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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(11), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i11/80464, March 2016 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

Comparative Analysis of Information Extraction

Techniques for Data Mining
Amit Verma1*, Iqbaldeep Kaur1 and Namita Arora2
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CGC Landran, Mohali - 140307, Punjab, India;
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chandigarh University, Mohali - 140413, Punjab, India;

Background/Objectives: This paper emphasizes the evolution of data processing adroitness to advanced data processing
taxonomy from Mesolithic to recent years and a comparative study of prevailing tools/techniques which are useful for
mainly the analysis of the bulky data. Methods/Statistical Analysis: There are various kinds of methods adapted by
researchers for analysis of large amount of data. Each method varies on the basis of their different parameters and datasets
according to their needs. These methods are implemented on HDFS, Mapreduce and Hadoop environment with integration
of R tool. Some Methods are enhanced by the sentimental analysis through NLP which increase the performance of
density analysis. Findings: The data or associated facts have been in existence right with the birth of human species. It
commenced with manual illustration and gradually advanced through current state-of the art storage and processing. Big
data involves novel techniques to manage information within limited run time. Big data is acutely beneficial in ventures
growth, society incumbency and scientific research. The paper provides an overview of state of the art and focuses on the
usage of conventional tools as well as advanced tools and techniques for effective information extraction. Applications/
Improvements: To handle this prodigious data, there is a need to upgrade from the traditional data filtering techniques
and adopt the new big data diagnostic tools.

Keywords: Big Data, Data Analysis, Data Mining, Evolution, Techniques, Tools

1. Introduction Datum is transformed into an appropriate clump for

rectification and hunk of information generally aligned
The usage of data and impact of the internet on business in a significant way. Concerning today’s data processors
productivity, government services and human lifestyle and conveyance way, facts and figures are reconstructed
is inevitable. This internet has a new transformed trend into binary to digital anatomy. It may occur in a diversity
of arrangements as bits and bytes accumulate in digital
called Big Data, for analyzing the bulky data of repositories,
memory, as digits, characters on scrap of paper2, or as
data warehouses used with DM tools and technologies.
facts are cumulate in creature’s mind.
DM is an amalgamation of database and contrived tiding
Data is aggregation of files which are massive in
technologies which is an extraction of hidden predictive
numbers/composite in nature; it comprises both organized
information from databases. According to McKinsey’s
and unorganized form of data. It comes from worldwide
report1, the vigour care, thriftiness controlled, narrates
technology like sensors3 for grabbing the information of
production and private site data fields are revolutionized
weather, putting up some comments, status on sites of
inheriment of big data34. Data is measured, collected,
social media, videos and depicts etc. Data is elucidated
reported, analyzed/visualized using graphs and images.

* Author for correspondence

Comparative Analysis of Information Extraction Techniques for Data Mining

as characterization of facts, notion/specifications in a Table 2. This table describes in different range of years
validate approach acceptable for conveyance, exposition, and each range comprises the phrasings and different
transformed by personage and computerized3. Word techniques. These techniques are further derived in
data has been acquired from the dual format of ancient different types.
Greek term ‘Datum’ which is expedient as ‘to give’. It
Table 2. Data evolution (A)
arises at mid-17th era. Data is contributed as unprocessed
Sl. No Era Terminology Techniques
factuality. The processing methods are shown in Table 1.
1. 2500BC-1300BC CVART CV EBG
It represents the year wise approaches used in different
2. 1400BC-500BC TYSK MCCD
time spans, the phraseology of method and technique
which support to handle the bulky data very easily. 4. 186BC-1279AD PR WT SCH
Table 1. Data processing methods 5. 750-1526 PTPS ML

