Woosley 1978

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Maney Publishing

Pollen Extraction for Arid-Land Sediments

Author(s): Anne I. Woosley
Source: Journal of Field Archaeology, Vol. 5, No. 3 (Autumn, 1978), pp. 349-355
Published by: Maney Publishing
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/529738 .
Accessed: 07/01/2015 14:01

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Pollen Extraction for Arid-land Sediments

Anne I. Woosley
Dallas, Texas

Criticalexaminationof traditionalextractionproceduresemployedto recover

pollenSroma varietyof archeologicalcontextsdemonstrated the inadequacy°f
manysuchtechniqaes.Particularlyin aridzones,wherepollenpreservationis
notoriouslypoor, inappropriatelaboratoryanalysisacts to distortgrainsSurther.
A satisSactorymethodologySor pollensamplesrecoveredSrom areassubjectedto
suchdeterioratingetSectsas oxidationandweatheringis essentialSor
archeologistsattemptingto reconstruct prehistoricenvironments. A newextrac-
preservationSrom archeologicalsoils was,thereSoreJ
experimentally developed

Pollen analysis is a fundamental tool for arche- soils most closely resemblingthose found in arid-land
ologists who reconstructpast environmentsor for those contexts.Theseconsistedof colluvialclays and sands.
wishing to understandman's impact upon his physical Pollen of Pinus sylvestrisand Pseudotsugamacrocar-
surroundings.Often, however, the ideal natural con- pa, chosen in part for their abundanceand availability,
ditions for the preservationof pollen, i.e., slightlyacidic was then added to the sterile soil in specific amounts.
soils with little or no oxidation, simply do not exist in Both Pinus and Pseudotsugawere propitious choices
areaswhere a knowledgeof ancientpollen sequencesis becausetheirpollen grainsare not resistantto corrosive
necessary. The perfectly preserved pollen grains chemicals(NaOH, KOH, HNO3) as are those, for ex-
recoveredfromthe water-loggedbogs of NW Europeare ample,of Eucalyptas.2They will, therefore,more readi-
in strikingcontrastto the collapsedand distortedgrains ly demonstrateany detrimentaleffectsproducedby the
characteristicof depositsfromthe aridNear East or sw extractionprocessitself.
United States. Because weathering does have highly In addition to the Elrstgroup of samplescontaining
detrimentaleffects on pollen grains, laboratorytechni- sterile soil plus a speciElcamount of pollen, a second
ques that recover pollen from weatheredsoil samples groupof sampleswas producedconsistingof sterilesoil,
must be both efficient and exceedinglygentle in the specific amounts of pollen, as well as charcoal and
treatment of already delicate pollen grains. Initial other detritus.This sort of organicmaterialcausesmost
methodologies developed for pollen extraction in NW confusion when scanning slides. If too much of this
Europeare consequentlynot appropriateto a diversity materialcomes through the extractionprocess, pollen
of geographicareasrangingfromaridland sedimentsto grainsbecometoo obscuredto identifyor count.
tropical rain forests.' What nature and man have left A third group of untreatedsoils was also analyzed.
for interpretationmust not be destroyedby inadequate These samples consisted of archeological deposits
laboratorytechniques. recovered in Khuzistan and the Deh Luran Plain in
The following controlledextractionprocedureswere Iran and from HovenweepNational Monument in SE
conductedto determinethe optimal processfor extrac- Utah and sw Colorado.3
tion of pollen from archeologicalsamples.Four groups A Elnalgroupof samplesartificallypreparedand sub-
of artificalpollen samplesweretested.One group of ar- jected to high temperatures,to which pollen and, in
tificial pollen samples was made by subjecting soil some cases, organicmaterialincludingplant Elbersand
samplesof differentweights(TABLE 1) to 440° C for 45
minutesto destroy any organic materialthe soil might 2. Personalcommunicationfrom SherwinCa.rlquist.R. J. Stanley,
have originally contained. Care was taken to utilize and H. F. Linskens, Pollen: Biology, Biochemistry,Management
New York 1974)142-44.
3. For a discussion of Hovenweep pollen results?cf. Anne I.
1. J. Iversen' Landnam i Danmarks Stenalder-En Pollenanalytist Woosley, "Farm Field Location ThroughPalynology,"Hovenweep
UnderXgelse over det fXrste Landrugs Indvirkningepaa tegetationsud- 1976, ArcheologicalReport No. 3, J. Winter, ed. (San Jose State
viklingen(Copenhagen 1941). University1977)133-50.

