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Vol. 161: 155 — 163, 1997 Pu blished Dece m ber 31

Mar Ecol Prog Ser

Nutrient control of estuarine macroalqae:

growth strategy and the balance between
nitrogen requirements and uptake
Morten Foldager Pedersen', Sens Borum
Fresh water-B iologica I Laboratory. University of Copenha gen, Hel sin 9 o rsgade 51, D K- 3400 H il lera d, Denmark

ABST R ACT: The a bility to sust a in g roivth at low ava ila bility of n it r ogen (N) v› as examine d in 6 species
of ma cr oalgae wit h different growth strategies by com pa riny s u bstrate depen den t gr o vth kinetics. The
N r‹ qu ire d to support opti mat growth and the N upta ke kinetics of 2 slow - g rowing algae, In cas i ‹ siCii -
losus and Codi um mo gilr, and 4 fast- g rowing species, CL‹s etoinorp/4 a /Jn um, Cls clo pmore seiico,
Cert m mm ru hrtim and Uh a la cI uca, we re expe rim en tafly determined in summer iv hen the a1q ae we re
N limited. The N required to su pport na a xinn um g ro vt h va ried 16 -Iold amo ng species, with Iast- g row -
ing a lg ae having the highest N d ma nds. The hig h N requirements of ep Item r‹i1 ml gae » ‹'re cause d by
up to 13-f old hig her g r o«Cth ra I r> a nd 2- to 3-f old hig her N co ntent at ma x inn u n i g r oxv th. Als o, the
Iast- qro wing speci es took up amm on ium and nitrate 4 to 6 tirn es las te r per unit of biorn ass th a ia slow - y
row - ing specics at both low and hig h s u bst rate concentrations, but the ratios of mv xirn u in ii ptako
to req uireuse nts we re lv rger among the sIovv -g rov ing all ae. Th us, the fast- g ro u ing species tended to
requ i re relatively hig her exte r na1 coned ntra tio ns of in or ga nic N to sa turate the ir g roxv t h. Under N
lim - ited conditions, all 6 ITU croa lgae vver e able to exploi t pulses of high con centrations of a mmoni um by
taking u p amm oni um at tra nsiently en h‹q n C£°d rates {i.e. s urge uptake). tJpta ke wes, however, o n ly
marg inally en h‹q need at low, ‹q nd natu ra lly occurring, concentrations of am rn on rum, suggesting tha t
su rge uptake is of min or eco logical inn porta nce. Our resul ts show that large, slow- growing m acroa1g ae
may be better able to meet I hi ir N requirements at low N ava tea b ilit y than fast-yro vin g species. Th is
is consistent wit h the commu.n observation that n utfie nt-poor coa sta I areas are dominated b\ sloPv-
t r o sv ing mv croalg ae rather tha n ephemer ml species, alt h on g h eplc e rn eral species have hi The r upta
ke ca pa cities.

KE Y \\'OR DS: Ma ri ne ma c r oalg ae Nitrogen req u ir eme nt N itr o9 en upto ke Competition

of the dif Ierent plent types to total o utotrophic biomass
and prod uction is regulatect by several Iactors that
Nutrient avail a bility is an tmp or ta n t Iactor control-
influen ce g r o vth and loss processes (Sand-Jensen &
liig plant performance and species composition of
Borum 1991, D ua r te 1995). The distribution of macro-
pldnt communities in sh Allow coastal v‹qters (Bor u m
alqae a lony nutrient g radients is typically ch‹qr a cter-
1983, Orth fi Moore 1983, Tivilley et at. 1985, Ne un -
ized by slow-growing species in nutrient-poor regions
dorfer & Kemp 1993, Tay lor et al. 1995, Borum 1996)
or se‹qsons, while fast-qro ving, ephemeral species
These shallow wk ter plant communities are composed
dominate under nutrient-rich conditions (KButsky ct al
of a large number of species representing various
1986, Sf riso et at. 1987, Ménes g uen & Piriou 1995, Tay-
growth str‹q te gies and life forms, and the contribution
lor et at. 1995, Bor um & Sand -Ie nsen 1996)
The association between high nutrient avail a b ility
’ Present ad d ress: Depart meia t of Life Sciences and Chemistr y and increased dominance of e phemeral macr oaI qae
17.2, Ros kilde University I onter, Box 260, DK-4000 Ros -
suggests that fast-growing species requH e high n uti i.-
kilde, De mm ar k. E -mail: mls .' "virg i1. rue. dk
ent inputs to sustain growth, while large, sl ow-grow-
0 I nte r- Research 1997
Reesie of full ‹a rticle not permit.tecl
13 b M ar Ecol P rog Se r 161: 156 — 163, 1997

