is TESLA's self driving cars Can TOYOTA'S hydrogen fuel
can become successful in cells concept can compete the
Indian market ? electric vehicles concept in the
near future ?
24% No
26% no


9. On which aspects Marketers 10. Does India is ready for

going to target while Electric Vehicle revolution ?
advertising the electric
vehicles ?
Less Polution
Range 24% No
8% Charging Time
12% 20%

60 | P a g e

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