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Pasado simple..

Affirmative structure.
(1) Subject + (2) verb (in past) + (3)complement.
Irregular verb.
Go - went
Hide – hid

Regular verbs
1) Simplemente agregamos “ed” al final del verbo
Clean--- Cleaned

2) Cuando un verbo termina en “e”, lo único que

agregamos es la “d”

Dance---- Danced

3) Consonante + y, vamos a remplazar la “y” por “ied”

Study ---Studied

(My friends/ home last night/come(?))--- My friends came

home last night.

Fix---- Fixed
Kiss--- Kissed
Clean – Cleaned

Where did you go yesterday?

I went to work.
What did you eat for breakfast?

Negative structure.

(1)Subject + (2)didn’t + (3) verb (infinitive) + (4)complement.

(understand/The students/not/ this topic)------ The students

didn’t understand this topic.
Interrogative structure.
Wh-word + did + subject + verb (infinitive) +
complement + ?

(Yestarday/ Messi /how/ play)--- How did Messi play


Where did you buy your computer?

+ I bought my computer on “Mercado libre”

• Daniel finished his school in 1998 What year/When did Daniel finish school?
• They came because they saw the ad Why did they come here?
• Yes, We understood the topic Did you understand the topic?
• Maria drove her car fast how did Maria drive her car?
My sister sang beautifully How did your sister sing?
Pasado simple con el verbo to be

Affirmative structure

Subject + verb to be (in past) + complement

you, we ,they were at school

I, He, She, It was there

Negative structure

Subject + verb to be (in past) -not + complement

you, we ,they weren’t at school

I, He, She, It wasn’t there

Reading exercise
I’m Helen, last Summer holidays, I went with my family to
Paris. We went by car. There was me, my parents, my brother
Tom and my little sister Susan. We live in Brighton and we are
English. We saw the most interesting places in Paris, as the
Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum and we made the city tour. I
loved it, because Paris is a very beautiful city.

On the fifth day we went to Euro Disney. That was fantastic.

We all enjoyed ourselves a lot. We stayed in Euro Disney four
days. They were the most exciting days I had all my life. We
were all very tired because we had to walk a lot to watch
everything and enjoy all the amusements. My sister is only 4
years old and she loved it. I met all the Disney characters and
they were very funny. We stayed at a hotel inside Euro
- Where did Helen go last Summer?
_ 2- How did she go?
________________ 3- Who did Helen go with?
__________ 4- What did they see in Paris?
_______ 5- Did Helen like Paris?
_____________ 6- Where did they go on the fifth day?
7- Did they enjoy it?
_______________ 8- How long did they stay in Euro Disney?
_________________________________________________________ 9-
Were they tired?
_______________ 10- Did they stay in Euro Disney for 3 days?
_______________________________________________________ 11-
How old is Helen’s sister?
________ 12- Who did Helen meet in Euro Disney?

Yesterday my wife and I went to a restaurant. It

was a romantic evening. But at eleven o'clock,
the lights went out. We heard a lot of screams.
We didn't know what to do. We wanted to go out.
Suddenly, a man appeared and said: 'Stay there!'
He was a thief.
He had a gun in his hands. There was*another
man beside him. We gave them our money. After
ten minutes, the police arrived and they caught
the thieves. But we never recovered our money!
1. When did this happen? This happened yesterday
2. What time was it when the lights went out? It was
eleven o’clock
3. What did they want to do then? They wanted to go out
4. Who was the man that appeared? He was a thief
5. What did the people give the thieves? The people
gave the thieves their money
6. Did the police catch the thieves? Yes, The police
caught the thieves.

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