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Outcrop ID : OC 1 Site Name : Watu Wayang

Coordinate E : 442472,626 Company : Kelompok IV
(UTM) N : 9133381,692 Relative Location : Kecamatan Piyungan
Elevation (m) : 93,204 Date : 13 April 2019
Strike : N 195° E Weather : Cerah
Dip : 12° Surveyor : Kelompok IV
Thickness Apparent : Photo ID : OC 1
1.9 m
(m) TRUE : Camera Position : W
Lithology : Batu Lempung Hardness : -
Shade : Weathering : -
Color Hue : Coklat Keabu-abuan Sediment Structure : Parallel Laminasi
Color : Fossil Abudance : -
Grain Size : Pasir sangat halus Qualifer : -
Roundness : Membulat baik-Membulat tanggung Structure Zone : -
Sorting : Baik Strike/Dip Structure : N 195° E / 12°
Porosity : Rendah Bedding Contact : -
Cementation : Silika
Bedding Description : -
Matrix : Lempung
OUTCROP PROFILE (No Scale) SKETCH (Show The North Bearing)
Thickness Lithology
(m) Symbol
Batupasir, Deskripsi :
warna Coklat Keabu-abuan
Ukuran butir, Pasir sangat halus
Bentuk butir :Membulat baik-
Membulat tanggung
1.9 m
Sortasi Baik
Semen Silika
Matrix :lempung

Sample OC 1 Photograph 2 (Marking a contact of strata)

Outcrop ID : OC 2 Site Name : Watu Wayang
Coordinate E : 442467,541 Company : Kelompok IV
(UTM) N : 9133389,744 Relative Location : Kecamatan Piyungan
Elevation (m) : 92,606 Date : 13 April 2019
Strike : N 312° E Weather : Cerah
Dip : 4° Surveyor : Kelompok IV
Thickness Apparent : Photo ID : OC 2
1.1 m
(m) TRUE : Camera Position : S
Lithology : Batupasir Hardness : -
Shade : Weathering : Pelapukan biologis
Color Hue : Putih Keabu-abuan Sediment Structure : Parallel Laminasi
Color : Fossil Abudance : -
Grain Size : Pasir halus - pasir kasar Qualifer : -
Roundness : Membulat baik-Membulat tanggung Structure Zone : -
Sorting : Buruk Strike/Dip Structure : N 312° E / 4°
Porosity : Sedang Bedding Contact : -
Cementation : Silika
Bedding Description : -
Matrix : kuarsa, plagioklas, hornblende
OUTCROP PROFILE (No Scale) SKETCH (Show The North Bearing)
Thickness Lithology
(m) Symbol
Batupasir, Deskripsi :
warna Putih Keabu-abuan
Ukuran butir, Pasir halus - pasir
kasar Bentuk butir :Membulat baik -
Membulat tanggung
1.1 m
Semen Silika
Matrix :kuarsa, plagioklas,
Sample OC 2 Photograph 2 (Marking a contact of strata)
Outcrop ID : OC3 Site Name : Watu Wayang
Coordinate E : 442471,302 Company : Kelompok IV
(UTM) N : 9133383,377 Relative Location : Kecamatan Piyungan
Elevation (m) : 93,067 Date : 13 April 2019
Strike : N 345° E Weather : Cerah
Dip : 4° Surveyor : Kelompok IV
Thickness Apparent : Photo ID : OC 3
1.59 m
(m) TRUE : Camera Position : N
Lithology : Batu Lempug Hardness : -
Shade : Weathering : Pelapukan mekanis
Color Hue : Coklat Kekuning-kuningan Sediment Structure : Parallel Laminasi
Color : Fossil Abudance : -
Grain Size : Pasir sangat halus Qualifer : -
Roundness : Membulat baik-Membulat tanggung Structure Zone : -
Sorting : Baik Strike/Dip Structure : N 345° E / 4°
Porosity : Rendah Bedding Contact : -
Cementation : Silika
Bedding Description : -
Matrix : Lempung
OUTCROP PROFILE (No Scale) SKETCH (Show The North Bearing)
Thickness Lithology
(m) Symbol
Batupasir, Deskripsi :
warna Coklat Kekuning-
Ukuran butir, Pasir sangat halus
Bentuk butir :Membulat baik-
1.59 m
Membulat tanggung
Sortasi Baik
Semen Silika
Matrix :lempung

