Business Opportunity Koi Fish As Small Enterprise Development in Hamlet Lumbang, Sawocangkring, Wonoayu, Sidoarjo

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R. Agus Baktiono I Putu - Artaya

Universitas Narotama Universitas Narotama


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Independent business planning for small business principals



By: R. Agus Baktiono1 dan I Putu Artaya2

Management Courses, Narotama University of Surabaya

Introduction: Identification Of Business Opportunities

Koi fish is one type of ornamental fish. Ornamental fish or carp (Cyprinus carpio)
is a freshwater fish that has important economic value and is widespread in Indonesia. In
Indonesia, koi fish have several names, namely kancra, tikeu, tombro, raja, rayo, ameh or other
names according to the area of its spread.

In Japan, this fish is called a Nishikigoi (Cyprinus carpadie). That is, the colorful
fish. GOI's own means fish which also includes carps. Koi is derived from the Chinese
themselves. This fish supposedly comes from Persia, brought to Japan via China and Korea. And
rapidly growing from about 160 years ago. The emergence of colorful koi fish is the result
penyilangan and cultivation for hundreds of years. Initially, breeders in Japan can only produce
one single color varieties of koi, koi yakji black (Karasugoi, Sumigoi), white (Shiromuji), red
(Akagoi, Benigoi, and Higoi), yellow (Kigoi), (Kingoi), Golden and silvery-white (Gingoi).

Koi fish cultivation has shown its development and marketing has been to various
regions in Indonesia, some have even been exported. There are many kinds of famous koi fish
from Blitar Regency, namely Gosanke, which is a type of koi fish that has a red hue above white,
sanke is a type of koi that has a red hue above white. Black shades are not on the head, and
Showa is a type of black koi with red and white shades..

Export demand for Koi fish in Indonesia is too large, while Koi Fish farms in
Indonesia are very few so they have not been able to meet export demand. Here is a huge
opportunity for the Indonesian people to increase their foreign exchange by developing SMEs in
Koi Fish Farms to meet export needs and introduce that Indonesian Koi fish products also have
good quality. From here we are inspired to start a Koi fish business because the struggle is still
very little. Blitar City is the Biggest Koi Fish Breeder in East Java. While in Sidoarjo there are
not many Koi fish farmers.

Independent business planning for small business principals

Farmer Explanation
Before starting this Koi Fish cultivation business, we must learn the steps that
must be taken so that we get high-quality Koi fish and can compete in the market. The female
Koi fish business has several processes :

Early Aspects of Koi Fish Cultivation

Location and shape of the pool

From a technical point of view, the location of the pool should not be displaced by
the building that will be developed. If the place of residence is to be built, the koi pond should
not be built near the house. The location of the pool is free of shade of trees, for those who have
large yards, select locations that are not sheltered by large trees. The best pool is made under a
large tree that has been by cut twigs. Koi pond forms can be made in various types, provided that
they are in accordance with the available house area Basically there are two types of pools,
namely formal (official) and non-formal (informal). Formal groups seem to be "organized" and
"disciplined". And non-formal is very suitable for cleaning the pool, namely rice fields..

Figure 1. Artificial Indoor Koi Fish

Independent business planning for small business principals

Figure 2. Fish pond koi Natural

Keep, improve, and maintain water quality
Keep, improve, and maintain the quality of the pool water so keep the prima is
especially important for koi. There are three ways to clean outdoor air filter regularly, and
applying the drugs – medicines to improve kualitar of water.
1. Clean the pool on a regular basis.
2. Filter to improve water quality.
3. Improve the quality of water with drug.

Stages of Koi Fish Cultivation

Koi fish cultivation can be divided into the following stages:

1. Parent selection stage. The main requirement of the parent is already mature sex and mature
body. Other terms of his physical Prime, not deformed fins, fins – complete, also scales. Her
movements are graceful, balanced, not doddering. Minimum of 2 years of age in males, and
3 years in females. Females are larger than males, his belly is bigger than there were back.
Stud, we recommend more slender and flat stomach if seen from the backs.
2. The spawning stage. Things – things that must be observed in spawning koi pond supplies,
is the availability of parent koi, provision of seed, feed and treatment selection. The size and
the number of eggs depends on its parent. The diameter of the bright yellow colored eggs.

Independent business planning for small business principals

But then the color changed into nodes. Once memijah a female can produce 20,000 eggs –
40,000 grain.

Figure 3. Spawning ponds Koi fish

1. Nursery phase. That is the stage of seed breeding koi fish since the hatch until the age of 1
month's next ready raised or moved to an enlargement of the.
2. Stage of enlargement. During this growth phase begins the age of 1 month until it reaches
the size of the sale ready 3-5 months. Activities conducted during this enlargement seed
selection – good seed for sale or prospective parent or prospective fish contest, so there is a
class A, class B, class C, class a super would-be contestants. With the Division of the stages
of this class helps farmers in the event of shorten harvest, farmers generate income with
benefits that are quite insufficient, and lowers the risk of failed harvest.
3. Feeding. During the growth period koi fish experienced a very significant change in feeding
behavior. The feed type of koi fish consists of natural (organic) feed in the form of moss or
artificial food (inorganic), in the form of fish meal, breder 1, breder 2, and vitamins. Natural
feeds used include duck egg yolks and hair worms.
4. Harvest period. Harvesting is done after koi are 3-5 months old with a length between 10-15
cm. In the implementation of the harvest that needs to be considered, among others: Harvest
time should be morning or evening, to facilitate capture, before catching it needs to be fed as
a gathering place for koi fish, the capture process is carried out carefully so as not to cause
the scales to escape, catching fish seeds in the pond is carried out under conditions of low
water temperature and not in rain conditions. When catching the pool water depth is left as
high as 20-30 cm and transport should be carried out in the afternoon. The transport
container used is in the form of a plastic bag filled with oxygen or a tub that is closed with
the amount of fish adjusted for the size of the koi and its capacity.