ing t °cies are better ‹ i rl r ited to nut ri en t-poor cont i- ics of N uptake and N reqri irements for pro vth among 6
tie Ans. I ii s u} ›o i I r›f this id co , Pedersen ñ Boru.m ( 1596) species of macro‹q1gae with in herentl y different m•dxi-
demon.str a ted that eph r merd1 ma croa lgae suffered mum g ro wth r‹q tes. \Ve also tested « h ether the pres-
i o rn lim station during loner c r periocls of lot N avail- ence and magnitude of surge up th ke dif fe red sig nifi-
ability in summer t hen did slow-growing species. The cantly between fast- and slow -growing rna croalga e.
observed va Fid tion in N limitation among alq ae of dif-
ferent growth s I rate gy could partly be explained by
species-specific differences in N requir emen Is and METHODS
storage capacity However, the wo rk also indict ted
that, compared to ephemeral species, slow-growing \Vhole thalli of 6 macroalqal species with different
ma cr oa lgae overe better able to .meet their N require - gi osvth strategies were collected in Roskilde Fjord,
ments by exploiting low exter n‹q1 N concentrO tions Denmd rk, during ltte July and Aug us1 1991, iv hen the
(Pedei sen & Borum 1996) algae were N limb tecl (Pedersen 1995, Pedersen & Borum
E phemeral ma crOd lyae with thin thalli and. simple 1996), Fucus vesicu7osus L. and Codi um Ii‘ocfile
morph ology t‹qke up N Ias ter per unit of biomass and, (Suringar) Ha not. Lucks are slow-growing, perennial
further , have hiy her of finl ties for upta ke It low N con- macroalqae with thick and structurally complex thalli,
t un I rations th‹q.n large, st.ow-growing species (Wal- while Ulva toctuco L., Clodoph ore serico (Huds.) Lhtz ,
lentin us 1584, Fujita 1985, Hein et Al. 1995) . Fast N up- CA ae tom orDhd /in um I O. F M u11. ) Lh tZ. d FI Cl Uf° P6 D4 i
ta ke ‹ind h iqh affinity among ephemeral a lg ae has rubrum (Hu ds. ) C. Ag. are a nnua I species hayin g thin
Iormerly been used to imply that these alg be were well thdlli and high maximum g ro vth rates. The a lyae were
suited to compete for nutrients It low availability of N rinsed of sediment, debris and epiph ytes and kept in
It has Also been hypothesized that ephemeral species laborator y cultures for 5 to 7 d before beinq used for
utilize short-term puJses of ammonium by taking it up ossessmen I of N requirements for growth or for uptake
at transient.1y enhanced rates (i.e surge upt‹q ke), experiments. The cultur e tanks contained f reshly col-
thereby compensatin q for low up tCt ke during su bse- lected water from the sdmplin g site salinity = 17 "..
quent periods of lOw N ava it iq bility (Fujita 1985). Surge dissolved inorganic N (DIN) < 1 p M; dissolved inor-
uptake has been documen ted for a lar ge n umber of ganic P (DIP) = 4 to 6 PM J and were kept o I constant
ma croalgae (e.g Fujita 1985, Thom.a s & Harrison 1987, irradiance (300 Mmol m " s ’ PAR in a 16 h light: 8 h
Harrison et Al. 1989, Pedersen 1994, McG lather y ct a1. dark cycle) and temper‹qtur e 15°C).
1996), and McG lathery et a1. ( 1996) sh o wed that the Nitr ogen dependent growth. Data for g ro vth of
length and rnag nitude of the surge upt‹q ke were in- Fu cus vesiculos us, Ulvo la ctuca, Ce armun1 r u b um,
versely related to the size of intra cell star pools of am - Cha etomoryha he mm and Cla dophora serica as func-
monium in the ep h emeral rnt croalg a CAo etomo pha tions of inter na1 N contents in the algal tissues overe
lie tim. If this mechanism is fi ge ner‹q1 feature among Ol- obtained from Pedersen & Borum ( 1996), while N
yve, we expect all Algal species to be able to perform dependent grow th of Code urn ! ayile Eva s experimen-
surge uptake inde pendently of growth strategy tally determined in the present study, using the same
The adva.ntage of fast u pts ke at low availability of N method os in Pedersen & Borum ( 1996) . All 6 species of
gained by ephemeral algae may, however, be offset if ma croa lqae over e grown in la born tory cultur es under
the N requirem.ents of these species Are compar‹q bly constant lit h t (300 mm of m s ' PAR in a 16 h light 8 h
higher than the requirements for large, slow- g ro ving dark cy cle) and temper‹qtur e (15°C). Nitrogen loadings
species. The only way to e valuate species-specific dif- were ve ried to o btain specimens with a range of differ-
feren ces in sensitivity to n utnent stress is to combine ent tissue N conce ntr‹qtions, Growth rates (p) overe
the kinetics for N uptake And N dependent yro myth into meastired as the increase in biOlTl Ass assuming expo-
su bs trate depenclent g row th kinetics (Dugdale 1967) nentidl growth:
and then comp Mr e the ability of dif her ent species to
sustain g rowth. at low substrate concentrations (Turpin
1988) where Bz and B are the dry weight biomass of a1g‹qe at
The objective of this st ud y was to test the hypothesis the beginning (F ) a nd at the end (T,) of the experi-
that large, slow-growing macroalqae are better mental period. Observed growth rates were plotted
adapted to grow under low N avai1‹q bility than fast- against tissue N concentr‹q tions (N) and the Droop
grout rig, ephemeral species, because their N r equire- equation (Droop 1983} wks fitted to the data using non -
ments and uptake of N are better bala nced at poten- linear, least squares regression
tially limiting N conce ntr‹qtions. We Addr essed this
p ,„Q1-(N /N)| (2)
question by compr ring subscrate depend ent growth ki-
netics, ruocl of ed from experimentall y determined kinet- where p „, is the ma x imuir grovvth ra te at infirnte
Pede rse n & Borum: N utrie nt contr o1 of estu‹qrine macr oaly we 137

