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One hot ruckye oF ALom

PMIND MAP O selecke Sealed giass +ube

Dclton 's Theory Debro9li e cone cathode uhe
Vocuum pumpiF reakes ula
Discovevy of e (o pressUre in
giass +ube
pYoton Hei senbesg unce to"6 mm Hg
Deuhon TaininiH pnc Hgh
Thomson's model
voltoge: t0o00 Uol
uonkum ND. cathode
Ruther FoYd mode. 1-Elechonic
(onfig Anod e
EMR TC Hon. this condiHon RaHS Come ouH Proim
-plank'S guanum 4heory! n
Cthode to onocde twhich is called
Photoetecic effecH Cathode Ry.
BlacK body Radiakon icathode Rays move -ve to tve elechode
Bor's model p7ov es cuthode RvS -Ve Chage
Elechic Pietd is aPpiied
AHom cu Hhode Yuy
John Dalton proPosecd Ihcu atom
deflected in direchon oftue charge:
cathode vays have-ve chuvge
is Smaliest indlvisible povHcle
oFSPm aüheel is kept in diy echon oP conlains thyee subaiomie ode TaYS: heel R0fates
PorHcte called. Elechons, protons, 1 Con firms thut cuhode RUYS have
Neurons Create a
Shup shudouo of Objec
Discovery of parHcies Kep in dive cHon of cathode uYS
DElecon: cathode Rays IE Con FiYms thut Cathode aYs mov
enpeyimen in Sraight line.
J Thomson iniHaly these toeve Kla ego
2 proton : Anode RuYS rons aley
eMPEVment chunged to elechon
Ruther ford Nakre of cathode
The eiechrons traVel fyom
Neubron Chadlwick C3ormbqTd ment) to caBhode 3 bateny
these elecwons move
Dis couery of eiecron Ccathod RaySs Prom cathodes +o anode in FoTm
Of cathode RaYS
Dischorvge Y OPVry Creen a FuTe of cathode RuY
Tube PesSSUTe means
On 1ot)
e ee ele Chavge/mass TaHo e oP caBhode
Dcaihod eRU NaHuTe Of cathode Rays do no
depend on
gus fieixd in glass tuhe
cuthode Anode
varuum pump Nature oF calhode ays do nok
depend on elechrode usecl
5nih volkoge
O1ScOUeToF proton (Anode Ra1 eMperi) DiScoveny OF neuron
Y at Very
Red 9lo)
pessure DischrgeDIScovered by Chad oick
Wbe I is a neual PaYHcle
*It 1S
produced by bombardment of
-ParHcte on Be akom
Be +He:c+n
Perforaked cuthocde Rnode
To Vacrum Pump
TmpoT tamt Daka
Mass of elecon (me)F
High volkage 9ene+ 9.1x10 kg =9-1 x108kg
0 Perforated cathocde Chavge oP etechon ce)
.6 xlo9c C
2 Small holes in coBhode Red
locomass, oP prokon Cme)=1-66x 101 1K9
behind calhode it SeemsRaYS re1-66
xlo-24g= I amu
coming from anode t0 CaBhode. Dp =1834 me Mp=18uome mp= 20ome
cathode vays oginoted from cathocle e OF mOkon (e16 xlo9c (4
buk anode Tuys ove not ovginahecd 7Ciss of neuron (mp)
Yom angcde 1615x 10
+ when voltage is QPPIIed eaE ky =1.67S10 kg.
om cathode 8 move tOtwads emode. choge of neuon)= zero
*The e ionize the
gas illed mcl VerY
Chay ged ions are PoYmed THOMSON S ATOMIC
+ v e lon move from anocde
8 obsevVecd as
anode Tays
+0 CUthode MODEL
Theve Pove amode rays cre noE Atom consider ecl as a posiHve
ed From anode. Chaged sPhere
Propev Hes of Anade RuYSJ Elechon cae dishibuted unifPOTmy
In this sPhere
differ ent gasses used in the This model aiso Knoudn
Change t0 mass Yüio ceim) is diff Plum
Pudding model
Natre of anode TOYS CChavge /9ass
sHo) depends.
The daure of gas taken

