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Is Coronavirus Pandemic a Never Before Seen Kafkaesque
Conundrum for the World?

“You don’t give up; you don’t lie down and die. What you do is struggle against
this with all of your equipment, with whatever you have. But of course, you don’t
stand a chance. That’s Kafkaesque.”

Franz Kafka is known for his dreamlike fiction which strikingly communicates the tension,
estrangement, and feebleness of the person in the twentieth century. Kafka's work is
described by nightmarish settings in which characters are squashed by illogical, dazzle
authority. Along these lines, the word Kafkaesque is regularly applied to peculiar and
indifferent managerial circumstances where the individual feels feeble to comprehend or
control what's going on.

In today’s time Kafkaesque surrealism is being played in moderate movement. People

around the world are battling two adversaries. One undetectable infection and another
horrifying apprehension, prowling somewhere inside cerebrum, not having the option to
distinguish the foe with all the immense encounters, gained through developmental
transformation more than a huge number of years. The soldiers fighting this dreaded
pandemic are engaging bizarre weapons – stethoscopes, sanitizers, face veils, etc. Before we
even could emerge from our aggregate daze, the adversary was close to home as ghost of
death for reasons unknown. We felt for hapless casualties in faraway terrains, yet we
reassured ourselves with the haziness of their personalities. We at first found the transporters
of disease were Globetrotters. We shut all windows to the external world with incredible
conviction that infection strikes just the individuals who can bear the cost of stay to remote,
obscure terrains. It won't hit us as we are established on the dirt we were conceived.

We just began pondering new terminologies like 'isolate', 'social distancing', out of
nowhere the imperceptible apparition began turning out to be genuine ghastliness.
Unexpectedly nature, kinship, relations have become utter horror. Detachment became
favoured goal for God's favoured creature who consistently had a concealed pride of making
and keeping up a theoretical and one of a kind creature characteristics – social conduct. This
adversary is abnormal. No regard for race, riches, class, religion, information, social standing,
fringes, innovation, feared deadly implements or some other qualities or machines made by
human psyche.

In Franz Kafka’s The Trial, Josef K. is guilty; his crime is that he does not accept his
own humanity. This crime is not obvious throughout the novel, but rather becomes gradually
and implicitly apparent to the reader. Again, and again, despite his own doubts and various
shortcomings, K. denies his guilt, which is, in essence, to deny his very humanity. It is for this
crime that the Law seeks him, for if he would only accept the guilt inherent in being human
(and, by so doing, his humanity itself), both he and the Law could move on. Ironically, this is in
part both an existential and Christian interpretation of The Trial. Similarly, in today’s world the
corona virus came from Wuhan a city in china which is a result of a Peron eating a bat. As
joseph K does not accept his crime as read by readers the president of china Xi Jinping is not
accepting his mistake. The US president has raised these questions and have claim that China
is behind this pandemic. The doctor of china has already warned that this virus has come and
is very deadly, but china did not bring that up and tried to hide that due to which the world is
facing consequences. As we can see in the novel joseph K was arrested by the police on his
birthday, which joseph had no idea about smiliarily this pandemic corona virus was not
knownthat this would create such a disaster and lose of lives .The resulting discussion
uncovers that 'pandemic' is as much a political and specialized term as a clinical one, its chief
reason for existing being to support feeble wellbeing frameworks and to open assets for
demonstrative tests, and new medications and immunizations. The effect of coronavirus is
likely to be seen long after medical science offers a cure or at least a vaccine. Barclays
estimates that India’s aggressive 21-day lockdown could bring the country’s growth down to
2.5% from the 4.5% it had earlier estimated. The Indian economy is expected to lose
over ₹32,000 crore (US$4.5 billion) every day during the first 21-days of complete
lockdown which was declared following the coronavirus outbreak. Under complete lockdown
less than a quarter of India's $2.8 trillion economy is functional. Up to 53% of businesses in
the country will be significantly affected. Supply chains have been put under stress with the
lockdown restrictions in place; initially there was a lack of clarity in streamlining what is an
"essential" and what isn't. Those in the informal sectors and daily wage groups are the most at
risk. A large number of farmers around the country who grow perishables are also facing
uncertainty. Various businesses such as hotels and airlines are cutting salaries and laying off
employees. The live events industry has seen an estimated loss
of ₹3,000 crore (US$420 million).

What I see, a grisly war, which as human race we may win with our developments
and creations. Yet, the cost will be huge. We better accept it as a notice. Next time we may
not be as fortunate. It is an obvious update that human race needs to get nature and regard it,
the manner in which our progenitors used to do. Nature has an odd method for rendering
retribution for all the barbarities we perpetrated on her.

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