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Questions concerning the North American Lutheran Church (NALC)

(These were some questions asked at the potluck on Saturday March 26. Please fill out the comment
box on the website if there are other questions or comments.)
 What is the organizational structure? The NALC will have an annual convocation. There will be
an equal number of lay and pastoral delegates at the convocation. Every congregation will have
one delegate for every 750 baptized members and ever clergy member is also a delegate. Any
teaching statements or constitutional changes must be ratified by 2/3 of the congregations of
the NALC before becoming effective. The Bishop and General Secretary will provide pastoral
and administrative leadership day to day. There is also an Executive Council that will oversee
the implementation of the work and policies set forth by the annual convocation. The
denomination will be broke down into regional subdivisions based upon geographical
boundaries for the purpose of collaborating together in ministry. Each region will have a Dean
who will be an ordained minister. The Deans will serve as pastors to pastors and can still serve
as a local pastor while also serving as the Regional Dean.

 How is the pastoral candidacy committee selected? The ordination process is under the
authority of the Executive Council. The Executive Council determines the standards and process
for ordination. Executive Committee members are elected at the annual convocation and it is
made up of an equal number of clergy and laity. A candidacy committee can be formed under
the direction of the Executive Council. The candidacy committee is the group that works with
the Bishop in interviewing candidates who desire to be ordained or join the NALC pastor roster.
The Bishop will preside at the ordination of the approved candidates or authorize another
Pastor to preside at the ordination.

 If we affiliate with the NALC, will we use the ELCA Board of Pensions for benefits for our staff?
No, the congregation will look to other avenues to provide health and retirement benefits to the
staff. There will be no connection with the ELCA Board of Pensions.

 Will we be a 501(c)(3) organization? We are currently working on a constitution and bylaws

which will be presented to the group before Easter. After these documents are reviewed we
will formally incorporate as a congregation in May or June with the State of South Dakota. After
that we will begin the application process to receive 501(c)(3) status. We will be in conversation
with legal counsel throughout the process to determine the appropriate steps in this area.

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