i The malevial oP etecrode

Anode RyS Aiavel in Shaight line
- I t eHploined the
tike cathocl Rqys
neudih) o
These aiso zotae pin toheel like cdthade
ROYs Bu cam not explain
the Stabili-
DeFlectd in elechic fietd: Rnode vuY are OP dlom.
+VelN Chay9
C-parHcle scateving enpeviment) The Size of nucteus is vey Small
FluoYescen SCYeen as
Crolcl Foil Compound to size of aom
Ralom= 101
m, R oucieus=10 m
Defleched ParHclesRn alom is 1o5 4imes bigger
ham nurieus
R-Ro (R)"'s cm
Ro=1.35 x10Sm
mosk pa7HcIes Siit Hmass number: R= Radius oF the
ndetPlechecd Aipha Pay Hle hucieus.
emitHeY The e Tevolues. cround
RUtherforcd told thin gold foil POTthis nucteus is
enperimen diFFerent concentric chYces ,cated
Beccause gotd Foil is most
mellea ble.
He bormbardecd -
paTHae on thin
golcl Foil
He made a civculay
aTound gold foil. FluOYescent Soreenmost OF the Akom is
D7aLwback OF Ruthevford model
Rutherfoicd sai etechon vevolves
aTOund Hhe nucLeusS in orbis
centey Elecron is (ontinously chonging
Ahomn divecHon
Thtt meuns elechon is acceleruled
mos of the od-PaTHcLes pasSed un- RIC to mMwel iP a chavge PCYHcle
deviated +Hrroughthe Jotd Poil Yokate around anothey Chnged PUrHue
most of the paTt oF he an aBoms in acceteruled moHon then it velEUSeS
1S ener gy if
emphy e elease enesy +hen
Few a- panHcle aYe devidted finally iE
LOi mey9e in nucleus
Gmqll angies. tmrougn So
Rutherford Falled to etplain
Aom contain -Ve &tve chage in
eniskence Of aBom.
equal amounk alom is neuro Ruthev ford Fouled +o explain maHWE=
+A Very Few 1 ouk Of
20000) elechonic
d-paTHcle T theort.
back to the original t can not etplain the line
Path 180 devialec)
Spectsum Of hydyogen
cohole Of the tve charge of an
alom is
concenaed in a small
volume Culled nucleus.
E l e c o magneHc Radiaion LEWRI Wave Number CV) = no. of coaves

in im lengBh
RCCOYcling to mantaweu EWR traveis in
Fovms of waves
I n EWR elecvic field mugneHc Alend
dhYecHon OF propagaHon ave pe pendi CCVe number (V) =
RecipYocal of
Cular to each OheY coave 1ength
Elecric velo ci Distan(e covered lby q
cocNe in 0ne se.
vel of ligh 3xlo8 mls
Ampli tud e The heighb of oeS
0Y cleph of through
-wavelengh Cnamla -R UUV R Radio tuaves
ACcoTding to maiuwell EMR raveis in
Fovm of udves
wavelength- () Distance blW any
two resiS Or through.
S-I unit=meler Pmphkde
Visible l1gh

1 nm 10 m
400 S06 600
1 pm- 1o-2 m O0
(violet) Coaveteng h namo (Tea)
1 fm =10m Tough meter (nm

2 Frequ ency Co) No-OP waves passing DRAW BACk

Ahrough a point Per Seconcd
v=Velo ciy oPcoave EMR eMplain ReflacHon
) RefracHon 2 wave Natuve
In va cuum EMR traveis coith SPeecd
OP 11gh
EMR: =.
C MR (an not etPlain:
unit Secor Hz Photo etedric PavHae
4 KH2 =
1o3H2 blackbody phenomeng Nane
1 MHz l06 Hz

m H2 I0S Hz
PIcnk gumBum Thedn4 Phokoelechric Effec
MNwe1 supparts coave nutre oflight Photo eecric efeck SuppOYs permHcle
nakre ofP lighb
Plank SupPOTS paTHde nu Hre oF IgnF hen 1ght is incidenk on certuin
RCcOvding to planle ligh
energy is ransmite metau eiecons cre
dbjeced ou
d in ferrm of smalle OF mekau suTPace.
Packek (alled
quanta The quanta are culled
photon. These elecons crre ccutecd photo
elecons. Ligh
Chava cheTi sic of photon Detecho metcu
SuT FaCe
UTavel coith SPeec of lighb C-3x
108 misec) in vaccum
The speed twaveien gth of phokon
chunye hn a medium but I'S AmmeltY
Vacum chambey

requency energy Constank

The 7est mass of photon is zevo
RIC Plank tohen photons BaHery
avets i The cuen Plo due to moHon of
Follou nature tohen photon
toave elechon in civcui
Shike amy suYface t fouotoS
parHcie *This phenomena is cuned photoelec
ic effec
Energy of Photon Es Photo elecric cuenP
The turen+ tohich Plows
E-h clue to
the mohon oP etecon in ciYcu'
E- hc iS
culled photo etechric cumen
cohaut Is +he Funchon of batHery ?
6.62 k 10J-Sec *BaHey ensures +thut ejeched elecon
move from chode
Ener1 Fov n no.of photon-Enhe to anocde.
Work FUncHon c) Ther sold Ftmthrian
unit oP energy En ery
+minimum pmergy sequîred to ejec
S1 unik= Joule elechron cur to rmeral suTfate o k
fumtHon is the
other unik eV
melad churacherishcs OF
1evI6 x1o9T Wovk
he 6.63
fumti on iS difP on diff meleus
xto J-S
hce 12o ev-nm ThevSholcd Frequency CV)
h c 12u00 ev-A The min
requenty ofincidem 119h
o ejeck an e-
From mekau
h7esoicl avel eng th Cdo) SFOPPing PokenHay CVo)
maimum coavelength Teuuived 1o To Stop mouing charge Yeverse
ejec e Rever Se PokenHoal Po-enHo4
Stop eb ck-E)mu
- he APPI ore ener9Y Theorm.
k-E ma= evo
Ei-+ evo
BroselPc EuHon) hui- huo +eVo
(consevUCHon Of enevgy) evo= hui -huo
Ei + (k-E) muMH
Uoh Ci-vo)
he hc +(RE) mum
Ai do
*Black body RucliaHon *
CK-E)mtM hui-hvo
BohT'S Atomic model
e ee APPlicable for HH like cttem
Ik-E PasHiautes
Atom is neuru
erevolees in Cculcy Paha
Conshant 7aclius coTblS or
slOPeR h
cenhipetcu force= etecoshauH
RTce oP thbracHor
-hV mvz