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350 PollenExtractionSorArid-landSediments/Woosley

Table 1. Comparativepollenextractiontechniques.

Weightin Grams Grains/

Pollen Debris Extraction Pollen Sq. Cm.
Soil Added Added Technique Type Count Preservation
55 .5 - MEH Pinus 947 Falr

55 .5 - CHV sylvestris 1795 Good
55 .5 - HL ,,
1512 Falr

55 .3 - MEH 565 Falr

55 .3 - CHV 1525 Good
55 .3 HL 1299 Fair

55 .1 - MEH 56 Falr

55 .1 - CHV 326 Good
55 .l - HL 312 Fair

55 .01 - MEH 8 Falr

55 .01 - CHV 142 Good
55 .01 - HL 136 Fair

40 .2 - MEH 452 Falr

40 .2 - CHV 1130 Good
40 .2 - HL 1017 Fair

40 .05 - MEH 48 Fair
40 .05 - CHV 852 Good
40 .05 HL 500 Falr

40 .01 - MEH 6 Fair
40 .01 - CHV 160 ,!


40 .01 - HL 152 Fair

25 .2 - MEH 395 Fair
25 .2 - CHV 2130 Good
25 .2 - HL 1960 Falr

25 .05 - MEH Falr

25 .05 - CHV 600 Good
25 .05 HL 575 Fair

25 .005 - MEH
25 .005 - CHV 20 Good
24 .005 - HL 15 Falr

50 .5 15 MEH Pseudotsuga 365 Fair
50 .5 15 CHV macrocarpa 1595 Falr

50 .5 15 HL ,,

1395 . Halr
_ .

40 .5 20 MEH 200 Falr

40 .5 20 CHV 1230 Fair
40 15 20 HL 834 r alr
30 .1 20 MEH 56 Fair
30 .1 20 CHV 277 Falr

30 .1 20 HL 164 Fair
20 .05 20 MEH 42 Falr

20 .05 20 CHV 169 Fair
20 .05 20 HL 85 Fair
10 .01 30 MEH 6 Fair
10 .01 30 CHV 45 ralr

10 .01 30 HL 37 Falr

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-- .

Journalof FieldArchaeology/Vol.521978 351

Weightin Grams Grains/

Pollen Debris Extraction Pollen Sq. Cm.
Sample Soil Added Added Technique Type Count Preservation
46 15 .01 20 MEH Pseudotsuga 2 Falr

47 15 .01 20 CHV macrocarpa 85 ralr

48 15 .01 20 HL
73 rS
r alr

49a 30 MEH -

50a 30 CHV 141 Falr

51a 30 LIT
113 Poor
52a 25 MEH Poor
53a 25 CHV 42 Poor
54a 25 HL 40 Poor
55a 40 MEH 6 Poor

56a 40 CHV 119 Falr

57a 40 HL 90 Poor
58b 30 MEH 28 Poor
59b 30 CHV 169 ralr

60b 30 HL 138 Poor

61 MEH
62 20 CHV 54 Fair
63 20 HL 34 Poor
64 .5 CHV Pinus 1695 Good
65 40 .5 MOD sylvestris 1695 Good
40 ,,

66 .01 CHV 156 Good

67 50 .01 MOD

185 Good
68 .01 CHV Pinus 147 Good
69 30 20 151 Good
.01 MOD sylvestris
30 20
70 .01 CHV
142 Good
20 10
71 .01 MOD ,,
153 Good
20 10
72a 40 CHV 56 Fair
73a 40 MOD 113 ralr

74a 30 CHV 20 Poor

75a 30 MOD 42 Poor

All samplenumberswithouta letterindicateartiElcially

madepollensamples.Numberswith "a"
indicate archeological samples from Chogha Mish, Iran. Numbers with "b" indicate
archeologicalsamplesfromthe Deh LuranPlain.

