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Dear Mr. __________:

Our client, Mr.___________, endorsed to our office for appropriate legal action
the matter regarding the sum of P360,690.00, which you have misappropriated for your
own personal use.

According to our client, with trust and confidence, he personally handed to you
the total sum of P360,690.00 with the obligation of delivering this money as reservation
payment for the air conditioning units our client ordered to your air-condition supplier,
Daikin. However, instead of doing so, you misappropriated the said sum for your own
personal use to the damage and prejudice of our client.

As a result of your evident bad faith, our client was compelled to shell out an
additional P360,690.00 to settle your supplier. Our client had made several verbal
demands against you to return to him his money. But despite of granting your several
grace period to return to him his money, you miserably failed on doing so.

WHEREFORE, on behalf of our client, Mr. _____, we hereby demand that you
settle the sum of P360,690.00 within Five (5) days from receipt hereof. Failure to heed
to our demand shall compel us to initiate the proper CRIMINAL case against you, which
will prove burdensome, embarrassing and expensive on your part.

Please be guided accordingly.

Very truly yours,

Counsel for Mr.

At my instance:

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