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GTS Prospectus (Modified May 31, 2021) | 1

Table of Contents
VISION & MISSION .......................................................................................................................................... 3
PROGRAMS OFFERED .................................................................................................................................... 3
BIBLICAL AND THEOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS YEAR ..................................................................................... 5
CERTIFICATE IN EXPOSITORY PREACHING ..................................................................................................... 6
CERTIFICATE IN BIBLICAL AND THEOLOGICAL STUDIES .............................................................................. 8
CERTIFICATE IN BIBLICAL COUNSELING ........................................................................................................ 9
M.A. IN GLOBAL CHURCH PLANTING & PASTORAL MINISTRY .................................................................. 11
MASTER OF ARTS (M.A.) IN BIBLICAL & THEOLOGICAL STUDIES ............................................................. 13
MASTER OF DIVINITY (M.DIV.) ..................................................................................................................... 14
RESIDENCY IN GLOBAL CHURCH PLANTING ................................................................................................ 16
FACULTY ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
REGULAR FACULTY ......................................................................................................................................... 17
VISITING FACULTY .......................................................................................................................................... 18
ADJUNCT FACULTY ......................................................................................................................................... 18
AFFILIATIONS AND ACCREDITATION................................................................................................... 19
ACADEMIC POLICIES ................................................................................................................................... 20
ADMISSIONS..................................................................................................................................................... 20
TUITION FEES .................................................................................................................................................. 22
SCHOLARSHIPS & FINANCIAL AID ................................................................................................................. 26
BOOKS & LIBRARY .......................................................................................................................................... 27
COMMUNICATIONS.......................................................................................................................................... 29
KEY ACADEMIC CALENDAR DATES ....................................................................................................... 30
APPENDIX 1: STATEMENT OF FAITH ...................................................................................................... 31
APPENDIX 2: FULL COURSE OFFERING ................................................................................................ 37

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Vision & Mission
The Mission of the Seminary
Gulf Theological Seminary equips pastors, church planters, and lay leaders to multiply
faithful churches in the Middle East, South Asia, East Asia, and Africa.

The Vision of the Seminary

We aim to see communities throughout our region transformed by the gospel of Jesus
Christ working through faithful, biblical, and missional churches to make disciples of all
nations. So, working together with existing faithful churches, we aim to shape men whose
godly character, grasp of God’s word, and ministry ability qualify them to plant and pastor
such churches, and to shape men and women with the Biblical and theological knowledge
to multiple disciples in all areas of church ministry.

Programs Offered
GTS offers a variety of programs to serve students with differing ministry goals and levels
of preparedness. Read the descriptions below to discern which path is right for you.

Introductory Program (1 Year)

Biblical and Theological Foundations 7/9 credits

Certificate Programs (2-3 Years)

Certificate in Expository Preaching 36 credits
Certificate in Biblical & Theological Studies 36 credits
Certificate in Biblical Counseling 36 credits

Graduate Programs (3-4 Years)

Master of Arts (M.A.) in Global Church Planting & Pastoral 62 credits

Master of Arts (M.A.) in Biblical & Theological Studies 60 credits

Master of Divinity (M.Div.) in Global Church Ministry 90 credits

Advanced Program (1 Year)

Residency in Global Church Planting

GTS Prospectus (Modified May 31, 2021) | 3

Whatever your ministry goal – church planter, pastor, lay elder, ministry leader, or more –
GTS can help direct you to the right program that will suit your situation and equip you
for the work God has called you to.

Characteristics of All Programs

World-Class, Local Context
GTS’s innovative approach to theological education is comparable to the best seminaries in
content and quality but is designed for the specific needs of working pastors, church or
parachurch staffers, and marketplace professionals in our region. Our core program trains
pastors and church planters; we also have programs available to serve a variety of other
vocational goals.

GTS is founded by and under the authority of a local church, Redeemer Church of Dubai.
GTS is not a place where students can come to get away from the local church or fill their
heads with knowledge apart from ministry application. GTS offers church-dependent
pastoral education that emphasizes mentoring, world-class academics, and cutting-edge
internship/apprenticeship programs in partnership with local churches, from instructors
with both expertise in their field and experience serving the church.
GTS takes seriously its urban context, and training is specifically tailored for the needs
and schedules of students here. We weave into every subject the contextual challenges of
this area, including living as a faithful Christian minority, responding to other religions and
teachings, and ministering in a multi-cultural arena.

Equipping for Primary Ministry

There are two basic approaches to ministry training. The more common approach trains
for derivative ministry, where students are given content to memorize and reproduce. The
result is dependence on the trainer’s content and context. The better way is to train for
primary ministry, where students develop the tools to accurately interpret any ministry
context and then exegetically develop a healthy ministry in that context. Training for
derivative ministry is shorter and easier. But, at a level appropriate to each program and
student, GTS aims for primary ministry, believing that the additional investment yields
exponential fruitfulness by equipping students for faithful church ministry in a diversity of

Integrated Curriculum
The GTS curriculum is designed to keep pushing every student to make progress, always
challenging them to go farther than they have been before in their understanding,
maturity, and ministry skill. The schedule and sequence of the program are carefully
designed to maximize both the flexibility of our curriculum and the ongoing development
of each student.

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Biblical and Theological Foundations Year
Begin Your Seminary Training
GTS’ Biblical and Theological Foundations Year is a Bible Institute level program that
takes you to a deeper level of theological training than most Bible studies or church
classes, but in a way that is more accessible than most seminary courses.

By itself, Foundations Year is a self-contained program that will overview every book of
the Old and New Testaments, teach how to study the Bible (hermeneutics), introduce
Systematic Theology, and offer practical sessions to clarify your vision for the Christian
life and ministry within the church.

If you want to spend one year going deeper and being equipped for ministry, Foundations
Year is the right choice. If you are interested in continuing further into ministry training,
Foundations Year is also the starting point for all more advanced GTS programs of study.

Foundations Year courses meet one evening per week (3 hours) from September through
May. A limited number of readings and assignments will require an additional
commitment of 1-3 hours per week.

Included Courses
Course Name Course No. Credits
Survey of the Old Testament F401-2 2|3
Survey of the New Testament F411-12 2|3
Biblical Hermeneutics F501 1
Survey of Christian Theology F512 1
The Christian Life and Mission F511 1
Total 7|9

Advanced Option
The standard version of Biblical and Theological Foundations Year is for a total of 7
credits. Students can opt to complete additional assignments to bring the total up to 9

What’s Next
Having completed the Biblical and Theological Foundations Year, students who desire to
continue their study can apply these credits toward one of our Certificate programs in
Biblical Exegesis and Preaching, Biblical and Theological Studies, or Biblical Counseling.

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What are “credits?”
Academic credit hours, also referred to as “credits” or “units,” serve as a recognition for
having completed the requirements for a seminary course. At GTS, each course is worth
a certain number of credits and different courses can be compared accordingly.
To correspond to international standards for graduate study, GTS uses the US Credit
system and the credits mentioned in this prospectus corresponds to that. We are also in
the process of aligning our courses with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
in line with guidelines of European Council of Theological Education.
The workload will be an estimation of the time the individual typically needs to complete
all learning activities such as lectures, seminars, projects, practical work, work
placements, and individual study required to achieve the defined learning outcomes in
their formal learning environments. Course credits may also be assigned to practical
work and other activities associated with ministry and character formation.

Certificate in Expository Preaching

Preach the Word!
Essential to building biblical churches in this region is the raising up of biblical preachers.
The expository (expositional) method of preaching is based on the recognition that where
Scripture speaks, God speaks. The authority in the sermon comes not from us as
preachers, but from God as communicated in the text by the biblical authors. Therefore,
the task of the preacher is to study and understand God’s intended meaning in a passage,
and to clearly teach God’s people what it means, and to exhort them to respond.

GTS’s Certificate in Expository Preaching is aimed at equipping you to prepare and

preach such expository sermons. You’ll do this by building a foundational understanding
of the Bible and Theology and being trained in how to study the Bible. You will be
provided with the best possible exegetical tools, including the GTS Accordance Bible
Software, and trained in how to use these tools to do an original-language study of the
Biblical texts. Once you’re able to study and understand texts for yourself, you’ll be
trained in how to move from understanding a text to communicating it, with courses in
how to design sermons and how to deliver them with passion, clarity, and fruitful effect.

There are plenty of places you can go for a day’s training and come away with a few
general public speaking tips. This is not that. Rather, it is a 2-3 year course of rigorous
study at the graduate level that will provide you with all of the needed tools to become an
effective and faithful minister of the Word of God.