Sample OC 3 Photograph 2 (Marking a contact of strata)

Outcrop ID : OC 5 Site Name : Watu Wayang
Coordinate E : 442589,024 Company : Kelompok IV
(UTM) N : 9133368,032 Relative Location : Kecamatan Piyungan
Elevation (m) : 113,525 Date : 13 April 2019
Strike : N 22° E Weather : Cerah
Dip : 10° Surveyor : Kelompok IV
Thickness Apparent : Photo ID : OC 5
1.57 m
(m) TRUE : Camera Position : E
Lithology : Batu Lempung Hardness : -
Shade : Weathering : -
Color Hue : Merah Maroon Keabu-abuan Sediment Structure : Parallel Laminasi
Color : Fossil Abudance : -
Grain Size : Pasir sangat halus Qualifer : -
Roundness : Membulat baik-Membulat tanggung Structure Zone : -
Sorting : Baik Strike/Dip Structure : N 22° E / 10°
Porosity : rendah Bedding Contact : -
Cementation : Silika
Bedding Description : -
Matrix : lempung
OUTCROP PROFILE (No Scale) SKETCH (Show The North Bearing)
Thickness Lithology
(m) Symbol
Batupasir, Deskripsi :
warna Coklat Keabu-abuan
Ukuran butir, Pasir sangat halus
Bentuk butir :Membulat baik-
Membulat tanggung
1,57 m
Sortasi Baik
Semen Silika
Matrix :lempung

Sample OC 5 Photograph 2 (Marking a contact of strata)

Outcrop ID : OC 6 Site Name : Watu Wayang
Coordinate E : 442589,326 Company : Kelompok IV
(UTM) N : 9133400,345 Relative Location : Kecamatan Piyungan
Elevation (m) : 111,368 Date : 13 April 2019
Strike : N 101° E Weather : Cerah
Dip : 8° Surveyor : Kelompok IV
Thickness Apparent : Photo ID : OC 6
2,37 m
(m) TRUE : Camera Position : S
Lithology : Batupasir Hardness : -
Shade : Weathering : -
Color Hue : Abu-abu keorenan Sediment Structure : Parallel Laminasi
Color : Fossil Abudance : -
Grain Size : Pasir halus-pasir kasar Qualifer : -
Roundness : Membulat baik-Membulat tanggung Structure Zone : -
Sorting : Buruk Strike/Dip Structure : N 101° E / 8°
Porosity : Sedang Bedding Contact : -
Cementation : Silika
Bedding Description : -
Matrix : kuarsa, plagioklas, hornblende
OUTCROP PROFILE (No Scale) SKETCH (Show The North Bearing)
Thickness Lithology
(m) Symbol
Batupasir, Deskripsi :
warna Abu-abu keorenan
Ukuran butir, Pasir halus-pasir kasar
Bentuk butir :Membulat baik-
Membulat tanggung
2,37 m
Semen Silika
Matrix :kuarsa, plagioklas,
Sample OC 6 Photograph 2 (Marking a contact of strata)

