No-Fines Pervious Concrete For Paving by Richar C. Meininger - 1988

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lar Paving Fig. 1 - No-fines concrete facilitates drainage to a storm
by Richard C. Meininger water retention basin.

Results of a laboratory study of no- No-fines concrete is also used for Laboratory research
fines pervious concrete for paving are paving in greenhouses and nurseries
presented. Conclusions are drawn Several research series were con-
regarding the percent air voids needed
where it is undesirable to have free ducted in the National Aggregates
for adequate permeability, the optimum water on paved surfaces. It permits Association (NAA) - National
water-cement ratio range, and the the surface to appear relatively dry Ready Mixed Concrete Association
amounts of compaction and curing with no streams or puddles of water
required. Recommendations are made (NRMCA) Joint Research Labora-
from irrigation of plants or nursery tory to develop information con-
regarding appropriate uses for this type
of concrete. stock. Use of pervious concrete also cerning proportioning methods as
allows a parking lot to be built well as methods of measuring the
o-fines, pervious concrete is around trees, without cutting off air

strength and permeability of no-
being used for paving in sit- and moisture to the roots below. fines pervious concrete. Batch sizes
uations where it is desired to In extreme cases, to impound the ranging from 1 to 3 ft3 (0.028 to
have rainfall or surface wa- needed amount of rainfall in heavy 0.085 m') were mixed in rotating
ter percolate through the pavement storms, parking lots are being de- drum laboratory mixers. Labora-
into a permeable base. The elimina- signed to store water not only in tory stock Type I cement was used
tion of fine aggregate produces voids of the pavement or base ma- with two sizes of stock coarse ag-
concrete in which the coarse aggre- terial, but also on top of the pave- gregate: moderately rounded gravel
gate particles are coated with a wa- ment. These parking lots temporar- aggregates of % in. (9.5 mm) maxi-
ter-cement paste that bonds them ily store an additional 6 in. (15 cm) mum size (ASTM C 33, No 8 size),
together at their contact points. The of rainfall up to the curb line on a and % in. (19 mm) maximum size
fairly large voids left between the completely fIat 101. Their entrance (ASTM C 33, No. 67 size). Fig. 2
coarse aggregate particles allow the aprons must be humped up enough shows the end of a broken 6 x 12 in.
concrete to be permeable to water. to retain the design storm water (152 x 305 mm) strength cylinder
This concrete is used in Florida to amount and not allow it to run out and a 4 x 14 in. (102 x 356 mm) cyl-
eliminate storm water run-off from into the adjacent road or gutter. inder used in freezing and thawing
parking lots and reduce the need for tests (both cylinders were made
separate storm water retention No fines pervious concrete has from laboratory concrete contain-
ponds in shopping centers and de- been used as an open-graded drain- ing No. 8 size aggregate).
velopments. It is particularly useful age material in bases under side-
in areas where local or state regula- walks and light duty pavement, and The properties of no-fines con-
tions require that storm water be also as drainage layers under high- crete depend not only on its pro-
retained on the site to recharge the way shoulders, to allow water trap- portions but also on its compac-
groundwater system with fresh wa- ped under pavements to flow more tion. To better understand the ef-
ter and to reduce the need for storm rapidly out of the pavement struc- fect of compaction on concrete air
sewers. ture. A double-barrelled approach void content, unit weight, and com-
uses no-fines concrete plus a drain
Data and references are available from NRMCA- pipe to a small storm water reten- Keywords: coarse aggregates; laboratories; no-fines
NAA, 900 Spring St., Silver Spring, MD 20910. tion basin (Fig. 1). concretes; research; voids.

20 Concrete International

120 .~.> .)

