The Philippine Environment Key

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Answer Key

1. Indian Ocean
2. Atlantic Ocean
3. No. The maximum value for latitude is 90°N or 90°S. There is no latitude
4. No. There is no landmass at location 30°N, 150°W.
5. c (use to meet their needs)
6. a (renewable)
7. a (temperature and rainfall)
8. a (cotton and leather)
9. a (It takes a very long time to produce them)
10. Any three of the following: geothermal energy (we have large deposits
because of the presence of many volcanoes); hydrothermal energy (we
have abundant rain that can be stored in dams and rivers and other bodies of
water); wind energy (many places have strong winds with a speed of more
than 20 km per hour); solar energy (we have lots of sunshine all year round);
biogas (organic waste can be converted to fuel)
Resources Example R or Example R or Example R or
1 NR 2 NR 3 NR
Land Metals NR Trees, crops R Soil, sand NR
Water Fish and R Water R Corals, R
resources other food seashells

c. (Answers may vary. Sample answers are given below.)

Resources on land:
1. Metals: Recycle discarded products made of metals.
2. Trees: Avoid cutting trees all over the place (indiscriminately).
3. Soil: Plant trees (reforestation) to reduce soil erosion.

Resources in water:
1. Fish: Reduce or avoid too much use of fertilizers that may be
washed into lakes and streams.
2. Water: Do not throw waste of any kind into bodies of water.
3. Corals: Reduce soil erosion that may lead to siltation. (Too much
siltation damages or destroys corals.)

12. a. Resources used in producing….

Cardboard: Trees and other plant fiber, starch, plant pigments
Empty softdrink can: metals
Broken wooden chair: trees

b. Materials being wasted in the dumpsites when the following are thrown
Cardboard: paper
Sofdrink can: metals
Broken chair: wood

13. Objects used that are made of materials produced from

Mines: jewelry, cans, knives, spoons and forks, toys with metal parts,
kitchen utensils
Forest: paper, pencil, chairs, tables, house components, leather
shoes or bags, medicine from plants, food products
Farm: food products, medicine from plants, pillows made of cotton
fiber, animal feathers for varied purposes

14. Relationship between the presence of minerals in the Philippines with any
geologic structure:
Yes, metallic mineral deposits are found near volcanic areas or in
trenches; metals concentrate there when magma circulates under the

15. Relationship between our latitude position and the high diversity of life forms
in the country:
Yes, the Philippines is near the equator where there is sunshine all
year round and rainfall is abundant. Water is needed by all living
things; sunlight is needed by plants to manufacture food and provides
the right temperature for humans, plants and animals to grow and
16. Accept different kinds of concept maps as long as there are connecting words
between concepts. You can start with any concept from the list. The arrows
will help determine what concepts are connected
For example:


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