Era Terminology Technique

The range from year (1500-2007) has been shown in
1.1 1.2 a b Table 3, in which techniques and terminologies have been
1800-1890 MD SGSY refined to accumulate and manage the data in a better
1891-1950 MCH
CALC MCH DGPrG Table 3. Data evolution (B)
ABS TWD Sl. No Era Terminology Techniques
1951-1970 ECT MTH BHPG STAPG 1. 1527-1857 PHCRD PG
1971-1980 DGPG MSK RTPG MTUR 2. 1856-1960 CPT BYCD
1981-2004 NUNT ML
4. 1960-1990 INT SRCTQ
5. 1987-2007 MUAG A/VSrD UP/DG
MD- Manual-Data, SGSY-sign-symbol, RKCV- rock-carving, GS/ Table 4. Data evolution (C)
WF-Gestures-written form, MCH-Mechanical, SFP-Solid-Form-
paper, TWD- Typewritten-data, ABS-Abacus, CALC-calculator, ECT- SL. No. Era Terminology Techniques
Electronic, BHPG-Batch-Processing, STAPG-Statistical-Processing, 1 2
DGPG-Digital-Processing, MSK-Multitasking,RTPG-Real-Time-
Processing,ATOD-Automated, DM-Data-Mining,NUNT-Neural- 1. AR CLG
1990-2000 DM
Network, ML-Machine-Learning, BGD-Big-data, DBCP-Distributed- CLS REG
Computing, MU-Manual, CV-Carving, DGPrG-Digital Pressing, NUNT NLP
MTH-Mathematical, MTUR-Multi User, CCP-Cloud Computing,
PLCP-Parallel Computing, GDCP-Grid Computing. SONA GA
2001-2004 BGD
Data is measured in different values and weightage OPZ ML
like KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB and YB. Each field has 3. 2004-2015 SOAG VZAP NNAP
different types of data i.e., in medical science; the data CVART-Cave-Art, TYSK-Tally-Stick, MCCD-Mnemonic-Code, PYUS-
Papyrus, PR-Paper, PTPS-Printing-Process, PHCRD-Punch-Card, MCH-
related to biological scans, reports for arteries, diseases, Machine, CPT-Computer, BYCD-Binary-Code, STDV-Storage-Devices,
medicines, blood cells. In computer science, the data is INT-Internet, MUAG-Multimedia-Age, DM-Data-Mining, BGD-Big Data,
SOAG-Social-Age, SRCTQ-Search-Technique, OPZ-Optimization, SONA-
related to Binary values, Digital data, interconnection
Social-Network-Analysis, LGSP/USP-Supervised/Unsupervised Learning,
data, networking data. VZAP-Visualization-Approach, NNAP-Neural-Network-Approach,
Earlier data was a special and rarefied term. In EBG-Embossing, WT-Writing, SCH-Scratching, PG-Punching, A/VSrD-
Audio/Video Streaming data, UP/DG-Uploading/Downloading, LGSP/
ancient time no one had even heard the word data and Learning Supervised/ Unsupervised.
all the people used to rote memorize their thoughts,
personal information, business dealing information, The range from year (1990–2015) shown in Table 4,
king’s commoner’s information using their biological in which the new emergence trends and technologies
capabilities. Then, it took the form where they would be were discovered for growth of research technologies and
writing and managing their data on stones, leaves and business production. Typically in ancient times, there were
maintained cupake. The Evolution of data is shown in two types of material, soft and hard for data to be written.

