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ODA X7-2M Patching Steps from 18.3 to 18.

Upload Server patch zip files to ODA server

Unzip Server patch zip files

Update Patch repository using below command

Check patch repository is updated and new Patch is available

Update dcsagent to 18.8 Version

Update dcsadmin to 18.8 Version

Update dcs components to 18.8 Version

Verify DCS components updated to 18.8 Version.

Create Prepatch report to identify potential error that can cause patching activity failure.

Review prepatch report

Run update-server command, I prefer to run from ODA-VCN session instead from my system putty

Monitor the job

Tail the file Log File : /opt/oracle/dcs/log/dcs-agent.log.

Wait for system reboot. Once Server is up check for patch components
Patch Storage

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