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Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 3949–3964


Microalgae immobilization: Current techniques and uses

Ignacio Moreno-Garrido *

Institute of Marine Sciences of Andalucı´a (CSIC), Campus Rı´o San Pedro, s/n 11510, Puerto Real, Ca´ diz, Spain

Received 19 July 2006; received in revised form 23 May 2007; accepted 23 May 2007
Available online 9 July 2007


Information about advances in immobilization techniques and biotechnology use of freshwater and marine microalgae is scattered.
This work aims to bring together the main recent research about the topic. Passive and active immobilization techniques used on mic-
roalgae are listed and described in the text. Effect of immobilization on growth and metabolism of the cells is also reviewed. Current
uses of immobilized microalgae include metabolite production, culture collection handling, obtaining of energy and removing of
undesired or valuable substances from media (nutrients, metals and different pollutant agents). Applications of immobilized microalgae
in environ- mental aquatic research have been recently increased: novel immobilization techniques as well as the use of living
microalgae as biosen- sors in electronic devices designed to measure toxicity of substances and effluents demonstrated to be a very
promising topic in biotechnology research. Recent research pointed out the advantages of mixed bacterial–algal co-immobilized systems in
water treatment plants. Application of immobilized systems to the production of non-contaminant energy (as H 2 obtained from algal
cultures) is also an important topic to be explored in the next years.
© 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Microalgae; Phytoplankton; Immobilization; Biotechnology

1. Introduction those problems. The use of immobilized algal cells in water

purification processes has been reported from long ago
Microalgae (sensu lato, it means including prokaryotic (Robinson et al., 1988), as microalgae form part of the
photosynthetic microorganisms such as cyanobacteria) organisms fixed in percolating filters of wastewater treat-
are organisms that play a key role in aquatic ecosystems. ment plants. But at the end of the sixties of the past cen-
It is estimated that around 40% of global photosynthesis tury, novel techniques for immobilizing biocatalysts in
is performed by microalgae (Falkowsky, 1980). Microalgae general (from enzymes to whole cells) began to spread in
form the basis of most of trophic aquatic chain. In some the literature (Papageorgiou, 1987), and the use of immobi-
coastal environments, biomass of microphytobenthos can lization techniques diversifies. Immobilized algae have been
match or even exceed the biomass of bacteria (La Rosa used for biomass obtain and macronutrient removal. The
et al., 2001). The use of microalgae in biotechnology has extremely high accumulation capacity of some of these
been increased in recent years, these organisms being impli- organisms for potentially dangerous substances (Maeda
cated in food, cosmetic, aquaculture and pharmaceutical and Sakaguchi, 1990) has been also exploited for bioreme-
industries (Borowitzka and Borowitzka, 1988), but small diation techniques applied on polluted waters (specially
size of single cells implies a problem in the application of involving metals: Greene and Bedell, 1990). This capacity
biotechnology processes to those organisms. Cell immobi- has also been exploited in order to pre-concentrate these
lization techniques have been developed in order to solve substances and thus facilitate the measurement of traces
in environment (Carrilho et al., 2003; Singh and Prasad,
2000). Lower growth rates of immobilized algal cells, prob-
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immobilized cells, as well as protection of cells entrapped in

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3950 I. Moreno-Garrido / Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 3949–3964

immobilizing matrixes can also be exploited in order to rier is non-toxic and (it is said to be) non-reactive, cheap,
facilitate handling of culture collections (Lukavsky, mechanically strong and stable in long-term cultures (Liu
1988). Environmental uses of immobilized algal cells are et al., 1998). Akhtar et al. (2004) used loofa sponge bio-
not restricted to pollutant removal. These techniques have mass in order to immobilize cells of Chlorella sorokiniana,
been recently used in field toxicity measurement experi- to remove nickel(II) from aqueous solutions. This immobi-
ments (Admiraal et al., 1999; Moreira dos Santos et al., lized system demonstrated to accumulate 25% more nickel
2002, 2004; Moreira et al., 2006). An important part of than free cells after 20 min exposition. This immobilizing
the current work in the field of the toxicity measurement technique using loofa sponges has also been used for fun-
is, however, focused in the design of microalgal-based bio- gus such as Phanaerochaete chrysosporium (Iqbal and
sensors (Chouteau et al., 2004; Podola et al., 2004; Shit- Edyvean, 2004, 2005; Ahmadi et al., 2006) in wastewater
anda et al., 2005). Recent uses of microalgal technology treatments; bacteria as Zymomonas nobilis (Vignoli et al.,
involving production of hydrogen (Dante, 2005; Kapdan 2006) for sorbitol production; and microbial bio-systems
and Kargi, 2006) or electricity (Kadam, 2002) could be (Nagase et al., 2006) for degradation of carbendazim and
improved by the use of immobilization techniques. Very 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. For cells that have no nat-
well known reviews on immobilization techniques and ural trend to attach this type of support, Ogbonn et al.
uses for algae date from the end of the eighties (Robinson (1996) reported the possibility of the co-use of chitosan
et al., 1986; Codd, 1987; Papageorgiou, 1987). Cassidy et in order to increase the flocculating process of free cells
al. (1996) made a revision of the environmental over the loofa surfaces. Liu et al. (1998) compared the cel-
application of immobilized cells (not only algae). Jen et al. lular adsorption capacity of loofa sponge cubes and poly-
(1996) sum- marized in a review the new techniques till urethane cubes, and found no differences for plant
that year on hydrogels for cell immobilization in general. (Coffea arabica) free cells. A problem on designing
One of the most recent reviews on the topic is the work of research involving loofa sponge biomass is repeatability.
Mallick (2002), centred in the use of immobilized algae for Structure of the skeleton of fruits varies from a plant to
waste- water, nitrogen, phosphorus and metal removal. another in function of culturing conditions: each loofa
But a big amount of information about all these and other sponge has dif- ferent structure (Liu et al., 1998). In any
uses for immobilized cells still remains scattered. The case, for industry or commercial purposes, passive
purpose of this review is, thus, to bring together all recent immobilization of algal cells on loofa sponges seems to be
informa- tion to date about microalgal immobilization a very promising field.
techniques and the current uses for this biological Synthetic materials are also widely used in experiments
material, in order to facilitate researchers the task of involving passive immobilization. Urrutia et al. (1995)
finding references related to their work in this field. immobilized Scenedesmus obliquus cells in polyvinyl and
polyurethane in order to remove nitrate from water. Sur-
2. Immobilization techniques for microalgal cells vival of adsorbed cells was compared with entrapped cells
(it means, cells immobilized by ‘‘active’’ immobilization),
Most of the immobilization techniques devised for by mixing concentrated cells with one of the pre-polymers.
microorganisms in general can be applied to microalgae, Cellular growth is higher for adsorbed cells than that mea-
with the limitation of light transmission if living cells are sured for entrapped cells, possibly due to the toxicity of
intended to be immobilized. Immobilization techniques the pre-polymers (although these authors reported that
can be primarily divided into two groups: ‘‘passive’’ and no toxic effects were found due to the residual presence
‘‘active’’ immobilization. of pre-polymer reagents). Yamaguchi et al. (1999)
achieved a noticeable degradation of hydrocarbons by the
2.1. Passive immobilization colorless hydrophobic microalgae Prototheca zopfii,
adsorbed to 8 mm-cubes of polyurethane foam in a
Many microorganisms (including some groups of micro- bubble reactor. Archambault et al. (1990) described a
algae) have a natural tendency to attach to surfaces and reactor where plant cells attach by natural adhesion to
grow on them (Robinson et al., 1986). This characteristic short-fiber polyester material named 7607.
can be exploited in order to immobilize cells on carriers Attachment of periphyton to different surfaces can also
of different types (Codd, 1987). Normally, those processes be used in ecology studies. Admiraal et al. (1999) used
are easily reversible and contamination of effluents with microbenthic algae and bacteria colonizing glass discs to
unstuck cells is unavoidable. Adsorbent materials (carriers) measure the response of these organisms to different levels
for passive immobilization can be natural or synthetic. of metal pollution. Danilov and Ekelund (2001) compare
With respect to natural carriers, recently efforts have been settlement patterns of periphyton on glass, wood and
made involving loofa biomass. Loofa sponges are the plas- tic in lakes of different trophic status, this order
fibrous support of the fruit of different species from the (glass > wood > plastic) being the preference of the
genus Luffa (L. cylindrica – possible synonym: L. periphytic spe- cies to attach on. Studies on glass attached
aegypti- aca, L. operculata, L. acutangula). The sponge is periphyton have also been used to measure the influence
obtained from dry fruits after removing the pericarp of water current in streams on the structure of colonizing
tissue. This car- periphytic algae (Ghosh and Gaur, 1998). Periphyton
attachment to glass
I. Moreno-Garrido / Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 3949–3964 3951