..... e:
.'~ f'
z 110
BATCH A, w/c

= 0.34
~v ~
./.ATCH B, W/C = 0.31

~ t. ~' 105

... )

7 8
3. 2 LAYERS, 5 TAMPS EACH OF THE TAMPER (1355, 975 psi)
4. 2 LAYERS, 5 OROPS EACH OF THE TAMPER (1340 psi, 1050 psi)
5. 2 LAYERS, 5 DROPS EACH, PROCTOR HAW1ER (1360 psi, 1100 psi)
6. 2 LAYERS, 15 TAMPS EACH OF THE TAMPER (1550 psi, 1395 psi)
7. 3 LAYERS, 25 DROPS EACH, PROCTOR HAMMER (1945 psi, 1540 psi)
8. ASTM C 31 ROOOING PROCEOURE, 3 LAYERS (2475 psi, 2095 psi)

Fig. 2 - No-fines pervious concrete strength test and Fig. 3 - Cylinder unit weights and strengths for eight
freeze-thaw test cylinders. different compaction methods.

pressive strength, concrete batches • C 31 rodding compaction; 25 Compressive strength range:

were mixed at two different water- strokes on each of 3 layers. 980 to 1360 psi
cement ratios (0.31 and 0.34) and 6 The resulting cylinder unit (6.8 to 9.4 MPa)
x 12 in. (152 x 305 mm) cylinders weights and strengths are shown in Medium (15 tamps on each of two
were then made using eight differ- Fig. 3. Unit weight ranged from a layers)
ent procedures: low of about 105 lh/ft ' (1682 kg/ Unit weight range:
m') with no compaction up to about 111 to 1141b/ft3
120 lb /ft" (1922 kg z'rn') with the (1778 to 1826 kg/rri')
ASTM C 31 rodding procedure. Compressive strength range:
• No compaction (just scoop con-
crete in). The cylinders with no compaction 1400 to 1550 psi
• Fill in two layers; tilt and drop were unsatisfactory because they (9.6 to 10.7 MPa)
cylinder after each. contained large voids and discon- Heavy (C 31 rodding compaction [3
tinuities, so three levels represent- layers])
• Two layers; five tamp cornpac-
tion of each with 5 lb circular ing different amounts of cornpac- Unit weight range:
tamper. tion that might be obtained in pav- 120 to 122 Ib/ft3
• Two layers; five drops of the ing were chosen for future work: (1922 to 1954 kg/ru')
tamper for each layer. Compressive strength range:
• Two layers; five drops each using Light (5 tamp compaction of each 2100 to 2480 psi
a proctor hammer. of two layers) (14.5 to 17.1 MPa)
• Two layers; 15 tamps each layer. Unit weight range: The tamper used for the 5 and 15
• Three layers; 25 drops each with 107 to 111 Ib/ft3 tamp compaction level was made
the proctor hammer. (1714 to 1778 kg/rn ') from pipe fittings. It weighs 5.0 lb

b .t~ 4'~~"~·"~;"~~~~¡__JL~ZL:~~... LUL~:':.

Fig. 4 - Bottom surface of percolation specimens with Fig. 5 - Bottom surface of percolation specimens with
open channels (flow). blocked channels (no flow).

August 1988 21
Pervious Concrete
.~ 2500
z 2000

~ 30~~--~~----+------+------4------4--4
U) 1500
~ z
~ 25r------+------~~~~~----~----~~ u
u 1000
¡:¡:; ><
~ Cl
8 20
Z 500
¡:¡:; DRY
.25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50
Fig. 6 - Relationship between w/c and air content for two Fig. 7 - Relationship between 28-day compressive
compaction levels. strength and water-cement ratio.

