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Briefly Define the Following Security terms (2 Mark)

a. Non repudiation:- is the prevention of either the sender or the receiver denying transmitted
message. A computer security system must be able to prove that certain messages were sent and
received, who sent the message, who received the message and perhaps what the message said.
For example, suppose a dishonest trader sends an electronic message to a stock broker telling
him to buy £2,000 worth of shares in CryptoCom. The next day the price of CryptoCom shares
soars. The trader now pretends that his original message said to buy £20,000 worth of shares.
Conversely if the share price fell he might pretend that the original message said to buy shares in
KryptoCom instead. Non-repudiation means that the trader is not able to deny his original
message. Non-repudiation is often implemented by using digital signatures
b. Accountability:- means that the system is able to provide audit trails of all transactions. The
system managers are accountable to scrutiny from outside the system and must be able to
provide details of all transactions that have occurred. Audit trails must be selectively kept (and
protected to maintain their integrity) so that actions affecting security can be traced back to the
responsible party.
c. Authentication:- is proving a claim – usually that you are who you say you are, where you
say you are, at the time that you say it is. Authentication may be obtained by the provision of a
password or by a scan of your retina
d. Authorization:- Now that you are here, what are you allowed to do?.

◦ The list our things that is allows the legitimate actor could have in the given

2. Write a simple security policy for your personal device, stating who has
authorized access (2 Mark).

Mr.x Personal device polices:-

A. The only person who has access to my personal computer is only me.

B. Don’t touch my personal computer with out telling me

C. you are allowed when i say so or allowed you to use it.

3. Write the difference between the following securities attacks briefly (4 Mark).
a. Virus vs Worm

A virus is malware that relies on someone or something else to propagate

from one system to another. For example, an email virus attaches itself
to an email that is sent from one user to another. Until recently, viruses
were the most popular form of malware.where as,

A worm is like a virus except that it propagates by itself without theneed for outside assistance.
This definition implies that a worm uses a
network to spread its infection
b. Hacker vs Cracker

Hackers:-is a computer expert who uses their technical knowledge to achive a goal or overcome
an obstacle ,within a computerized system by non-standard means.

Crackers:- when someone perform a security hack for criminal or malicious reasons ,and the
person is called a “cracker ” just like a bank robber crackers a safe by skillfully manipulating it
lock ,a cracker break into a computer system ,program or account with the aid od their technical
c. Phishing vs Pharming

Phishing:-is a type of social engineering where ama attacker sends a fraudulent (“spoofed ”)
message designed to trick a human victim into reveling sensitive information.

Pharming:-is a form of online fraud involving malicious code and fraudulent websites.
Cybercriminal install malicious code on your computer or sever. The code automatically directs
you to bogus website without your knowledge or consent
d. DoS vs DDoS

Dos:- (Denial of service) is a cyber-attacker in which the perpetrator seeks to make a machine or
network resource unavailable to its intended users by temporary or indefinitely disrupting
service of a host connected to the internet
DDOS:-attacks target websites and online service .The aim is to overwhelm them with more
traffic than the server or the network can accommodate. The goal is to render the website or
service inoperable…. In some case , the targeted victims are threatened with DDOS attacker at
attack at a low level.

4. If a company loss their confidence because of change of business, the company

may not be competitors. In this statement, what is? (2 Mark)
a. Risk: -May loss their business in the process
b. Threat:- May not be competitor

c. Vulnerability:- loss of confidence in the firm business.

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