key Point one photo

F o Y each inciden pholon my3 Kze
eo emited
NOtHme gap
all ejected Photoelecons have AngulaY momenHum inlegral
muHiple oP h/2H
CIe B) may
Ei < Or VIVo no pheleekon mVaT = n h
Photoeleck on 27T
EI 2 or Viz Vo phoboetechric eFfeck StaHonay orbitous
Rudius of nth Bohr's obit
Sn- 0.923xn An

T z1
FrequencY F Z

Energy Of Tevolving eiecron (4)*

112 2 TO a eneTgy-kE =
seeping nconS+an En-13.6 x z eV
K-E +13.6 2 eV

PE-21.2 x2ev
IsePPing z conston Keeping z constan
veiocitH OF nth gohy's orbi-
Vn 2. 198xio6 mis 12
Keeping n constant

Ve Z1 n

Y-h2 Vn
-m -0.s n=S


1/n -O1.S n=3

1-89 ev
keepi0 z constont -3.40- n=2
10.2eV 2 15ev
For H like muliplied by z
Energy Gnap: 1-2 : 1o.22-eV
seePing nconsian 1-3 12.09 z2ev
Time period
:1-3 1-89 z ev
T=.92x 1onse 22

Lman series 0 7 Ha line),
*TonizaHon Enevgy
+o eo
energY 7equlred
+0 inFiniH.
Aa-4 Firs+ line of Liman

4E 1-E =
+13-62 ev
4E TE = 413-6 z x96 HT/mol Seconc line CB Or He line)

dB 9
Binding energy 8R22
EnergY requlred t0 Seme ea remove
Line of Shovlesh coaUelength
e from given ene79y Shet.
BE= 1 energy of nth shell l = 13.627 A min
n2ev RZ
Line of longes coavelength
HYdrogen speckum*
n-1 RZ
CalcuiaHon oP no: oF SPeckTCU line:
(n2-n) n2- Di41)
B70clket Series
n4 n2-n1 Single e
nz= 5,6 TIR
n2- rouncd Stale op that series
Paschen series SPecific senes.
DTowback Of Coh7s model
h-2 R APPIICable For Single ee sPpecies
Balmey Series
not etplain StaTk
nn2 eFfecE S
3 , 4 . 0o zeaman ePfech.
n- *a VISible
LYmen seTies .De-37oglie concePh
n2 2,3 A

RidbPrg's Formula mV 2m Cle)

-10 v
accelercikecl rom resE
R= 10g67 cm=|-0967 x1o= Io3 PertHcle
# cksocicion o} De-BrogHie Concept Hund 'S Rule
uih Boh7's model
pairing of e6 occuy tor) oTbil
Singly occupiecl.
27T - n A m agneHcC momenkS
M no.oF Cwaves

No-Of coaves the Shel in which e
Tevolve Suantum NumbeY
Heisenberg's uncorkoin PrindiPle Shape oF S Sub Shell

H 4P h Joule-Sec

H 4Vh Toule Sec.

15 29

Suan um numbey shape oP_p-Suh Shel

SHate (n) (0) (ma) (rms) e
19 2
2S 2

2P 1,0,+1 6
Par-ovbikcu Py-Orbitay
S Pz-Orbito
3 Shape of d Subshell
1,0t 6 8
3d 3 2 -2101, 1

n= principle quankum number

= OTbitu quanum numbey cdt2
ma = magneHc quan hum numbe
Ms SPin quanum numbey
e manimum no .0f eiechons
Elecronic con PiguraHon:
Afbar pYincipie
1s 2S2P 3S 3P<uS <3d<4P chH2- dy2
hot valid P H- qtom.
Pauli'st eClusion_ principle
only 2e opp. dz2
MAGNETIC GUANTOM No. lary: or2 Yz IS nodal Pine
dy2: yY2 iS et nodal pione
Ovbitcul Region onouncl the
nu cteus dBz X 12 iS nodal plane
CUhere probabili Iy oP findin
I e is mavimum
Nodle Region around the oucteus Nodo lcone

Coheye no e can found

cun be a poink IsuYface
FoY P O1bikal

Some mpoikon Fermulg

No -Of Subshel PoY given Shell =n

may no. orbital in a
+maH no.oF ein a shell - 2n2

P z Hy Plane iis noclal plane WiHng elechonic configuvaion

P t 2 plane is nodal plane
Pz = Yz Plane is nodal piane.

FoT d orbito C


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