Outcrop ID : OC 7 Site Name : Watu Wayang
Coordinate E : 442600,349 Company : Kelompok IV
(UTM) N : 9133460,668 Relative Location : Kecamatan Piyungan
Elevation (m) : 108,174 Date : 13 April 2019
Strike : N 75° E Weather : Cerah
Dip : 8° Surveyor : Kelompok IV
Thickness Apparent : Photo ID : OC 7
0,78 m
(m) TRUE : Camera Position : S
Lithology : Batupasir Hardness : -
Shade : Weathering : -
Color Hue : Abu-abu kekuningan Sediment Structure : Parallel Laminasi
Color : Fossil Abudance : -
Grain Size : Pasir halus-pasir kasar Qualifer : -
Roundness : Membulat baik-Membulat tanggung Structure Zone : -
Sorting : Baik Strike/Dip Structure : N 75° E / 8°
Porosity : Sedang Bedding Contact : -
Cementation : Silika
Bedding Description : -
Matrix : kuarsa, plagioklas, hornblende
OUTCROP PROFILE (No Scale) SKETCH (Show The North Bearing)
Thickness Lithology
(m) Symbol
Batupasir, Deskripsi :
warna Abu-abu
Ukuran butir, Pasir halus-pasir kasar
Bentuk butir :Membulat baik-
0,78 m
Membulat tanggung
Sortasi Baik
Semen Silika
Matrix :kuarsa, plagioklas,
Sample OC 7 Photograph 2 (Marking a contact of strata)
Outcrop ID : OC 8 Site Name : Watu Wayang
Coordinate E : 442639,306 Company : Kelompok IV
(UTM) N : 9133455,005 Relative Location : Kecamatan Piyungan
Elevation (m) : 114,579 Date : 13 April 2019
Strike : N 32° E Weather : Cerah
Dip : 10° Surveyor : Kelompok IV
Thickness Apparent : Photo ID : OC 8
0,66 m
(m) TRUE : Camera Position : W
Lithology : Batupasir Hardness : -
Shade : Weathering : -
Color Hue : Putih Keabu-abuan Sediment Structure : Parallel Laminasi
Color : Fossil Abudance : -
Grain Size : Pasir halus-pasir kasar Qualifer : -
Roundness : Membulat baik-Membulat tanggung Structure Zone : -
Sorting : Baik Strike/Dip Structure : N 32° E / 10°
Porosity : Sedang Bedding Contact : -
Cementation : Silika
Bedding Description : -
Matrix : kuarsa, plagioklas, hornblende
OUTCROP PROFILE (No Scale) SKETCH (Show The North Bearing)
Thickness Lithology
(m) Symbol
Batupasir, Deskripsi :
warna Putih Keabu-abuan
Ukuran butir, Pasir halus-pasir kasar
Bentuk butir :Membulat baik-
Membulat tanggung
0,66 m
Sortasi Baik
Semen Silika
Matrix :kuarsa, plagioklas,

Sample OC 8 Photograph 2 (Marking a contact of strata)

Outcrop ID : OC 9 Site Name : Watu Wayang
Coordinate E : 442598,624 Company : Kelompok IV
(UTM) N : 9133509,163 Relative Location : Kecamatan Piyungan
Elevation (m) : 102,083 Date : 13 April 2019
Strike : N 294° E Weather : Cerah
Dip : 7° Surveyor : Kelompok IV
Thickness Apparent : Photo ID : OC 9
1.98 m
(m) TRUE : Camera Position : S
Lithology : Batupasir Hardness : -
Shade : Weathering : -
Color Hue : Abu-abu Orange Sediment Structure : Parallel Laminasi
Color : Fossil Abudance : -
Grain Size : Pasir halus-pasir kasar Qualifer : -
Roundness : Membulat baik-Membulat tanggung Structure Zone : -
Sorting : Baik Strike/Dip Structure : N 294° E / 7°
Porosity : Sedang Bedding Contact : -
Cementation : Silika
Bedding Description : -
Matrix : kuarsa, plagioklas, hornblende
OUTCROP PROFILE (No Scale) SKETCH (Show The North Bearing)
Thickness Lithology
(m) Symbol
Batupasir, Deskripsi :
warna Abu Orange
Ukuran butir, Pasir halus-pasir kasar
Bentuk butir :Membulat baik-
Membulat tanggung
1.98 m
Sortasi Baik
Semen Silika
Matrix :kuarsa, plagioklas,

Sample OC 9 Photograph 2 (Marking a contact of strata)

