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Advanced Spoken

Class 23

Job interviews are always 1._______________________ for me. Sometimes I have a

great interview and get the job. Other times, my interview
2._______________________ I don’t get the job. It’s really important to
3._______________________. You must also be confident and make
4._______________________ the interviewer knows you really want the job. The
5._______________________ is to make the interviewer think you are the best
6._______________________ for the job. I always wear my best suit and
7.______________________early. I always smile when I walk into the interview
room. First 8._______________________ are very important. It’s also a good idea to
talk about your experiences – 9._______________________yourself. Make sure you
have a few good questions to ask at the end of the interview. Interview technique is
something we learn over time – you get to 10._______________________ more the
more interviews you have.

How to extend answers

that why If / when than which even if though because

IELTS Speaking Topic # 1- Work

 Do you work or study? ...  What was your first day
 What is your job? ... at work like? ...
 Why did you choose that job? ...  What responsibilities do you have
 Do you enjoy your job? ... at work?
 Do you get on well with your co-
workers? ...

Advanced Spoken
Class 23

Reading & Speaking on “Work”

Technology has significantly changed the way we live and work. For instance, it has
allowed many of us to have flexible work hours. When we can have our data available in
a cloud, we can work pretty much from anywhere in the world. Some people believe that
this flexibility improves the quality of our life and work. However, in my opinion,
working from home has both benefits and drawbacks.

One of the most important benefits of working from home is the ability to spend more
time with our loved ones. Some people argue that this will boost the morale of employees
and encourage them to give their best. Remote working also benefits parents of very
young children. A lot of women quit their jobs to take care of their children. If companies
allow them to work from their home, they can join the workforce again. Companies also
benefit when employees work from their home. They can save money on office rentals
and utility bills.

On the flip side, remote working has its drawbacks too. Some people believe that having
a nice workplace where people can work together as a team and communicate closely is
more beneficial than working from outside. I have a personal example on how distance
can interfere with work outcomes. My boss travels a lot and sometimes I have a hard time
meeting him. Once he asked me to prepare a presentation for a meeting we were going to
have. As I started to work on it, I found out that I had some questions and I couldn´t reach
him to clarify my doubts. I finished my work and then weeks later, when he got back, I
showed him my presentation and it was not what he wanted. As a result, I had to do it
again, which was a waste of time.

To conclude, there are both benefits and drawbacks to working from home. Flexible
hours or freelancing is not for everyone; however, there are lots of employees who benefit
from it.

Advanced Spoken

Describe the job/ career you have or you hope to have.

You should say:
 what the job is
 what it involves
 why you chose it
and explain why you like this job or interested in it.

Advanced Spoken
Class 23
Filler words in English help to fill in pauses and “empty” spaces in conversations when we are
thinking about what to say next or how to answer a question.


This word is often used to gain some time or gather one’s thoughts.


This is an interjection in English that is sometimes used when you can’t find any other words. For
example, your friend bought a new pair of shoes, and when she shows them to you (you don’t like
them) you say “Wow!” to avoid hurting her feelings. But “wow” is also used to express a variety of
emotions; it can express astonishment, surprise, happiness, or excitement.


Everyone knows this phrase, which is used to express agreement. It is frequently used in both
speaking and writing. In writing, it is sometimes shortened to “ok.”

No way

This is an appropriate expression to use when you are shocked by something, you can’t find the right
words, or it is difficult to believe something you have seen or heard.

Tell me something

If you want to ask a direct question (often of a personal nature), you can use this expression as a way
of introducing the question. For example, Ann, tell me something, how much money do you make?

You see

This expression has virtually no meaning in English; it is a genuine filler phrase. Sometimes it is
used in conjunction with a thought that you don’t think the person with whom you are speaking
understands or is aware of.

By the way

This word means “incidentally” and is used to introduce a minor topic that is not directly related the
subject being discussed.


This filler fills a pause in the conversation and is used to express agreement with the person with
whom you are speaking.

It can be used in place of the words, yeah or you’re right.

Advanced Spoken
Class 23
To be honest

When it is uncomfortable for you to answer a question, or you simply don’t want to, this is a great
expression to use.

For example: (in answer to the question in #5): To be honest, not as much as I made at my previous

You know

This is a true filler word. It has no meaning, but is very often used by native speakers.


This word is used to tell the person with whom you are speaking that you are listening or that you
agree with him. It is also used in place of “yes,” and is more forceful than the word “yes.”


The last filler word on our list is often used during a long conversation or presentation in order to
create a pause so the speaker can organize or gather his thoughts.