(2.3 kg) and has a vertical handle Flexural strength was measured on vious concrete was measured in a
with a horizontal circular metal, 4- 6 x 6 x 36 in. (152 x 152 x 914 mm) percolation test rig consisting of a 6
in. (l02-mm) diameter tamping beams using two breaks per beam x 12 in. (152 x 305 mm) plastic cyl-
head. with third-point loading (ASTM C inder mold with the bottom cut out
78). Beams were prepared to simu- placed over a cured half-height (6 x
Test methods late the same two compaction levels 6 in. [152 x 152 mm]) cylinder made
unit weight of the concrete was used on cylinders. For the light from the test concrete. Mastic was
measured in a 0.25 fe (0.007 m ') compaction they were prepared in placed on the sides of the 6 x 6 in.
unit weight bucket using the 5 tamp one layer using the 5 lb (2.3 kg) (152 x 152 mm) cylinder to prevent
two layer compaction. Unit weights tamper, and for the heavy cornpac- water flowing out the sides, and
were also determined on cylinders tion using two layers and the ASTM then the plastic cylinder mold was
made by both the light compaction C 31 rodding procedure. slid down about 3 in. (76 mm) over
(5 tamps, 2 layers) and heavy com- Air void content of the concrete the percolation cylinder.
paction (C 31 rodding, 3 layers), was calculated gravimetrically from Water was run through the per-
and on flexural beams made at two the unit weight data determined colation cylinder for a few minutes
compaction levels. from a11 types of specimens (unit to condition it, and then the water
Compressive strength was mea- weight bucket, 6 x 12 in. [152 x 305 level aboye the cylinder was raised
sured on 6 x 12 in. (152 x 305 mm) mm] cylinders, and flexural beams). to more than 5 in. (127 mm) aboye
cylinders made using the light corn- The rate at which water could the cylinder and the hose shut off.
paction and heavy compaction. percolate through the no-fines per- The percolation rate was measured
by timing the drop in the water SUf-
face from a point 5 in. (127 mm)
aboye the top surface of the cylin-
Table 1 - Detailed data for light compaction tests der to a point 1 in. (25 mm) aboye
(5 tamp compaction; No. 8 coarse aggregate; the cylinder. This was converted to
aggregate·cement ratio = 6) inches of rainfa11 transmitted per
minute by dividing 240 by the num-
Coarse ber of seconds it took the water
Cement Water aggregate Air Strength Percolation
level to drop 4 in. (102 mm).
w/c (lb/ydJ) (lb/yd') (lb/yd') (OJo) (in./min)
Fig. 4 (flow) and Fig. 5 (no flow)
0.51 440 224 2640 22 1350 5 shows the bottom surface of sorne
0.47 430 203 2575 23 1370 4
0.43 430 184 2570 25 1500 10 of the percolation specimens. The
0.39 425 165 2550 27 1400 30 voids between the coarse aggregate
0.35 415 145 2520 29 1250 40 particles of specimens with a higher
0.31 410 125 2430 32 1010 51 paste content can become blocked
0.27 395 106 2370 33 870 59
so that the channels in the specimen

22 Concrete International
Table 2 - Cernent content
ranges for strength test
results shown in Fig. 7 (No.
67 coarse aggregate)
a/c w/c (lb/ydJ) e
4 0.25 to 0.49 600 to 680
e 60 •..<
6 0.25 to 0.49 400 to 450 Ul
10 0.27 to 0.51 o.
250 to 270 Z
8E-< ;;
~1>: 2000
Table 3 - Effective b/bo o
values ¡:iI
e, ¡..¡
IW. 67 C. AGG
Ul 1000
b/bo Ul
A/C = 6
5-Tarnp C 31 p..
~ W/C = 0.38
070 (.)

