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(b) shrinking depenting On grain fine :

When The shrink rang from 7-3 this Types of soil montormonito
shrink rang from abave 3 cm silt .

6:4:4 Grain Size Analysis :

The analysis of soil Important in engineering geology it is first step
to projected engineering project .
The dry Analyses called mechanical Analyses for coves groin
sampling after dry at 100 for Hour after that the bum completely dry
The Following Tables showing seiving of sample (Kaolin)

Total Weigh 778.5

sieving Number sieving opening weig weigh cumulative

h parsed %
7 bandish 7.4 771.1 99.0
2 212 mm 35.9 735.2 94.4
300 149.1 580.1 47.5
600 216 370.1 47.5
1 119 251.5 32.3
2 129.3 122.2 15.7
4 17.4 104.8 13.5
4.75 22.4 82.4 10.6
6.70 10.9 71.5 9.2
8.0 8.2 63.3 8.1
9.50 33.3 30 3.1
10 228 10.1 1.3

Total Weigh 738.8

sieving Number sieving opening weig weigh cumulative

h parsed %
1 bandish 7.4 731.4 98.9
2 212 mm 141.9 589.5 79.6
3 300 249.5 740 46
4 600 953.3 86.7 11.7
5 1 21.2 65.4 8.9
6 2 17.5 48.0 6.5
7 4 17.6 35.4 4.8
8 4.75 17.0 18.3 2.5

Silt Total Weigh 600.4

sieving Number sieving opening weig weigh cumulative

h parsed %
1 bandish 7.4 593 98.7
2 212 mm 444.1 451.5 24.8
3 300 332.0 115.7 16.3
4 600 157.5 100 16.6
5 1 136.5 86.4 14.3

From quaphy :
The Following found :

1) Coefficient of uniformity : (cu)

Cu = 60% = 61.4 = 5.8

10% 10.6

The Diameter at 10% A KNOW as effacers diameter .

If The CG lers Than 4 This mean The sample is pour sorte . but
The sample Analysis about cu well sorted because cu is more
Than 4

2) Coefficient of curvature : (cu)

Cu = D 30% = 32.3 = 0.05

D 60% D 10% 60.4 x 10.6

From graph of (2)

Cu = D 60% = 28.9 = 3.24

10% 8.9

This sample is poor sort

Geological Successions:

3.1 Meta volcanic sedimentary :

Meta volcanic sedimentary of Derudeb area it is greenish in colour in the
fresh surface; the texture is medium to fine in some type it may indicate
or reason of younger granite xenoliths texture formation & the age of
shits rock depend on it because it under lie it or intruded by and there
may charts which is non crystallized rocks(amorphics) there is another
possibility the rock may in form of tuff ( volcanic tuff) underlies the all
formation also meta volcanic in some case been separated by fault, as
stream in form ( fault). In this section it assumed as prophyroblaste.

3.2 Meta-basic (andesitic):

It dark in colour with some plagioclase crystal; at the foot of out crop to
top is coarse to fine & very fine it striking 30o NE & dipping 10o NW in
other place it effect by fault which striking 85o dipping vertical around
the both side of crop; and also been intruded by quartzite which result in
uncomplete melting it was also cutted by basic dykes

3.3 Chlorite schist’s :

At NE area elevated 576m, trended 20 o NW, striking of schistosity
structure is 12o NW & dipping 28 o
SE that as outcrops components
essentials are chlorite, the accessories are calcite; magnetite, element,
accidentals are albeit, epidotic, , QTZ muscovite the appearance color
fairly light green; texture from lepiblastic to felt like ( chlorite) grading to
poikiloblastic or nematoblastic structure massive or sclistose, often with
mineralogical & structural relics. The metamorphic grade low green
schist faces at some time occur to gather with . quartzite at the same
outcrops as uplift but quartzite trended 85o NW.