MEH = Mehringer Method CHV = ChevronMethod

HL = Heavy Liquid Flotation Method MOD = ModifiedChevronMethodwith Sieving

charcoalwas added, was used to demonstratethe most The first extractionprocess,the Mehringermethod,4
efficientrecoverytechniqueof all. It comparedthe best to be tested experimentallywas developed specifically
extractiontechniqueas establishedby the resultsof the to analyze sw United States alluvialsamples(TABLE 2).
firstthree seriesof experimentswith a modifiedversion
thereof;the optimal extractionprocedurewas then es- 4. P. J. Mehringer,Jr., "LatePleistoceneVegetationin the Mojave
tablished(TABLE 1). Desertof SouthernNevada,"J. Ariz. Acad. Sci. 3 (1965) 172-88.

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352 Pollen Extraction for Arid-land Sediments/ Woosley

Table2. The MehringerMethod. Table3. The HeavyLiquidMethod.


1. Selectapproximately50 g. of a sediment. 1 Select50 g. of sediment

2. Swirlin HCL in a 750 ml. beaker. 2 Treatwith 10%HCL
3. Passthrough100meshscreen(brass). 3. Washin H2Othreetimes
4. Discardremainingsediment. 4 Add HF to coversample,allow to stand24 hours.
5. Swirlin HCL in 250 ml. beaker. 5. Add fresh HF if all silicatesnot removed,allow to
6. Transferto test tube. stand 12-20hours.
7. Discardremainingsediment. 6. Washin H2° threetimes.
8. Treatwith 10-15%HCL. 7 Add 61 4%HNO3and 0.05 g. KC12to residue.
9. Treatwith 25-30%HCL. 8. Washsampleuntilclearin 100ml bottlesat 2,200
10. Washin H2O. rpm
11. Add 50%HF, allow to stand6-24 hours. Note: Acceleratecentrifugespeedslowly to 2,
12. Add 70%HF, allow to stand6-24 hours. 200 rpm,switchoff, and applybrakesat
13. Washin hot H2Otwice. 1,500rpm
14. Treatwith 20%HNO3for 10 minutes. 9 Mix residuewith 10%KOH solution.
15. Washin hot H2Otwice. 10 Washsampletill clear
16. Treatwith concentratedHCL for 2-3 minutesin a 11. Mix residuewith heavy liquid,e.g., Zinc bromide
boilinghot H2Obath. at a specificgravityof 2.1 or 2.0.
17. Washin hot H2Otwice. 12. Centrifugeat two minutes,3,000rpm.
18. Treat with 5-7%KOH for 2-3 minutes in boiling 13 Collect surface material in beaker together with
bath. heavy liquid, check and discard residue in cen-
19. Washuntilclear. trifuge
20. Transferto vial. 14. Decant material diluted five times with distilled
21. Mounton slide. H2Oand leaveovernightto settle.
15. Allow organic material to settle, decant upper
Distilled water is used throughout.
half, centrifugelower portion in 10ml.test tubes,
and washseveraltimes.
16. Check drop of sample under microscopeand if
The secondrelieson heavyliquidflotationand has been organicdebrisis too thick, treatwith HNO3for 5-
extensively used by Soviet scientists in palynological 10 minutes.Wash in 10%KOH solution and then
studies of the fRoraof India (TABLE 3).5 Chevron Oil washin H2O.
scientists developed the third process to recover fossil 17. Add 5 cc. distilled H2° and several drops of
pollen and micro-organismsin their quest for fossil safranineO.
fuels(TABLE4). 18 Centrifugesampleafter approximately30 seconds
The Elrststeps in all of the extractiontechniquesare and wash untilclear(untilwaterfreefromstain).
19. Prepareslides
based on a series of acid and water washes to break
down the carbonatesand silicates in the soil. As is evi- Distilledwaterusedfromstep15to endof theprocess
dent from the tables, the number and strengthof the
acid washes may vary, as does the length of time a par-
ticular sample is immersed in the acid solution. The
functions of the washes, nevertheless,are the same: the bottom of the beaker. The smaller, lighter pollen
hydrochloric (HCL) and hydrofluoric (HF) acids grains remain suspended for a longer period and are
remove carbonates and silicates respectively; water decanted into another beaker. This procedure is
washesremoveboth acids. repeatedseveraltimes until that portion of the sample
The Mehringer method is distinguished from the to be run throughthe remainingsteps of the processis
other two by what is termed the HCL "swirl."6Ap- transferredto test tubes. The remainingsedimentin the
proximately50 grams of sample is placed in a solution beaker is discarded. In both the Heavy Liquid and
of HCL and distilledwater,stirreduntil all particlesare Chevron methods, on the other hand, entire soil
in suspension,and then allowed to "swirl"for a short samplesto be tested for pollen content are run through
time while the larger,heavierparticlescome to rest on the completeextractionprocess.No soil is initiallydis-
Proponentsof the Mehringermethod maintainthat
5. PersonalcommunicationfromDr. S. K. Srivastava. no significantamount of pollen is lost by discardinga
6. The HCL "swirl" is sometimes used in conjunctionwith the major portion of the sediment because all micro-
HeavyLiquidflotationmethod:G. Weir,unpublishedPh.D. disserta- organic particles go into suspension during the HCL
tion (TexasA & M University1976). "swirl."Since pollen grainsare lighterthan sand, grit,