Independent business planning for small business principals

The cultivation stage can open opportunities for koi fish cultivation that are quite extensive since
hatchery to enlargement related to one another in a koi fish farming system.

Figure 4. Koi when harvested

Appropriate Technology
The level of technology used for koi fish is generally classified into 3 types,
namely traditional, semi-intensive and intensive, but there are no definite and clear boundaries
between the three levels of technology because the classification is only done through different
characteristics. Most of what the community does is traditional and semi-intensive technology.
The technology classification is guided by the Sapta Fisheries Business.

The characteristic of using traditional technology is that it only depends on natural

conditions, natural feeding, maintenance of koi fish is only intended as savings and harvested 4
months to meet consumption needs during holiday season. While the characteristics of semi-
intensive technology are conducting aquaculture more or less in accordance with the Sapta
Fisheries Business, for example in the case of feed using artificial food other than natural feed
and water quality regulation has been carried out, but it has not been measured and controlled.
The characteristics of intensive technology are in the Sapta of Fisheries Enterprises and carried
out in a controlled manner.

Independent business planning for small business principals

Business Background
The reason we chose the breeding koi fish is because the Koi is an animal that
lives in temperate climates and live in freshwater. Then the pattern is used a single cultivar
(monoculture), i.e. a fish that is kept and then harvest only one type of fish that is koi fish.
The price of the koi fish is quite good and stable, large and fast responsive to
feeding and handling is easy, so that the seeds are easily obtained in sufficient amount and
quality. Activities conducted on seeding stem preparation include koi, spawning, hatching eggs,
feeding, seeding, managing water quality as well as the eradication of pests and diseases.

The Goal Of Empowerment For The Perpetrator Of A Small Business

1. Able to keep koi fish by considering the requirements of quality and quantity.
2. Can specify the production aspect of koi fish.
3. Able to determine aspects of the market and the marketing of koi fish in a wider market.

Business Potential
This product has a reasonably promising business opportunities. Because of the
considerable export demand and enthusiasts/pengkoleksi Koi fish in Indonesia growing bigger as
well. How to care for Koi fish farms and do the fair is pretty easy as well as climate in Indonesia
that support so that it can produce a high quality Koi fish.
Without a lot of capital someone can start this Koi fish farming business. Namely
by utilizing land around the house to be used as a Koi fish farm pond, or using an aquarium to
start a Koi fish business on a small scale.
Many types of koi are in demand for export. Making this livestock business can
be developed by all those who want to breed different types of Koi fish so that the competition in
this business is relatively small because there are very many types of Koi fish.
The character of the community's small entrepreneurs in Indonesia is that they will start a
business are taught if have seen successful examples from other parties, then comes a motivation
in their right to dare to start doing business. Although sometimes it looks difficult, but most of
Indonesia society has the potential to progress in a short time. This is a very lucrative private
conditions to teach them how to run the business efficiently.

Independent business planning for small business principals

Marketing And Sales Routes For Koi Fish

Figure 5. Koi fish marketing chain

Promotional Activities
The promotion is part of the marketing process. Promotion strongly influenced the
fluency and success of a business. We make our products on promotion through various social
media and also events held exclusively for Community Koi.

Production Strategy
We produce Koi fish in the Pond on County Blitar, we also develop aquaculture in
Sidoarjo Regency area. Hopefully this effort can make business opportunities for citizens in
Sidoarjo Regency of Blitar in such.

Pricing Strategies
The price is a variable that has an important role in the business world. The price
indicates the level of a product also be reference on how the product is supposed to be when
viewed from its price. Prices that we offer here, we customize with our goal and that is to
domestic and overseas. Our rates adjust with the type and quality of Koi fish. In terms of
discussing pricing strategies, demand is largely determined by the quality of koi fish, the more
healthy the fish are offered to consumers, the better the price. While other traders just follow it.

Independent business planning for small business principals

Table 1. The price of Koi fish in Indonesia

The Size Of The Koi

No. Types Of Koi
Small (3.9-5.9 inc) Medium (9.8-11.8 inc)
The Local Ordinary $ 0,38/tail $ 0,38/tail
Nice/good $ 3,80/tail $ 23,05/tail
Regular Imports $ 3,80/tail $ 76,90/tail
Nice/good $ 76,90/tail $ 230,70/tail

Source: Wonoayu survey results, 2010.

With such a nice opportunity of seeing this, then it is certain that the hamlet of
Lumbang, Sawocangkring, Sidoarjo Wonoayu has a very good opportunity in developing
breeding Koi fish. This is an activity that has a fairly high economic value for the business
activities of residents in the area. And a very worthy to be developed. In particular many
merchants from abroad come directly to the location of the farm to choose and buy koi fish that
has a good quality, next they market consumer demand.

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