slides (mainly diatoms) and population growth on this type these authors. It seems that the content of phosphate
of surfaces has been studied by Brandini et al. (2001) in a anions in the media helps to maintain the stability of chito-
subtropical estuary during a whole year, permitting san gels. Chitosan can interfere in the growth of immobi-
researchers to compare differences caused by depth, light, lized algae: Moreira et al. (2006) found low growth rates
temperature and grazing pressure. Nayar et al. (2005) also (increasing factor not higher than 4 after 3 days) of Phae-
studied the settlement of periphytic algae in glasses in a odactylum tricornutum immobilized in alginate treated with
tropical estuary (Singapore), characterizing production in chitosan as additional hardener, while cells immobilized in
terms of 14C uptake. Following those authors, planktonic alginate beads hardened only with CaCl2 or SrCl2 showed
diatom species such as Skeletonema costatum and increasing factors of 31 and 76 times, respectively.
Thalass- iosira rotula, together with cyanophytes such as
Synecho- coccus sp., dominated the assemblages. Glass- 2.2.2. Chemical attachment
immobilized filaments of Anabaena sp., have also been Chemical attachment presents some great disadvantages
used in hydrogen production experiments (Robinson et al., when living cells are intended to be immobilized, because
1986). These sup- port materials can be only used with the chemical interaction (mainly due to covalent bonding,
cells from species showing natural trend to attach o cross-linking – involving glutaraldehyde, for instance – or
aggregate (mainly dia- toms and cyanophytes), if the photocrosslinkable resins) causes damages in cellular sur-
material is not previously face and drastically reduces viability of cells. Ion attraction
treated or a co-flocculant is not used. Other carriers such is not so harmful to living organisms, but effectiveness of
as Biolite® (a ceramic material) have been used for immo- this technique depends on pH and ionic strength of the
bilizing bacteria (Prieto et al., 2002), but no references sur- rounding media (Codd, 1987). It is necessary to
related to photosynthetic microorganisms have been found. remind that pH in the immediate medium of a living
microalgae can reach very high values in light, due to
2.2. Active immobilization photosynthetic metabolism. Nevertheless, some
experiments do not require active metabolism of cells, and
Regarding active immobilization techniques, the use of non-living organisms are used in chemical attachment
flocculant agents, chemical attachment and gel immobilization techniques. Thus, Seki and Suzuki (2002)
entrapment should be distinguished. compared the adsorption capacity of two floc-type
biosorbents in order to remove an ‘‘inactivated’’ marine
2.2.1. Flocculant agents microalga which is able to accu- mulate Cd and Pb from
Flocculant agents were primarily used in order to avoid aqueous media. The species used, Heterosigma akashiwo,
tedious and expensive centrifugation when algae are forms red tides in coasts of Japan, thus being an
intended to be removed from a liquid medium. Among inexhaustible and attractive material for the biosorbent,
the commonly used flocculants, chitosan has been the following those authors. The two materials compared
most widely employed. Chitosan is a linear amino were milk casein floccules (used as an immobiliz- ing
polysaccha- ride of b-D-glucosamine (2-amino-2-deoxy-b- flocculant protein and as a biosorbent at the same time)
! by (1
D-glucan) units joined 4)-linkages (Oungbho and glutaraldehyde. The technique developed comprised
and Mu¨ ller, 1997). It is obtained through a chitin as much as 67% of microorganisms present in the
(obtained from exo- skeletons of crustaceans) alkaline cultures.
deacetylation. This poly- saccharide presents positive-
charged amino groups, providing very interesting 2.2.3. Gel entrapment
properties for adsorbing nega- tive-charged particles and it This method is the most widely used technique for algal
is demonstrated to be useful for a large number of immobilization. Following Codd (1987), gel entrapment
microalgal species (Lubia´n, 1989). This substance is can be performed by the use of synthetic polymers (acryl-
biodegradable, and thus can be used in harvesting of algae amide, photocrosslinkable resins, polyurethanes), proteins
for nutritional purposes. Large amounts of Euglena (gelatine, collagen or egg white) or natural polysaccharides
gracilis have been removed from (agars, carrageenans or alginates).
media by Gualtieri et al. (1988), reaching a 96–98% reduc-
tion of suspended cells with 200 mg L—1 of chitosan at pH Synthetic polymers for gel entrapment. Blanco et
7.5. The inconvenience of chitosan in immobilizing tech- al. (1999) described the use of polysulphone (a
niques is its weak stability. Kaya and Picard (1996) tried thermoplastic material) and epoxy resin entrapping cells
to solve this problem using high viscosity chitosan and of the cyanobac- teria Phormidium laminosum, in order to
konjac flour (glucomannan, obtained from tuberous root check the capacity of biosorption (and desorption, by the
of the konjac tree – Amorphophalus konjac) in order to use of 0.1 M HCl) of Cu(II), Fe(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II). Epoxy
enhance the stability of floccules immobilizing viable cells resins consist of two components that react with each
of Scenedesmus bicelularis to use them in tertiary treatment other forming a hard, inert material. One of them is a
of wastewaters, but concluded that konjac flour did not bisphenol and the other is epichlorohydrin. Toxicity of the
sig- nificantly modify the rheological properties of mixed components makes epoxy resins not suitable for
chito- san solutions. High viscosity chitosan gels (2% p/v) entrapping living cells. In the exper-
showed a higher chemical stability in the experiments iments described by Blanco et al. (1999), cells were previ-
described by ously dried (and thus killed) at 55 °C. Authors concluded
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that metal accumulation in the beads directly depends on involving Spirulina platensis in order to check cadmium
the entrapped cyanobacterial biomass. The same cyano- adsorption of immobilized cells in alginate and silica gel.
bacterial species has been used by Garbisu et al. (1991) in The latter technique is also called sol–gel technique, and
experiments designed in order to remove nitrate from water it is described in Weller (2000) for immobilizing antibodies.
by cells immobilized in polyvinyl and polyurethane foams. Gelation of the sol occurs when pH of alkali silicate is car-
In the described case, polyvinyl was hydrophilic (PV-50) ried under values of 10. But in the case described by
and the polyurethane was prepared from Hypol FHP Rangasayatorn et al. (2004), particles of silica gel obtained
2002, a special grade of polyether polyisocyanate pre- after crushing were dried at 80 °C, and thus survival of
poly- mer that is mixed with a hydroxyl group. Entrapment cells
rap- idly leads to the death of cells, and only slow passive is not a target point of the experiment. Nevertheless, cad-
colonization of foams was used for experiments involving mium adsorption of silica gel entrapping cells is as high
nitrate removal. These authors also found that recently as in the alginate entrapped cells (near 100% of Cd adsorp-
made foams were toxic to cells and inhibited even passive tion after 1 h exposition, 10 mg L—1 being the initial Cd
colonization, possibly due to the leftover pre-polymers. concentration). Overnight drying (80 °C) of polysilicate
Toxicity disappears when foams were pre-autoclaved. Por- matrix seems to be a common procedure, as it is also used
phyridium cruentum cells have been immobilized in polyure- by Stark and Rayson (2000) in a work comparing metal–
thane foam by Thepenier et al. (1985) in order to produce ion binding capacity of different immobilized materials
polysaccharides. After immobilization, these authors did (Sphagnum peat, top soil, peat, compost peat, organic
not detect any oxygen evolution, due to the high degree peat, peat replacer, dead Chlorella vulgaris cells and cells
of cellular destruction during the immobilization reaction. from Datura innoxia – a solanacean plant). In this case,
At least four days had to pass before the immobilized col- biomass from Chlorella was obtained by a commercial
onies began to grow (after intensive rinses). The genus algae-based biosorbent (Algasorb®), and this material
Por- phyridium produces high amounts of exo- shown to be very
polysaccharides, which could protect inner cells in efficient in metal removal (but surpassed by peat and
colonies or cellular groups from toxicity of pre-polymers. organic compost peat) (Singh and Prasad, 2000).
The same could occur with mucilaginous cyanobacteria
(Streble and Kra- uter, 1987), protected by sheaths. These Proteins for gel entrapment. Proteins are not
sheaths can stick one to another forming colonies of widely used in microalgal immobilization. In the reviews of
filaments. Thus, it is possible that inner filaments in a Rob- inson et al. (1986) and Papageorgiou (1987),
colony could survive to toxicity of the pre-polymers of immobiliza- tion by proteins does not appear among the
polyurethane foams and after rinsing of pre-polymer techniques used. Only Codd (1987) mentioned egg white,
leftovers, and then begin to grow and colonize the foams. collagen and gelatine as examples of possible
In the experiment of Thepe- nier et al. (1985), after 10 immobilization tech- niques involving proteins. Other
days, oxygen production in batch cultures began to organisms apart from microalgae have been immobilized
decrease dramatically and stabilized at low values on day by these techniques (yeasts in hen egg white, for instance:
30, but polysaccharide production began to increase from Kubal and D’Souza, 2004). The use of glutaraldehyde as a
day 40. This foam also permitted the release of cells to the cross-linker for egg white does not predict good results
media. Kawabata et al. (1990) suc- cessfully immobilized with living microalgae, but could be used for dead cells.
bacterial cells (Escherichia coli) on the surface of cross-
linked poly(N-benzyl-4-vinylpyridi- nium bromide) Natural polysaccharides for gel entrapment. Gel
containing styrene (BVPS). The cells remained alive and entrapment in natural polysaccharide matrixes is the most
were able to produce L-aspartic acid from ammonium widely used immobilization technique for microorganisms
fumarate. Although this technique has not been applied in general (and microalgae in particular). Among them,
to microalgae, it seems to be suitable for immobilizing carrageenan, agar and alginate are the most employed.
living algal cells. Willke et al. (1994) also successfully Carrageenan is a collective term for polysaccharides
immobilized the bacteria Paracoccus denitrifi- cans in pre- pared by water alkaline extraction from some
polycarbamoylsulphonate (PCS), a very low toxic hydrogel Rhodophy- ceae (red algae), over all from the families of
matrix. Survival of cells to immobilization proce- dure was Gigartinacieae and Solieriaceae. Carrageenan consists of
greater than 99%. Rarely, references concerning alternating 3-linked-b-D-galactopyranose and 4-linked-a- D-
immobilization with this technique can be found, but it galactopiranose units. It precipitates as a gel in the pres-
could be a very suitable technique in order to avoid the ence of cationic compounds: metal ions, amines, amino
sta- bility problems of alginate gels (over all in marine acid derivates and water-miscible organic solvents (Tosa
environ- ments, as will be further discussed). Other et al., 1979). Different isomeric forms of carrageenan can
techniques, as those described in Jeon et al. (2002), imply be found, in function of the algal specific origin. For
polyvinyl alco- hols and glutaraldehyde. This technique instance, i, j and k-carrageenan are primarily produced
does not seem to be recommendable if living cells are by Aghardhiella subulata and the gametophyte and
intended to be immo- bilized. Silica gels can be used for tetrasp- orophyte of Chondrus crispus, respectively (Burdin
immobilizing microalgal cells. Rangasayatorn et al. (2004) and Bird, 1994). Hardening processes in order to increase
described a bioassay the mechanical stability of carrageenan-based matrixes
I. Moreno-Garrido / Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 3949–3964 3953