Outcrop ID : OC 10 Site Name : Watu Wayang
Coordinate E : 442583,822 Company : Kelompok IV
(UTM) N : 9133516,688 Relative Location : Kecamatan Piyungan
Elevation (m) : 99,652 Date : 13 April 2019
Strike : N 248° E Weather : Cerah
Dip : 12° Surveyor : Kelompok IV
Thickness Apparent : Photo ID : OC 10
(m) TRUE : Camera Position : S
Lithology : Batupasir Hardness : -
Shade : Weathering : Pelapukan mekanis
Color Hue : Kuning Kehitam-hitaman Sediment Structure : Parallel Laminasi
Color : Fossil Abudance : -
Grain Size : Pasir halus-pasir kasar Qualifer : -
Roundness : Membulat baik-Membulat tanggung Structure Zone : -
Sorting : Baik Strike/Dip Structure : N 248° E / 12°
Porosity : Sedang Bedding Contact : -
Cementation : Silika
Bedding Description : -
Matrix : kuarsa, plagioklas, hornblende
OUTCROP PROFILE (No Scale) SKETCH (Show The North Bearing)
Thickness Lithology
(m) Symbol
Batupasir, Deskripsi :
warna Kuning Kehitam-
Ukuran butir, Pasir halus-pasir kasar
Bentuk butir :Membulat baik
Sortasi Baik
Semen Silika
Matrix :kuarsa, plagioklas,

Sample OC 10 Photograph 2 (Marking a contact of strata)

Outcrop ID : OC 11 Site Name : Watu Wayang
Coordinate E : 442583,723 Company : Kelompok IV
(UTM) N : 9133516,789 Relative Location : Kecamatan Piyungan
Elevation (m) : 92,403 Date : 13 April 2019
Strike : N 22° E Weather : Cerah
Dip : 12° Surveyor : Kelompok IV
Thickness Apparent : Photo ID : OC 11
1.82 m
(m) TRUE : Camera Position : W
Lithology : Batupasir Hardness : -
Shade : Weathering : Pelapukan mekanis
Color Hue : Putih Kecoklatan Sediment Structure : Parallel Laminasi
Color : Fossil Abudance : -
Grain Size : Pasir halus-pasir kasar Qualifer : -
Roundness : Membulat baik-Membulat tanggung Structure Zone : -
Sorting : Baik Strike/Dip Structure : N 22° E / 12°
Porosity : Sedang Bedding Contact : -
Cementation : Silika
Bedding Description : -
Matrix : kuarsa, plagioklas, hornblende
OUTCROP PROFILE (No Scale) SKETCH (Show The North Bearing)
Thickness Lithology
(m) Symbol
Batupasir, Deskripsi :
warna Putih Kecoklatan
Ukuran butir, Pasir halus-pasir kasar
Bentuk butir :Membulat baik-
Membulat tanggung
1.82 m
Sortasi Baik
Semen Silika
Matrix :kuarsa, plagioklas,

Sample OC 11 Photograph 2 (Marking a contact of strata)

Outcrop ID : OC 12 Site Name : Watu Wayang
Coordinate E : 442497,408 Company : Kelompok IV
(UTM) N : 9133587,388 Relative Location : Kecamatan Piyungan
Elevation (m) : 88,255 Date : 13 April 2019
Strike : N 225° E Weather : Cerah
Dip : 12° Surveyor : Kelompok IV
Thickness Apparent : Photo ID : OC 12
1.92 m
(m) TRUE : Camera Position : S
Lithology : Batupasir Hardness : -
Shade : Weathering : -
Color Hue : Putih Keabu-abuan Sediment Structure : Parallel Laminasi
Color : Fossil Abudance : -
Grain Size : Pasir halus-pasir kasar Qualifer : -
Roundness : Membulat baik-Membulat tanggung Structure Zone : -
Sorting : Baik Strike/Dip Structure : N 225° E / 12°
Porosity : Sedang Bedding Contact : -
Cementation : Silika
Bedding Description : -
Matrix : kuarsa, plagioklas, hornblende
OUTCROP PROFILE (No Scale) SKETCH (Show The North Bearing)
Thickness Lithology
(m) Symbol
Batupasir, Deskripsi :
warna Putih Keabu-abuan
Ukuran butir, Pasir halus-pasir kasar
Bentuk butir :Membulat baik-
Membulat tanggung
1.92 m
Sortasi Baik
Semen Silika
Matrix :kuarsa, plagioklas,

Sample OC 12 Photograph 2 (Marking a contact of strata)

