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It iner ar y Our affordable prices where no where

Dur at ion: 3 Days 2 Night s

else could be found
1st Day
Bat u Cave
Cent r al Mar ket
Tour packages(GST included)
Family(2 adult 2 child) $1750
2nd day
Pet r onas Tw in Tower
Sr i Mahamar iamman Temple

3r d Day
Honeymoon(2 adult) $1250
Retired couple(2 adult)$1000
I-Cit y Theme Par k (Childr en) Every additional person
back t o Singapor e
We will be staying at the 5 star Children 12< : $250
Four Seasons Hotel (buffet
breakfast included)
Adult>12 : $750
Senior>65 : $500
Looking f or a
vacat ion? Wel l , Kual a
Lumpur is t he pl ace t o
If you are interested please go to go!
If you have any queries, please contact our
friendly marketing managers- Cai Gui,
Raghuram, Aidyn, Jayden, Shreyas, Kevin at
huh.whatareyoudoinginmycensor ed@ 93696296
Review by Mrs Tan: The trip was marvelous, the best
one ever!!! The tour guide was hilarious, sharing
humorous stories, the places were neatly organised
too, very convenient to get from place to place! I
We wi ll be tak i ng scoot ai rli nes. certainly want to go on this tour again?

Review by Murad Osmann, famous blogger(5 million

follwers): This trip is awesome, I get enjoy the trip with
my family a lot! The places we visited are also very
organised I certainly would recommend this to a
friend who wants to go on a hoilday
Cr edit s
In f o:
Locati on of Hi story
PLACES WE Malaysia's history is said to have
K ual a Lumpur ARE VISITING started from 300 BC: Arrival of
Deutero-Malays, descended partly
from Cham people of the Mekong
Delta. They push the Proto-Malays
Pet r on as Tw in into the north and become direct
Tow er s- it was the ancestors of today's ethnic
tallest towers in the Malays. There after Sultanate of
world, at 88 f loor s it will
show you a breath taking Malacca was made known at the
view of the whole city! year 1400. After that, Malaya fell
into the hands of the Dutch in
1641 and British in 1824 through
Ku ala Lu m pu r the Anglo?Dmutch Treaty. British
Bir d Par k -want to colonization was the longest
take your eyes off the busy compared to others..
city? Well, the bird park is
the right place for you! You
Name Ori gi n
get to see over 2000
M al ay si a i s th e cl o sest to The name " Malaysia" is a
species of rare birds there.
Si n gap or e. I n f act , y ou cou l d t ak e combination of the word " Malays"
a car t o M al ay si a. D esp i t e bei n g to and the Latin-Greek suffix " -ia" /" -??"
cl ose, M al ay si a i s n o t t h e sam e which can be translated as " land of
si ze as Si n gap or e. I t i s abou t 4 59 Cen t r al M ar k et - the Malays" .
t i m es l ar ger th an Si n gap or e. Want to take some
souvenirs home, well
L ocat ed n ear th e eq u at o r , central market is the place Rel i gi on
M al ay si a i s k n ow n f or being hot for you to shop! You can
buy Most world religions are prevalent
an d h u m i d T h r ou gh ou t th e y ear .
in the country including Islam,
T h e t em p er atu r e aver ages at
abou t 27 °C. Christianity, Hinduism and
Buddhism. Islam is the largest and
Bat u Cave the official religion of the country.
This cave is around 400 You can see lots of mosque which
m illion year s old, it is
considered a religious site,
is their worship building along the
but it is a marvelous place way. While Buddhism is a fifth of
to do rock climbing. If you Malaysia's religion
want to venture inside, you
need to be packed for the 2
kilometre walk.


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