also been designed: Chamy et al. (1990) described a tech- unbranched binary copolymers of 1–4-linked-b-D-mannu-
nique of hardening for j-carrageenan immobilizing Sac- ronic acid and a-L-guluronic acid in different proportions
charomyces cerevisiae by treatment with Al(NO3)3. This and sequences (Smidsrød and Skja˚k-Braek, 1990), in
treatment revealed to increase cellular retention, a better func- tion of the organism and tissue they are isolated
evacuation of gas from the reactor where immobilized from. Commercial alginates are extracted from brown
cells were cultured and an increase of 20% in ethanol algae, mainly different species from the genus
productiv- ity by immobilized yeasts. Bacteria have also Laminaria (L. hyperborea, L. digitata, L. japonica) the
been success- fully immobilized (and stored during years) species Macrocystis pyrifera, Ascophyllum nodosum, Lesonia
in carrageenan matrixes (Cassidy et al., 1997). Travieso et negrescens or spe- cies of the genus Sargassum, although
al. (1996) com- pared the nutrient removal capacity of all brown algae con- tain alginate in different proportions
three microalgal species (C. vulgaris, Chlorella kessleri and reaching up to 40% of dry weight (Ertesva˚g and Valla,
Scenedesmus quadricauda) immobilized in different 1998). This substance has a structural function in those
matrixes (including j-carrageenan hardened with 0.3 M organisms. Some bacteria can also produce alginates, as
KCl). But the stability of j-carrageenan beads was quite Azotobacter vinelandii (Smidsrød and Skja˚k-Braek, 1990)
lower than that of Ca- alginate beads in the experimental or Azotobacter chroococcum (Ert- esva˚g and Valla,
conditions. The j-carra- geenan beads were partially 1998). Kidambi et al. (1995) describe the production of
destroyed after one week, the cells were liberated from alginate by several phytopathogenic species of the genus
the beads and a loss of bead struc- ture was reported after Pseudomonas as a response to the addition of copper
this time. Thus, the authors selected Ca-alginate instead of salts. The capacity of producing this substance seems to
j-carrageenan for the described nutrient removal be an evolutive strategy against the human use of
experiment. copper-based phytosanitary products (high affinity of
Agar is a sulphated galactan obtained from some alginates for copper will be further discussed in the text:
species of red algae (mainly from the genus Gelidium, Jang et al., 1995c), and additionally enhances bacterial
Pterocladia or Gracilaria) (Burdin and Bird, 1994). Agar is a ability of adhesion to solid surfaces (Boyd and Chakra-
thermo- reversible gel. The major gel forming component barty, 1995).
of agar (agarose) consists of a linear chain of sequences of A major advantage of alginate gel entrapment is that
(1–3)- linked-b-D-galactopyranosyl units and (1–4)-linkages immobilized cells do not suffer extreme physical–chemical
to 3,6-anhydro-a-D-galactopyranosyl units. Robinson et al. condition changes during the immobilization process. Per-
(1986), Codd (1987) and Papageorgiou (1987) cite this meability, null toxicity and transparency of formed matrix
polymer as suitable for immobilizing microalgal cells. Agar imply a very gentle environment for immobilized cells
matrixes for immobilizing living cells present a capital lim- (Smidsrød and Skja˚k-Braek, 1990; Arau´ jo and
itation: as it has been said, agar is a thermo-reversible gel. Andrade Santana, 1996). Alginates are used in industry as
Dissolved at concentrations that will provide a good viscosifi- ers, stabilizers and gel-formers, film-formers or
mechanical structure, agar melts around 85 °C and solidi- water-bind- ing agents (Ertesva˚g and Valla, 1998).
fies between 35 and 40 °C. Species able to resist a short The polymer is soluble in cold water and forms
thermal shock of this level should be selected for agar thermostable gels. Gelation of monovalent salts of this
immobilization. Attending to our experience, polysaccharide (normally Na- alginate) dissolved in water
temperatures over 30 °C could damage a wide variety of occurs when droplets of a mix- ture of cells (or enzymes)
(at least) marine microalgae (except cyanophytes and and alginate monovalent salts are mixed with a solution
some eukaryotic algae well adapted to marshes and salt containing gel-forming ions. Gel for- mation is a very quick
marshes environments, like some species from the genus process. The most common cation used to form alginate
Dunaliella, Nannochlorop- sis or Tetraselmis). Agarose has gels is Ca2+. When the gel is intended to be re-dissolved,
been used as an immobili- zation matrix type fixed-bed for media with sodium citrate (Hertzberg and Jensen, 1989) or
C. vulgaris in experiments of Cu(II) biosorption (Aksu et phosphate (hexametaphosphate could be also used) can be
al., 1998). In the agarose
used: calcium cations can be seques- tered by soluble
particle formation described by the authors, the agarose
anions or can be substituted in the matrix by monovalent
solution containing C. vulgaris cells was dropped into edi-
cations in order to destabilize the structure. Na-alginate
ble oil at 40 °C, although the temperature decreased after
does not dissolve appropriately in sea or salt water.
dropping to 15 °C. The particles were then removed from Hertzberg and Jensen (1989) described a protocol for
oily to aqueous phase by the addition of phosphate buffer immobilizing marine microalgae in alginate beads: Sodium
solution. These authors reported that metal adsorption
chloride in adequate proportions for reaching sea- water
capacity of agarose and agarose–microorganisms system
salinity values and Na-alginate must be previously
was lower than that reported for Ca-alginate in the same
(separately) dissolved in distilled water and mixed after
conditions. Nevertheless, the presence of immobilized cells
dis- solving. Marine microalgal cells can be then added to
increased metal uptake capacity of both matrixes. No
the salty Na-alginate and dropped to the Ca 2+ seawater
efforts were made during this experiment in order to check
solu- tion. These authors (Hertzberg and Jensen, 1989)
if immobilized cells were alive or not.
immobi- lized seven marine microalgal species and
The most widely used polysaccharide gel for entrapping
checked the growth of entrapped cells. Pane et al. (1998)
living cells is alginate. Alginates constitute a family of
developed a study of the viability of Tetraselmis suecica
3954 I. Moreno-Garrido / Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 3949–3964