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The Certificate in Expository Preaching begins with the Biblical and Theological
Foundations Year (see description above).
For the second year, the core exegesis and preaching module (EP501, EP502) meets one
evening per week (3 hours) with an increased level of assignments that will require
another 4-6 hours per week of study.
The program includes six semesters of flexible ministry internship, which is a pathway to
add structured mentoring and gain seminary credit for the church ministry you may
already be doing.
You will have the option to add additional intensive and ongoing courses to this schedule.
Taking more courses in a year will increase your time commitment and workload but
decrease the time it takes to complete the program. So, there is flexibility according to
your available time commitment.

Included Courses
Course Name Course No. Credits
Survey of the Old Testament F401-2 3
Survey of the New Testament F411-12 3
Yr 1

Biblical Hermeneutics F501 1

Survey of Christian Theology F512 1
The Christian Life and Mission F511 1
Introducing New Testament EP501 3
Yr 2

Expository Preaching EP502 3
Old Testament Exegesis and EP601 3
Flex Yr 2-3

Bible Exposition and Exegesis BIB*** 6

Systematic or Historical THL*** 6
Theology Electives
Church Ministry Internships MIN*9* 6
Total 36

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Certificate in Biblical and Theological Studies
Dig Deeper
An overseer in the church, Paul writes, “must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught,
so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who
contradict it” (Titus 1:9). The GTS Certificate in Biblical and Theological Studies seeks to
teach you to know the trustworthy word better, so that you can teach others, so that you
can refute error, and so that you and those to whom you minister can stand firm in the
In this program, you’ll have the opportunity to spend time in all of the different parts of
the Bible, digging deep and exploring the various genres of God’s Revelation. With
courses in Systematic Theology, you’ll be able to synthesize your study of various parts of
Scripture and see how doctrines develop and are applied to our lives and ministries. You’ll
also learn how to study the Bible for yourself, to equip you for a lifetime of learning.

The program begins with the Biblical and Theological Foundations Year (see description
Beyond the first year, you will have the opportunity to proceed at your own pace by
signing up for ongoing semester courses or occasional intensive courses.
The program includes three semesters of flexible ministry internship, which is a pathway
to add structured mentoring and gain seminary credit for the church ministry you may
already be doing.

Included Courses
Course Name Course No. Credits
Survey of the Old Testament F401-2 3
Survey of the New Testament F411-12 3
Yr 1

Biblical Hermeneutics F501 1

Survey of Christian Theology F512 1
The Christian Life and Mission F511 1
Introducing New Testament EP501 3
Bible Exposition and Exegesis BIB*** 9
Flex Yr 2-3

Systematic Theology I ST501 2

Systematic Theology II ST601 2
Systematic Theology III ST701 2
Open Elective (any course) * 6
Church Ministry Internships MIN*9* 3
Total 36

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Certificate in Biblical Counseling
Caring for One Another in the Body of Christ
All believers are called to the ministry of bearing one another’s burdens and encouraging
and exhorting one another from God’s word. GTS’s two-year certificate in Biblical
Counseling is designed to equip you to carry out this one-on-one ministry more faithfully
and more confidently.
In order for our Biblical Counseling to be Biblical, it needs to rest on a strong
understanding of what the Bible says and how it should be interpreted and applied to
people’s lives. So, the counseling program begins with GTS’s Biblical and Theological
Foundations courses. From there, the second year of the program applies this foundation
with a series of specialized courses in the area of Biblical Counseling. Designed and taught
by international leaders in the Biblical Counseling movement together with local
practitioners here in Dubai, these courses are carefully chosen to lead you from the basics
of counseling, equip you to deal with the most common counseling issues, and then into
addressing more specific and advanced counseling problems.

The program begins with the Biblical and Theological Foundations Year (see description
For the second year, the counseling courses will involve more outside experts and so are
offered in a modular format through five teaching weekends throughout the year, with
readings and assignments in between.
The core counseling classes will equip you in the following areas:
• Introduction to Biblical Counseling • Biblical Marriage
• Theology of Biblical Counseling • Roles in Marriage
• Progressive Sanctification • Parenting
• The Doctrine of Spiritual Growth • Forgiveness and Confession
• Key Elements in Counseling • Conflict Resolution
• Sex in Marriage • Fear and Worry
• Comparison of Counseling Models • Trials and Suffering
• Depression • Anger
• Medical Issues and Biblical • Sexual Sin
Counseling • Counseling Observation
• Medication and Biblical Counseling
• Qualifications of a Biblical Counselor

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Included Courses
Course Name Course No. Credits
Survey of the Old Testament F401-2 3
Survey of the New Testament F411-12 3
Yr 1

Biblical Hermeneutics F501 1

Survey of Christian Theology F512 1
The Christian Life and Mission F511 1
Introduction to and Theology of BC501 3
Biblical Counseling
Methodology of Biblical BC611 3
Yr 2

Marriage & Family Counseling BC612 3
Common Counseling Issues BC613 3
Bible Exposition and Exegesis BIB*** 6
Flex Yr 2-3

Systematic or Historical THL*** 6
Theology Electives
Counseling Practicum BC701 3
Total 36

What’s Next?
Having completed one of GTS’s Certificate Programs, students who desire to further their
study can use their accumulated credits toward one of GTS’s Master of Arts (M.A.)
programs in Global Church Planting and Pastoral Ministry (62 credits), or in Biblical and
Theological Studies (60 credits). Or another option would be to transfer the accumulated
credits to a different seminary (see below, Affiliations and Accreditation section) and use
them toward an advanced degree such as an M.Div. or Th.M.

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M.A. in Global Church Planting & Pastoral Ministry
Go and Make Disciples of All Nations
Jesus’ commission to make disciples of all nations (Mat 28:19) cannot be separated from
his promise, “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”
(16:18). With this conviction, GTS seeks to raise up missional church planters and pastors
who will lead churches in carrying out the Great Commission among the least-reached.

As mentioned above, there are two basic approaches to ministry training. In our part of the
world, the more common approach trains for derivative ministry, where students are given
content to memorize and reproduce. The result is dependence on the trainer’s content and
context. The better way is to train for primary ministry, where students develop the tools
to accurately interpret any ministry context and then exegetically develop a healthy
ministry in that context. Training for derivative ministry is shorter and easier. But we train
for primary ministry, believing that the additional investment yields exponential
fruitfulness by equipping students for faithful church ministry in a diversity of contexts.

The result is a rigorous course of study that takes no shortcuts in training you to be a
diligent interpreter of Scripture, a faithful preacher, a knowledgeable theologian, a caring
pastor, and a zealous leader. You’ll understand how to build ministries that are deeply
biblical, because they are founded in the exegesis of God’s Word. And while many
seminaries teach a lot of principles that worked for churches in contexts far removed from
life and ministry in the UAE, at GTS, you’ll learn how to analyze a ministry context and
build a church there from those who have done it right here in the MENASA region. That
practical, local, contextual focus is combined with the global perspective brought by
visiting scholars recognized as leading experts in their fields.

GTS is not a stand-alone academic institution but is integrally tied to the local church and
exists for the local church. Being equipped for church ministry isn’t only about what is
learned in the classroom, but also involves increasing personal maturity and gaining
experience teaching and leading in ministries. A strong internship component in the
program ensures that you’ll have the opportunity to be mentored and then applying your
learning in a local church context, and we are willing to work with various local churches
to tailor this closely to ministries you may already be engaged in.

While the first year of the program has a set weekly schedule (see Foundations Year
description above), the remainder is somewhat self-paced, as you will have the opportunity
to choose the number of courses each semester that best fits your schedule and ministry
goals for completion.

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Included Courses
Course Name Course No. Credits
Survey of the Old Testament F401-2 3
Survey of the New Testament F411-12 3
Yr 1

Biblical Hermeneutics F501 1

Survey of Christian Theology F512 1
The Christian Life and Mission F511 1
Introducing New Testament EP501 3
Yr 2

Expository Preaching EP502 3
Old Testament Exegesis and EP601 3
Bible Exposition and Exegesis BIB*** 12
Systematic Theology I ST501 2
Systematic Theology II ST601 2
Systematic Theology III ST701 2
Historical Theology Electives THL*** 2
Evangelism and Discipleship MIS500 2
Flex Yr 2-3

Missiology: Biblical, Systematic, MIS600 2

and Practical
Global Church Planting MIS700 2
Ministry Call and Assessment MIN731 1
Introduction to Pastoral MIN600 2
Global Church Leadership MIN700 2
Introduction to and Theology of BC501 2
Biblical Counseling
Open Electives (any course) * 4
Church Ministry Internships MIN*9* 7
Total 62

After completing the Foundations Year, you must go through a separate application
process to be admitted to the M.A. program.
As a graduate program, a bachelor’s degree in any subject is a requirement for admission.
Furthermore, it is necessary for students to demonstrate during their time in the
Foundations Year the ability to write clearly in their own words in English, to follow
instructions on assignment formatting and submission, and to submit assignments
consistently on time. A recommendation from the student’s church is also necessary.
As a Pastoral Degree, the M.A. in Global Church Planting and Pastoral Ministry is limited
to men.