tissue N concentrations, N„ is the minimum tiss ue N centration (N) for each time inter v‹q1, .q nd the Michaelis-
content needed to sustain growth (the subsistence N Menten fun ction was fitted to the data using non -
quota), and N is the actud I tiss ue N co ncentration. The linear, least squares regression
ci‘itica1 N concentration (N ) needed to sustain gro wth
It maximum rates was estimated as the intercept
between the initial slope of the curve and the mlxi - where \ ., „, is the maximu m u pta ke i ate and N„ the half-
mum g roivtla rate (p, ,), whil‹ N requirements for saturdtion constant for unto ke. The ini t)dl Slope of the U
max imum gro wt h (N ,.q) were ‹ stimated as the prod uct versus S curve, equal to U„„„/K„„ was calculd ted and used
of the ma xim u m growth rate and critical N conce ntra- As In index of N uptake a f fi n it y at low sub- strate
tion (i.e p„„, x N ). concentrd tions (Healy 1980)
Uptake experiments. 1 0th ke of a namorn um may ini - Estimation of substrate dependent growth. The
ti‹qlly be enha need and nitrate upta ke suppr essed, association betwee n growth rate and the conce ntrd tion
when N depleted rig be are exposed to sudden pu1ses of ammonium or n it rate in the water was estimated for
of in orqa nic N McGlathe ry et Al. 1996) , To discern the each spcci es using th e uptake kinetics (Eq. 4) for eithe r
different phases of N uptake, we measured upIN ke a mmonium (the ‘assimilati on' kinetics) or nitrate and the
rates of annua oni u m and nitrate by several time-course relations hip between qroivth rate a nd tissue N con - tent
depletion expe riments, las ting 4 to 10 h each. The (Ed. 2), assuming steady sta te co editions. The reI‹q
depletion of substrate due to upta ke wks measured tion betwee n growth rate and substrate concentra- tion
over different time intervals and substrate concentra - under steady state conditions can be described by a
tions in each experiment, so that Any transient pfiases Monod type equation
‹q ppearing duriny the initial stage of the experiments
could be separated from the more constant u pts ke
rates occur rin q subseq uently (referred to as 'assimila- where p‘ , is the ma xirnum growth rate under steady-
tion rates’, for details see Pedersen 1994, McGlo thery et state conditions, K„ is the half-SP turation constant for
al. 1996) g row th, ctnd S’ is the stead y-state substr‹q te conce ntra -
The upta ke experime nts vere ca rried out in tra nslu tion. Ects (2) & (4) can be combined And solved for
cent plexigl As cham hers conta ininy 2.1 of medrum and N„ which is then su bstituted into Eq. {2) to estimate the
kept under constant ir radian ce (400 Mmol m s PAR) constants q‘„„ and K , of Eq. (5). Turpin ( 1988) provide
And temperature (15°C). Water cir culation was gener- d detailed description for the derivation of the equ‹q -
ated by su but e rsible pumps {6 I min ' ) . Filtere d (Whit- tions def in my q‘„„ and K„.
man GF/C) sea wk tOr wks enriched with N b/ ddding
either NH4Cl or Na NOT from stock solutions. The
upta ke expe riments were ce rried out with at least and
6 different starting concentrations of N, ranging f rone
3.5 to 85 pM a mm on rum or Irorn 3.5 to 4.5 p M nitrate.
Algal material (0.1 to 0.7 g DCV) was fixed on d N itex where \ „„, K„, u„„„ and Nt, are defined as described
mesh and s u bmersed in the mediulTl ‹q t time = 0 Top- for Eqs. 12) & (4). Both q’q„ and K, o I Eq (5) we re esti-
locate wk ter siqmp leS (5 ml) were collecte d every 15 min mated from measured values ot U„,.i x' na' And N¿,
0„ y
during the Iirs t 90 min and su bseq uen thy every 30 min and used to model growth rates at typi ca l in site con-
until all inorganic N had been depleted from the centrations of ‹q mmonium and wit ra te, respectively.
medi urn (within 240 to 600 min). Ammonium was ina- The compute tion was performed Iss urn ing no effects
m ediately analyzed using the phenol-hypochlorite of stored N in the algae.
method (Solor zano 1969), while nitrate samples were Error estimation. The substrate dependent growth
frozen for IN ter analysis on an Alp h iq Chem° Auto Ana- rate (p‘) and the half-SP t eration constant for gro vth
lyzer. Algal dry weigh t was determined Of ter drying to (K,) were both c‹qlC ul ate d as combinfi tion of several
constant weigh t at 90°C for 4.8 h individual va ri a bles, each measured wit h ther r own
Uptake r‹q tes | U (pmol g ' DW h ’)] were calculated error. The bootstra p procedure (Ef ron & Tibs hirani
for each time inter vd1 during the depletion accord in g 1986) was, ther ef ore, applied to estinâ‹q te medns and
to: confidence limits for the combs ned results. All the indi-
vidual variables were assumed to be normally distrib-
V = jS, x vol,) -(S,x vol,)/(ix B) (3)
uted with observed means a nd standard deviations. Bias-
where S and St are the su bstrate concentrations and adjusted bootstrapped mean values (x , , ) of q’q„ and
vo1 and vol, the volumes bef ore d nd after a sampling K, were computed from the individual vari- ables (E qs.
period t›, and B is Algal dry iv eig h I biorn ass Uptake 6 & 7) using Monte Carl o resanipling ( 100 mean
rates (V) over e plotted against the mean su bstrote con- values were estimated), ‹qcco rding to Meyer
158 Mar Eco1 Prog Ser 1 61 155 — 163, 1597

et a1, ( 1586) . Bias - adjusted 9.5 " confident ‹• limits wei e 0.12
Co dium fra gile
fine11 computed from the 2.5 and 97.5 " per centiles

of the bo o tstrappe d data sets Iollowing the procedure
presented b› Jeyer et at. 1986)