in Ca-alginate beads and compared the cellular growth of strategy for microalgae is described by Joo et al. (2001): a
immobilized and free cells, finding that the latter was mixture of 2% sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, 2% CaCl2
higher, although chlorophyll content per cell in and microalgae is stirred in 0.8% sodium alginate till the
immobilized cells was higher, possibly as a response to capsules are formed. After washing, the capsules are sub-
shading condi- tions provided by immobilization. Moreno- merged in 2% CaCl2 for 20 min for the purpose of harden-
Garrido et al. (2005) checked the growth of immobilized ing. Those authors affirm that capsules had a better
cells and Ca-algi- nate bead stability in a 17-day resistance when compared with beads manufactured by
experiment involving 11 mar- ine microalgal species, finding the ‘‘traditional’’ way (sodium salt dissolved and dropped
that the stability of beads can also depend on the in calcium solution), but do not report numerical data. Algi-
immobilized species. Attending to the resistance of the nate is relatively cheap (overall when compared with other
species to toxics, growth rates when immo- bilized and immobilizing matrixes), non-toxic, transparent enough, rel-
maintenance of the bead structure, those authors atively stable and easy to use. As stability problems in
selected T. suecica as a good target organism for toxic sodium or phosphate rich media have been avoided, this
accumulation experiments and P. tricornutum or immobilization technique seems to be a very promising tool
Chaetoceros gracilis as good target organisms for toxicity in microalgal biotechnology.
bioassays involving Ca-alginate immobilized microalgal
cells. Loss of stability is a limitation for the use of Ca-algi- 3. Effect of immobilization on microalgal cells
nate matrixes in sea, estuarine and brackish waters. The dis-
solved monovalent cations (mainly sodium) in the media Toxicity of some immobilizing techniques on cells has
can substitute divalent cations and results in the loss of been discussed above (Blanco et al., 1999; Garbisu et al.,
structure of matrixes. When shaking is applied, Ca-alginate 1991; Thepenier et al., 1985; Rangasayatorn et al., 2004;
beads of 3–5 mm can dissolve in seawater in 24 h (unpub- Urrutia et al., 1995). Overall, pre-polymers of synthetic
lished data). In order to avoid these problems, some foams and resins use to be highly toxic for microalgae.
recent strategies have been developed. Moreira et al. When not so toxic immobilization techniques are applied,
(2006) per- formed a study of alginate bead stability immobilized microalgal cells show, as minimum, a longer
checking different proportions of two types of alginates lag period when these are compared with free cells (Mal-
(isolated from M. pyrifera and L. hyperborea) hardened lick, 2002; V´ılchez et al., 1997). Some authors consider
with Ca2+ or Sr2+, immobilizing cells of P. tricornutum. this similar to that occurring in free cultures (Lukavsky et
Strontium divalent cations, as well as Ba2+ (Santos-Rosa et al., 1986). After this period the specific growth rate (k)
al., 1989), have been proposed as hardeners for alginates can be very similar in free and immobilized cells (Lau et al.,
providing more stable gels in sodium and phosphate- 1998; Mallick, 2002) although some reports confirmed
enriched media. In a study performed by Widerøe and that it is lower than in the latter case: Pane et al. (1998)
Danielsen (2001), viability of entrapped cells in Ba, Ca and reported a lag-phase of 5–6 days for immobilized T.
Sr-alginates was checked on a human leukemic T cell line. suecica in Ca- alginate beads. It is common to find higher
Ba-alginate provided lower cellular growth rates, while chlorophyll production in immobilized cells (Lau et al.,
cells exposed to calcium and strontium grew in a similar 1998; Pane et al., 1998; Robinson et al., 1986). This is a
way. In any case, inhibition of growth of barium exposed phenomenon that should be taken into account when
cells was less than 20% in com- parison to the others. In estimations of bio- mass by chlorophyll are intended to be
support of the work described in Moreira et al. (2006), done. Hertzberg and Jensen (1989) demonstrated that the
those authors confirmed that the beads prepared using maximum amount of cells in culture could be higher for
4.9% of alginate from L. hyperborea and hardened with a immobilized algae (P. tricornutum, in this case) than for
4% strontium solution were found to be the most stable free cells. The type of alginate and, overall, the initial
and the most suitable for microalgal growth when they cellular concentra- tion seem to be very important in
were exposed to natural field conditions. Small beads of maximum cellular den- sity that can be reached in
Ca-alginate encapsulating bioactive sub- stances can be immobilized cultures: the higher initial cellular density,
produced by emulsification and internal- ionotropic the higher final cellular den- sity to be reached in cultures.
gelation (Poncelet et al., 1999). This method pro- poses The latter phenomenon can be explained because growing
dispersion of alginate and a calcium salt mixture (cit- rate) cells inside the immobilizing matrix tend to form colonies.
in canola oil by stirring. Then, certain volume of canola oil Maximum number of cells per colony must be limited by
containing glacial acetic acid is added to the emulsion. some factors as nutrient dif- fusion or light (colonies are
After few minutes, this oil-bead suspension is added to a smaller in the inner part of the beads than in the surface).
calcium chloride solution in order to stabilize beads and Thus, the higher number of col- onies, the higher number
the oil is removed by washing with a surfactant. This of cells in the culture. In the same work, the authors found
technique has also been used for Ca-alginate encapsu- that S. costatum did not thrive so well when immobilized:
lating DNA (Quong et al., 1998) and it was improved by very high initial cell densities were needed to obtain stable
Chan et al. (2002) in order to avoid possible clumping of cultures. Chaetoceros ceratosporum and Thalassiosira
microspheres and excessive waste of calcium salts. Microen- pseudonana also grew well in those exper- iments, while
capsulation has also been developed by co-use of alginate Emiliania huxleyi, Amphydinium carterae and
and polylysine (Jen et al., 1996). Other microencapsulation
I. Moreno-Garrido / Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 3949–3964 3955