Sand NO.8 No. 67 No.8 No. 67 10 20 30 40 10 20 30

O 0.92 0.92 0.99 0.99
10 0.84 0.85 0.93 0.93 Fig. 8 - Minimum air void content of Fig. 9 - Adding 10 to 20% sand
20 0.78 0.78 0.85 0.86 15% is needed for flow. increases compressive strength.

are not continuous in sorne cases, tended to cause balling and sticking The strength data frorn these
causing a no flow condition. of the concrete in the mixer, result- mixtures is shown in Fig. 7, along
ing in substantial hold-back of con- with the strength data for those us-
crete when the drum was tilted for ing No. 8 size coarse aggregate.
Water-cernent ratio discharge. High water-cernent ra- Again, the trend is to have better
tios gave a thin paste that could run strengths in the rnid-range of water-
To investigate the effect of wa- off the aggregate during placernent cernent ratios for both sizes of
ter-cernent ratio, a series of batches resulting in increased variability and coarse aggregate. The traditional
were rnixed with ratios varying frorn blockage of water flow channels. water-cernent ratio law does not
0.51 down to 0.27. In this series a Table 1 shows detailed data for hold for these mixtures beca use of
fixed aggregate-cernent ratio (a/c = the light cornpaction. As the air the large differences in air-void
6) was used with the No. 8 coarse content increased frorn 22 percent content and the difficulty of han-
aggregate. Here basically relatively to 33 percent, the rate of percola- dling and cornpacting mixtures with
fixed cernent and aggregate con- tion increased from about 5 to 50 very low water-cernent ratios.
tents were used, and as the water in./rnin (127 to 1270 rnrn/rnin). The The percolation rate becornes very
content of the batches increased, the cornpressive strength appeared to be low (or no flow was observed) when
water-cernent paste occupied more optirnurn in the mid-range of water- the air void content of the speci-
of the voids in the coarse aggregate, cernent ratios. At high water-ce- rnens become as low as 15 percent
thus lowering the air void content. rnent ratio the strength was lower, (Fig. 8). It appears that void con-
Fig. 6 shows the gravirnetric air and at very low water-cernent ratios tent values need to be 15 percent or
content of the light and rnediurn (where the air content is higher) more to assure flow.
cornpaction batches calculated frorn strengths becarne very low, because
the unit weight data. As water-ce- the past volurne was greatly re-
rnent ratio increased the air void Effect of adding sand
duced and did not bind the aggre-
content decreased in a linear rela- gate particles together as well. The strength of no-fines concrete
tionship, with the light cornpaction irnproves when a srnall arnount of
having air voids about 2 percent sand is added (10 to 20 percent as a
higher than the rnediurn cornpac- Test results for No. 67 percentage of the total aggregate
tion. Observation of the consis- coarse aggregate weight) (Fig. 9). As sand is added to
tency of the water-cernent paste and A series of batches were rnixed the mixture it tends to fill the voids,
how the concrete handled in the using the % in. (19 mm) rnaxirnurn reducing the air content frorn 26
mixer indicated that water-cernent size coarse aggregate (No. 67) and percent to 22 and 17 percent in this
ratios in the 0.35 to 0.45 range are three cernent content ranges gov- case, and raising the compres sive
best for efficient coating of the ag- erned by the aggregate-cement and strength frorn about 1500 psi (10.3
gregate. Low water-cernent ratios water-cernent ratios used (Table 2). MPa) to about 2500 psi (17.2 MPa).

August 1988 23
Pervious Concrete


NO. 8 C. AGG.

40 0.9
o.. 30 0.8
Z o
>il .c
E-< <,
Z .c
o 0.7
u 20 5-TAMP

10 0.6

NO. 8 C. AGG.

O 0.5
O 10 20 30 40 50 o 10 20 30 40 50
Fig. 10 - Relationship between paste and air contents for Fig. 11 - Relationship between paste content and b/b, for
two levels of compaction and three sand contents. two levels of compaction and three sand contents.