Gro w t h r a t e

Nitrogen requirements 0 1 2 3
Tissue N (¥ of DW)
Maximum growth rates (qp„}, subsistence quotas
(N ) And critical tissue N concentrations (Nt) obtained Fig. 1 €“odd nut fragile. Relations hip between g r oivth rite and
in the laborn tory experiments (this study and Pedersen tissue N concentration as deteriti rued in laboratory experi-
& Borum 1996) are summ‹qrized in Table 1. In General,
‹growth rates increased as functions of tissue N concen -
tration as exemplified by the r elationship between
growth and tissue N in Codi mm /rayiJe (Fig. 1). The concentration (Nt) ranged from 1.15 % N of DW in C. lin
ma ximum growth rate at infinite tissue N concentra - tion non to 3.1 *ñ N of D\V in C. ru bran ITable 11. Bet h
varied 13-Iold among species and was lowest for Fu Nq and Np tended to increase with incree siny maxi-
cus vesicufos us and C. /rayi?e (0.039 a nd 0.088 d‘ ' ) and mum yrowth rate of the alyal species, but the pat-
highest among the 4 ephemeral species (0.2 l8 to terns were not consistent since Nq and Nt were low
0.313 d ' : Table 1). for the relati vely fast-growing C. Min mm. The amount
The subsistence quota (N, ) ranged from 0.38 % N of N required to sustain maximum algal growth var-
of DW in Chr etomorpll o lin um to 1.02 % of DW in ied 16-fold, from 48 pmol N g ' D W d ' in Mucus
Ceromium rub um, with the remaining values being vesiculosus to 795 Mmol N q ' DW d*‘ in Evo Jocfuca
clustered around 0.6% N of D\V. The critical tissue N (Table 1)

Table 1 Maxim um growth rates (pq„), su bsistence quotas (Np), critical tissue N concentrations (N¿) and estimated N req uire-
ments for growth under lv borator y conditions in 6 spec.i es ot ma croalgae , Estimates ot q,. and N„ overe obtained by non-linear
least squares regression. Numbers are mean values wi th 95 % confidence inter va1s in paren theses. Data for at I algae except for
Code um fragile are from Pedersen R Borum ( 1996}

Nq ("ñ N of DW) N, (”. of DW) (pmol N g— ’ DCV d-

focus esiculosus 0,039 (0.003 — 0.127) 055(03â-064) 1 71 (—1.48 4.38) 4 8 (—95 — 219)
Codlurn fragile 0.083 {0.072 — 0.094) 012(040-064) 1.58 (0.45 2.61) 96 (25 — T 69)
Chr etonl orpha lin um 0. 218 (0.176 — 0.260) 038(037-039) 115 {0.96 138) t79 (I 43 — 229j
Cladophord serico 0.251 {0.189 — 0.313) 0.68 (0.57 — 0 79) 2 05 (0.93 33l 364 (T 57 — 607)
Geranium rubrtirn 0.223 (0.176 - 0.270) 1. 02 (0. 97 — 1.08) 3I 0 2 /9 364) 4 93 (379 — 614 j
Ulva 1s ctuco 0 513 {0.479 - 0.b47) 0.71 (0.66 0.76) 2 17 (L33 - 2.93) 795 (595 — 987)

Ta ble 2. Attr ogen u ptake kinetics. The kinetic parami'ters \ ’ , (pmol N g DCV h 1 ), Nq { UI) and the affinity for rlpta ke at In v
concentrations (\ , ’K, 1 Ir aly 1980) for surge uptaki of ammonium (surye; I'“ i uptake and assir i1‹ition of ammonium (\ )
anct uptake of nitrate (I ) for 6 species of m acroa lyae Parameter estim.ates were o Stained by non -1ine‹M least squares regression.
Numbers are mean v d lues + 55 '?• conf idence inte r vals The coefficient of determination (r"} is also give n; all regression s vere
hiyhly significa nt (p < 0.001)

S urge uptake of ammonium (U’) Assimilation of a mmoni um (¥ j Nitrate uptake t \' )

\ Kg \ „,.,IK„ r2 „¥ , K„ \’ 'Np r'

Fu cus yesic ufos as 4 1 + 7 21 + 10 2.0 0 99 22 + J 14 + ’7 1.6 0.‘7 8+1 11 + 5 0.7 0.91

Codi um fragile 81 + IN 25 * 12 3.3 0.94 44+5 12t 3 3.8 0.93 9*1 5+1 2.0 0.92
Cho etom oipho lin um 132 + 29 I. 3 * 12 10. 2 0.89 47*5 3z1 13. 6 0.89 30 i 5 3i1 9.9 0.95
Cfc dophore serico 122 * 33 i 3 z 10 9.8 0.94 43 z 6 5z3 9. 4 0.87 17 * 2 5+2 3.5 0.84
Cert ml um rubrum 271 z 81 29 z 21 9.4 O.S5 59 6 5+2 12. 3 0 89 —
UJ v6 J6 ct c 240 * 61 21 + 16 11 3 0 88 72 -r 6 6›2 12. 4 0 95 20 + 8 5z2 4.5 0 86
Pedersen & Borum: Nutrient control of estuarine ma croalgae 1â9