Scripsiella trochoidea did not grow when immobilized,

although some of them appear to be metabolically active confirming that maximum growth was noticed near the
because during long periods of time these exhibited red sur- face of the beads. Diffusion of nutrients must also be
autoflouorescence. Moreno-Garrido et al. (2005) per- important, apart from light, because no-photosynthetic
formed a 17-day experiment on Ca-alginate beads organisms such as the bacteria Nitrosomonas europea show
immobi- lizing 11 different species belonging to eight the same pattern of growth in carrageenan beads (Wijffels
different microalgal taxonomic classes: Nannochloropsis and Tramper, 1989). Attending to V´ılchez et al. (1997),
gaditana (Eustigmatophyceae); Heterocapsa sp. these authors confirmed the presence of a thin skin of
(Dinophyceae); Rhodomonas salina (Cryptophyceae); poly- mer surrounding colonies of C. reindhartii and
Isochrysis aff. galbana (Prymnesiophyceae); T. pseudonana, attribute the constant number of cells to the equilibrium
C. gracilis, P. tricor- nutum and S. costatum between cellu- lar growth and release from the beads. The
(Bacillariophyceae); Tetraselmis chui (Prasinophyceae); P. use of co-immo- bilized systems (Mun˜ oz and Guieysse,
cruentum (Rhodophyceae) and Dunaliella salina 2006) can improve the growth of immobilized organisms,
(Chlorophyceae). Growth of cells and sta- bility of beads avoiding gas diffu- sive problems inside the immobilizing
were checked during the performance of the experiment. matrixes, as will be discussed in Section 4.8.
As Hertzberg and Jensen (1989) studied in the work cited Zeglinska (2005) (personal communication) reported
before, Moreno-Garrido et al. (2005) found that active escape of filamentous cyanobacteria (Nodularia
Skeletonema costaum did not grow when immobilized. spumigena) from alginate beads. Normally, motility of cells
Het- erocapsa sp. also did not grow (as far as I know, there is not strong enough to provide escape from beads, but in
are no good results of immobilizing photosynthetic the case of slithering filamentous cyanobacteria this
dinoflagel- lates in the literature), and N. gaditana move- ment seems to permit algae to escape from
resulted in unstable beads in experimental conditions. The immobilizing matrixes.
rest of the assayed species showed growth inside the
beads, reaching sooner or later a stable number of cells 4. Current use of immobilized microalgal cells
(stationary equilibrium phase), except C. gracilis and I.
galbana, which on day 17 still showed continuous growth. Most frequent current uses of immobilized algal cells
Joo et al. (2001) immobi- lized four microalgal species are the culturing for metabolite production, improvement
(Chlorella minutissima, Pav- lova lutheri, Haematococcus of culture collections handling, obtaining of energy (via
pluvialis and Dunaliella bardawil) by two methods, and H2 or electricity power), nutrients, metal or organic
compared the growth of immobilized and free cells. The pollutant removal from aquatic media, measurement of
authors studied that cells immobilized by encapsulation by toxicity and co-immobilization system production for
the use of 2% sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, as different purposes.
described before, grew better for the four species in
bubble column bioreactors. Inhibi- tion, enhancement or no 4.1. Culturing for metabolite production
growth differences between free and immobilized
microalgal cells have been reported in dif- ferent works, Microalgae has been widely used as biocatalysts in bio-
such as Mallick (2002). Lukavsky et al. (1986) studied the transformation and de novo biosynthesis (Borowitzka and
morphology of immobilized cells in agar and Ca-alginate. Borowitzka, 1988). Different types of bioreactors are able
Following those authors, which designed an experiment to be used in microalgal biotechnology for different pur-
involving S. quadricauda and C. kessleri, cells suffered an poses (Mallick, 2002), immobilization techniques being a
initial lag phase (considered as comparable to that response to the problem of biomass losses in outflows
reported for free cells), followed by one to three divisions. (Nakasaki et al., 1989). Hatanaka et al. (1999) described
After that, cell division stops but giant cells in a reduction process mediated by Ca-alginate immobilized
C. kessleri (which, following these authors, are common D. parva, from hydroxyacetone to (R) 1,2-propanediol,
in suspension exposed to sublethal conditions) are not which is a highly priced glycol. Production of propanediol
usu- ally produced: cell shape and size do not show visible by immobilized cells was found to be similar to that
changes, organelles are recognizable and grains of starch con- firmed for free cells. Tripathi et al. (2002) described
appear inside the cells. In S. quadricauda, however, mon- bio- transformation of phenylpropanoid compounds to
strous cells use to appear. In any case, cells immobilized HPLC-detectable vanilla flavour metabolites by free and
in agar were less affected than those immobilized in algi- Ca-alginate immobilized cells of H. pluvialis. Vanillin accu-
nate. For other immobilized microorganisms, many mulation in immobilized cells is higher than in free cells
changes in size and shape have been reported (Cassidy (no explanation of this phenomenon is given in the text,
et al., 1996). Nevertheless, Hatanaka et al. (1999) did not but references from other works with different
find differences in shape or chlorophyll content between microorganisms reviewed by those authors confirmed that
immobilized and free cells of Dunaliella parva. In general, it is not a rare case). Transformation of nitrite into
alterations in shape of colonies are more frequent than ammonium in a med- ium containing L-methionine-D,L-
alterations in cell shapes (Mallick, 2002) when microalgal sulphoximine (MSX), and the inhibitor of glutamine
cells are immobilized. V´ılchez et al. (1997) studied the via- synthetase, has been described by Santos-Rosa et al.
bility of agar-immobilized Chlamydomonas reindhartii (1989) by the use of a Ba-alginate immobilized mutant
cells, strain of C. reindhartii.
3956 I. Moreno-Garrido / Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 3949–3964

Maximum volumetric activity was 2700 lM h—1 in a packed- techniques have been developed in order to facilitate
bed reactor. Ba-alginate was used in this case because a culti- vation of algae. Nowak et al. (2005) designed a
previous study demonstrated that cell leakage was minor system based in a 96-well plate where a membrane filter,
than that found in the same conditions for which immobilizes algal strains, constitutes the bottom of
Ca-alginate. Thepenier et al. (1985) studied production of each well. This system allows culturing of several
polysaccharides by the unicellular red algae P. cruentum microalgal strains with less effort, time and money.
immobilized in polyurethane foams. As it has been com-
mented in Section 2, jelly colonies of microalgae could sur- 4.3. Obtaining energy (electricity or hydrogen)
vive to the toxicity of foam pre-polymers. At the beginning
of the tests, no oxygen evolution was observed in immobi-
It is said that hydrogen is the fuel of the future due to
lized cultures, possibly due to high degree of cellular its high conversion efficiency, recyclability and non-
destruction, although after many flushing rinses, survival polluting nature (Das and Vezirog˘lu, 2001).
colonies began to grow again. When culture reaches sta- Bioproduction of hydro- gen has demonstrated to be
tionary phase, production of polysaccharides was notice- environmental friendly and less energy consumer when
able (measured as an increase of medium viscosity). compared with thermochemical and electrochemical
processes (Kapdan and Kargi, 2006). Some algae are able
4.2. Culture collection handling to produce hydrogen in stress conditions (Melis, 2002)
such as the deprivation of sulphur-nutrients in green
Handling of a large microalgal culture collections is a algae, which causes a reversible inhibition of the oxygenic
tedious, time-consuming task. Long-term storage is a very
photosynthetic processes. Lack of sulphur pre- vents the
interesting topic related to microalgae culture handling,
protein synthesis and algae cannot perform the turnover
saving human and economic resources. Chen (2001)
of specific photosystem-II reaction centre protein. Then,
reported the maintenance of physiological activities of Ca-
alginate entrapped S. quadricauda cells after three years photochemical activity of PSII declines in the absence of
sulphur and oxygen is released to the media at lower rates
of storage in darkness at 4 °C without culture medium,
than O2 consumption, achieving anaerobic algal cultures
with the sole starving symptom of pyrenoid disappearance.
in the dark if they are sealed and sulphur- deprived. The
same occurs when O 2 is directly removed from the media.
replacing long-term stored beads in fresh media, the num-
ber of immobilized coenobia increased by near by 40 times Some experiments related to this topic have recently been
in four weeks (and pyrenoid was re-constructed). The same developed on C. reindhartii and other species (Dante,
author (Chen, 2003) repeated the experience with I. galbana, 2005; Laurinavichene et al., 2006; Markov et al., 2006;
achieving good results after one year of storage. Hertzberg Polle et al., 2002). C. reindhartii seems to be a promising
and Jensen (1989) stored Ca-alginate cultures of P. tricornu- organism for further studies in this field. Co-fir- ing of
tum during one year in diminished light at 4 °C and con- microalgal biomass with coal is another power-gen-
firmed immediate production of oxygen in a Clark-type erating procedure. CO2 produced in power-plant fuel gas
electrode when beads were transferred to light. Lukavsky can be used to improve microalgal growth. Microalgal bio-
(1988) immobilized 31 strains of cyanophytes and eukary- mass obtained in this way is burned again in the same
otic algae in 2% agar (inside the warm agar, not seeded on power plant (Kadam, 2002). This could be a suitable way
the surface), and kept cultures at reduced temperature of reducing the high amounts of carbon dioxide (around
(10 °C). After 32 months most of the strains were still met- 26 Gt per year, following the same author) produced by
abolically active. Joo et al. (2001) immobilized four micro- humans and helps the high CO 2 producing countries (The
algal species (D. bardawil, C. minutissima, P. lutheri and H. United States generates 5.7 Gt, it means about 22% of
pluvialis) in Ca-alginate capsules and beads in order to get worldwide anthropogenic emissions) to reach CO2 levels
highly dense cultures. Those authors achieved higher con- in agreement with the Kyoto Protocol (van Vuuren et al.,
centration of encapsulated cells than in the case of 2006). In any case, molecular hydrogen production seems
cultures to be the target in microalgal-based energy production, as
with free cells or bead-type immobilized cells. Response of medium and long-term endurance of thermal electric plants
D. bardawil and H. pluvialis in bubble column reactors based in firing materials should be severely studied by
was specially high, reaching values five times higher than envi- ronmentalists and governments, due to the
that for free cells. Romo and Pe´rez-Mart´ınez (1997) recognized pol- lutant capacity of those types of plants.
also stored Pseudanabaena galeata in Ca-alginate beads for Some efforts had also been made during the eighties in
14– 18 months. Recuperation of cells in fresh cultures was order to generate electricity by photovoltaic cells
not different to that checked for standard cultures. containing photosynthetic biocatalysts, as reviewed by
Hertzberg and Jensen (1989) also pointed out that Papageorgiou (1987), but no recent references have been
immobilization is an interesting way to produce colonies found with respect to this topic.
from disperse cul- tures. Extending their affirmation, the
technique could also be used as a way of producing clonal 4.4. Nutrient removal
colonies from natural microalgal assemblages in order to
isolate scarce cells of a determinate species via posterior Cultivation of algae in wastewater containing nutrients
micromanipulation. Novel offers the combined advantages of treating water and pro-
I. Moreno-Garrido / Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 3949–3964 3957