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Master of Arts (M.A.) in Biblical & Theological Studies
Equipped for Every Good Work
“All Scripture,” the Apostle Paul writes, “is breathed out by God and profitable for
teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God
may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim 3:16-17).

There are many different “good works” the Lord may be calling you to: church leadership,
missions, campus ministry, women’s ministry, student ministry, writing ministry, or many
others. No matter which of these is on your heart, Scripture is sufficient to accomplish all
the Lord desires to do through you. Therefore, a vital part of you being equipped for this
work is deepening your knowledge of Scripture, your handling of Scripture, and your
theological clarity based on Scripture. This is the goal of GTS’s M.A. in Biblical and
Theological Studies.

While the first year of the program has a set weekly schedule (see Foundations Year
description above), the remainder is self-paced, as you will have the opportunity to choose
the number of courses each semester that best fits your schedule and ministry goals for

Included Courses
Course Name Course No. Credits
Survey of the Old Testament F401-2 3
Survey of the New Testament F411-12 3
Yr 1

Biblical Hermeneutics F501 1

Survey of Christian Theology F512 1
The Christian Life and Mission F511 1
Introducing New Testament EP501 3
Bible Exposition and Exegesis BIB*** 22
Flex Yr 2-3

Systematic Theology I ST501 2

Systematic Theology II ST601 2
Systematic Theology III ST701 2
Historical Theology Electives THL*** 4
Open Electives (any course or * 16
Total 60

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After completing the Foundations Year, you must go through a separate application
process to be admitted to the M.A. program.
As a graduate program, a bachelor’s degree in any subject is a requirement for admission.
Furthermore, it is necessary for students to demonstrate during their time in the
Foundations Year the ability to write clearly in their own words in English, to follow
instructions on assignment formatting and submission, and to submit assignments
consistently on time. A recommendation from the student’s church is also necessary.
The M.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies is the right preparation for a variety of
ministry goals, and as such, welcomes both men and women to apply.

Master of Divinity (M.Div.)

Rightly Handling the Word of Truth
For many decades, across many denominations, the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) has been
considered the standard program for the preparation of pastors. The M.Div.’s substantial
increase in academic credits as compared to an M.A. program allows students to dig
deeper and be more thoroughly prepared to teach and lead in the church. A distinctive of
the M.Div. program in comparison with the M.A. is a focus on Greek and Hebrew,
Scripture’s original languages, to allow for primary ministry with increased depth and

Like GTS’s other programs, our M.Div. strives for courses with quality on par with the
best seminaries in the world, but different from other seminaries in our courses’ unique
contextual focus on ministry through the church in Arabia and the Middle East, Africa,
and Asia. The hope: “to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no
need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Tim 2:15).

While most GTS programs are designed to be completed on a part-time basis alongside
regular employment and ministry, completing the M.Div. in a reasonable timeframe will
require most students to be in a position to devote a larger percentage of their time to

Included Courses
Course Name Course No. Credits
Survey of the Old Testament F501-2 6
Survey of the New Testament F511-12 6
Year 1

Biblical Hermeneutics F501 3

Survey of Christian Theology F512 1
The Christian Life and Mission F511 1
Written Communication O501 2

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Elementary Greek EP500 2
Introducing New Testament EP501 3
Expository Preaching EP502 3
Elementary Hebrew EP600 2
Old Testament Exegesis and EP601 3
Bible Exposition and Exegesis BIB*** 10
Systematic Theology I ST501 3
Systematic Theology II ST601 3
Systematic Theology III ST701 3
History of the Western Church HT501 3
Flex Yr 2-3

History of the Eastern Church HT601 3

Christian Apologetics ST631 3
Evangelism and Discipleship MIS500 3
Missiology: Biblical, Systematic, MIS600 3
and Practical
Global Church Planting MIS700 2
Ministry Call and Assessment MIN731 1
Introduction to Pastoral Ministry MIN600 3
Global Church Leadership MIN700 2
Introduction to and Theology of BC501 3
Biblical Counseling
Understanding and Living the MIN500 2
Open Electives (any course) * 4
Church Ministry Internships MIN*9* 7
Total 90

After completing the Foundations Year, you must go through a separate application
process to be admitted to the M.Div. program.
As a graduate program, a bachelor’s degree in any subject is a requirement for admission.
Furthermore, it is necessary for students to demonstrate during their time in the
Foundations Year the ability to write clearly in their own words in English, to follow
instructions on assignment formatting and submission, and to submit assignments
consistently on time. A recommendation from the student’s church is also necessary.
As a Pastoral Degree, the M.Div. is limited to men.

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Residency in Global Church Planting
As the Father has Sent Me, even so I am Sending You!
The Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia (MENASA), contains the least-reached
parts of the world. GTS’s desire is to see church planters who are building healthy
churches and proclaiming the gospel multiply throughout our region.

The Residency in Global Church Planting and Pastoral Ministry is designed for those
aspiring to plant churches in the UAE or elsewhere in our region, who have previously
received graduate theological education in a different context, and desire to receive
additional experience, mentoring, and context-specific training located in and designed for
this specific region.

The program is designed to be able to complete in one year, though this timeline could be
adapted for different situations.

Included Courses
Course Name Course No. Credits
Ministry Call and Assessment MIN731 1
Missiology: Biblical, Systematic, MIS600 2
and Practical
Introduction to Pastoral Ministry MIN600 2
Global Church Planting MIS700 2
Global Church Leadership MIN700 2
Field Ministry (lab) MIN*9* 8
Open Electives (any course) * 4
Total 21

Admission to the Residency in Global Church Planting requires a master’s degree or
higher from a recognized theological seminary. It is further necessary for applicants to
demonstrate proficiency in Bible and Theology by passing the GTS Biblical and
Theological Knowledge exam, and to demonstrate proficiency in exegesis and expositional
preaching by submitting an exegetical paper and recordings of expositional sermons
preached. The application process will also include a series of personal interviews. As a
program for Church Planters / Pastors, the Residency in Global Church Planting is limited
to men.

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Regular Faculty
The core of our program is taught by our residential faculty, who combine their academic
training and church ministry experience with contextual knowledge that comes from
living, studying, and serving in church ministry here in the UAE. The residential faculty
value the opportunity to know and mentor students, and to see them develop during the
years spent in the program.

Dr. Eric Zeller

President | Professor of Biblical Studies
As president, Dr. Zeller provides overall leadership to the seminary and our faculty/staff
team. As a faculty member, “Dr. Z.” teaches courses in Bible, hermeneutics, pastoral
ministry, and mission. He also serves as an Elder at Redeemer Church of Dubai. Dr.
Zeller holds degrees from The Master’s College (B.A., Biblical Languages), The Master’s
Seminary (M.Div.), and Dallas Theological Seminary (Ph.D., Biblical Exposition). Before
moving to Dubai in 2015, Dr. Zeller led a seminary program in Delhi, India. Previously,
he served for nine years as a pastor in Texas, USA, and preached and taught seminary
courses throughout the US and in several countries. He has been married to Heather for
twenty years, and they have five children.

Dr. T. J. Smith
Dean of Students | Associate Professor of Ministry and Mission
Dr. Smith oversees our Foundations Year course, and teaches other courses in Bible,
ministry, and mission. As Dean of Students, Dr. Smith oversees student care, extra-
curricular programs, spiritual formation, internships, and ministry readiness. Dr. Smith
has earned his M.Div. from The Master’s Seminary, and Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.)
from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Before coming to GTS, Dr. Smith lived
in North India for 13 years, where he was involved in church planting and theological
education. More recently he has served as an instructor at The Master's University. He is
married to Karen, and they have four children.

Dr. Adam Brown

Chair of Biblical Studies | Professor of Old Testament Studies
As department chair, Dr. Brown oversees our curriculum and courses in the area of
Biblical Studies. He holds multiple degrees (M.T.S., M.A., Ph.D.) from McMaster
Divinity College in his native Canada, with a focus on Old Testament history and
interpretation. Before coming to GTS, Dr. Brown was the Lead Pastor of Southshore
Bible Church in Ontario, and has also served as a lecturer and adjunct faculty member at
several seminaries in Canada. Dr. Brown is married to Angie, and they have one daughter.