Outcrop ID : OC 13 Site Name : Watu Wayang
Coordinate E : 442508,973 Company : Kelompok IV
(UTM) N : 9133520,050 Relative Location : Kecamatan Piyungan
Elevation (m) : 92,227 Date : 13 April 2019
Strike : N 218° E Weather : Cerah
Dip : 4° Surveyor : Kelompok IV
Thickness Apparent : Photo ID : OC 13
1.8 m
(m) TRUE : Camera Position : S
Lithology : Batupasir Hardness : -
Shade : Weathering : -
Color Hue : Abu-abu Kehijauan, Sediment Structure : Parallel Laminasi
Color : Merah tua Fossil Abudance : -
Grain Size : Pasir halus-pasir kasar Qualifer : -
Roundness : Membulat baik-Membulat tanggung Structure Zone : -
Sorting : Baik Strike/Dip Structure : N 218° E / 4°
Porosity : Sedang Bedding Contact : -
Cementation : Silika
Bedding Description : -
Matrix : kuarsa, plagioklas, hornblende
OUTCROP PROFILE (No Scale) SKETCH (Show The North Bearing)
Thickness Lithology
(m) Symbol
Batupasir, Deskripsi :
warna Abu-abu Kehijauan,
Merah Tua
Ukuran butir, Pasir halus-pasir kasar
Bentuk butir :Membulat baik-
1.8 m
Membulat tanggung
Sortasi Baik
Semen Silika
Matrix :kuarsa, plagioklas,
Sample OC 13 Photograph 2 (Marking a contact of strata)

Outcrop ID : OC 14 Site Name : Watu Wayang
Coordinate E : 442586,870 Company : Kelompok IV
(UTM) N : 9133572,938 Relative Location : Kecamatan Piyungan
Elevation (m) : 93,725 Date : 13 April 2019
Strike : N 33° E Weather : Cerah
Dip : 6° Surveyor : Kelompok IV
Thickness Apparent : Photo ID : OC 14
1.8 m
(m) TRUE : Camera Position : S
Lithology : Batupasir Hardness : -
Shade : Weathering : -
Color Hue : Abu-abu Kehijauan Sediment Structure : Parallel Laminasi
Color : Fossil Abudance : -
Grain Size : Pasir halus-pasir kasar Qualifer : -
Roundness : Membulat baik-Membulat tanggung Structure Zone : -
Sorting : Baik Strike/Dip Structure : N 33° E / 6°
Porosity : Sedang Bedding Contact : -
Cementation : Silika
Bedding Description : -
Matrix : kuarsa, plagioklas, hornblende
OUTCROP PROFILE (No Scale) SKETCH (Show The North Bearing)
Thickness Lithology
(m) Symbol
Batupasir, Deskripsi :
warna Abu-abu Kehijauan
Ukuran butir, Pasir halus-pasir kasar
Bentuk butir :Membulat baik-
Membulat tanggung
1.8 m
Sortasi Baik
Semen Silika
Matrix :kuarsa, plagioklas,

Sample OC 14 Photograph 2 (Marking a contact of strata)

Outcrop ID : OC 15 Site Name : Watu Wayang
Coordinate E : 442464,075 Company : Kelompok IV
(UTM) N : 9133404,486 Relative Location : Kecamatan Piyungan
Elevation (m) : 91,799 Date : 13 April 2019
Strike : N 92° E Weather : Cerah
Dip : 4° Surveyor : Kelompok IV
Thickness Apparent : Photo ID : OC 15
3,67 m
(m) TRUE : Camera Position : S
Lithology : Batu Lempung Hardness : -
Shade : Weathering : -
Color Hue : Hitam dan Coklat Sediment Structure : Parallel Laminasi
Color : Fossil Abudance : -
Grain Size : Pasir sangat halus Qualifer : -
Roundness : Membulat baik-Membulat tanggung Structure Zone : -
Sorting : Baik Strike/Dip Structure : N 92° E /4 °
Porosity : Rendah Bedding Contact : -
Cementation : Silika
Bedding Description : -
Matrix : lempung
OUTCROP PROFILE (No Scale) SKETCH (Show The North Bearing)
Thickness Lithology
(m) Symbol
Batupasir, Deskripsi :
warna Hitam dan Coklat
Ukuran butir, Pasir sangat halus
Bentuk butir :Membulat baik-
Membulat tanggung
3,67 m
Sortasi Baik
Semen Silika
Matrix :lempung

