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TP3 July 30, 2021

We are now living in the world where we can see the advancement of our

technologies. Even a seven (7) years old kid can operate a cellular phone without the

help of his mother or brother. The easy access of this technology can also be a way to

communicate to others. Eliminating the barriers through every country. However, the

teachings and writings of Rizal will never fade in the heart of every Filipinos. It will

forever be recognized and read by the millennials who wants to be a hero by creating a

solution to the problems we are currently facing. Rizal is not obsolete but rather a hero

because the writings he made during his time is a relevant thing that we can use in

order to save our country from corruption in the country. It depends on our decision as

a millennial if we are going to walk behind the teachings and works of Jose Rizal to

change and develop our country that could benefits the Filipinos living from every

community. When we watch videos about the life of Jose Rizal. He never gave up easily

on something. He fights for it to win what is right thing. There are so many lessons we

can get about the life of Jose Rizal. He taught us that we as a Filipinos are not

“indolence”, we can be successful in many aspects in life. Jose Rizal’s undying

commitment to education proved to us that we can excel in life like our national hero.

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