3.4 Quartz-mica (muscovite ) schist :

It have schistosty structure in hand spaceman but at the khors it is highly
weathered quartz muscovite schist instead of quarts feldspar schist
because the dominate mineral was muscovite in ration in some cases it
has been intruded into quartz vein which striking 62o NW & dipping 718
S, Qty mica schist occur in the contact with meta-volcanic succession.
In the area contain muscovite of less in grade. This is classified as scrap
mica ( highly weathered), makes the greater percentage of mica in Qtz-
mica schist and it appears at the surface.
The scrap mica might be e enlarged with depth of form important deposit
it concentrated along the contact line with the country rock.
At the outcrop the muscovite is good flexible highly clew age free from
structural imperfections , with brilliant surface, elastic. The QTZ-mica
schist intruded later along the foliation planes of the formation by
mechanical push help in most cases by chemical reactions.

3-5 Marble :
In the study are both types occur pure & impure marble in impure in
compost chemically of carbonate ferromagnasuim with structure banding
and some schistosity that was been intruded into granite composition
occur information of dykes.
Colored sugary structure composit of quart-alkali feldspar it trended 35o
NW dipping 11 o SE, also colour vary from very white to variously patch
or streaked with green gray, brown & red texture granoblastic grading
into diablastie , nematobstic, pokily elastic in silicate rich varieties
structure massive or zoned with grain size from very fine to very coarse.
The grad is higher, granite faces, it derived from fairly pure line stone
either by dynamic metamorphism.
3.6 Quartzite :

In the study area it siliceous arenaceous composed of essentials Quartz .

accessories , microcline, albeit , plagioclase , heavy mineral of detrital
origin apatite , Zircon , pyrite , magnetit element minerals are present
according to ratio . Presented in metamorphic series of very high grade ,
given that quartz is stable through at metamorphic range it derived from
sedimentary rocks .

The abundant QTZ mineral in Quartzite is milky white of Vitreous ,

massive , at way well developed crystals are common . under the
microscope , is some what cracked , cloudy of shows strain shadows .

Many QTZ dykes and veins observed in Detail work They follow either
The foliation Planes of the meta sediments , or Joint planes , and swell
along the strike those formed ridge of hills . in sore localities , QTZ is
colored brown due to it impregnation with iron solitaires – the Quartz
veins as wall as falsie dykes are found netting through the granite .

In sore cases it outcrops with chlorite schist trend 85o NW .

By hydrothermal solution it change into gossan converted . at the tops of

the gossan as showed indication from precipitation of mineral is
ferruginous from to down , and in fracture filled from Trending 65o NW

3.7 Syn – tectonic granite :

The description of syn tectonic granite of NE Detrudes white component

essentials QTZ , Potassic feldspar (orthoclase) , Plagioclase (albite) ,
biolite and , appearance white , light grey , pink massive structure with
meduim or fine grain size of occasion ally with good orientation, type
idiomorphic in some feldspar tends to present as large crystals which grie
the porphyritic texture which was recognized under microscope also the
intergrowth of orthoclase of albeit – theirs is frequents rounded

It is weakly foliation – the joint between to 60 – udders Trend 28 o NW of

dipth 80o SE , to ward the north side of the area the alkali feldspar
increase of cutting by QTZ veins – striking 50o NE .

There is relation ship between granite and schist generally and mate
volcanic rock ; where granite is older one because as in form feature and
orientation where the schist and mate volcanic are oriented NE direction
45o .

3.8 Younger granite :

The granite composition which are in the contact with mate volcanic ;
was potassic – granite composed of minerals Quartz , amphibole ,
plagioclases ; no foliation occurs the texture is medium to fine with spot
of plagioclases (phino cryst ) it contain xenoliths of basic dyke which
cutting it . in some Quartz have been contaminated with iron the mode of
occurrence in the area of shearing ; the intermediate granite (aphatic) as
granitic dyke .
Construction material :

Kaolin :

The kaolinized domes are rather small and homogenous develop , the
outcrops and Trenches lie along the charnel of khor Derudeb in E-W
direction – the Derudeb kaolin’s occurrence belongs to the epigenetic
residual types , it is formed by the weltering of the zone of acidic
volcanic – the deposit have average thickness of 2m kaolinization
change gradually depth into the pared rocks .

So the kaolin’s is associated with parted weathering of the acidic volcanic

of rhyolitic and felsitic composition , they represent the parent rocks of
the SHAGOONEN kaolin ; the contact with enclosing rocks are mostly
gradual . although the altered rocks are soft and partly rich in kaolinite

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