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Atomic Theory: John Dalton

1. Each element is composed of extremely small
particles called atoms.
2. All atoms of a given element are identical; the atoms
of different elements are different and have different
properties (including masses)
3. Atoms of an element are not changed into different
types of atoms by chemical reactions; atoms are
neither created nor destroyed in chemical reactions.
4. Compounds are formed when atoms of more than
one element combine; a given compound always
Classification of Matter has the same relative number and kind of atoms.
• According to its physical state, as a gas, liquid and *Atom are the basic building blocks of matter
solid *they are the smallest particles of an element that retain
• According to its composition as an element, the chemical identity of the element.
compound or mixture.

State of Matter
• A sample of matter can be solid, liquid or gas.
• These three forms of matter are called the state of
• These states of matter differ in some of their simple
observable properties.

The Discovery of Atomic Structure

The Modern View of Atomic Structure

1. Cathode Rays and Electrons

 A high voltage produces radiation within the
 It originated from the negative electrode or
 Important rule regarding the behavior of these
charges: like charges repels each other; unlike ! Atom consists of 3 subatomic particles:
charges attract.
 Proton - a type of subatomic particle with
2. Radioactivity a positive charge
 The spontaneous emission of radiation. Electronic charge: 1.602x10−19 C
 Marie Sklodowska Curie (1867 -1934): Two Mass: 1.0073 amu
elements were discovered: polonium and
radium.  Electron – a type of subatomic particle with a
negative charge
3. The Nuclear Atom: Plum-Pudding Electronic charge: - 1.602x10 −19
 Ernest Rutherford Mass: 5.486x10 amu

 He revealed the three types of radiation: Alpha (

∝), beta (βγ), and gamma (γ) radiation.
 Each type differs in its response to an electric  Neutron - a subatomic particle of about the same
field. mass as a proton but without an electric charge
Electronic charge: Neutral
Mass: 1.0087 amu

Isotopes, Atomic Numbers and Mass Numbers

 Isotopes – atoms of the same elements that

differ only in their number of neutrons.
Atomic & Mass
1. Atomic Number
 The number of protons.
 The atomic number of each element is listed
with the name and symbol of the element on
the front inside cover of the text.

2. Atomic Mass
 The total number of protons plus neutrons in the

Sample exercise
1. How many protons, neutrons and electrons are
in an atom of Au197?
2. How many protons, neutrons and electrons are
in a K 39?

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