Proportioning relationships An example of the data for the Vs strength to an unacceptable level).
in. (9.5 mm) aggregate (No. 8) is For example, one could pick a se-
A series of batches of concrete shown in Fig. 10 for light cornpac- ries of batches along the 20 percent
was mixed, all using the same mid- tion (5 tamp; solid lines) and heavy air line at a w/c = 0.38. In increas-
range w/c of 0.38, and two size of compaction (C 31; dashed lines). ing order of paste content the trial
coarse aggregate - No. 8 and No. For each condition sand contents of batches would be
67. For each aggregate size, sand O, 10, and 20 percent are shown. for C 31 compaction:
percentages were varied from O per- The family of curves for the % in. 13OJo paste volume; 20% sand
cent up to 50 percent. At sand con- (19 mm) aggregate (No. 67) are very 15% paste volume; 10% sand
tents over about 30 percent the con- similar. These curves could be used 17% paste volume; 0% sand
crete became more normal in con- to proportion concrete within the for 5 tamp compaction:
sistency and did not have the desired air content range of about 18% paste volume; 20% sand
content of larger voids necessary to 15 to 22 pecent (enough voids to al- 20% paste volume; 10OJo sand
allow water to flow through. low water flow but not reduce 22% paste volume; 0% sand

Proportianing procedure
1. Required data on coarse aggregate: 20-30% - highly permeable; poor strength
SSD specific gravity; absorption; dry-rodded unit 7. Calculate absolute volume of air
weight 8. Calculate absolute volume of sand, (if any)
2. Select a mid-rangc w!c 9. Calculate sand batch weight (if any)
(0.33 to 0.45) 10. Calculate absolute volume of water-cement paste
3. Select a trial b/b: (Table 3) 11. Calculate batch weight of cement
4. Calculate batch weight of coarse aggregate 12. Calculate batch weight of water
(b/bo) (dry-rodded unit weight) (batch volume); 13. Mix trial batch and determine:
correct to SSD unit weight; air void content; yield; strength; etc.
5. Calculate absolute volume of coarse aggregate for compaction level desired (or several compaction
6. Select target air void content levels)
10-15% - little or no flow; good strength 14. Adjust batch weights
15-20% - permeable; fair strength

24 Concrete International

50 -- 5 TAMP
~ 5000 -- C 31
:> • .-1
~E-< o.
O, 10, 20
oex: 40 ::C
~cr; E-<
o Z
o cr;
.....:¡ ti)
cr; ~ 3000
~ :>
z H
::E ~
20 P<
O 2000
E-< 10
z 1000
w NO. 8 C. AGG.

o 10 20 30 40 50 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fig. 12 - Relationship between paste content and VMA Fig. 13 - Relationship between gravimetric air content
for two levels of compaction and three sand contents. and 28-day compressive strength of cylinders.

Another approach to proportion- compensates for the effect of dif- define the fIow Ino flow boundary
ing that appears to work well is the ferent coarse aggregate particle for air void contents in the lOto 25
use of the b rb ; concept as ern- shape, grading, and specific grav- percent range, using a series of mix-
ployed in A'C] 211.1 for propor- ity. Therefore, these values should tures with O, 10, and 20 percent
tioning normal weight concrete. be usable for trial batches with any sand. Water percolation rate was
Here the ratio b/b; compares the normal weight coarse aggregate. measured on specimens made from
amount of coarse aggregate in a They can be used to estimate the each mixture, and both compressive
unit volume of concrete with the amount of coarse aggregate per cu- and flexural strength was deter-
amount of coarse aggregate in a like bic yard, if the level of compaction mined.
volume of dry rodded coarse aggre- in the resulting construction can be Fig. 13 shows the relationship of
gate (ASTM e 29 Test Method). selected accurately. compressive strength to air void
Fig. 11 shows calculated b/b; val- The same data can be plotted in a content as calculated gr avirnetri-
ues for the series of batches with different way (Fig. 12) to show cally from the unit weight of the
No. 8 coarse aggregate at various voids in the mineral aggregate cylinders. All test conditions are in-
paste contents, for 2 levels of com- (VMA) in the same way that as- cluded in this data. Fig. 14 shows
paction and O, 10, and 20 percent phalt technicians look at the voids flexural strength data versus the air
sand contents. For practical paste- between the aggregate skeleton in content calculated from the unit
contents aboye about 10 percent the an asphaltic concrete mixture. In weight of each beam specimen.
curves are relatively flat, indicating that context VMA is the voids in the These mixtures are highly depen-
that b/b; (amount of coarse aggre- mixture of coarse aggregate and dent on the void content.
gate in the concrete) is relatively fine aggregate (i f any is used). Fig. 15 shows the relationship of
constant and not affected by the However, I feel the b/b; approach flexural strength to compressive
past content. However, compaction is easier to use. strength for this series and for other
level and sand content do affect the fairly low strength regular concrete
amount of coarse aggregate in the data from the NAA-NRMeA Joint
concrete. The b/b; curves for the % Comprehensive example Research Laboratory. The heavy
in. (19 mm) (No. 67) coarse aggre- A series of batches were mixed at compaction data (black circles) ap-
gate are very similar to those for the two compaction levels (light [5 tamp pear to be more in line with pre-
Vs in. (9.5 mm) (No. 8) size. compaction] and heavy [e 31 corn- vious laboratory data, while the
Table 3 shows the effective b/b, paction]) and with two sizes of light compaction (open circles) show
values for the series of concrete coarse aggregate (No. 8 and No. a higher flexural strength than
batches. The b/b; concept, in using 67). All were mixed using a water- might be expected for the corre-
the dry-rodded unit weight of cement ratio of 0.39. The principal- sponding compressive strength.
coarse aggregate, automatically purpose of this series was to better Sorne of the explanation for this

