Purposive Communication

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Commercial: Dove Body Wash

1. What is the message?

“Your skin isn't just skin. It's a beautiful reflection of every single thing you've been
through in life, which is why dove body wash removes your skin's ceramides and strengthens it
against dryness for instantly softer and smoother skin you can lovingly embrace. Renew the
love for your skin with dove body wash.”

2. What is the purpose of the message?

The purpose of the message is to promote body positivity and self-love by using their
product which is the Dove body wash. Furthermore, the main message of the Dove commercial
is that women's unique differences should be celebrated, rather than ignored, and that physical
appearance should be transformed from a source of anxiety to a source of confidence. It also
allows women to show that society’s standards regarding beauty need to change, from a focus
on outer appearance, to a focus on inner beauty and confidence.

3. How is the message conveyed by the text and/or video?

The message of the commercial video was being told by a narrator, which portray as the
sender or the encoder in the communication process. The message was delivered in a clear and
concise manner in a way that the audience or the receiver will be able to understand and

4. What did you feel as you watched the video? Cite the scenes that elicited the feeling/s that
you've mentioned.

Watching the commercial made me feel empowered because of the message it

conveyed. Dove sought to change the culture of advertising by challenging beauty stereotypes;
they selected real women whose appearances are outside the stereotypical norms of beauty
(e.g., older women with wrinkles, overweight women). The real women were attractive and
likeable in my opinion because they were relatable and provided a “fresh” perspective within
the media. There was a scene where a woman was covering her face with a mask and written
on her mask was the word “ugly”. She proceeds by removing her mask and showing her skin
even though half of her face is covered with acne, but she smiled as she threw away her mask.
That scene, in particular, made me feel like I do not have to live by society’s standard of beauty
and that I could be who I am without anyone’s validation and opinions

5. What is the target audience?

The target audience of the commercial are women of all races, color, and sizes. The
brand focused on females who valued natural, healthy beauty products that enhanced their
natural beauty.

6. What modes were used in presenting the message

The modes that were used in presenting the message were verbal and non-verbal
7. Do you think the different modes effectively conveyed the message? Explain your answer.

The modes effectively conveyed or delivered the message. As the receiver of the
message, I was able to comprehend the meaning and the purpose of the message and I was
also able to interpret the message in my own words. By the use of the different modes, the
message was conveyed in a brief and clearly expressed manner.

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