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Type of Class: 

Topic: (Not the grammar point! The context or

Target grammar item:

Lesson objective 
(Your objective says what learners will be able to do (to read, to write, to say, to listen for) employing
the target grammar.) 
By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to …


Stage  Time  Activity

• How will you engage learners or arouse
their interest in what is to follow?  
• How will you introduce the target
grammar item? How will you  
situate it / contextualize it?   
• What examples will you give? How can you
make sure that the examples are effective,
memorable, and meaningful? 
• How will you check learners’

Restricted (Guided) Practice  

• How will you help learners focus on the
target grammar item?   10-15
• Is the practice activity contextualized?  min
• How will learners get feedback on their

Freer /Communicative Practice

• How will you structure a safe environment
for experimentation?  20-25
• How will learners employ the target
structure to engage in meaningful
communication (speaking, writing)?


Lesson ending  

World Learning. (2019). Lesson Planning Template “Teaching Grammar Communicatively”

• How will you check if learners can use the 5-10
target structure to communicate their own min
• How will you ask them for feedback?

World Learning. (2019). Lesson Planning Template “Teaching Grammar Communicatively”


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