August 1988 25


500 •.-1
500 ..
. ..
. /f..
. .
E-< e
e .. D
E-< 400 ¡:>:;
o E-< 400 e • ·a
Z Ul
W e l' •

... .. . ..
p:; ,_:¡
Ul ~p
H ><
200 200

100 ~----~----~----~----~----~----~
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 14 - Relationship between gravimetric air content Fig. 15 - Relationship between flexural strength and
and flexural strength of beams. compressive strength.

appears to be related to a difference Flexural strength: where it might beco me saturated

of about 2.5 percent air content of 320 psi (2.2 MPa) prior to a hard freeze. Sorne con-
the concrete as compacted in the Percolation rate: crete producers are using air-en-
beam mold versus that in the cylin- 7.3 in./min (185 mm/min) trainment in the paste; this may im-
der mold using light compaction. prove durability, but it may affect
The specimens were cured in a
The air content was higher in the the permeability characteristics as
standard moist room for 30 days, at
cylinders than that in the beams, well. Caution must also be exer-
which time half of the specimens
probably due to the more confined cised in using pervious concrete in
were subjected to ASTM C 666
shape of the cylinders and greater exposures where sulfates or acids
Procedure A (freezing and thawing
probability of friction and confine- may be involved since the perrnea-
in water) and half to Procedure B
ment in the center porion of a beam bility of the product would allow
(freezing in air and thawing in wa-
moldo such aggressive solutions to pene-
ter). AH of the specimens failed
trate and attack the interior of the
fairly quickly in both freezing ex-
posures, indicating that the voids in
Limited freezing and the concrete became saturated and
thawing tests the water was not able to drain out
Freezing and thawing specimens quickly enough to prevent freezing
(4 x 14 in. [102 x 356 mm] cylinders damage in the rapid (5 cyc1es per Example parking lots
with gage studs in the ends) were day) freeze-thaw exposure. Fig. 16 shows a good job where
molded from no-fines concrete with The cylinders appeared to crack no- fines pervious concrete has been
No. 8 coarse aggregate containing: and tend to split lengthwise, indi- used to advantage.
cating a build up of pressure due to Raveling can occur when there is
Cement 497 lb/yd' (295 kg/rn') freezing of water in larger internal insufficient hardened paste to hold
Water 194 lb/yd' (115 kg/rri') voids. It was not the type of failure the top coarse aggregate, when the
Gravel 26001b/yd3 (1543 kg/rri') where material sloughs off the out- top aggregate pieces are not cor-
w/c 0.39 side surface. The rapid freezing rectly seated into the concrete, and
from all directions may have driven when poor curing allows the cement
water to the interior of the speci- paste to dry before sufficient hy-
No admixtures were used. The mens, and when the internal water dration has taken place. Fig. 17
mix characteristics were: froze there was no avenue of pres- shows a hand screed finish on a
sure relief. For a situation where parking lot. No additional compac-
Air void content: freezing is slower, and from one di- tion and seating of the coarse ag-
21 percent. rection, there may be more oppor- gregate was accomplished, and that
Unit weight: tunity for water to drain out of the coupled with poor curing caused the
121 lb/yd' (72 kg/rn') no-fines paving material. parking lot to have a rough, ravel-
Compressive strength: Caution needs to be exercised ing surface one year after construc-
1910 psi (13.2 MPa) when using a product such as this tion.