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Journalof FieldArchaeology/Vol.5, 1978 353

Table4. ChevronMethod. Table5. ModifiedChevronMethod.

1. Add concentratedHCLto 50 g. of sediment. 1. Add concentratedHCLto 50 g. of sample.

2 Washin H20 one or moretimesas needed. 2. Washin H2Oto removeacid.
3. Add HF to sampleand place in hot waterbath for 3. Add concentratedHF.
one hour. 4. Washin H2Oto removeacid.
4. Washin H20 to removeacid. 5. Add Calgonto distilledwater.
5. Add Calgonto sample,beginuse of distilledwater. 6. Decantand allowto settleuntilclear.
6. Allow to settleand decantuntilclear. 7. Stainin safranineT, O, or Y.
7. Stainwith safranine. 8. Sieve sample in lOO,u,60,u,40,u, 20,u, lO,umesh
8. Panto concentratepollen. screens.
9. Mount on slides. 9. Panin a watchglass to concentratepollen.
10. Prepareslides.
Distilledwaterusedfromstep fiveto end of process.
Distilledwaterusedfromstep fiveto end of process.

or most organic/inorganicdebrislikely to be presentin that both the Chevron and Heavy Liquid techniques
the solution, they are allegedlypoured off to be subse- returnedgood preservationand recoveryratesof pollen
quentlyrecovered,identified,and counted. Meanwhile, grains from artificially prepared samples. Overall,
supposedlyonly the heavierfractionhas been discarded Chevrondemonstratedhighercountsin everycase. This
thereby making it more feasible eventuallyto remove was not so obviouswhen largequantitiesof pollenwere
pollen grains for analysis. Comparison of the added to samples. Th'e variation in recovery rates
Mehringermethod with both the Heavy Liquid and become particularly apparent, however, when only
Chevronproceduresdoes not, in termsof actual pollen small amounts were added; Chevron yields were ap-
counts, appearto supportthis claim(TABLE 1). preciably higher (TABLE 1). The difference in
After acids have broken down the carbonates and preservationand recoveryrates betweenChevron and
silicates, the three extractiontechniquesproceed along the other two extractionmethodswas even more strik-
different lines leading to the ultimate separation of ing when actualarcheologicalsampleswereprocessed.
pollen grains from the sample residue.Both Mehringer After HCL and HF were added to a sample no
and Heavy Liquid methods then utilize nitric acid matterwhat the extractiontechnique-the remaining
(HNO3) and potassium hydroxide (KOH) or other pollen-bearingsamplewas placed in a watch glass and
equivalentbasic solutions to rid the sample of organic examined under a stero-microscopeat 600x. Pollen
debris. The Mehringermethod continues with an ad- grains, their density and state of preservation,could
ditional HCL wash, in some cases repeatingthe HNO3 then be monitored. HCL and HF are not harmfulto
and KOH washes, while the Heavy Liquid method most pollen grains. Indeed,pollen is remarkablyinert,
relies primarilyon gravitationalseparationtechniques, reactingwith relativelyfew substancesas demonstrated
i.e., flotationto isolate pollen and spores. by its exceptional longevity in fossil or archeological
In the Chevron method, once the carbonates and deposits.However,as is truewith most fossil remnants,
silicates have been removed, an exceedinglymild base there are chemicals(e.g., KOH and NaOH) that will
known commerciallyas Calgon (a water softener) is cause pollen to deteriorate.8As varioussteps duringthe
added to the sample.The sampleis well mixed,allowed extraction procedures were checked microscopically,
to settle, and decantedseveraltimes until the solutionis one could clearlysee that whenevera basic solutionwas
clear. The Calgon action removes much unwanted added to a sample, pollen preservationsuffered.Even
organic debris including carbonized plant remains with weak solutionsof KOH and NaOH for only brief
without resortingto harsherKOH or sodiumhydroxide periods, it seemedthat the action of the basic solution
(NaOH) solutions. The remaining pollen-containing was dependenton the degree of oxidation reachedby
residueis then stainedand finallymountedon slidesfor HNO3. With modern or very well preservedmaterial,
identification.7 e.g., pollen from Danish bogs, the problemof oxidation
On the basis of the comparativeresultsobtainedby is a minor consideration.9If, on the other hand, pollen
testing the above extractionprocedures,it was shown