Uptake rates 250

The uptake o1 Ammonium xvds initially
enhanced w hen N depleted algae overe 190
suddenly exposed to ammonium. Uptake 100
rates a re, therefore, rep resente d by 2 sets

Up take r a t e ( / Jmo I N1 gDW h"')

of u ptake kinetics: (1) one representing
transiently en henced uptake (i.e. surge
u th ke), medsu i ed d uring the fi rst 15 min
after exposure to ammonium, and (2) one 200
representing the uptake rates o bt lined 150
later thin 120 min ‹qfte r exposure (here
denoted As the 'assimilation rate' ; see Ped- 100
ersen 1994, McG lather y et at. 1996). The 50
surge uptake prob‹q bly represents a co m-
bin‹q tion of adsorption of ions onto the 0
plant surfsce and the absorption of ions
into the plant tissue, while assimi1‹q tion 0
uptake most li kely represents the rate of
amino acid synthesis within the algae 150
(McG lather y et al 1996). The rate of surge 10D
uptake increased and tended to saturate
with incr e‹qsing substrate concentration 50
a mong All the alg a1 species examined 0
(Fiy. 2), b ut the kinetic cons t‹q nts exhibited
1‹qrge species-s pecific variations {Table 2).
Fuc us ve sic ulos us

0 20 40 60 80

Conce ntra tion of

Cla dophora s erica

C er a mium r u brum
0 20 40 60 80 1 00

ammonium (PM)

The ma xim u m i ate of s urqe uptake (V‘" „) Fig. 2. Upta ke rates of ammoni um as a I u n ction of substrate concentration .
ranged 6-fold, from 41 pmol N g DW h ’ Surge upto kc (o) was measured o eI the initial 15 min atter exposu re to
in Fa cus vest culos us to 271 pmol N q ' DW ammonium, i^ hil e assimilation rates (o) were measured lat er th an 120 min
i after th ‹ experiments we re ini tia ted
h in Cera ml um rubr um. The half-satura-
tion constant (K„) ran qed from 13 pM in
Cla dophore series to 29 pM in C. rubrum, but all ni 1‹qtion during the surge phase at high ammonium con -
values were characterized by large errors, making inter- centrations. The N gained during the surge phase
specific dif ferences non-significant at the 5 % ranged f rom 9.6 pmol N q ' D\V in Mucus vesic ufosus
level. The V„„.Kg ratios for ammonium ti.e. the a I fin- to
ite fOr ‹q mm on rum u pt‹q ke It low su bs tr‹q te concentr d - 106.1 pmol q* ' DW in Cessmi um ru Drum lTa ble 31, a
tions) we re higher among the ephemer‹q1 alga e than for nd the ephemeral species a ecu mutated in ge neral more
slow - gro win q species (9 to 11 vs 2 to 3; Table 2) N per unit of biomass than the slow- growing algae, The
The assimilation rate of a mmoni um ( U"’) also higher gain by e phemeral ‹qlg be Eva S, however, bal-
increased ‹q nd satur‹q ted wit h increasing substrate con- anced by highe r N requirements for growth, a nd the N
centration, but rates vere yenerall y 2- to 5-fold lower pool accumulated during the surge phase could sup-
thin surg e u pta ke rates at high substrate concentra -
tions (Fig 2) . Md X11T1 tllTl ossilTltlation rates (V“"„„)
Ta ble 3. Role of surge uptake. Am on nt of a mm onium taken
ranged from 2 2 q mol N g ' DW h ’ in Fucus vesicuJo- up in excess of assimil ation upta ke during th e sir rye phase (N
sus to 7 2 pmol N g ’ DW h ' in Ulva 1s ct uCH (Table 2). gain), and the pe riod of groivth ut maxim um rates the t can be
The half-saturation constants for assimilation were also s uppor ted by the ammonium ta ken u p d urin9 the surge
lower than those for surge uptake, so the U„„: Kg ratios phdse to r b different species of macroalga e
for surge And assimilation uptake remained rou qhly Ngan Growth period
the same. Identical Uq„: Nq ratios of surge and assimi- pmolNg (h)
lation uptake indicate that the rates of ammonium 46
uptake overe not initially enhanced at low subs tr‹q te . 4.8
concentrations. Chr etomorpho 11’n 6 6 0
We evaluated the potential gain of N achieved by the uin Cha dophora t8.7 2.9
serice Cerami um r 42.6
algae during surqe uptake, by comparing the amounts ?9.3
ubrum UI va 1sc’t
of N that could be accumulate d in excess of N assimi- uco T 06. I
160 Mar Ecol Prog Set 161. 155 — 1 63, 1997

exposure to n i trite, Thc u p ta ke rates of ni-
Fu c u s v e si c ulo s u s
30 trate vere, like I hose of anim onium, h per-
bolically related to substrate conc‹cn.bra tion
20 but lower than the upta ke rates of ammonium
{To ble 2). As for cmm onium, maximum
10 uptake r‹a tes of nitrate were re- lated to
Upt ake r a t e ( jumol g"’ DW h"' )