duction of algal biomass, which can be industrially bilized cells always removed more nutrients than free
exploited (Mallick, 2002). A limitation in these processes cells. After 36 h, the levels of removed nitrate, ammonium
is the high price and time-consumption of centrifugation and phosphate were 62%, 42% and 65% of initial
or filtration. Immobilization techniques have tried to solve concentra- tions, respectively. Dunaliella species, thus,
these problems (Proulx and de la Noue, 1988; Tam and seems to be a good target organism for accumulation
Wong, 2000; Travieso et al., 1996; V´ılchez and Vega, assays in waters of variable salinity (Do¨ nmez and Aksu,
1994, 1995; V´ılchez et al., 2001). Immobilized P. laminosum 2002). Immobiliza- tion techniques improve cost-effective
in polyurethane and polyvinyl foam has been used in con- phycoremediation processes (Olgu´ın, 2003). The removal
tinuous flow reactors designed in order to remove nitrate of nutrients from animal wastewaters is a very interesting
from water (Garbisu et al., 1991). Comparison was done topic as many underground water bodies in several
between adsorbed and entrapped cells. As it has been regions of the world are threatened of suffering
said, pre-polymers of polyurethane foams are toxic to eutrophication (Travieso Co´ r- doba et al., 1995a,b).
cells. Those authors concluded that entrapment was not a Recently, co-immobilized systems have been developed in
suit- able method for immobilizing living cells in those order to enhance nutrient removal from wastewaters (see
matrixes, and experiments were only performed on Section 4.8).
adsorbed cells. In the work described, only nitrate was
removed from the medium by adsorbed cells in light, 4.5. Metal removal
and nitrite or ammo-
nium was not released (less than 1 mg L—1 of both Vegetal biomass (Spinti et al., 1995) and especially
nutrients in all the samples). Using chlorophyll as an macro- (Valdman et al., 2001; Al-Rub et al., 2004) and mic-
indicator of roalgae are known to accumulate high amounts of metal
microalgal biomass (this can lead to errors if a correlation from their environment (Stark and Rayson, 2000; Travieso
between chlorophyll and number of cells is done based on et al., 2002). This capacity has been exploited for different
free cells, as it has been commented), immobilized P. lami- purposes (Aksu and Ac¸ikel, 1999; Burdin and Bird,
nosum removed nitrate at 1.1 lM mg—1 chl h—1, while free 1994; Greene and Bedell, 1990; Hashim et al., 2000). Silica
cells removed 2.6 lM mg—1 chl h—1 in batch cultures. In immo- bilized-algal biomass (Pilayella littoralis) has been
reactors (no free cells can be used here), removal of nitrate pro- posed to be used as a biosorbent for metal pre-
had an efficiency of 90% during three months. The authors concentration before measuring in analytical devices
comment that a packed bed is a more adequate system than (inductively coupled plasma optical emission
a fluidized reactor, because in the latter tumbling and col- spectrometry) (Carrilho et al., 2003). But the main purpose
lisions between particles result in desorption of cells. At of the use of immobilizing algae binding metals has been
low concentrations, consumption of nutrients by immobi- detoxification and metal recovery (Greene and Bedell,
lized microalgal cells is limited, possibly due to limitation 1990). The latter is possible because a great part of the
in nutrient diffusion through immobilizing matrixes. Thus, metal bound to cel- lular surfaces and immobilizing
Garbayo et al. (2000) found that Ca-alginate immobilized systems is able to be des- orbed via acid treatment.
C. reindhartii cells did not consume nitrate when concen- Other resins, such as
tration of this nutrient was below 0.14 mM, while free cells Amberlite®, have been used in order to immobilize micro-
almost fully consumed it. The authors postulated that organisms set aside for metal removal (Baytak and Tu¨
nitrate consumption inhibition could occur due to the pres- rker, 2005). Sorption of metals on algae seems to be not
ence of nitrite. Mallick (2002) reviewed some works stating only a simple adsorption process, but also an exchange of
that exponentially growing microalgal cells removed more ions, where Ca2+ is often replaced (Crist et al., 1994).
nutrients (nitrate and phosphate) than aged cultures. Binding of metals to algal surface occurs in living and
Strains of Scenedesmus intermedius and Nannochloris sp. non-living algae (Greene and Bedell, 1990), cell surface
were isolated from different sources of pig manure in order area being a major parameter in the uptake of metals by
to design a depuration system for the removal of macronu- microalgae (Khoshmanesh et al., 1997). Dead cells can be
trients from farm wastewaters (Jime´nez-Pe´rez et al., 2004). very efficient in accumulating metals (Do¨ nmez et al.,
Nitrogen and phosphorus uptake from free and Ca-algi- 1999). Blanco et al. (1999) used biomass of the
nate immobilized cells were compared in this work, finding cyanobacterium P. laminosum immobilized in
to be slightly lower in immobilized systems (but in the same polysulphone and epoxy resin beads for Cu(II), Fe(II),
order of magnitude). Nevertheless, the uptake of nutrients Ni(II) and Zn(II) sequestering. They found that the
by those autochthonous species was markedly higher than amount of biosorbed metal increased with biomass and the
that measured for common commercial species, probably amount of metal available. Biosorption–desorption (acid-
due to a better adaptation to high nutrient concentrations. mediated) cycles with this immobilized system main- tain
In seawater selection of resistant taxons for depuration the efficiency after at least 10 cycles. Copper is selec-
assays is also an important topic. Thakur and Kumar tively adsorbed by alginates (Alhakawati and Banks,
(1999) selected D. salina in order to perform nutrient 2004; Jang et al., 1995b,c; Nestle and Kimmich, 1996). Jang
(ammonium, nitrate and phosphate) uptake experiments. et al. (1995a) considered the possibility of adding copper-
This alga is halotolerant and could be used in waters of a sequestering agents to alginate gels in order to enhance
wide range of salinities. In this concrete experiment, immo- copper recovery from the media. Addition of sodium poly-
styrenesulphonate (NaPSS) to the sodium alginate
3958 I. Moreno-Garrido / Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 3949–3964