Of course, excessive use of these words will make the listener feel a bit uncomfortable, and most
likely you will be asked to clarify what you said. They can, however, be used sparingly, as they can
aid you in speaking and keeping a conversation running smoothly.

Advanced Spoken
Class 23

Rescind contract -
Rescue operation -
Residential facilities -
Resist free -
Resist injustice -
Resort to terrorism -
Restore politicalenvironment -
Restoring law and order -
Restoring pastglory -
Retain power -
Revenue collection -
Revolutionary steps - ­
Rich tributes -
Rigid principle -
Rigorous imprisonment -
Riot police -
River bank protection embankment -
River pirate -
Road mishap -
Root out -
Rough weather -
Rule of law -
Ruling party -
Ruthless to terror -
Respectful to teachers
Rich in knowledge
Report the news to the police
Reach a compromise
Reach in time
Remain open
Remain unaffordable
Romaine unaffordable

Advanced Spoken

Class 23

Social security –
Social system –
Slowdown financial progress –
Spell out of plan
Safety campaign
Ship breaking yard
Scary moment
Staged and come back
Stunning shots
Slick attack/hit
Sensational start
Stunning style
Star studded
Struggle to reach semifinal
Sympathy and support
Seek operation
Snatch away
Some night
Swoop on
Shallow machine
Same night
Strangle condemn
Seek police protection
Safe transits route
Smuggle into
Siberian reign
Severe cold
Shining minister
Safe transit route -
Safety campaign -
Salvation of the departed soul -
Schedule date -
School premise -
Search for alternative market -
Seasoned politician -
Advanced Spoken
Class 23

Secret killing -
Secret organ -
Sectarian group -
Sectarian violence -
Seductive offer -
Seek police protection -
Semblance of democratic value -
Semi-autonomousregion -
Sentenced to death -
Separatist rebel -
Severe cold -
Sewerage water -
Sex abuse -
Sharp weapons -
Shed blood -
Shipping minister -
Shot dead -
Showing ground of illness -
Shun politics of hartal and killing -
Slanderous statement -
Sleight of words -
Slum-dweller –
Smooth atmosphere -
Smooth delivery of justice -
Smooth handover of power -
Snatch victory -
Soaring price -
Social campaign -
Social custom -
Social menace-
Social mobilization-
Social norm-
Social rituals-
Sound atmosphere-
South wind-

Advanced Spoken
Class 23

Sovereign state-
Speaking ill of someone-
Special drive-
Spirit of liberation-
Spoiled boy -
Spray bullet -
Spurious drug -
Stabbed to death -
Stable peace -
Stage demonstration -
Stamp out violence -
Standing ovation -
Star studded party -
Start aid effort -
Start mass contact -
State banking department -
State Minister -
State Minister for Home -
State side solicitor -
State television -
Stat-controlled TV -
Stick to earlier stance -
Stiff competition -
Storing capacity -
Stranded Bangladeshi -
Strategic policy -
Stringent enforcement of law -
Strongly condemn -
Structural criticism -
Struggle to reach final -

Struggle to stay alive -

Submit charge sheet -
Submit memoranda -
Substantial progress -
Substitute player -
Advanced Spoken
Class 23

Sudden capture of power -
Sultry weather -
Supervise centrally -
Supreme court -
Supreme decision maker -
Sustain heritage -
Sustainable development and growth -
Symptomatic treatment -
Stringent enforcement of
Spurring drug
State minister for home
Shot dead
Sailor by profession
Step injury
Sharp weapons
Stream action
Submission of time petition
Stay abroad
Show ground of illness
State side
Settlement officer
Seduce young man
Spoiled boy
Several consequences
Supreme sacrifice -
Smooth delivery of justice
Sell out
Sudden capture of power
Snatch victory
Spirit of libration
Strategy to motivate the voters
Satisfied at my work
Satisfied with little food
So much alluring

Advanced Spoken
Class 23

Terrorist active
Threat to kill
Transport worker
To bring situation under control
Take action
Turn into liquor shop
Throughout the country
To meet demand
To pay the fixed amount
The following day
Take control
Till Friday
The accused
Till the time of writing this report
Terrestrial broadcasting
Torce profession
Thugh law
Take port
Terminate official
Terrorist state
Taking hunger strike
Tarnish image
Tribal voters
Troubled areas
Tarnish country’s image
Take into account
Traffic gridlock
Top level
Two storied building
Tripe inside
Tragic road accident
Technical failure
Tame draw
Tear away
Throwing a match

Advanced Spoken
Class 23

Turn out
Tense moment
The existing law / situation –
The arrested person / thief –
The root of democracy / money / ignorance –
The standard of living / education / work –
The movement of political parties / students-
The method of learning / writing / teaching –
The pressure of the parties / developed countries / government –