Sample OC 15 Photograph 2 (Marking a contact of strata)

Outcrop ID : OC 16 Site Name : Watu Wayang
Coordinate E : 442470,993 Company : Kelompok IV
(UTM) N : 9133402,441 Relative Location : Kecamatan Piyungan
Elevation (m) : 92,304 Date : 13 April 2019
Strike : N 346° E Weather : Cerah
Dip : 2° Surveyor : Kelompok IV
Thickness Apparent : Photo ID : OC 16
1.98 m
(m) TRUE : Camera Position : S
Lithology : Batupasir Hardness : -
Shade : Weathering : Pelapukan kimia
Color Hue : Hitam Kekuningan Sediment Structure : Parallel Laminasi
Color : Fossil Abudance : -
Grain Size : Pasir halus-pasir kasar Qualifer : -
Roundness : Membulat baik-Membulat tanggung Structure Zone : -
Sorting : Baik Strike/Dip Structure : N 346° E / 2°
Porosity : Sedang Bedding Contact : -
Cementation : Silika
Bedding Description : -
Matrix : kuarsa, plagioklas, hornblende
OUTCROP PROFILE (No Scale) SKETCH (Show The North Bearing)
Thickness Lithology
(m) Symbol
Batupasir, Deskripsi :
warna Hitam Kekuningan
Ukuran butir, Pasir halus-pasir kasar
Bentuk butir :Membulat baik-
Membulat tanggung
1.98 m
Sortasi Baik
Semen Silika
Matrix :kuarsa, plagioklas,

Sample OC 16 Photograph 2 (Marking a contact of strata)

Outcrop ID : OC 17 Site Name : Watu Wayang
Coordinate E : 442471,534 Company : Kelompok IV
(UTM) N : 9133400,014 Relative Location : Kecamatan Piyungan
Elevation (m) : 92,431 Date : 13 April 2019
Strike : N 112° E Weather : Cerah
Dip : 5° Surveyor : Kelompok IV
Thickness Apparent : Photo ID : OC 17
2,37 m
(m) TRUE : Camera Position : S
Lithology : Batupasir Hardness : -
Shade : Weathering : Pelapukan mekanis
Color Hue : Merah, Kuning, Hijau Tua Sediment Structure : Parallel Laminasi
Color : Fossil Abudance : -
Grain Size : Pasir halus-pasir kasar Qualifer : -
Roundness : Membulat baik-Membulat tanggung Structure Zone : -
Sorting : Baik Strike/Dip Structure : N 112° E / 5°
Porosity : Sedang Bedding Contact : -
Cementation : Silika
Bedding Description : -
Matrix : kuarsa, plagioklas, hornblende
OUTCROP PROFILE (No Scale) SKETCH (Show The North Bearing)
Thickness Lithology
(m) Symbol
Batupasir, Deskripsi :
warna Merah, Kuning,
Hijau Tua
Ukuran butir, Pasir halus-pasir kasar
Bentuk butir :Membulat baik-
2,37 m
Membulat tanggung
Sortasi Baik
Semen Silika
Matrix :kuarsa, plagioklas,
Sample OC 17 Photograph 2 (Marking a contact of strata)