species -specific differences in max- imum g

rowth rate, And maxim um upta ke rates for
Cla dophora s erica Ch a etom o pha li n nut, U1s'a to c- t uco,
30 end Cla dopho a serf cv overe 3 - to 4 - fold
higher thin those for Code rim frayile and
Fu cue vesiculo sus. The half-satur‹q tion constd
n ts varied 4 -f Old am on g species, and the
ratio of I i ' in tende d to be hiq hes t
0 among the fast-growing a1yee (Table 2)
The ratio between U„„ and the a.mount
C e ra mium rub r um
of N required to sustain maximum growth
vameet s sts fur.!ia 11;' emo*.p sp ci s. A!l
20 macroalqae could potentia fly take up
N o t d e t e r min e d ‹q mm onium and nitrite faster than needed
10 for max imum gro vth, given thCt I SU bstrd te
concentration.s were hich enon yh . hi i t t h
0 slow - g rowiny species had ratios of \’
0 10 20 30
0 10 20 30 40 N requirement the I were approximately
Conc en tr a t ion 2 -fold higher than for ephe rnerd1 species,
of nit r a t e (jJM)
sugqes ting that slow-growing speci es have
Fig. 3. Uptake re tes of nitr‹q tC- as a function of su bstro te c on centre tion
‹q higher capacity for taking up N in excess
Uptake rates (o1 vere measured I a ter than 60 min after the experiments
were ink tinted to avoid the initia I phase of su ppr esse d ni trate uptake of inn me did te demands for groivth

port growth for approximately the same periOd of time Balance between N availability and algal growth
for all species (range: from 2.6 to 5.7 h; Ta ble 3)
Uptake of nif rate was initia lly suppressed and was, The estimated maximum growth riq tes (q‘ ,; Table 4)
therefore, taken as the retes measured af ter the initial were sligh tly lower than the m.q x im um growth ra tes
lkg p hdse had ceased, usually within 15 to 60 min after estimated from the labOl d tOry experiments (p

Table 4 Car oivth kine tics. Pr edicted va Sues or maxim um gro wtb rates (p’„„„), hal I-sa tn re tion constants for q r ow th (K I and of the
su bstrate concentrations needed to so turat' 9 rowth I.S‘ „,) under str ady state conditions in 6 dif ter ent species of mac roalqa e with
either ammonium or nitrate as inorganic N so ur ce. umbers a re bi‹is -a dj u sted bootstra p mea ns with US '?. per centric-0 ased con-
fidence intervals in parenth escs

Species bitrate
p’(d ')(q%l S’. (lñ])

Fucus vesicuJosus 0040 0.29 2.66 U.038 0 81 7.32

(0.032-O05/ (074-111) (-658-1368) (0.03 T — 0.048) (0.02 1.77] (0.18 — 15.94)
0.083 0.25 2.22 0.074 0.3-/ 5. I I
(0.OF T — 0.093) (0.00 — 0.38) (0.03 — 5.19) 0 055 — 0.086) (0.36 — 0.92) (3.24 — 8.3 I )
Cha e I omorpha Jin um 0.142 0.11 1.00 0.139 D. 1 S I lS
(0. 13S — 0 150] (0 00 — 0. 21 ) (0.01 — 1.91 ) (0 134 — 0.148) (0.OU 0.28) (0.0*J 2. 4 9)
0. 208 0.36 3. 28 0.188 0.83 ? 45
(0.1 84 — 0231 ) {0.11 — O. 71) (0.99 — b.4 0) (0. 1 J7 — 7‹J l (- 0.02 — 1 7 7) (-0.19 — 13.97 j
Cera mium ru brum 0. 299 0.63 5.65
(0.284 — 0.317) (0. 07 — 1 26) (0.67 1 1 31)
0.452 0. 75 6.7 1 0.34S 1.4 5 1.3. 02
(0.4 22 — 0. 4 (0.52 — 1. 10) (4.61 — 9.90) (0.322 — 0 373) (0.87 — 2.10) (7. b4 - 18.89)
Pedersenm Bo rum: N utrie n I co ntrol of cs In a rin n4 o cr only ac 161