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Dr. Jennifer Kintner
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs | Director of Women’s Ministry Training (appointed)
Dr. Kintner holds a B.A. Biblical Exposition and M.A. Biblical Counseling, both from The
Master’s University, and the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) from the Southern Baptist
Theological Seminary. At GTS, Dr. Kintner will oversee and teach courses and degree
programs specific to the needs of women in this region, seeking to equip them for a variety
of ministries within the church. She will also lead areas of our academic administration in a
way that advances the overall mission of the seminary. Previously, Dr. Kintner has served
as Dean of Women at The Master’s University, and as a staff member at the Ethics and
Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention. Her writing
has been published by the ERLC and The Gospel Coalition.

Visiting Faculty
Visiting scholars add quality and depth to GTS programs with their world-class
experience and specific areas of expertise. GTS already has been blessed to host some of
the leading evangelical scholars in the world, and we look forward to these and other
excellent teachers continuing to benefit our students on a regular basis.

GTS’s past visiting scholars have included:

• Dr. Joel Beeke • Dr. Gary Millar
• Dr. Todd Bolen • Dr. Andy Naselli
• Dr. D. A. Carson • Dr. Deepak Reju
• Dr. Mark Dever • Dr. Tom Schreiner
• Dr. Mike Fabarez • Dr. Stephen Wellum
• Dr. Benjamin Gladd • Dr. Bruce Ware
• Dr. David Gundersen • Dr. Michael Reeves
• Dr. Jonathan Leeman • Dr. Ligon Duncan

Adjunct Faculty
Adjunct faculty are not full-time GTS faculty, but are qualified and skilled instructors who
regularly teach a limited number of GTS courses in addition to their other ministry

Dr. Aubrey Sequeira (M.Div., Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary), is
Senior Pastor at Evangelical Community Church of Abu Dhabi.

Pastor Dave Furman (Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary) is Board Chairman of GTS
and Senior Pastor of Redeemer Church of Dubai.

Pastor Morgan Renew (M.Div., Ph.D. Cand., Australian College of Theology) is a pastor
at Redeemer Church of Dubai.

GTS Prospectus (Modified May 31, 2021) | 18

Dr. Mark Awabdy (M.Div. Grand Rapids Theological Seminary, Ph.D. Asbury
Theological Seminary) is a writer and lecturer at various seminaries in this region.

Prof. John Bachan (M.Div., Gulf Theological Seminary) is Director of Accreditation and
Quality Assurance at GTS, and an elder of Redeemer Church of Dubai.

Prof. Josh Smith (MABC Trinity Theological Seminary) is Director of Sure Oaks
Counseling and Equipping (a ministry of Redeemer Church).

Dr. Scott Zeller (M.A. Dallas Theological Seminary; D.Min, The Southern Baptist
Theological Seminary) is Executive Pastor at Redeemer Church of Dubai.

Affiliations and Accreditation

European Council for Theological Education
The European Council for Theological Education (ECTE) is a quality assurance network
serving evangelical theological schools in Europe and beyond. GTS has been a member
school of ECTE since 2017 and is in the process of pursuing full accreditation through
ECTE. ECTE is an Affiliate Member of the European Evangelical Alliance (EEA), a
Charter Member of the International Council for Theological Education (ICETE), a Full
Member of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher
Education (INQAAHE) and an Affiliate of the European Association for Quality
Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) in Louisville, Kentucky, USA, led by
Dr. Albert Mohler, is the flagship seminary of the Southern Baptist Convention. In
recognition of the international quality and compatibility of GTS’s training, SBTS has
entered into an articulation agreement with GTS. This agreement allows those who have
earned course credit for certain classes at GTS the option to transfer that credit into
degree programs at SBTS and complete one of their many programs without having to re-
take classes completed at GTS. This transferability of credit has the potential to
significantly reduce the time and cost for students served by GTS to receive further
training at one of the leading seminaries in the world.

Acts 29
Acts 29 is a diverse, global family of church-planting churches. GTS informally partners
with Acts 29: Middle East as a church-planting training hub for this region.

GTS Prospectus (Modified May 31, 2021) | 19

Academic Policies

Admission Procedures
The seminary has a non-discriminatory (race, sex, nationality, education background)
admissions policy. We admit students to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities
at the seminary. All policies are equally applicable to all students, including educational
policies, applications for admission, scholarship, or any other student-related policies
except where specifically mentioned.
Applications for admission are reviewed for, and admission is granted into, specific
programs of study offered by the seminary, outlined above. Admission to one program
does not imply admission is being granted to another program of the seminary. There will
be another review and discussion, should the student wish to change their program, and if
necessary additional documents will be required of the student to submit.
Our Foundations Program is uniquely designed to give an outlook and an overview to
those who are interested in pursuing theological training (see description above).
Foundations Program is not a terminal program, but successful completion will earn the
student course credits towards our other programs. This being the most basic and entry-
level course, there will be flexibility in some of the criteria of academic qualifications for
pursuing the Foundations Program. However, if the students who are enrolled in this
program, so desire to extend their course to any of the certificate programs of GTS, they
will have to duly go through all the regular admission criteria and procedures.

Admission Requirements
Applicants to programs of the seminary are evaluated based on academic preparation and
potential for ministry. Application for admission should normally be made at least two
months prior to the date of enrollment. New students are admitted for an academic year,
which starts in August of each year. Applications can be submitted online at
The following materials will be required for the application:
• A completed online application form.
• Reference letter and contact details of the Pastor of the church where the applicant
is a member of, or from a good standing member of his congregation, stating his
role in the church and his influence in the student’s life.
• Contact info of another individual stating his relationship with the applicant.

GTS Prospectus (Modified May 31, 2021) | 20

• The application fees.1 A late application fee will be applied to students who are
applying beyond their due date.
• A statement of Christian faith (understanding of salvation, sanctification and future
• Personal testimony.
• A statement of reasons for wishing to pursue a particular program.
• Records of previous academic work.
• A recent photograph.
The seminary will review the application and weigh in all credentials, including the ones
that are expressed in the application form. The seminary may require a personal interview
with the applicant, an entrance exam, or an aptitude test to have any further evaluation of
the candidate.
Any admitted student who defers enrollment more than one year beyond the initial
entrance date must submit another completed application form, the application fee, and
other material that may be requested by the Academic Dean.
Upon acceptance to GTS, a non-refundable deposit is required, which will be credited
toward the student’s first-semester tuition.

Degree Requirements for Admissions

GTS recognizes bachelor's degrees, which are attested by the relevant U.A.E department
for attesting degrees in the country. Students who are pursuing a certificate program
should get the secondary education completion certificate attested by the relevant U.A.E
department and provide it at the time of application.
All attestation should be done prior to the application for the course. In the case of a
candidate who has given for attesting his degree/certificate, he should provide a copy of
the application process, which is done with the concerned department. Should there be a
failure of attestation subsequently, his/her candidature will be considered void for the
program and will not result in the awarding of any certificates from GTS.

Admission Date
Since the classes begin in August and the admission procedures need to be completed, and
all due arrangements are to be made; GTS will normally close all applications by the
second week of July. Subsequently, students may approach GTS administration for a late
application with a late application fee; admission is not guaranteed.

Refer to Course Fee of GTS for fee schedules and timelines.

GTS Prospectus (Modified May 31, 2021) | 21

Lateral Entry for Certificate Program(s)
Students who have an outstanding understanding of the Bible and Christian theology may
apply to enter the Certificate Program without going through the Foundation Program. All
such students will make their application as detailed above and as per the regular
timelines. They will be asked to sit for an entrance exam, where they are assessed for their
overall understanding. Students who thus enter, however, will not get any credits to begin
with and will go on to fulfill all the credit requirements for the particular program for
which they are entering, with elective courses in the place of the Foundations Course.
The goal of the entrance exam is to assess whether the student possesses sufficient overall
knowledge of hermeneutics, the Bible, and theology in order to opt out of a one-year
undergraduate-level survey of hermeneutics, OT, NT, and Systematic Theology. For Bible
questions, the student is expected to know the big picture of the Bible itself, and of the
primary books. There could be questions regarding certain key chapters and verses.
Students should know the key themes and the main message of every book. They should
understand how to read every book with a sufficient grasp of its genre, historical-
redemptive context. Basic knowledge of the cultural background of each book in the Bible
will be useful. Passages in each book that are most central to mission, ministry, and
theology will be the focus. For theology questions, students are expected to articulate
evangelical-reformed doctrines and their biblical basis. A basic understanding of the
terminology that is associated with these doctrines is expected.
The exam will be for 3 hours. No notes, helps, or Bibles will be allowed while taking the
exam. Students who secure a C grade and above will be considered for advanced standing
beyond the Foundations program.

In the current stage of its operation, GTS is not able to provide visas for students. We
expect that all students make their own arrangements for their legal stay. Students should
inform the Academic Dean if they are leaving the country and are not able to continue
with us and duly follow the course withdrawal policy2 of GTS.