Outcrop ID : OC 18 Site Name : Watu Wayang
Coordinate E : 442456,515 Company : Kelompok IV
(UTM) N : 9133400,540 Relative Location : Kecamatan Piyungan
Elevation (m) : 91,511 Date : 13 April 2019
Strike : N 205° E Weather : Cerah
Dip : 6° Surveyor : Kelompok IV
Thickness Apparent : Photo ID : OC 18
3,62 m
(m) TRUE : Camera Position : N
Lithology : Batupasir Hardness : -
Shade : Weathering : -
Color Hue : Putih Kekuningan dan Sediment Structure : Parallel Laminasi
Color : Abu-abu Kehitaman Fossil Abudance : -
Grain Size : Pasir halus-pasir kasar Qualifer : -
Roundness : Membulat baik-Membulat tanggung Structure Zone : -
Sorting : Baik Strike/Dip Structure : N 205° E / 6°
Porosity : Sedang Bedding Contact : -
Cementation : Silika
Bedding Description : -
Matrix : kuarsa, plagioklas, hornblende
OUTCROP PROFILE (No Scale) SKETCH (Show The North Bearing)
Thickness Lithology
(m) Symbol
Batupasir, Deskripsi :
warna Putih Kekuningan
dan Abu-abu Kehitaman
Ukuran butir, Pasir halus-pasir kasar
Bentuk butir :Membulat baik-
3,62 m
Membulat tanggung
Sortasi Baik
Semen Silika
Matrix :kuarsa, plagioklas,
Sample OC 18 Photograph 2 (Marking a contact of strata)

Outcrop ID : OC 19 Site Name : Watu Wayang
Coordinate E : 442472,944 Company : Kelompok IV
(UTM) N : 9133391,668 Relative Location : Kecamatan Piyungan
Elevation (m) : 92,836 Date : 13 April 2019
Strike : N 158° E Weather : Cerah
Dip : 7° Surveyor : Kelompok IV
Thickness Apparent : Photo ID : OC 19
2,37 m
(m) TRUE : Camera Position : S
Lithology : Batupasir Hardness : -
Shade : Weathering : -
Color Hue : Orange dan Merah Tua Sediment Structure : Parallel Laminasi
Color : Fossil Abudance : -
Grain Size : Pasir halus-pasir kasar Qualifer : -
Roundness : Membulat baik-Membulat tanggung Structure Zone : -
Sorting : Baik Strike/Dip Structure : N 158° E / 7°
Porosity : Sedang Bedding Contact : -
Cementation : Silika
Bedding Description : -
Matrix : kuarsa, plagioklas, hornblende
OUTCROP PROFILE (No Scale) SKETCH (Show The North Bearing)
Thickness Lithology
(m) Symbol
Batupasir, Deskripsi :
warna Orange dan Merah
Ukuran butir, Pasir halus-pasir kasar
Bentuk butir :Membulat baik-
2,37 m
Membulat tanggung
Sortasi Baik
Semen Silika
Matrix :kuarsa, plagioklas,
Sample OC 19 Photograph 2 (Marking a contact of strata)

Outcrop ID : OC 20 Site Name : Watu Wayang
Coordinate E : 442463,029 Company : Kelompok IV
(UTM) N : 9133402,760 Relative Location : Kecamatan Piyungan
Elevation (m) : 91,808 Date : 13 April 2019
Strike : N 88° E Weather : Cerah
Dip : 6° Surveyor : Kelompok IV
Thickness Apparent : Photo ID : OC 20
2,35 m
(m) TRUE : Camera Position : S
Lithology : Batupasir Hardness : -
Shade : Weathering : Pelapukan mekanis
Color Hue : Putih Keabuan dan Abu- Sediment Structure : Parallel Laminasi
Color : abu Kehitaman Fossil Abudance : -
Grain Size : Pasir halus-pasir kasar Qualifer : -
Roundness : Membulat baik-Membulat tanggung Structure Zone : -
Sorting : Baik Strike/Dip Structure : N 88° E / 6°
Porosity : Sedang Bedding Contact : -
Cementation : Silika
Bedding Description : -
Matrix : kuarsa, plagioklas, hornblende
OUTCROP PROFILE (No Scale) SKETCH (Show The North Bearing)
Thickness Lithology
(m) Symbol
Batupasir, Deskripsi :
warna Putih Keabuan dan
Abu-abu Kehitaman
Ukuran butir, Pasir halus-pasir kasar
Bentuk butir :Membulat baik-
2,35 m
Membulat tanggung
Sortasi Baik
Semen Silika
Matrix :kuarsa, plagioklas,
Sample OC 20 Photograph 2 (Marking a contact of strata)

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