in an increase of copper adsorption, but the addition of of T. chuii. Rangasayatorn et al. (2004) found a maximum
cells of the cyanophyte Microcystis sp. resulted in an even Cd accumulation capacity of 70.9 mg g—1 biomass for
better result. Accumulation of metals by immobilizing sys-
immobilized cells in Ca-alginate matrixes. Cells were suc-
tems containing microalgae seems to present two phases
cessfully used during five adsorption–desorption consecu-
(Malik, 2004). Garnham et al. (1992a) developed an exper- tive processes. During these cycles, system adsorption
iment involving immobilized Chlorella salina in Ca-alginate capacity was reduced from around 94% to near by 66%
beads, accumulating radioisotopes of metals ( 60Co, 54Mn of total cadmium. Microalgal living cells used to accumu-
and 65Zn). The authors found a rapid biosorption non- late higher levels of metals than dead microalgal biomass
dependent on light, temperature or metabolic inhibitor (Moreno-Garrido et al., 1998). First, divalent cations
(carbonylcyanide n-chlorohydrazone: CCCP), followed by became less soluble at high pH values. Active (photosyn-
a slower accumulation phase depending on cellular thetic) cells provide a high-pH environment in the immedi-
metab- olism. Similar results have been found by Moreno- ate surface cellular layer, increasing thus adsorption to the
Garrido et al. (1998, 2002): Part of the metal accumulated cellular surface. Second, there are processes of absorption
cannot be washed by solutions containing high (dependent on cellular metabolism) of metals by microal-
concentrations of che- lating EDTA. It is supposed that this gae (Garnham et al., 1992a,b; Moreno-Garrido et al.,
metal is absorbed into the cells by active or passive 2002), slower than the adsorption process that increases
methods (Greene and Bedell, 1990) and not adsorbed to the capacity of living algae to accumulate those pollutants.
the cell surface or the immobilizing matrix. Packed-bed Noble metals can also be accumulated by algae and
columns containing immobilized cells seem to be very selectively eluted from them (Guo et al., 2000). Gee and
efficient in the removal of metals from aquatic media Dudeney (1987) described the adsorption of gold from a
(more than fluidized-bed or air-lift reactors, Moreno- dissolved metal mixture by C. vulgaris and S. platensis
Garrido et al., 2002). Aksu et al. (1998) studied biosorption immobilized in Ca-alginate. In this case, selective desorp-
of copper(II) in Ca-alginate and agarose immobilized C. tion of Fe and Au was performed by acidic pH adjustment
vulgaris. Those authors did not find a significant increase and acidic thiourea addition, respectively. Guo et al. (2000)
in metal adsorption due to the presence of immobilized also described the uptake of neodymium, a rare lantha-
algae. But Moreno-Garrido et al. (2002) found great noid, by living and fossil (570 million years old) algae.
differences in Ca-alginate beads system immobilizing cells
of N. gaditana when compared with systems without 4.6. Organic pollutants removal
immobilized cells: Beads containing cells accumulate
practically all Cu in media (as free cells did) and 80% of Zn, Aksu (2005) made a review about the biosorption of
while beads without cells accumulated near by 80% of Cu organic pollutants and found only few data on microalgae.
but did not accumulate measurable amounts of Zn. Similar In the same year, Aksu and Tezer (2005) studied the
results can be found when dead cells were employed: no bio- sorption of three reactive dyes onto dead biomass of
Zn was removed when dead cells are immobilized in Ca- C. vul- garis, finding that dye sorption was highly
alginate beads. dependent on pH: the optimum pH value for adsorption
Isolating microalgal strains from polluted waters is a was 2.0. Temper- ature also affected the process in a
suitable tool for selecting metal-tolerant and highly accu- proportional inverse way. Oh et al. (2000) immobilized
mulating cells. Khattar et al. (1999) isolated a strain of yeast cells in polyure- thane foams in order to absorb and
Anacystis nidulans from polluted sites. This strain was able degrade oil on water surface. Few works describing algal
to grow in a medium up to 100 lM of chromium, being capacity for degrading oil have been published. A recent
able to accumulate 43 nM of Cr per mg of microalgal pro- paper from Chaillan et al. (2006) described the appearance
tein (as estimative of biomass) immobilized in agar (free of cyanobacterial mats (Phormidium animale) in petroleum-
cells were able to accumulate 35 nM of Cr) in the experi- polluted site. They con- cluded that there is no evidence of
mental conditions. Akhtar et al. (2004) reported recovery biodegradation of crude oil by cyanophytes, but from
of nickel from electroplating industrial effluents by the other organisms present in the mat formed by
use of C. sorokiniana immobilized in loofa sponges by nat- Phormidium involved in degradation pro- cesses, Biofilm-
ural adsorption. These authors achieved a maximum C. forming bacteria covering macroalgae can also be able to
sorokiniana biomass of 261 ± 22 mg g—1 of dry sponge degrade oil (Radwan et al., 2002).
after 24 days of incubation. Adsorption was always higher C. sorokiniana in aggregation with bacteria was able to
in immobilized systems than that measured for free cells successfully remove salicylate from a photobioreactor in
(loofa sponges without immobilized cells adsorbed a small an experiment described by Mun˜ oz et al. (2006). The
amount of this metal). After adsorption, addition of acids role of each organism in the biosystem is not clear
such as HCl and H2SO4 resulted in liberation of more enough, but degradation seems to be performed by the
than 99% of adsorbed metal. Moreno-Garrido et al. (2005) bacterial part of the symbiosis system. Normally, organic
used pollutants are more easily degraded by bacteria than by
Tetraselmis chuii, a very stress-resistant taxon, as an immo- algae (Prieto et al., 2002). Hydrocarbons, nevertheless,
bilized organism to remove Cu and Cd from marine waters. have been reported to be degraded by Ca-alginate
After 24 h exposition, all Cu and 20% Cd were removed immobilized color- less P. zopfii (Suzuki et al., 1998;
from the media by Ca-alginate immobilized populations Yamaguchi et al., 1999).
I. Moreno-Garrido / Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 3949–3964 3959

In free and immobilized systems, 100% of a mixture of ments were performed in the media, and the easiest
tetradecane, pentadecane and hexadecane (0.1% (v/v) each expla- nation is the removal of part of the metals by the
one) was degraded. Special care in the experimental entrapping matrix, being thus less available for cells. But
design was taken in order to ensure that evaporation was removal of toxicants by immobilizing matrixes would not
not the cause of the elimination of hydrocarbons from the explain all cases of less toxicity of immobilized cells. Sur-
media. Every 14 days, cells were washed and re-used, factants are not so selectively adsorbed by Ca-alginates.
resulting in identical response from immobilized cells. Moreno-Garrido et al. (2007) found less toxicity for immo-
Other cases of trophic use of organic pollutants seem to bilized cells of P. tricornutum exposed to sediments spiked
be the Chryso- phyte Ocrhomonas danica (Semple and with surfactant lineal alkylbenzene sulphonate (LAS) than
Cain, 1996; Semple, 1998), which is able to for free cells. Lower diffusivity of toxicants in beads (Jang,
heterotrophically grow on phenol and phenolic mixtures. 1993) should also explain, at least in part, lower toxicity to
No reports about immobilization of this species have entrapped cells. This species (P. tricornutum) seems to be
been found. a good microalgal species to be used in toxicity tests
involv- ing immobilized algae. It is one of the species
4.7. Measuring toxicity suggested by ISO (1995) to test water quality by the use of
growth inhi- bition tests: it is cosmopolitan, with low
Bulk chemical characterization of waters and sediments nutrient require- ments, fast growth and good sensitivity
do not provide information about toxicity (Munawar and to toxicants. Additionally, it has been used by several
Munawar, 1987), except in cases of extreme pollution. authors in free and immobilized toxicity tests (Cid et al.,
Thus, bioassays have been designed in order to detect tox- 1995; Kos- akowska et al., 2004; Mayasich et al., 1986;
icity of effluents, sediments or substances on organisms. Moreira et al., 2006; Moreira dos Santos et al., 2002;
Microalgae have been found to be sensitive organisms to Morelli and Pratesi, 1997; Morelli and Scarano, 2001;
different pollutants (Leo´ n et al., 2001; Radix et al., Moreno-Garrido et al., 2007; Overnell, 1975; Pavlic´ et al.,
2000) in toxicity bioassays (Bitton and Dutka, 1986), 2005; Wiegman et al., 2002). Immobilization by gel
possibly due to their high surface/volume ratio. Their key entrapment is also a very interesting topic for in situ
role in freshwater and marine aquatic trophic nets implies microalgal experiment design because it provides
the necessity of developing suitable toxicity tests in order protection to microalgae in front of grazers (Cassidy et al.,
to count with efficient tools to be used by researchers and 1996; Faafeng et al., 1994). Mic- roalgal grazers cannot be
authorities when it is required. In situ experiments have easily eliminated from waters or sediments due to the
been designed in order to increase environmental relevance small size that those organisms can achieve: nematodes
of toxicity tests (Moreira dos Santos et al., 2002, 2004; and, over all, amoebas or ciliates can predate on
Moreira et al., 2006; Munawar and Munawar, 1987), as microalgal cells slightly smaller than them. Twist et al.
manipulation of samples when carried to the laboratory (1997) developed a method of in situ biomoni- toring using
is then avoided and natural conditions of light, tempera- Ca-alginate immobilized Scenedesmus subspic- atus for the
ture or pH fluctuations are maintained. Bozeman et al. assessment of eutrophication in surface waters. A clear
(1989), in a pioneering work, compared the toxicity of advantage of this technique is that local flora can be
seven pollutants of different origin (Cd, Cu, Glyphosate, isolated and incorporated to the biomonitor. Of course,
Hydrothol, Paraquat, pentachlorophenol and sodium when Ca-alginate is used in natural (or micro and meso-
dodecyl sulphate) to free and immobilized cells of the cosms simulating natural) environment, limitation of the
green microalga Selenastrum capricornutum (currently technique is degradation of beads. In freshwater streams
Pseud- okirchneriella subcapitata), suggesting the this limitation seems to be a couple of weeks. In marine
possibility of the use of immobilized systems in in situ environments (Faafeng et al., 1994), duration of beads is
toxicity experi- ments. Following those authors, quite shorter (a few days) (Moreira dos Santos et al.,
differences in toxicity for free and immobilized algae 2002). Improvement in bead fabrication is trying to avoid
varied from no significant dif- ferences for copper and those problems (Moreira et al., 2006). Periphytic algae
pentachlorophenol to nearby four times more sensitive for nat- urally established on glass slides have been used in in
free cells in the case of Glyphosate or Paraquat. Admiraal situ toxicity tests conducted to test the impact of heavy
et al. (1999) performed an experi- ment on sand and metals resuspended by dredging works on microalgae
natural glass-attached microbentic assemblages of algae (Nayar et al., 2003). High concentrations of Zn
and bacteria in a metal polluted stream in the river (up to
Dommel (Belgium). The authors com- pared the sensitivity 17,240 mg L—1), Cu (up to 11 mg L—1) and Cd (up to
of those assemblages to zinc, finding different sensitivities 1.8 mg L—1) were found, as a result of dredging, in the
in function of the origin of the assem- blages (the most aqueous phase, reducing periphyton biomass between
polluted origin, the lower sensitivity). Pro- tection against 95% and 100% for polluted waters.
toxicity in immobilized cells is reported in different works Biosensors of different types involving microalgal cells
(Cassidy et al., 1996). Awasthi and Rai (2005) have been designed in order to detect pollutants in the envi-
demonstrated lower inhibition of nitrate uptake in ronment. Lukavsky and Marsˇa´lek (1997) immobilized
S. quadricauda immobilized (with respect to free cells) when S. capricornutum in 2% agar in order to use it as a
exposed to Ni, Zn or Cd. In this work, no metal measure- biosensor for Cr6+ toxicity. Sensitivity of this biosensor was
the same
3960 I. Moreno-Garrido / Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 3949–3964