Tuition Fees
Tuition fees from students are an integral part of our sustainable operations. This policy
will discuss various fees applicable for being part of the Gulf Theological Seminary as a
student. All fees mentioned here will be in Arab Emirate Dirhams (AED), and students
who are joining us from other regions via online are required to pay their fees to us with
the relevant conversion rates applied. Transaction fees will not be considered as part of our
fees and will be borne by the student. All refunds will be considered through the Refund
Policy of GTS.

Will be detailed in the Academic & Student policy section of Student Catalog of GTS

GTS Prospectus (Modified May 31, 2021) | 22

Admission Fee
All students who are registering with us as a student (either in Foundations program or
lateral entry to any of our Certificate programs) will be paying a non-refundable
application fee of AED 75 along with the online application form. The receipt of this
amount is important for us to be processing the student application, and failure to do so
will result in the rejection of the application. All sponsored students from their
churches/organizations will also make sure that their supporting agencies will pay these
fees. Any student who is applying later than the due date(August 1) of application will pay
a late registration fee of AED 150 and will not be eligible for any early registration benefits
offered by GTS.

Seat Reservation Deposit

All students who are securing admission will pay a deposit of AED 500, which will be used
to reserve seats for the academic year. This applies only for the first time of your
registration as a student with GTS. This amount will be considered as a part of their total
tuition fee, and the students will pay only the remaining amount of their total tuition fee.
This is particularly applied for students who are enrolling in our Foundations Program
and for those who are having a lateral entry to any of our Certificate programs.

Foundations Program Fee

All students who are enrolling for our Foundations program are to submit their application
forms as per GTS's admission policy along with the application fee mentioned above. Late
applications will incur a fee. The total tuition fee for Foundations Year is AED 4000. Early
registrations will benefit from the discount schedules mentioned below.

Certificate Program(s) Fee

All students who are enrolling for GTS certificate and master’s programs (Not
Foundations Program) pay their fees per course credit. Each course credit is charged at
AED 450. These students are either continuing from the Foundations Program or are
having a lateral entry to the Certificate Program.

Course Auditing Fee

All students who are taking courses for audit should be aware of GTS's auditing policy3
and will be charged at AED 350 per credit and not exceeding AED 700 for a single course.

Will be detailed in the Academic & Student Policy section of Student Catalog of GTS

GTS Prospectus (Modified May 31, 2021) | 23

GTS values the financial viability of the courses that we offer to our students, and
therefore our fees are already subsidized compared to other seminaries across the world.
We are able to offer some further discounts in special cases, as follows:
Item Regular Registrations Before Discounts Applied
Tuition Fee
Foundations Program 4000 June 1 AED 500
Foundations Program 4000 July 1 AED 250
Spouse Discount 25% on one of the
Spouse’s fees
Annual Fee Cap5 July 5 AED 7000 Max

Occasionally we are able to offer additional discounts on certain courses at the discretion
of GTS team. Scholarships for students will be treated separately in the Scholarship Policy
of GTS.

Payment Mode
All fees from the students are paid through our bank account, and no physical cash is
collected by GTS. We anticipate that students may face some charges deducted by the
bank, and GTS is not responsible for the same. Students may avoid multiple charges by
paying the fees all at once.
When students prepare the bank transfer, they have to use “Redeemer GTS” as payment
information. Not including this info will result in delays to trace the payment deposited to
The Evangelical Church ENBD account.

Bank Name: Emirates NBD

Account Name: The Evangelical Church
IBAN: AE940260001011031971904
Acct: 1011031971904
UAE Bank Route Code: 0262-0155
Reference: "Redeemer GTS"
Address for Account Holder (if required):
Dubai Evangelical Church Centre
Jebel Ali, Dubai UAE, PO Box 8684

Applied for Husband and Wife applying together for the same course during the same period.
Applicable only for students who have completed Foundation Program and are seeking to maximize their
learning beyond 14 credits in an academic year. Refer the GTS Prospectus.

GTS Prospectus (Modified May 31, 2021) | 24

Once the transfer is made, the student shall send a notification to regarding the payment. All queries related to payments shall be
made to All refunds will follow the refund policy6 of GTS.

Payment Timelines
All students are required to pay 25% of the semester fee in advance with GTS before the
end of the 1st week of the semester and notify the finance team about the same. We
understand that there may be circumstances that may be difficult for the students to pay
one-time. In such cases, students can request for installment mode of payment for the rest
of the tuition fee with GTS. The installment will be for the remaining tuition fee that is
pending with GTS.

The schedule will be as follows.

Program Schedule of Installment Additional
Foundations Monthly7 (before 7th of every month) 25% of fees8
Program in advance
Certificate June 20, Oct 10, Dec 10, Mar 10 25% of fees
Program(s) in advance

The GTS Finance Team will send a periodic update on the outstanding dues to the
students. Students who have significant outstanding amounts with us may not be able to
take further courses with us unless they communicate their case and plans for future
payments. All provisions for relief will have to be approved by the GTS administration,
and they will communicate it to the students.

Churches and other mission organizations who sponsor their staff, or any student, can pay
their full tuition as a one-time payment. In case they want to opt for payment in
installments, they are required to pay the 25% advance as the other students (before the
end of the 1st week of the semester). They are expected to pay the remaining semester fees
three weeks before the close of each semester (Ideally 1st week of December and 1st week
of May). GTS administration will send the outstanding dues notification for their

Will be detailed in the Academic & Student policy section of Student Catalog of GTS
Payments are made in advance. E.g. Fees for September will be made by 7th of August.
25% of the semester due. For example, for Foundations Program 25% of 4000 = AED 1000 before the
close of 1st week.

GTS Prospectus (Modified May 31, 2021) | 25

Scholarships & Financial Aid
Tuition for every GTS student is heavily subsidized by generous donors, so every student
pays much less than the actual cost of their education. In addition, we are thankful to be
able to provide additional sources of financial assistance to some students.
Academic scholarships are available as a grant to students whose manifested interest is to
go for vocational Christian ministry and have excellent academic credentials. The student
will have to furnish proof of the same and will need recommendations from the concerned
church to be eligible for scholarships. Need-based financial aid is given as available to
students who have genuine financial difficulty paying the fees as required by the GTS
course fee policy. Such a student will need to produce a letter from the church he is part of
and may be required to explain or furnish details regarding their financial situation.
Students whose tuition is funded by organizations or churches are usually not eligible for
additional scholarships or financial aid.
GTS reserves the right to grant or deny financial aid, based on their discretion and
financial availability. All communications of scholarships and financial aid are to be
written to, and the GTS administration will duly maintain the
records for the same.

GTS may offer partial and full academic scholarships for selected exceptional students
whose manifested interest is to pursue a vocational Christian ministry. He or she must
have a referral letter from their church pastor indicating that the applicant’s interest and
pursuit towards a vocational Christian ministry. Along with this, the applicant will be
producing a copy of transcripts from his undergraduate studies. The applicant will be
considered for a scholarship only if his GPA is above 3.5. The applicant will be monitored
for the first 15 credits he earns from GTS, and he should have a GPA above 3.5, and the
scholarship will be applied retrospectively for those fifteen credits. The scholarship is
applied only to the tuition fee and not any other material or resources the student will have
to buy for the completion of his studies.
Scholarships can be withdrawn in the case of the student coming under any disciplinary
action of GTS.

Financial Aid
Need-based financial aid may be granted to students who have financial difficulties in
paying the fees. Such a student will furnish a letter from his/her church concerning his
case. Financial aid should not be confused with installment payments or payment of dues
that are pending with GTS.
GTS will assess the situation and will ask the student to explain or furnish further details
explaining his/her case. Financial aid may be given, provided the student may show that he

GTS Prospectus (Modified May 31, 2021) | 26

is able to complete the course that he is enrolled in. Financial aid will be towards tuition
fees and usually will not exceed 60% of the total fees. The student is expected to arrange or
raise support in case he is not able to finance his remaining 40% of the fees. Students must
maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 in GTS courses to remain eligible for need-based
financial aid. Students who are under disciplinary action will not be eligible for financial
aid from GTS.

Books & Library

All students have considerable reading as part of the curriculum, which is given as
assignments. Apart from these, we expect that students engage with a wide range of other
books, articles, and journals for a deeper understanding of a particular subject. GTS wants
to facilitate our students with books and resources that help them grow in their
knowledge. With this in mind, we offer students book and online material for the reading
requirements and additional research and study.

Foundation Year Students

Our foundations year students are focusing more on covering their basic understanding of
the Bible and theology, and their reading requirements are lesser than the other programs
offered in GTS. They will be predominantly aiming at reading the Bible in its entirety.
Besides this, they will have a few additional readings to cover, most of which will be
provided by GTS.