Table 1). Mean values of the half-satu ra tion constant Borum 199b). The observed variations in ma xim um
for g ro myth K„ with dmmoni um as the N source ringed growth i a tes iv ith ch a nging alg d1 morp hology (i.e thin
from 0.11, 0. 25, and 0.29 pM in Cha etomo pha hnum, vs thick I hall us) agreed with the ge neral pattern to und
bolt tiir !ra Qlle, and Fu cus vesicufos us, i espectively, among algae of different size and I ha llus comp lex ity
to 0.3b, 0.63, and 0.75 p M in Old doph ore series, te.q. Littles & Wittier 1980, Nielse n R S And -Jensen
Cement inut ru hi cm, and UI ve 1s ctu cv, respectivel} . 1990)
K„ ranged from 0.13 pM in Cha etomor pho lin The ex pen me ntally O b thine d subsistence N qu otas
um to (N ) dFld critiCcll tissue N concen t rations (N ) also
1.45 p M in Upvc Incl ace when nitrate was the N source ten ded to cha nqe with algal mod pholOy Mild max i -
Hence, K, ten dcd to mcrease youth in ci easing maxi - na um q r o th rate. Subsistence quotas a nd ci iti cal tis-
m um a1y Al growth rd te, b u t the mean values have sue L' course ntro tions resembled da to from the litera-
qu ite wide confidence limits (Table 4) been use K„ wcs ture (e.q. i-Ianisak 197.9, Gordon e t al. 1981 , Rosen leer q
estimated f rona several in depende nt Ia ctor s (Eq. 7) et a1. 1984, Fun ita et al. 198S, Lave r y & McComb 1991)
each measured ith its ow n er ror. The a bility to con- \\*ith the exception of Cho etone o pha /ir mm, ephem-
vert availa ble D IN in the wate r into g ro wth through eral species had slig h fly higher subsistence cell q not as
uptoke (represented by the p‘ :k„ ratio) was highest and critical N conce ntrfi tions than slow - growing spe-
among the ephe me rat algae, but the predicted co ncen - cies and, hence, species -specific N requir ements to
tr‹q tions of amm onium and nitrite needed to s‹q tui a te support maximum growth became several-fold larger
algal g rowth were higher for U. Ja ctuca, C. r ubr mm and among fast- than slow- gro vin g m‹qcroalgae This sug-
C. serlca tha n for C. tin um, C. bra file o n 3 F. vesicuJos as 9 ests that f ast- growing species Iace d higher risk of N
(!S“, , To ble 4). These results sug gest that ephemeral limitation when exposed to low N concen f rati ons, un-
algae are less tolerant of low concentrations of in- less their requirem ents are met by proportions lly Ias ter
organic N. N LU td ke
The uptake experiments confir med that the ephe-
rner al o1y ae were so pertor to the sl ow- growing species
DISCUSSION in te rms of nu trient up la ke per unit of I iomoss end
time, The ma x im um rate of surge d nd assimilation
The ecolog icdl success of large, slow-growing uptake of a mmonium, the maximu m uptake rate of
md c row lga e in nutrient-poor coas tfi1 Mr eas could seem nitrate and the affinity for both ammonium And nitrate
porddoxical because the relatively low ratios of surfo ce were several-fold hiyher in the 4 ep hemerdl macroal-
area to volume (SA: V) of these species rna y confer less gae than in the 2 slow-gro wing species. Such system-
'efficient' nutrient uptake. Indeed, d bsolute rates of N atic vari‹qtions in uptake kinetics are related to differ-
upta ke Ore higher per unit of biomass and time for thin ences in alg a1 mor pholog y as t hill ITU cr oalg ae take up
than for thick algae (Rosenberg & Ram us 1984, Hein ct nutrients Ias ter per unit of biomass than larger species
d1. 1995, this study). When rates Are ex pressed per unit with thick thalli (Rosen Berg ct ml 1984, Walle ntin us
of surface ‹q rea, however, nutrient u ptoke 'efficiency' 1984, Fujita 1985, Hein et at. 1995). This is because the
of thick a lgae te nds to be hug h er than for thin species S ITIa11 species have h igh er r elf tive su rfaCe Mr eas (i.e.
(Hein et at. 1995) . The results p resentecl here s t ron qly SA: V) than large, thick my ae, o nd upta ke rates are pri -
support the suggestion th dt potenti at competitive suc- marily scaled to the exposed surface a rea relative to
cess ‹q mon9 algal species mv st be evaluated fr oiaa the volu me or biomass (Rosen berg R Ram us 1984, 1-fern et
Ability of their N u pts ke i ‹ites to meet the requii eme nts at t993)
for y roivth {D ugd‹qle 1967, Turpin 1988) . Such discus- The 6 alga1 species all took up o.mmonium at tran-
sions of size-rel‹qted algal competition v ithin commu- siently enhd nced re tes when sudden ly exposed to high
i4ltiCS Of micro - or macro‹q1go e are of ten confused by Ammonium concentrate ons a fte r d ]OC fiOd of N deple-
inc ppropria te comparison of the ef f icien cy of nutrient tion. Surge u ptok e of a mm oni um seems to be con-
upIa ke a lone ti oiled by srun11 pools of intro cel1u la r amm onium,
The present study classifies the thick, sIo v - growing which may exe r t a neg ative feed back control on
mac roalgae as being It leo st as efficient As the thin, uptake rates as the pools are filled (Pederse n 1994,
Iast-9 r owing species in exploiting firm ted N resources McGlather y et a1. 1996 ) . I nity al upta ke rates of dmmo-
to meet their requirements. The ve riable N require- nium are, the ref ore, enhanced for a sh ort period of
men ts among species were caused prima i ily by differ- time only, ther eafter rates are reduced to ir ore con-
ences in qrow th rates And second‹qrily by differences in stant levels li kely contr olled by the re tes of amino acid
ci‘it1Ca1 N concentrations. Species-specific maximum synthesis tassimi1‹q tion). The presen ce of surge uptake
growth rites obtained in the laboratory experiments has been sug gested to constitute a competitive advan-
voried 13-f old and resemble d rates measui ed for the tage to ephemeral micro- and macr oa lgae li ving un der
st me species in st tu durin y summer (Pedersen &
162 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 1 b I : 15—5 163, 1997