8. Stanleyand Linskens,op. cit. (in note 2) 129-42.
7. All extractionproceduresdiscussed were conducted in a well 9. J. Troels-Smith,"PollenanalytischeUntersuchungenzu einigen
equipped laboratoryat Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden. Such schweizerischen
Pfahlbauproblemen," in DasPhaflbauproblem
facilitiesareessentialfor successfulpollenanalysis hagen1955)269-72.

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354 PollenExtractionfor Arid-landSediments/Woosley

Additionally, some researchersadd Lycopodium or

Eucalyptus tablettes to individual samples to
demonstratethat their method does not in fact affect
pollen counts or pollen preservationduringlaboratory
analysis.'° Lycopodium spores and Eucalyptus pollen
grains are two of the most resistantpalynomorphsand
can surviveconditionsthat would distort or completely
destroy other pollen grains, e.g., Pinus, Pseudotsuga,
Quercus, Zea. They are certainlynot accurateindicators
of pollen counts or preservation during extraction
As has been noted previously, the Heavy Liquid
method is extremelyeffectivein recoveringpollen from
artificiallypreparedsamples.This is no doubt because
fresh pollen grains added to the soil sampleshave not
previouslybeen oxidizedand are, therefore,not unduly
affected by a chemical oxidizing agent. But even in
these fresh samples appreciablymore distortion and
collapsing of grains occurred than in the Chevron
process. The Chevron method does not use KOH or
NaOH and is considerably less corrosive to pollen
grains. Recovery and preservationwere consequently
much betterwith the Chevronmethod in both artificial
and, moreimportantly,archeologicalsamples.
Because laboratory procedures developing from
methodologies employed to analyze water-logged
sedimentswere also applied to other soil types, KOH
and NaOH washeswereconsiderednaturalsteps in any
extractionprocess.In a 50-gramsamplethe overwhelm-
Figure1. Pollengrain(bottom)distortedby 5%KOH solutioncom- ing amountof materialis not pollen and is of no use for
paredwitha grain(top) not subjectedto KOH. X500. analysis. Besides soil, most of this materialconsists of
organic debris, i.e., plant and woody bits, small par-
ticles or carbonizedwood, ash or other detritus.The
has already been subjectedto oxidation before being presence of this material can make the isolation of
collected, any further oxidation resulting from inap- desiredpollen grains and/or spores very difficult.Such
propriatelaboratoryprocedurescauses additionaldis- debriscan completelyobscurepollen grainswhenone is
tortion of pollen grainsmakingidentificationextremely attemptingto identify them microscopically.A variety
difficultor even impossible(FIG. 1). of basic solutions do rid samplesof many useless sub-
Because the Mehringer method results in lower stances thereby making the sample smaller in volume
pollen counts than either of the other methods even and easierto work with. Unfortunately,these chemicals
when large amountsof modernpollen are addedto soil destroymany kindsof pollen grains,especiallyif preser-
samples,apparentlymuch pollen is lost when the bulk vation is poor at the onset.
of the sample is discardedafter the HCL "swirl"(FIG. A preferablemethod to the use of a basic solution
2). Pollengrainsare eitherclumpingtogetheror sticking treatmentthat is more effectivefor pollen recoveryand
to other particlesin the sample makingthem heavy so less damaging to grains is ( 1) employment of non-
that they settle and are pouredout with most of the soil. corrosivechemicalswith respectto pollen, and (2) siev-
Very likely all or even most of the pollen grainsare not ing with a series of micron-sizedmesh screens. The
suspendedin the HCL "swirl."Where pollen is abun- combinationof these two elements results in least dis-
dant this loss may not be significant if the relative tortion of individualgrains and producesbest overall
proportionsof plant species representedare the same. recoveryrates in archeologicalsoil samples(TABLE 1).
Whenpollen is scarceit is importantto recoveras much Most pollen grains range in size from 35,u to 60,u.
as possible. Archeological pollen samples often are
poorly preservedand contain small numbersof pollen 10. Jens Stockmarr,"Tabletswith Spores Used in Absolute Pollen
grains. Analysis,"Pollen et Spores, 13 (1974) 616-21.