Online Library
At GTS, we are constantly trying to find ways that help our students get wider access to
resources that will help them in their studies. All students who are enrolled for Programs
that involve Exegetical work of the Old Testament and the New Testament are provided
Accordance Bible software to work with. Students will have access to thousands of
volumes of books worth more than AED 20,000. For students who complete M.A/M.Div.
program, after their graduation the software is available to purchase at a nominal cost of
AED 1500.
This is some of what is included in the GTS Accordance 12 Custom Resource Package:
Greek New Testament (NA28) Tyndale Commentaries (49 vols.)
Biblia Hebraica Carson & Beale, Commentary on the NT Use of the
Greek Septuagint OT
GNT-Textus Receptus Calvin's Commentaries (22 vols.)
ESV, CSB, KJV, NASB, NLT, NIV, NKJV, NRSV, Holman OT and NT Commentaries (32 vols.)
YLT, The Message Bible Knowledge Commentary
IVP Bible Background Commentary
EXEGETICAL TOOLS Barnes, Notes on Bible (26 vols.)
BDAG: A Greek–English Lexicon of the NT and Other MacLaren, Expositions of Holy Scripture (33 vols.)
Early Christian Literature, 3rd ed. Jamieson, Fausset & Brown's Commentary on the
New International Dictionary of NT Theology, Abridged Bible
BDB Hebrew Lexicon Matthew Henry Commentary

GTS Prospectus (Modified May 31, 2021) | 27

Theological Lexicon of the NT Luther, Galatians
Theological Lexicon of the OT Hodge, Ephesians
Theological Dictionary of the NT, Abridged New Bible Commentary
Louw & Nida, Greek-English Lexicon of the NT
Newman, Concise Greek-English Dictionary of the NT THEOLOGY
Waltke, Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax Grudem, Systematic Theology
Robertson's Greek Grammar Hodge, Systematic Theology
Expository Dictionary of Bible Words Strong, Systematic Theology
Complete Word Study Dictionary: OT and NT Berkhof, Summary of Doctrine
Greek Diagrams Gill, Works on Divinity
Mounce, Concise Greek-English Dictionary of the NT Clarke, Select Theological Writings
Burton, Moods and Tenses Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms
LEH Septuagint Lexicon Pocket Dict. of Ethics
Holman Treasury of Key Words
Pocket Dictionary for the Study of NT Greek CHURCH HISTORY
Pocket Dictionary for the Study of Biblical Hebrew Creeds, Confessions, and Catechisms
Word Pictures in the NT (6 vols.) Pocket Dictionary of Church History
Vincent, Word Studies in the NT Foxe's Book of Martyrs
Kohlenberger/Mounce Concise Hebrew-Aramaic Sketches of Church History
Dictionary Dict. of Early Christian Biography
Thayer's Greek Lexicon John Knox and the Reformation
Trench’s Synonyms of the NT American Church Dictionary
Stevens, NT Greek
Simplified Guide to BHS
NET Translation Notes


International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Volumes from 1844-2012 of:
New Bible Dictionary Bulletin for Biblical Research
Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary Bible and Spade
Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible Bibliotheca Sacra
Nave's Topical Bible Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal
Easton's Bible Dictionary Emmaus Journal
Outlines of the Bible Books Faith and Mission
Kaiser, Hard Sayings of the Bible Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Edersheim, Bible History: OT Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
Bible Manners and Customs Journal of Ministry and Theology
Pocket Dictionary of Bib. Studies Conservative Theological Journal
Dictionary of Bible Themes Puritan Reformed Journal
Bullinger, Figures of Speech Reformed Baptist Theological Review
Edersheim, Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah Review and Expositor
Bible Names Dictionary Southern Baptist Journal of Theology
Berkoff, Intro to NT Southeastern Theological Review
Dictionary of Place Names Journal of Christian Apologetics
NAS Topical Index Ashland Theological Journal
Smith's Bible Dictionary Grace Journal
Timeline Grace Theological Journal
HCSB Study Bible The Master's Seminary Journal
Life Application Study Bible Michigan Theological Journal
The Apostolic Fathers Reformation and Revival
Trinity Journal
MAPS & PHOTOS Tyndale Bulletin
Satellite Atlas of Bible Lands Westminster Theological Journal
100 Sites in Israel
Accordance Bible Art CHRISTIAN LIVING
Historic Views that Vanished Select Works of John Bunyan
PhotoGuide Israel Pocket Dictionary of Apologetics & Philosophy of
Photo Museum Religion
Rose Bible Maps Tozer, The Pursuit of God
Holman Charts & Maps Bounds, Works on Prayer
Accordance Bible Atlas Life and Works of George Müller
IVP New Bible Atlas

Apart from this, GTS is currently working on finding a pathway to provide our students
additional access to eBooks, which are part of their regular reading assignments. Specific

GTS Prospectus (Modified May 31, 2021) | 28

details and policies concerning this will be made available to the students subsequently.
Specific articles, journals, or any specific portion of a book will be made available through
our Learning Management System (LMS).
We expect that the students will not violate copyrights and copy the books or their
portions and redistribute them without the consent of the publisher or the author. Students
are also not to circulate or share the copy of learning articles given to them through LMS.

Physical Books
In the past years, we have provided physical books to our students, but this is no longer
possible at our current scale and distribution of students. While there may be some
opportunities in the coming academic year to acquire physical books directly from GTS, in
general students should plan on ordering their own books as necessary. Students who rely
on the physical copies are therefore required to approach the concerned professor to
identify the books that are required for the particular course and plan to order in advance
considering the shipping duration.

As a student of GTS (audit/credit) students are expected to have cordial communication
with the professors, GTS Staff and other students in the class. They are expected to use
normally established channels of communication for all student affairs. Please follow the
below schedule.

Subject Channel of communication

Fees and payments
Academic matters
Student affairs
Harassment & Policy violations
General enquiries

Students are to refrain from using LMS (Learning Management System) for
communicating matters that are not related to learning materials and subject matters
taught in the class.
It is expected that students take the privilege of using the appropriate channels for
communications. Failing to do so may result in not being able to address the matter with
the concerned team and students may not get help that they are looking for.

GTS Prospectus (Modified May 31, 2021) | 29

Key Academic Calendar Dates
Dates Description
28 August 2021 GTS Orientation Day
30 August 2021 First day of classes
2 December 2021 GTS Day (UAE National Day), no classes
20 December 2021– 2 January 2022 Christmas holiday, no classes
10 April – 17 April 2022 Easter holiday, no classes
28 May 2022 Commencement
7 June 2022 Final day of classes, start of summer holiday

GTS Prospectus (Modified May 31, 2021) | 30

Appendix 1: Statement of Faith 9

1. The Triune God

We believe in one true and living God, one essence eternally existing in three equally
divine Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who know, love, and glorify one
another. This one true and living God is infinitely perfect both in his love and in his
holiness. He is the Creator of all things, visible and invisible, and is therefore worthy to
receive all glory and adoration. Immortal and eternal, he perfectly and exhaustively knows
the end from the beginning, sustains and sovereignly rules over all things, and
providentially brings about his eternal good purposes to redeem a people for himself and
restore his fallen creation, to the praise of his glorious grace.

We affirm the biblical revelation of the Trinity as unique, sufficient, and solely reliable. We
affirm the Trinity was revealed progressively in Scripture, culminating in the coming of the
Son and the outpouring of the Spirit. We affirm historic creeds and confessions of the
church concerning the Trinity, including, but not limited to, the Nicene-
Constantinopolitan and the Athanasian Creeds. We deny the claim that the Trinity is not
an essential doctrine, or that the Trinity can be understood in merely economic or
functional categories. We deny that the doctrine of the Trinity is a later philosophically
derived compromise with pagan culture. We affirm that any deity—conceptual or
physical—worshipped that is not the Triune God of the Bible is not the living God but an
idol behind which lie the spiritual forces of darkness.

2. Revelation
We believe God has graciously disclosed his existence and power in the created order and
has supremely revealed himself to fallen human beings in the person of his Son, the
incarnate Word. We believe this God is a speaking God, who by his Spirit has graciously
disclosed himself in human words. God has inspired the words preserved in the Scriptures,
the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, which are both a record and means of
his saving work in the world. These writings alone constitute the verbally inspired Word
of God, which is utterly authoritative, inerrant, complete in its revelation of his will for
salvation, sufficient for all that God requires us to believe and do, and final in its authority
over every domain of knowledge to which it speaks.

We confess that both our finitude and our sinfulness preclude the possibility of knowing
God’s truth exhaustively. Still, we affirm that, enlightened by the Spirit of God, we can
know God’s revealed truth truly. Though some applications may vary from one culture to
another, the meaning of Scripture is unchanging and trans-cultural. The Bible is to be
believed, as God’s instruction, in all that it teaches; obeyed, as God’s command, in all that
it requires; and trusted, as God’s pledge, in all that it promises. As God’s people hear,
believe, and do the Word, they are equipped as disciples of Christ and witnesses to the

The GTS Statement of Faith contains language adapted from other evangelical documents listed in the
references section below.