The charge brought against him –

The utility of family planning / law / money –
The success of results / production / population control –

The future of English language / a child –

The shortage of food / water / fertilizer –
The performance of his work / players –
Thousands of programs / trees / wounded people –

The demand of time / workers / opposition parties –

The season of crops / winter / summer –

The activities of organization / police –
The recreation of the children / foreigners –
The choice of career /job / subject –
The interest of the country / democracy / foreign investors –

The source of evidence / money / assets –

The sign of unity / independence /development –
The ideal of nationality / political parties –
The rule of driving / power / party –
The destruction of forest / production / industry –
The rights of a woman / a worker / a citizen –
The lack of food / knowledge / experience –
The way of solution / writing / earning –

Advanced Spoken

Class 23

The price of commodities / paper –
The laws of the country / party / organization –
The number of people / institution / books –
The period of childhood / election –
The manager of my office
The owner of Pepsi company
Truthful in words and deeds
Through repeated cultivation
The charming moonlit night of that day
The president of the party
To protect the freedom of motherland
The flood affected people
The wounded man
The sufferings of a sad man
Think over the problems of the poor
Talk nonsense
Thank him for help
Turn the corner of the page
This pen will do
Take bribe -
Take into account -
Take place-
Take shelter -
Take stern action -
Take stringent action -
Taliban regime -
Tarnish image -
Technical failure -
Telecommunication Minister -
Tense situation -
Tenure of current parliament -
Terminate officials -
Terrible situation -
Territorial integrity and sovereignty -
Terror prone area -
Terror stricken -
Advanced Spoken
Class 23

Terrorist state -
Three services -
Thwart conspiracy -
Tidal wave -
Toll collection -
Toll money -
Torch procession -
Torrential rain -
Torture, repression and harassment -
Tough restrictions -
Trade fair -
Trade imbalance -
Traffic gridlock -
Trap inside -
Tribal voter -
Trifling/trivial matter -
Tropical monsoon climate -
Troubled areas -
To pose a serious threat

Advanced Spoken
Class 23

Unknown reason
Unnatural death
Undergo police interrogation
Under questioning
Unconscious state
Under open sky
Unidentified miscreants
Under process
Untold misery
Upcoming poll
Urgent inquiry
Upholding democracy
Undemocratic and revengeful
Under such a situation
Undergo treatment
Uphill task
Unilateral and unexpected
Unleashed a blistering drive
Upward trend
Unscrupulous traders
Under take compressive measure
Under supervision
Unplanned family
Unfair means
Undaunted courage
Unflinching determination
Unhygienic environment –
Under some conditions –
Unprincipled men
Unauthorized eviction -
Unconditional ceasefire -
Unconscious stat -
Undaunted courage -
Underprivileged children -
Under process -

Advanced Spoken
Class 23

Under questioning -
Undergo treatment -
Unflinching determination -
Unidentified miscreants -
Unilateral operation -
Unknown assailants -
Unplanned family -
Unprecedented incident -
Unruly behavior -
Unscrupulous trader -
Untold misery -
Unveil plaque -
Upcoming poll -
Uphold democracy -
Uphold image -
Urgent inquiry -
US-led forces -
Unfortunate events
Vast expansion of information-
Vivid imagination –
Valuable goods
Valid papers
Veteran gamblers
Various points
Various criminal
Violet randomly
Vested property act
Vote rigging
Violation of constitution
Vehement eroticism
Vital repair work
Viable way
Viral diseases
Veterary doctors

Advanced Spoken
Class 23

Vacant post
Victory day
Very amiable in behavior
Very angry with me
Very careful with every work
Very eager for household works
Very lavish in expenditure
Value punctuality
Vacant post -
Valiant attempt -
Vehement criticism -
Verbal reprimand -
Veteran politician -
Violation of constitution -
Violation of human rights -
Violation of law -
Violence prone area -
Violent act -
Violent wind -
Violent-earthquake -
Viral disease -
Vote rigging -
Voter turnout -
Vaulting ambition
Worsening economic –
Wearing musk
With the help
Wanted criminal
Without any restrain
Without caring
With blessing
Without paying tolls
Well to- do

Advanced Spoken
Class 23

Wounded state
Western zone
With draw
Wayside meeting
Workout program
Worst road accident
Were rusted to
Welfare trust
Within a short time
Whole complexion
Well placed
Wide in open net
Warm up tournament
Wheat procumbent drive
Work to cultivate
Water hyacinth
Worn out
Was held
Worse situation
Widespread support
Wholehearted cooperation
Without further delay
War has been trust
World’s largest democracy
Work closely


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