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Activity No.

9 “ Influence of IT on Culture and Social Behavior”

a) Technology and Culture Influence Each other

Technology has been here for a hundred years now, so as culture. The two
terms has been living with us for a long time. We cannot deny the fact that technology
has greatly affected the traditional culture and it’s kind of worrisome to some people.
For the reason of the traditional culture might paved away as time escalates and as
technology advances. We also must look at the brighter side of the story that it does
not kill the old tradition but it enhances it to cover a lot of platforms and audiences. In
order to avoid this stigma, people who are not fond of the new taste of culture must be
educated thoroughly for them to balance their thinking and to decide if technology really
bring bad fortune to culture. After all, technology does not alter the taste of people on
culture instead, people find ways to create a more tasteful culture where they can
express and be themselves more. Technology is only the medium of ideas but it is not
the new culture itself.

b) Technology Affect Individual’s Behavior and Social Skills

Technology is an ever present part of our daily lives and the amount of time we
spend interacting with our personal technology devices is only increasing as we feel the
need to stay connected.  As a result, it’s nearly impossible to prevent young children
from also desiring these interactions.Technology, when used correctly, can actually
have a very positive effect on a child’s development.  Studies have found that our ability
to identify key information buried within a cluster of characters and visual stimuli has
increased as technology has become more integrated in our lives.  In addition, regular
interfaces with technology can lead to improved hand-eye coordination, multi-tasking,
and reaction time. However, when screen time is not properly controlled, there can be
negative effects of technology on child development. Technology is undoubtedly useful
in our daily lives, but both parents and children alike need to understand that technology
should be used as a learning tool, and should not substitute real world interactions.
Rather than being seduced by flashing lights and enthralling sounds next time you’re
searching for a child’s present, give them the gift of learning with amazing educational

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