GTS Prospectus (Modified May 31, 2021) | 31

We affirm that universal and general revelation is sufficient to render all people
accountable before God without excuse and, at the same time, deny that general revelation
is sufficient for salvation. We also affirm the redemptive-historical and progressive
revelation of the truth in the Scriptures.

We deny postmodern/subjective/relativistic readings of Scripture and affirm the doctrine

of the perspicuity (clarity) of Scripture. We deny that the context of the receptor bears
ultimate epistemological and interpretive authority, and we further deny that a people in
any given epoch of human history has the authority to impose its unique interpretive grid
upon the Scriptures. We also deny that any portion of the Bible is to be used in an effort to
deny the truthfulness or trustworthiness of any other portion.

3. Creation of Humanity
We believe God created human beings, male and female, for the purpose of bringing glory
to himself. He displayed his power by creating the first man and woman (Adam & Eve)
directly and instantaneously. God created man and woman in his image, meaning that they
were made to be like God and representative of God among his creation, and as such are
equal in value in the eyes of God and enjoy equal access to God by faith in Christ Jesus.
Adam and Eve belonged to the created order that God himself declared to be very good,
serving as God’s agents to care for, manage, and govern creation, living in holy and
devoted fellowship with their Maker. We believe that the perpetuity of the image of God
means the perpetuity of human dignity and the sanctity of human life, which should inform
all engagement with Christians and non-Christians.

In God’s wise purposes, men and women are not simply interchangeable, but rather
complement each other in mutually enriching ways. Adam and Eve were made to
complement each other in a one-flesh union that establishes the only normative pattern of
sexual relations for all human beings. The biblical pattern of marriage between one man
and one woman ultimately serves as a type of the union between Christ and his church.
God ordains that within marriage men and women assume distinctive roles which reflect
the loving relationship between Christ and the church, the husband exercising headship in
a way that displays the caring, sacrificial love of Christ, and the wife submitting to her
husband in a way that models the love of the church for her Lord. (See “The Church,”
below, for discussion of the complementary roles of men and women within the church).

4. The Fall
We believe that, in a way that does not diminish the absolute sovereignty of God, men and
women were created with the responsibility to make moral and spiritual choices. Adam &
Eve sinned against God by breaking the commandment he set for them. Adam’s sinful
choice distorted God’s image and forfeited his original blessedness—for himself and all his
progeny. As a result, all human beings are alienated from God. Through this one act of
disobedience, humanity forfeited their intended fellowship with God, incurred the penalty
of spiritual and physical death, became subject to the wrath of God, and lost the ability to
be independently right with God.

Adam’s sinful nature has been inherited by each of his descendants, i.e., every person who
has ever lived (with the exception of Jesus). Because of this inherited sinful nature, each
person is completely devoid of the ability to seek God or live in a way that is pleasing to

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him. All human beings are corrupted in every aspect of their being—physically, mentally,
volitionally, emotionally, and spiritually. In our sinful state human beings universally
suppress the truth inescapably revealed in God’s creation and substitute idols for the truth
of God. Therefore, each person who has ever lived not only inherits a sinful nature, but
also commits many acts of sin. Because humans are created with accountability to a God
who is both holy and just, each person justly faces a punishment of an eternal conscious
torment in hell apart from the presence and gracious intervention of the God under whose
just and holy wrath we stand. The only hope of all human beings is the undeserved love of
this same God, who alone can rescue us and restore us to himself.

5. The Plan of God

We believe the entrance of humanity’s sin and rebellion into the world did not thwart
God’s mission and eternal plan. We believe that from all eternity, God determined in grace
to save a great multitude of guilty sinners from every tribe and language and people and
nation, and to this end, foreknew them and chose them. We believe that God justifies and
sanctifies those who, by grace, have faith in Jesus, and that he will one day glorify them—
all to the praise of his glorious grace. In love, God commands and implores all people to
repent and believe, having set his saving love on those he has chosen and having ordained
Christ to be their Redeemer.

6. The Gospel
We believe that the gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ—God’s very wisdom. The
gospel is utter folly to the world, even though it is the power of God to those who are being
saved. This good news is Christological, centering on the cross and resurrection: the gospel
is not proclaimed if Christ is not proclaimed, and the authentic Christ has not been
proclaimed if his death and resurrection are not central (the message is: “Christ died for
our sins . . . [and] was raised”). This good news is biblical (his death and resurrection are
according to the Scriptures), theological and salvific (Christ died for our sins, to reconcile
us to God), historical (if the saving events did not happen, our faith is worthless, we are
still in our sins, and we are to be pitied more than all others), apostolic (the message was
entrusted to and transmitted by the apostles, who were witnesses of these saving events),
and intensely personal (where it is received, believed, and held firmly, individual persons
are saved).

7. The Redemption of Christ

We believe that, moved by love and in obedience to his Father, the eternal Son became
human: The Word became flesh, fully God and fully human being, one Person in two
natures without confusion, division, or separation. The man Jesus, the promised Messiah
of Israel, was conceived through the miraculous agency of the Holy Spirit and was born of
the virgin Mary. He perfectly obeyed his heavenly Father, lived a sinless life, performed
miraculous signs, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, arose bodily from the dead on the
third day, and ascended into heaven. As the mediatorial King, he is seated at the right
hand of God the Father, exercising in heaven and on earth all of God’s sovereignty, and is
our High Priest and righteous Advocate.

We believe that by his incarnation, life, death, resurrection, and ascension, Jesus Christ
acted as our representative and substitute. He did this so that in him we might become the

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righteousness of God: on the cross, he canceled sin, propitiated God, and, by bearing the
full penalty of our sins, reconciled to God all those who believe. By his resurrection, Christ
Jesus was vindicated by his Father, broke the power of death and defeated Satan who
once had power over it, and brought everlasting life to all his people; by his ascension, he
has been forever exalted as Lord and has prepared a place for us to be with him. We
believe that salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name given under
heaven by which we must be saved. Because God chose the lowly things of this world, the
despised things, the things that are not, to nullify the things that are, no human being can
ever boast before him—Christ Jesus has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our
righteousness, holiness, and redemption.

We deny any possibility of salvation outside of Christ, since all peoples are in the first
Adam and ruled by the spiritual forces of darkness until, by God’s grace, the elect are
effectually called, through the proclamation of the gospel and regenerating work of the
Spirit, to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

8. The Justification of Sinners

We believe that Christ, by his obedience and death, fully discharged the debt of all those
who are justified. By his sacrifice, he bore in our stead the punishment due us for our sins,
making a proper, real, and full satisfaction to God’s justice on our behalf. By his perfect
obedience, he satisfied the just demands of God on our behalf, since by faith alone that
perfect obedience is credited to all who trust in Christ alone for their acceptance with God.
This saving faith includes assent to the historical facts of the gospel, repentance from old
patterns of life, and personal reliance on Jesus Christ as one’s only hope, and is itself a gift
of God to the one who believes. Inasmuch as Christ was given by the Father for us, and his
obedience and punishment were accepted in place of our own, freely and not for anything
in us, this justification is solely of free grace, in order that both the exact justice and the
rich grace of God might be glorified in the justification of sinners. We believe that a zeal
for personal and public obedience flows from this free justification.

9. The Power of the Holy Spirit

We believe that this salvation, attested in all Scripture and secured by Jesus Christ, is
applied to his people by the Holy Spirit. Sent by the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit
glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ, and, as the other Paraclete, is present with and in
believers. He is the Spirit of the Father and of the Son and does not work independently of
the Father or the Son. He convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, and by
his powerful and mysterious work regenerates spiritually dead sinners, awakening them to
repentance and faith, and in him, they are united with the Lord Jesus, such that they are
justified before God by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. At
conversion, believers are united with Christ, adopted into God’s family, indwelt by the
Spirit, recipients of his sovereignly distributed gifts and thereafter baptized to symbolize
them being inducted into the body of Christ which is his church. The Holy Spirit is himself
the down payment of the promised inheritance, and in this age, indwells, guides, instructs,
equips, revives, and empowers believers for Christ-like living and service.

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10. The Kingdom of God
We believe that those who have been saved by the grace of God through union with Christ
by faith and through regeneration by the Holy Spirit enter the kingdom of God and
delight in the blessings of the new covenant: the forgiveness of sins, the inward
transformation that awakens a desire to glorify, trust, and obey God, and the prospect of
the glory yet to be revealed. Living as salt in a world that is decaying and light in a world
that is dark, believers should neither withdraw into seclusion from the world nor become
indistinguishable from it: rather, we are to do good to the city. Recognizing whose created
order this is, and because we are citizens of God’s kingdom, we are to love our neighbors
as ourselves, doing good to all, especially to those who belong to the household of God.
Good works constitute indispensable evidence of saving grace.