26 Concrete International
Fig. 16 - A quality job using no-fines Fig. 17 - Hand screed finish of no-fines permeable concrete paving provides
pervious concrete. inadequate compaction and seating of aggregate.

Fig. 18 shows the surface and a porous concrete can dry out very
construction joint of a new parking rapidly if not quickly covered with
lot where extra effort was applied in plastic sheeting. Curing is vital to
properly seating the top layer of the continued hydration, and resis-
coarse aggregate and in curing the tance to abrasion, of the top sur-
concrete. The screed used to strike face.
off the concrete had a rounded edge The level of compaction must be
which tended to compact the top considered in the design of the mix-
surface and a manually operated ture. Too much compaction can re-
steel lawn roller was run over the duce the air voids to below 15 per- ,.\~ , ,. ..

surface just behind the screeding b·l' .1:....•

cent and plug the flow channels. 11~·~.:~
operation to properly embed the
aggregate. Immediately following
Too little compaction will leave the
structure with very high air voids
~ .~
'.. ,t 'r...
that the concrete was covered with resulting in low strength and a rav- 1... L~,,\~u.
sheet plastic to insure proper curing eling surface. Compact test speci-
of the concrete. Fig. 18 - Proper compaction and
mens to the same density as will be curing gives a tight surface.
obtained in the field. It may take
sorne experimenting to obtain com-
Conclusions parable compaction in the field and ACI member Rich·
It appears that at least 15 percent laboratory. The CSA Canadian ard C. Meininger
air void content is required to ob- Standard s have sorne information is Vice President of
on how this can be done. Research of the
tain the needed percolation in no-
National Ready
fines concrete. A water-cement ra- No-fines pervious concrete is a Mixed Concrete
tio in the range of 0.35 to 0.45 does viable option for automobile park- Association and
a better job of coating the coarse ing lots in warm climate areas. the National Ag-
aggregate without causing too much There is concern that this lower gregates Associa-
balling in the mixer or , at the op- strength concrete will not stand up tion, Silver Spring, Maryland. These
posite extreme, being so wet that well where frequent truck or bus associations sponsor the NAA-NRMCA
the paste tends to run off the aggre- traffic may be involved. Regular Joint Research Laboratory in College
gateo normal-weight concrete should be Park, Maryland, where this research
Construction methods are critical used for bus or truck lanes in park- was conducted. He is a member of the
ACI Technical Activities Committee,
to proper performance. Sorne com- ing lots and also in areas with fre- and Committees 211, Proportioning
paction is needed during placement quent abrasion or turning maneu- Mixtures, 221, Aggregates, and 226,
and the coarse aggregate on the top verso The use of no-fines concrete in Fly Ash, other Pozzolans, and Slag.
surface needs to be properly seated surface courses should be confined Mr. Meininger was a recipient of the
to reduce ravelling of the surface. to automobile parking areas or ACI Construction Practice Award in
Curing is very important since the other light duty uses. 1984.

August 1988 27

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