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By Paul Shipton

Illustrated by Fabiano Fiorin

Activities by Hannah Fish

© The New Glasses .. 2
Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
0 Picture Dictionary . . . . . . 30
@ About Read and Imagine . . 32
@ Key (Activities for Exam Practice) • • • 32


Grandpa's robot

A boy in the

Now let's read this story,

The New Glasses!
Ben and Max are in the school
'Are !:JOU wearing new glasses?'
Max asks.
'Yes,' sa!:JS Ben. 'Do !:JOU like them?'
'The!:J're ver!:J nice,' sa!:JS Max.
me bo-ys are pla-ying a game with
n we pla-y, too?' Max asks them.
' IZ,' sa-ys the bo-y with the ball.
n takes off his new glasses. 'I can't
run and pla-y in them,' he sa-ys.

+ Go to page 20 for activities. 0

The buy with the ball shouts,
He throws the ball to Ben.

But Ben is putting his glasses

in his pocket. The ball hits
the glasses and they fall.
Th bol) runs to Ben. 'I'm sorrlJ!'
he alJS.
'Arc lJOUr new glasses OIZ?' Max asks.
Ben looks at the glasses. He is sad.
"No look,' he salJS. 'The1:J're broken!'
Ben has a bad day at school.
He sits down close to the board, but he
can't see the numbers on it. His teacher
writes a question, but Ben can't read it.
At four o'clock, Rosie sees Ben.
~where are -your new glasses?'
she .sk. him.

S(>On Grandpa and

(.Junk are here.
~w hereare -your
n w glasses, Ben?'
ttsk Clunk.
Ben is ver-y sad.
At home, Ben gets some tape and sits
down at the table.
'What are 1JOU doing?' asks Rosie.
'I want to fix m1J glasses,' sa1JS Ben.

- -----~-
'You can't fix them with tape!'
stl~JS randpa.
I ·n giv his broken glasses to
t ondpa. 'Can -you fix them for me,
1 I ·ose?' he asks.

~ No,'
sa-ys Grandpa, 'but I can make
~JOU s me fantastic NEW glasses! I
on give them to -you at breakfast.'

(+ Go to page 23 for activities.

In the morning, Grandpa gives Ben
his new glasses.
'Thanks, Grandpa!' sa-ys Ben.
Grandpa looks out the window. 'It's
a sunny day,' he says. 'Let's ride our
bikes to school today!'
'Great!' says Rosie .

Soot th "Y a re on their bikes. Max is
1het c with his bike, too.

~ I . t 's !' a11 s Grandpa. 'We can

1 idl' on the bike path.'

I n is h PP"Y· He likes his new glasses.

The-y come to a bridge over a road.
A cat runs in front of them.
'Ben!' shouts Rosie. 'Don't hit that cat!'

Ben stops his bike, but

his new glasses fall.
'Oh no!' shouts Ben.
<)ui ·k,' a-y
I osi . ct -your
'loss ·s, n.'
I lit the r ~ i a strong wind. The glasses
(tJ on the bridge and then- oh no!-
tIt J t nil onto the road under the bridge.
lJ i I·~
(Junk!' Ben sa-ys. 'Please get
rh nt.A ·
But Clunk can't get the glasses.
Ben watches the car. It's
coming at the glasses. The
man in the car can't see them.
And then ...

The car doesn't

hit the glasses.
'They're OIZ!'
says Max .

But thcr is a big
J ·llow s hool bus
u11 the road, too.

I1 lou·H1 t g close to
1It q losses. It goes
N 1hetn.
It 11or s y Ben. 'Now
tit (tl broken, too!'
J losses fll) up.
'Catch them, Ben!' salJS Grandpa.
Ben looks up. He jumps with his
hands out ... and catches the glasses!

Then he looks at them.

'The1:1're NOT broken!'
'Grandpa makes fantastic,
strong glasses,' salJS Clunk.
t ,' hool, the bo-ys in the pla-yground
11 pl t.Jinq with the ball again.
n looh-; ot Max. 'Let's pla-y!' he sa-ys.
s no take off his glasses. He
11 i sh uts, 'Throw the ball to me!'
0 Activities for pages 4-5
D 1 Write the words.

1 l yap 2 keto fof 3 megc


5 segsl 0 s 6 unr

2 Match.
1 Ben and Max ~ playing with a ball.
2 Ben is wearing • • off his new glasses.
3 Some boys are • are in the playgrour
4 Ben takes • • new glasses.

