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System Requirement

3.1) Specification

“In this part, I will explain in detail all the functions and the behaviour of the system. It specifies the
features and quality characteristics expected from this device. It also contains the primary
performance criteria that the device would need to operate this program smoothly. Requirements
are compiled by evaluating current related programs and defining the business.

3.2) Actors

“In this system there are three main actors involved.”

1) “User/customer: The user who uses this mobile application will be the user or customer.
They can refuel their vehicle through this mobile app when they want. All the payments will
happen online, and the user will use an RFID tag to refuel their car after they successfully
open a session.”
2) “Owner of the gas station: The gas station owner will have the RFID reader, which reads the
RFID tag of the user. The pump attendant will also supply fuel according to the customer's
requirement when the user/customer made their payments successfully through the mobile
3) “Admin: Admin has the highest priority to handle all the users. And admin will assign the
new RFID tags to the user when they provide valid details through the mobile app. Also, an
admin will handle both the user and the gas station side.”

3.3) Functional requirements

3.3.1) User login and register

“To login to the mobile app user should have an account. Users can create a new account by providing
valid user details. All the inputs are validated. After providing valid user details and click on submit
button, the user will receive an email with OTP (One Time Password). By using this OTP, the user
can activate his/her account. Inactive users will not be allowed to log in to the system.”
3.3.2) Forgot password

“To reset the password user should verify the account. During the verification process, the user will
receive an OTP to confirm the email. Then only he/she can proceed to set a new password to his/her

3.3.3) Request a new tag for the vehicle

“Users can make payments through the mobile app. And to identify the vehicle uniquely, each car
must have a unique RFID tag. To get a new tag user should provide valid user details and vehicle
details. When the admin verifies the user and the vehicle details, the admin will assign a unique RFID

3.3.4) Activate a new session to get refuel

“Users can get fuel by activating a session. Since a user may have more than one vehicle user should
select the vehicle and the fuel amount that the user wants to get refueled. After the successfully
purchased user can go to the gas station to get refueled. An RFID reader placed at the gas station will
read the user’s tag and verify the vehicle. If the user is authenticated, then the only user can get refuel.
After getting refueled, that session will expire.”

3.3.5) Help your friend to get refuel

“This function is similar to the “eZ Cash” system. When your friend wants to refuel but unfortunately,
he does not have enough money to get refueled or due to low balance of the bank account or some
other reason he could not have any options to get refueled his vehicle. Maybe your friend or native
can be far away from home with empty pockets. In this situation, you can help your friend by pop up
your friend’s tag. Both users should be installed and registered to the mobile app.”

3.3.6) Scan and pay

“Since this system is based on a contactless payment system, all the transactions will happen through
the mobile app. When the user wants to buy gas, battery water, lubricants, or other kinds of stuff from
the gas station user can use this option. User can scan the QR code which placed at the gas station and
can buy what they want.”

3.3.7) Track daily refuel information

This function help users to track day to day refuel details. Users can view all the refueled details with
a day, time, amount with the vehicle number.
3.4) Non-functional requirements

3.4.1) Accuracy and Reliability

“The accuracy and reliability of an RFID Module & Sensors (Ultrasonic Sensors, Float
Sensors) are of utmost importance. The device needs to have a unique feature and identify
the Fuel level, consumption rates in the same conditions. This is to prevent the device from
alerting the user about mismatching fuel levels. Also, I am using the online payment
gateway to pay for the necessary fuel needed for the fuel tank. So, in my system customers,
classified details must be secured. Rhetorically speaking the facts, the system should trust by
the user. As well as be reliable.”

3.4.2) Usability and mobility

“For more, detecting and automated filling systems, almost data analysis of fuel levels and
paying the money for the needed fuel like functionalities can be done using the mobile app
without hindering it from other activities.” 

3.4.3) Security

“Data communication between the device and system is reconsidered. It deals with users’
personal data. Also, the daily activities are recorded and consisting a payment gateway;
therefore, and data handled and stored in the mobile application should be secured using
appropriate mechanisms.” 

3.4.4) Performance and Delay

“Sensors should have the privilege to track delay-sensitive data transferring. It also implies that the
data transfer modes & communication protocols in upper stranded. The time is taken, or the system's
delay to detect the fall is essential to calibrate.”

“This is an important factor to be considered as it affects the overall functionality of the device's
application. Ultrasonic sensors and other relevant sensors detect the delay in notifying or alerting the
user when the fuel is close to being empty. This can alter by the user’s preferred guidelines. Implies
that the algorithm or technique used to detect the full tank.”

3.4.5) User friendly

“User-friendly mobile application. All the input fields a validated and guided the user to what the user
input should be if there is some user input, that error will display to the user. Used attractive
navigations and implemented other preferences like a dark theme or light theme.”

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