found for other bioassays, including growth inhibition test. weak and expensive matrices (when used in large scale),
Frense et al. (1998) used S. subspicatus immobilized on a and propose other approaches such as photobioreactors
filter paper and covered with alginate in an optical biosen- with the bacterial–algal microcosm attached on the
sor based in the chlorophyll a fluorescence as biomarker reactor walls.
for pollutants in water and soil extracts, as a pre-selection
protocol before sending samples to high-cost standard 5. Future perspectives
analysis. C. vulgaris has also been used in optic biosensors
in order to determine the toxicity of herbicides (Naessens Immobilization techniques can be used in molecular
et al., 2000) such as atrazine, simazine and diuron, com- biology, as plasmid stability in immobilized cells has been
monly used in cereal cultures. In this case, algal immobili- reported (Cassidy et al., 1996). Risk of unwanted muta-
zation was performed on GF/C Whatman filters. Filter tions is reduced when cells are immobilized (Codd, 1987).
paper disks immobilizing algae have also been used by Genetic manipulation of immobilized cyanobacteria
Sanders et al. (2001) in biosensors designed in order to (hydrogenase negative gene) could also improve hydrogen
detect chemical warfare agents. Not optic, but ampero- generation processes (Das and Vezirog˘lu, 2001).
metic algal-based sensors have also been designed (Shit- Immobi- lized microalgae have been recently used as a
anda et al., 2005), taking advantage of variations in the tool for water quality control in fish culture. Chen (2001)
photosynthetically produced oxygen. Limitations of toxic- studied that ammonium concentrations decreased in
ity testing using free or immobilizing microalgae are tilapia cultures containing immobilized cells of S.
restricted to those toxicants that affect structures present quadricauda (freshwater cultures) and clam cultures
in the algal cells. It means that pollutants affecting bone (Chen, 2003) containing I. gal- bana (seawater cultures). In
development or nervous system will not be easily the latter case, slow liberation of cells from immobilizing
detected with microalgal-based bioassays. In contrast, beads provided a continuous input of food for filtering
toxicants affecting photosynthesis (as copper ions or clams. This could reduce costs of clam culturing when
herbicides) will be more appropriately detected with compared with traditional methods.
vegetal cells (such as microalgae) bioassays. Adequate The use of microalgae in the design of biosensors is a
aquatic toxicity studies should cover organisms from very recent and interesting topic in biotechnology. Chou-
different levels, but microal- gae should never be teau et al. (2004) designed a conductometric biosensor with
forgotten due its basal position in the trophic chain. C. vulgaris cells (the authors pointed out that the use of
whole cells is quite cheaper than that of isolated enzymes)
4.8. Co-immobilized systems in order to measure the inhibition of alkaline phosphatase
activity as a bio-indicator of toxic stress. Volatile com-
Recent efforts have been made in the field of co- pounds (such as formaldehyde) have also been detected
immobi- lization (Nagase et al., 2006). De-Bashan et al. by the use of multiple-strain algal sensor chips designed
(2002a,b, 2004) co-immobilized Chlorella with a by Podola et al. (2004). Genetically modified organisms
microalgae growth-promoting bacterium (Azospirillum can also be used in sensors, such as the strain of Synecho-
brasiliense) in Ca-alginate beads. This bacterium is not coccus employed by Schreiter et al. (2001): this organism
able to remove nutrients from wastewaters, but enhances harbours a gene encoding for the luciferase from Vibrio
growth of immo- bilized algae. Co-immobilized biological harveyi under the control of an inducible alkaline phospha-
system removed higher percentages of nutrients from tase promoter, which can be induced by phosphorus
wastewaters (100% of ammonium, 15% nitrate and 36% of limita- tion. The resultant ‘‘CyanoSensor’’ is able to
phosphorus) when compared with immobilized algal cells detect 0.3–
without bacteria (75% ammonium, 6% nitrate and 19% 8 lM of PO 3—
and respond to other organic phosphorus
phosphorus). Mun˜ oz and Guieysse (2006) reviewed sources. This sensor is also storable for three weeks at 4 °C.
the interactions between algae and bacteria in processes Combinations of solar energy and algal immobilization
designed for the treatment of hazardous contaminants. technologies can be successfully used in industrial processes
Production of oxy- gen by algae improves degradation of (Mallick, 2002). In the same way, studies about production
substances that must be degraded aerobically. Both of energy via photosynthetically generated H 2 are a recent,
bacteria and algae could produce defending substances promising field of research that has been reduced to date
against the other co-immobi- lized organism. Increase of pH to green freshwater algae. Other taxonomic groups should
values due to photosynthe- sis and increase of oxygen in be tested in order to optimize molecular hydrogen
the media could also slow down bacterial growth when co- production.
immobilized with algae. On the other hand, consumption
of CO2 and extracellular matter production (such as Acknowledgements
exopolysaccharydes) by algae can enhance bacterial
growth rate, as well as CO2 and growth promoter This work has been granted by the Spanish National
substances production by bacteria can enhance microalgal Plan of Science and Technology Research, under the pro-
growth. The same authors recognized that most widely jects ‘‘Use of immobilized systems for marine microalgae
used immobilization techniques involve in the incorporation and evaluation of toxic substances in
marine ecosystems’’ (REN2001-2095/MAR) and ‘‘A new
I. Moreno-Garrido / Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 3949–3964 3961

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ment of estuarine and coastal sediments (MECASEC)’’ optical emission spectrometry. Talanta 60, 1131–1140.
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