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1. Who are the characters?

 Narrator/Exie – Main Character

 Uncle Pepot, Uncle Bing – The Narrator’s Uncles
 Bombit- The Narrator’s Siblings
 Nina- The girl he liked/courted
 The Narrator’s family and friends

2. Where is the setting?

 The story is situated at San Juan City.

Objective details
 The old TV was in the living room downstairs, a Zenith large cabinet with the doors that slid
 There were orange glasses and a matching orange pitcher, and at meals we’d have it and a
blue one on the table.
 Our house was unassuming, with a modest height and green gate. The gate opened a long
three-car garage.
Subjective details
 It probably was a small house, but the size throws off a child. What seems modest to an adult
us extravagance to a little one. It was the world to me
 The big round dining table was new, and I suppose like a lot of families, we experienced that
moment of bliss when, having changed from a long table to this round one with a novelty called
lazy Susan, we were liberated from the forced courtesies of asking people to pass this or that
 I wonder though if something was lost, if the convenience of just turning an inner platform set
on marbles until what you wanted was right in front of you did away with the learned cordiality,
the togetherness with one’s table mates that taught you the give and take of community.

 In the essay Many Mansions, the author unveiled his cherished life as he lived in their
simple house in San Juan. The essay narrates his journey from being a little boy to a young

3. Is the autobiography in chronological order? Show a brief chronology of the subject’s life.
 The essay is in chronological order because it showed the progression of his life from
childhood to high school.

4. What Point of View (POV) was used? Give the pronouns used in the autobiography.

The story was in a First Person POV. The pronouns used were I, me, my, our, we.

5. Author’s purpose
 Credited people who influenced the subject
 Explained or to justify the actions of the subject
 Gave sense of the events in the lives of the subject
 Communicated an important personal statement about life
1. What is the theme?
 “There’s a big world out there, don’t stick to your comfort zone. Go and explore the
greatness that awaits.”

2. What Point of View (POV) was used? Give the pronouns used in the autobiography.
 The story was in a First Person POV. The pronouns used were I, me, my, our, we.

3. What is/are the emotion/s portrayed in the memoir?

 The emotions portrayed in the memoir are the feeling of excitement, failure and
reminiscence. The author showed excitement while living in their house and interacting with
his family and friends. Failure signifies his devastation when he was rejected by the woman
he courted. Lastly, reminiscence is the summation of the whole memoir since it reminisces
his life from child to teenage years.

4. Any supporting stories? Give brief details.

 Yes. The memoir was supported with stories such as his experiences while visiting his Tito
Pepot at Paterno Street, the stories about him and his siblings playing football in the
garage, the fun birthday parties and family gatherings where they join together to eat
delicious meals and pose for photos, and his memories of courting girls in high school with
his “barkada”/group of friends.

5. Any personal style? How?

 I was fascinated by how well the memoir was written not only because it was well-
constructed and thought of but also because he showcase his personal style by showing
transparency and adding supporting stories to make the memoir more convincing.

6. Does the author show honesty? How?

 Yes, I agree that the author showed honesty throughout the whole essay. Simply because
he told the story in a detailed and chronological manner. By this, he showed honesty
because he was able to share his life experiences in heights and failures.

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