The kingdom of God, already present but not fully realized, is the exercise of God’s
sovereignty in the world toward the eventual redemption of all creation. The kingdom of
God is an invasive power that plunders Satan’s dark kingdom and regenerates and
renovates through repentance and faith the lives of individuals rescued from that kingdom.
Therefore, it inevitably establishes a new community of human life together under God.

We also believe that civil government is of divine appointment, for the interests and good
order of human society, and that officials are to be prayed for and conscientiously honored.
Civil government is to be obeyed when carrying out the God-appointed duties of every
government to secure conditions of peace, justice, and liberty in which the church may
obey God, serve the Lord Jesus Christ, and preach the gospel. We also express our deep
concern for all who suffer persecution, and especially for those who are suffering for their
testimony to the Lord Jesus, and will join to pray for them and find means to support

11. The Church

We believe that God’s new covenant people have already come to the heavenly Jerusalem;
they are already seated with Christ in the heavenly realms. This universal church is
manifest in local churches of which Christ is the only Head; thus, each “local church” is, in
fact, the church, the household of God, the assembly of the living God, and the pillar and
foundation of the truth. The church is the body of Christ, the apple of his eye, graven on
his hands, and he has pledged himself to her forever. The church is distinguished by her
gospel message, her sacred ordinances, her discipline, her great mission, and, above all, by
her love for God, and by her members’ love for one another and the world.

This gospel we cherish has both personal and corporate dimensions, neither of which may
properly be overlooked. Christ Jesus is our peace: he has not only brought about peace
with God but also peace between alienated peoples. His purpose was to create in himself
one new humanity, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both Jew and Gentile
to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. The church serves as a
sign of God’s future new world when its members live for the service of one another and
their neighbors, rather than for self-focus. The church is the corporate dwelling place of
God’s Spirit, and the continuing witness to God in the world. The mission given by Jesus
to the church is to make disciples, which includes proclaiming the gospel, seeing people
become a part of the church by responding in faith, and teaching those people to obey all
Jesus commanded.

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Local churches are led by qualified pastors/elders whose responsibilities are to guard the
people of the church against false teaching, shepherd the flock, equip the saints for the
work of the ministry, and lead the church to be God’s light in their community. Within
God’s complementary design for men and women, only men are to hold the offices of elder,
and only men are to preach or teach to the gathered congregation. Because Scripture
grounds the distinctive leadership role of men within the church in creation, fall, and
redemption, we cannot set this role aside with appeals to cultural developments. In the
ministry of the church, both men and women are encouraged to serve Christ and to be
developed to their full potential in the manifold ministries of the people of God.

The New Testament allows for a considerable variety of how the church is expressed
culturally, but we deny that it is appropriate for believers to faithfully exist outside the
context of a community with the leadership and functions of a New Testament church.
God has designed the church as the context where the believer has the opportunity to
grow in their knowledge and application of the gospel, and participate in the church’s
mission. As members of a local church, each Christian has a responsibility to physically
attend, to be doers of the word, to love one another, to make disciples, to guard the gospel,
to submit to the elders, and to use their God-given gifts in serving one another.

12. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

We believe that Christian baptism and the Lord’s Supper are ordained by the Lord Jesus
himself. Baptism is the immersion in water of a believer, into the name of the Father, and
Son, and Holy Spirit; to show forth our faith in the crucified, buried, and risen Savior in a
solemn and beautiful symbol. It symbolizes our death to sin and resurrection to a new life,
and it is a response to the command of Christ. The Lord’s Supper takes place as believers
by the sacred use of bread and wine, to commemorate together the dying love of Christ,
always preceded by solemn self-examination.

13. The Restoration of All Things

We believe in the personal, glorious, and bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ with his
holy angels when he will exercise his role as final Judge, and his kingdom will be
consummated. We believe in the bodily resurrection of both the just and the unjust—the
unjust to judgment and eternal conscious punishment in hell, as our Lord himself taught,
and the just to eternal blessedness in the presence of him who sits on the throne and of the
Lamb, in the new heaven and the new earth, the home of righteousness. On that day, the
church will be presented faultless before God by the obedience, suffering, and triumph of
Christ, all sin purged, and its wretched effects forever banished. God will be all in all, and
his people will be enthralled by the immediacy of his ineffable holiness, and everything will
be to the praise of his glorious grace.

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We affirm the confessional statements given below and portions of the GTS Statement of
Faith, above, rely on the language adopted from these.

Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. Nashville Statement. August 2017.
Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. The Danvers Statement. 1988.
International Council on Biblical Inerrancy (ICBI). The Chicago Statement of Inerrancy.
October 1978.
The Gospel Coalition. Confessional Statement. April 2011.
The Southgate Fellowship Council. Affirmations and Denials Concerning World Mission.
Together for Gospel. T4G Affirmations and Denials. April 2018.

Appendix 2: Full Course Offering

Level 1 Core Biblical Studies

F401-2 Survey of the Old Testament.- 2|3 10 BIB610 Exposition of Genesis. - 2|3
F411-12 Survey of the New Testament. - 2|3 BIB611 Exposition of Exodus. - 2|3
F501 Biblical Hermeneutics. - 1|3 BIB615 Exposition of Deuteronomy. - 2|3
F512 Survey of Christian Theology. - 1 credit. BIB620 Exposition of Samuel. - 2|3
F511 The Christian Life and Mission. - 1 BIB621 Exposition of 1-2 Kings. - 1 credit.
BIB631 Exposition of Job. - 2|3
(all of the above are prerequisite for all other
courses) BIB632 Exposition of Psalms. - 2|3
BIB633 Exposition of Proverbs. - 2|3
Level 2 Core BIB640 Exposition of Isaiah. - 2|3
EP501 Introducing New Testament Exegesis.- 3
BIB641 Exposition of Jeremiah and
EP502 Expository Preaching. - 3 Lamentations. - 2|3
BIB643 Exposition of Ezekiel. - 2|3

10 To serve students with a variety of program goals, many of our courses are offered at two credit levels both
with the same core content but the advanced level requiring proportionally additional instructional
content, readings, and assignments.

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BIB644 Exposition of Daniel. - 2|3 Ministry and Mission
BIB655 Exposition of Zechariah. - 1 MIS500 Evangelism and Discipleship. - 2|3
BIB670 Exposition of Matthew. - 2|3 MIS600 Missiology: Biblical, Systematic, and
BIB672 Exposition of Luke. - 2|3 Historical. - 2|3

BIB673 Exposition of John. - 2|3 MIS700 Global Church Planting. - 2|3

BIB674 Exposition of Acts. - 2|3 MIN500 Understanding and Living the

Gospel- 2|3
BIB680 Exposition of Romans. - 2|3
MIN600 Intro to Pastoral Ministry. - 2|3
BIB780 Exegesis of 1-2 Corinthians. - 2|3
MIN700 Global Church Leadership. - 2|3
BIB781 Exegesis of Galatians. - 2|3
MIN731 Ministry Call and Assessment. - 1.
BIB782 Exegesis of Ephesians. - 2|3
EP601 Old Testament Exegesis and
BIB681 Exposition of the Prison Epistles. - 2|3 Preaching. - 3
BIB783 Exegesis of the Pastoral Epistles. - 2|3 MIN671 Biblical Theology of Technology. 1
BIB690 Exposition of Hebrews. - 2|3
BIB791 Exegesis of Petrine Epistles. - 2|3 Biblical Counseling
BC501 Introduction & Theology of Biblical
BIB792 Exposition of Johannine Epistles. - 2|3
Counseling. - 2|3
BIB694 Exposition of Revelation. - 2|3
BC611 Methodology of Biblical Counseling-
BIB801 Introduction to Biblical Theology. - 2|3 2|3

BIB811 Biblical Theology of Authority. - 1 BC612 Marriage & Family Counseling. - 2|3
BC613 Common Counseling Issues. - 2|3
Theological Studies BC701 Counseling Practicum. - 2|3
ST501 Systematic Theology I. - 2|3
ST601 Systematic Theology II. - 2|3 Biblical Language
ST701 Systematic Theology III. - 2|3 BL501 / 502 Elementary Greek 1 and 2. - 3

HT501 History of the Western Church. - 2|3 BL601 Elementary Hebrew 1. 3

HE601 History of the Eastern Church. - 2|3 BL602 Elementary Hebrew 2. 3

ST511 Trinitarianism. - 1 credit.

Other Classes
ST631 Christian Apologetics. - 2|3
O401 Written Communication. - 2
ST731 Introduction to Christian Ethics. - 2|3

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