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0 :::&n :+f0 LLf w Cti:t$S;SAtT:00 v

Journalof FieldArchaeology/Vol.5, 1978 355

awareof secondaryconsideratlonssuch as time and ex-

pense needed to conduct successful pollen analysis.
From the standpoint of time only, the Modified
Chevron method is most desirablesince it takes about
half the time necessaryto complete the Mehringeror
Heavy Liquid methods. Because it utilized less
chemicals,it is less expensiveto processsamples.
Reswitsof comparativeextractiontechniquesclearly
demonstrate that pollen methodologies employed in
archeological contexts must be flexible. The
palynologist cannot be unalterably wedded to one
favorite procedure.Not only must methodologies be
frequentlymodified from one geographicregion to the
next, but sometimes even from site to site wlthin a
localized area, depending on physical clrcumstances.
Our interpretationsof the past will be limited by ex-
: : : :::zE:sf
f :0005 0q0ff;: a
t :: :f ;; ff00000000
00f : 00 t :fff00
ff[f ffff0
isting environmentalconditions, but, to a great extent,
they will depend upon the sophistication and ap-
propriatenessof our methodologies.
fw t$#:00::
: O 0-
Anne1. Woosleyis AssistantProfessorof Anthropology
at SouthernAfethodistUniversity,Dallas, Texas.She is
currentlyworkingin theAmericanSouthwestandwestern
Asia. Herprimaryresearchinterestsincludeland

Figure2. Recoveryof pollengrainsfromartificiallyprepared

Technique(top). XlOO.

Organicand other debris is often much larger.Screens

decreasingin size from 100, to 60, to 40, to 20, to 10,
not only removemuch unwanteddebris,but also serve
to separate the pollen grains into specific size
groupings.The separationof grains accordingto size
categories is very helpful in identiElcationof grains.
Moreoever, any organic material other than pollen
remainingafter both the Calgon wash and sieving is
usually not enough to obscureor interferewith pollen
identification. Consequently, a Modified Chevron
technique employing mechanicalsieving produced the
best resultsof all extractionprocedurestested.11
In evaluatingextractiontechniquesone must also be

ll. Experimentsemployingthe scanningelectron microscopewere

conductedto establishwhetherpollen grains could be identifiedin
soils without benefit of chemical extraction procedures. Such
microscopydid not prove feasiblebecauseof problemsin mounting
and coating materialsto be scanned.For detaileddiscussion,see A.
Woosley,unpublishedPh.D. dissertation(UCLA 1976).

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