~ Do you play in the school playground'

What games do you play? Talk to a frie
for pages 6-7

A l>oq throw th ba ll on ! @ Ben.

II I>< Ill I I hitting Ben's glasses.
do fa ll I fall.
1\c 11 look of I at the glasses.
d r I sad.
II "i i I are broken.

k (y ) or a cross (X) in the box.

1 hi s is a ball. QD

2 This is broken. 0
3 This is a pocket. 0

(J 4 This is sad. 0
0 Activities for pages 8-9
D 1 Choose and write the correct words.
Ben has a bad day at school.
He sits close to the 2 , but he
can't see the numbers on it. At four o'clock,
Rosie sees Ben. Soon Grandpa and
are here. Clunk says, 'Where
are your new 4 _ _ _ _ _, Ben?' Ben is
very 5 _ _ _ __

school board glasses Clunk

falls sad catch

~ Do you wear glasses? Talk to a friend.

0 Activities for pages 10-11
1 Complete the sentences.

1 Ben sits down at the table .

2 He wants to his glasses.
3 But he can't fix them with - - - -
4 Ben gives his glasses to _ _ __
5 Grandpa can ____ some new glasses.

2 Look at the picture on page 10.

Write yes or no.
1 Ben is sitting at the table. yes
2 Rosie is sitting next to Ben.
3 Ben's glasses are on the table.
4 Ben's glasses are red.
5 There is some tape on the table.
6 Rosie has green glasses.
7 Grandpa is eating breakfast.
0 Activities for pages 12-13
1 Match.
1 happy
' ' 2 ride

3 window

• 4 sunny

• 5 bike path

6 bike

D 2 Look at the picture on page 13.

Answer the questions.
1 How many bikes are there? three
2 What color is Ben's bike?
3 Is Clunk on a bike?
4 How many trees are there?

~ Do you have a bike? Talk to a friend.

0 Activities forpages14-15
1 Write the words.

1 regbid 3 t ca

4 v reo 5 do a r

2 Order the words.

1 runs I of them. I A cat I in front
A cat runs in front of them.
2 his glasses I Ben stops I his bike, I fall. I but

3 is I wind. I There I strong I a

4 under I fall I Ben's glasses I the bridge.

0 Activities for pages 16-17
D 1 Put a tick(/ ) or a cross (X ) in the box.

1 This is a car. 0
· 2 This is a man. 0
3 This is a school bus. 0
r: 0- ")

10 14 Thisisyellow. 0
I 0

\..___ _ _ 1
0 I
D 2 Look at the picture at the bottom
of page 17.
Write yes or no.
1 A school bus is on the road.
2 There is a cat on the road.
3 Ben and Rosie are on the bridge.
4 Ben is happy.
5 Clunk is on the school bus.
0 Activities forpages18-19
1 Circle the correct words.
1 Ben jumps with his I he's hands out.
2 Ben catches I catch the glasses.
3 The glasses are no I not broken.
4 Grandpa makes strongest I strong glasses.

2 Choose and write the correct words.

Ben and catches the glasses.
He looks at the glasses. They are not
! The glasses are very strong.
In the school playground, Ben plays with
the 3 _ _ _ _ _ again. Now he does not
_____ his glasses!

broken throws JUmps take off ball

~ Do you like this story? Talk to a friend.

0 Story Characters
1 Write the names.


2 Write about these characters.

Ben wears red glasses.
Rosie - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Grandpa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Clunk - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 Now draw a new character.


4 Write about your new character.

~ The characters are the people in a story.

Who is your favorite character in this
story? To lk to a friend.
0 Picture Dictionary

ball bike bike path breakfast

bridge broken car cat

catch fall fix game

r - . < , I

l_ _j
glasses hit in front of make

over play playground pocket

ride road sad school bus

~' '

shout strong sunny take off

tape teacher throw under

Oxford Read and Imagine graded readers are at nine levels (Early Starter, Starter,
Beginner, and Levels 1 to 6) for students from age 3 to 4 and older. They offer great
stories to read and enjoy.
Activities provide Cambridge Young Learner Exams preparation. See Key below.
At Levels 1 to 6, every storybook reader links to an Oxford Read and Discover non-
fiction reader, giving students a chance to find out more about the world arownd
them, and an opportunity for Content and Larnguage Integrated Learning (CLIL).
For more information about Read and Imagine, arnd for Teacher's Notes, go to elt/teacher/ readandimag ine

Q Activity supports Cambridge Young Learner Starters Exam preparation

Do you want to find out more about eyes,

and how people and animals protect their
eyes? You can read this non-fiction book.


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