low, but fl uctu‹q ting, N availabilit› (e. g. Conw a y & Har-

Overall, the present stud \’ has demonsti ated that slow-
rison 1977, Fujita 1985) . Our data show, hosveve r,
growing macroalgae chin e xploit inimedia te N re- sources
that surg e upIa ke is not a special fe.qtur e exclusive for
through uptake as ef ficientls cfs, or even more efficiently
ephemeral species
th‹q n, fast-growing algae The slow-gi owing species have,
The ph Use of surye upta ke was short—lived, typicall) in addition, a higher capacity for utilizing inter na1 N stores ting for 60 to 120 fTIin, And provided On extra uptake to cover their re quir em ents for growth at low exter na1
and accumulation of N in the range of 9 to 106 Mmol N N availa bility tha n the e phem- eral ma crOO lg Oe or
g ’ DCV. This short-term N storage could, howev er, phytoplankton (Pedersen & Borum 1996). In com bi
only support rn axim um growth for 3 to 6 h ind epen- rliqtion, these Abilities suggest that plants with inherently
dently of dillere nces in intrinsic maximum growth low maximum growth r.q tes are better able to sustain
rates among species. The Adv qntage of faster surge up- maximum (i.e. non-nutrient lim - ited) gro vth than
take kmo ng ephemeral alg‹qe was offset by their higher ephemeral species in areas or sea- sons of low N a
N requirements. Furthermore, shOrt-term stOrag e of N Valliqbility. This is consistent with the observed differences
gained through surge uptake could only be realized at in the temporal extent of N limi- tation observed among
high DIN concentrations (> 10 pM) rarely experienced algae of different growth strat- egy in Ros kilde Fjord
under fie Id conditions. At low, and more natural, con- (Peder se n & Borum 1996) , where ephemeral ma croalgae
centrations (0 to 10 pM DIN in Ros kilde Fjord; Peder- sen exhibited N limited growth for longer periods in sum mo r I
R Borum 1996) , no significant differences ap - h or st oiv- y row in-y species
peared between rates of surge and assimi1‹qtion u ptake
Since species -specific rates of biomass losses are
as reffected by the similar Vz,, K„ ratios. Hence, surge
almost directly Selled to intrinsic plant growth rates
u ptake may not be as ecoloqiciqlly important for algal
Cebrian & Dua rte 1994, D uar te 1995), we assume that
N acquisition As f or merly suggested in the literatur e.
the algae best able to sustain maximum growth rates
Model in g steady-state g roivth, by combining the
under conditions of N limitation will have the competi-
kinetics I or growth and N uptake of each Al gal species,
tive Odvant‹qge to become dominant in mixed alg Al
showed that the differences in the ability amon g spe -
communities. At high and non-limiting N availability,
cies to sus td in g rowth As a function of exter naI N con-
ephemera 1 algae will be favored simply beea use of
centrations were small. The half-saturation const‹q nts
their high growth rates and will flourish It the expense
for growth were gen erally low (K„ = 0.11 to 0.75 p M for
of more slow-growing species (Sand-Jensen & Borum
ammonium, 0. 13 to 1.45 p M for rntrate but comparable
1991, D uarte 1995). At low and potenti.q1l/ limiting N
to experimentally determined values for other species
availability, the slow-growing species should be
of macroalqae (De Boer et al. 1978, Gordon et Al. 1981,
favored, while fast-gro wing species struggle to bal-
Rose nberg et al. 1984 ) . The low Kg va lues sug yest that
ance the continuously high biomass losses. These sce-
all the species examined are well suited to sustain high
n‹qrios ay ree with the characteristic changes in plant
growth rates at low D IN concentr‹q tions. The ratio
communities described from a broad v‹qriety of natural
between the half-saturation constants for growth and
and d£tificial coastal systems suffering from eutrophi-
upta ke (K,/Kq) cm been used As an index of sensitivity
cation (Borum 1983, Orth & Nlo ore 1983, Ka utsk y et at.
to nutrient stress; th e lower N, is relative to K„, the
1986, Sf riso et aI, 1987, Neundor ter & Kemp 1993,
higher is the capacity for ‹q given species to grow under
Ménesg uen & Pin ou 1995, Tiqylor et at. 1995, Boro.m &
low exte rna 1 nutrient concentr‹qtions beea u se of vari-
Sand-Jensen 1996) , A ccordingly, we have provided a
abl e cell quota (see Turpin 1988 for details). The ratio
plausible, I unctiona I explanation for the effect of nuts-
ot K,: K„ for a mmoni um was su bs tantially I ower for
ents on the biqlan ce ‹q mong algae of different g row th
Fu cue vesiculos us, Code um mo gile and Shae tomorpho
strategy in coas ta1 waters. Although we have prim+qril y
lin um (0.022 to 0.033) tha n io I Cld do phore series,
compar ed growth and nutrient kinetics of marine
Cerami um rri hmm and Ulva In ct oco 0.076 to 0. J. 27),
macroa lgae, we expect that the functional explan‹q tion
And the 3 former species should, therefore, be better
will be valid for size -rem ted competition among a lgfi1
suited to sustain growth ‹q t low exter naI N con centra-
species within micro - and m‹qcroalya l communities in
tions than th e latter Accor ding to o ur calculations of
substr‹q te depend ent growth, the algal species would
become N limited in the following sequence as the
OVdllabihty of DIN decreases: U. Inctu co, C. re hmm, C.
Ackno vledyem en ts. This study was supported by a HAV-90
serica, F. vesicufos us, C. bra gile, and finally C. lie uai
grant from the Da nish National Ayenr} of En vironmental
Hence, our data suggest th dt e phemeral algae, with Protection. We than k K. Sa nd -Jensen, W. M. Kemp, and 3
the exception of C. Jin mm, will experience N limitation anonymoi is ref o rees for valu a ble comments, and Bir g it
at higher DIN concentric tions than slow-growing spe- Kjaller for technical s u ppor t d un ng the experiments.
cies, mak inq them more sensitive to N stress Contribution #1053 trom the Freshwater-Biological La borator
y, University of Copcnh ag en
Ped e rsen & Borum: Nutrient contr ct of es th arine macroalgae 163

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