Assessment 1 Unit 2

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Assessment 1 unit 2


Time: 1 hour

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Total marks achieved: ______


(a) The diagram below shows some of the stages in the production of sperm cells.

(i) A human spermatogonium has 46 chromosomes.

Put a cross ( ) in the box next to the row in the table that correctly shows the number of
chromosomes in a primary spermatocyte and in a sperm cell.

(ii) Primary spermatocytes are formed from a spermatogonium once there have been several
divisions by mitosis.
Explain why several divisions of mitosis are involved in the production of sperm cells.






(b) The diagram below shows an outline of a sperm cell.

(i) Put a cross ( ) in the box next to the letter that shows the location of the acrosome.

(ii) Put a cross ( ) in the box next to the letter that shows the location of the mitochondrion.

(iii) The structure labelled K is 5 μm long.

The ratio of the length of structures K : L : M is 1.0 : 0.6 : 10.0.
Calculate the total length of a sperm cell.
Show your working.

........................................................... μm

(Total for question = 8 marks)


Reproduction in plants involves meiosis and mitosis.

(a) Explain the importance of meiosis in plants.







(b) The diagram below shows a pollen grain growing on the female reproductive organ of a plant.

(i) Put a cross ( ) in the box next to the row in the table that correctly describes the nuclei P, Q, R
and S.

(ii) Put a cross ( ) in the box next to the order of tissues through which the pollen tube grows.

(iii) As the pollen tube grows, nucleus P divides by mitosis.

Explain the importance of this division.








(c) In an investigation, pollen was germinated in different concentrations of sucrose solution for 18 hours.
After 18 hours, the mean length of the pollen tubes in each sucrose solution was recorded.
The table below shows the results of this investigation.

(i) Using the information in the table, calculate the fastest mean rate of growth in this investigation.
........................................................... μm hour–1
(ii) Further experiments were carried out to determine the optimum concentration of sucrose solution
for the maximum rate of growth of pollen tubes.
Put a cross ( ) in the box next to the concentrations that should be used in these experiments.
A 0% to 10%
B 6% to 10%
C 7% to 9%
D 8% to 10%

The diagram below shows some of the stages of the cell cycle.

(a) Replication of DNA occurs during the S phase.

In some cells, one complete cell cycle takes 14 hours. In these cells, the S phase takes 8 hours.
Calculate the percentage of time that these cells spend in the S phase.

Answer ...........................................................

(b) In G2 of the cell cycle, centrioles move to the poles of the cell.
Describe the structure of centrioles.






(c) (i) The photographs below show the appearance of a cell during different stages of mitosis.

Use the letters to give the sequence of these stages of mitosis.

(ii) Explain why these stages of mitosis would not be seen in a prokaryotic cell.






(d) Describe the events that take place during late telophase and cytokinesis in a plant cell.









(e) Explain why the mitochondria have to replicate during the early stages of G1 of the cell cycle.






(Total for question = 11 marks)


An experiment was carried out to study the synthesis and movement of proteins through cells.

The diagram below shows the method used.

The table below shows the results of this experiment.

(a) Place a cross in the box next to the row in the table that correctly identifies the three organelles P,
Q and R.

(b) Suggest why the levels of radioactivity increased in organelle P.







(c) (i) Describe the changes in the level of radioactivity in organelle Q.







(ii) Explain the changes in the level of radioactivity in organelle Q.







(d) (i) Suggest why the maximum level of radioactivity in organelle R was lower than the maximum level
of radioactivity in organelle P.






(ii) Suggest what will happen to the level of radioactivity in organelle R after 40 minutes. Give a
reason for your answer.







(Total for question = 11 marks)


Living organisms can be classified according to their cell structure.

(a) Read through the following passage about the classification of living organisms.
Write on the dotted lines the most appropriate word or words to complete the passage.
Living organisms are made up of either eukaryotic cells
or .............................................................................. cells.
Living organisms made up of eukaryotic cells belong to the domain Eukarya.
All other organisms belong to one of the other two domains. These domains are
called .............................................................................. and
.............................................................................. .
Classification of living organisms into domains is based partly on their DNA and
protein structure. This type of classification is called .............................................................................. .
(b) The table below gives information about some cell organelles.
Complete the table by filling in the empty boxes with either the name of the organelle, a description of
its structure or its role.
(Total for question = 12 marks)


Maize grains are formed after the transfer of pollen and the fusion of nuclei.

The diagram below shows the structure of a maize grain.

(a) Describe the role of the pollen tube nucleus.






(b) The embryo plant results from the fusion of the male gamete and the female gamete.
Put a cross in the box next to the description of the nucleus of the male gamete and the nucleus of
the female gamete.
A both nuclei are diploid
B both nuclei are haploid
C the male nucleus is diploid and the female nucleus is haploid
D the male nucleus is haploid and the female nucleus is diploid

(c) The endosperm contains starch.

(i) Describe the structure of starch.





(ii) Before a maize grain germinates, enzymes that break down starch are activated.
Explain why starch has to be broken down before the embryo plant can grow.






(Total for question = 7 marks)

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