2 Vol 9 (11) | March 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Amit Verma, Iqbaldeep Kaur and Namita Arora

Pebbles, alloy, shells and stoneware were the illustrations derived from Latin word papyrus. This improved the
of hard material. People used to write and record the process and material for data writing and tread path for
information using engraving, embossing, painting and new means to store and manage the data. The data got
scratching materials. Wooden board, palm leaves, leather, better readability since the paper now became a thin/
cotton clothes, birch bark were the instances of soft flat material produced by the compression of fiber. Paper
materials. Each methods and approaches are categorizes today is being acquired with an extensive diversity of
in different time periods. With the passage of time new attributes, reckoning on its signified consumptions for
techniques came into being for data handling. data.
• For constituting valuates like paper currency,
1.1 Mesolithic Period of Data greenbacks, bank check, certificate papers and
In this era, Humans used to paint their data on cave walls. coupon/slates.
Cave art may have begun from around 30,000 years ago. • For stow Data/information like tome, exercise book,
The paintings depicted the living style of creatures who journals, newsprint, artistry, hardback, archives.
resided in the caves as well as in the surrounding. This • For exclusive use like logbooks, notes for memorizing
also includes religious and social messages as can be seen and short-term use like scrape papers.
on a historical monument like Taj Mahal. This age-old • For wrapping like rumpled box, sack, envelops,
tradition of keeping records took the form of presentation twining paper and wallpapers.
and storage of data formally. Information used to be in • For circulation between someone and enclaves.
terms of a variety of contexts, viz., time, quantity, count,
days of week, geographical distance, specific places which 1.4 Medieval Year of Data
took the form of number system, time system, unit’s After the establishment of paper as a medium to write
standard established later on. upon, the printing process came into being in 1440.
Printing is the process of reproducing text data, images,
and patterns using a master form or template. Evolving
1.2 Vedic Period of Data of the printing the data into the form of hard copies was
During 500BC the tally stick used to be a mnemonic
generated and that was the stage where the data started
device to platter and report digits, amount or identically
increasing rapidly. So that has become a big challenge
memorandums. Tally sticks firstly appeared as beast
for storing or placing the data properly. To overcome
bones carven with snick in the upper Pal Eolithic which
this problem researchers have to think about digital
evolved into recording data on piece of wood or single
conversion and usage of data. In 1750s, Punch card was
TYSK of wood. TYSK also proved to be effective means for
communication of data along with the authentication as
Punch card is a wedge of rigid paper that obtained
the data was recorded on lengthy sticks2. These sticks were
either instructions for handling mechanized or data for
broken into two halves with same notches (also called it
refining information. Both instructions and data were
as split tally) each of which was given for identity proof
considered by the existence/non-existence of holes in
to the parties involved in the communication. With time
already clarified region. The algorithm of punch card
this approach was dispersed in several methods. After
provides its procedure and described as the successive
some refinement, there was a way for writing the data i.e.,
meantime for extensive weighted least square solution5.
Papyrus. It indicates a dense paper-like stuff made from
It was used for grant corporations to keep and retrieve
the core of the papyrus flora. Papyrus is the first known to
information by enrolling it into the computer. Afterward
have been used in ancient Egypt. This papyrus paved way
this approach was restrained in different ways. It was
for the invention of what we call ‘paper’ today.
the elementary way of keeping and accessing data in the
ancient 1900s, and its initiation was then replaced by
1.3 Kushan Empire (185BC-‘13) of Data other approach in 1960s which has now become a rarely
In 100BC paper was invented and word “paper” was known thing.

Vol 9 (11) | March 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
Comparative Analysis of Information Extraction Techniques for Data Mining

Algorithm Punch card After that in the world of digital data, the invention of
Begin Initialize sn x k // successive intervals computer proved to be the turning point of the modern
analysis is an n x k technology from 1820. In late 1980’s people started
For(Table=1,Table≤Table(total),Table++) // Table table number depending on computers to handle the information and
of times and each possess the capability to store large data in memory. Along
table Table€ sn with the development of computer evolved/generated
{ many new storage devices with advanced data processing
Stuffed Fib //where b is the and repositories. Table 5, shows the different mechanisms
category boundary established in different years so far.
forith stimulus
} 1.5 Web based Year (1990-2015) of Data
For (R=1, R ≤ Rn, R ++) The Internet era began in mid-1990s. Internet has been
{ a pivot of success of the people. It provides the amazing
For (C=1, C ≤ Cn, C ++) facility of searching any information from any nook and
{ corner of the world by just at the click of a button such as
Punch Cn-k // where k>1 and k<n communicating with E-Mail, surfing search engines, using
} social media websites, accessing web portals, opening
Generate cards Gc //where Gc < n x k, R informative websites. In 1990’s the data mining method
€n and c€k was discovered for refining the data into knowledge
} // n individuals ofR*C and categories in ML, ARI, and STACL. After filtering
(row and column) the data researchers faced many problems regarding
If accumulators/repositories essentially which are available
{ as ubiquitous manner. So to overcome this challenge, in
Mcard contain Fig //where Fig € Zig 1999 cloud computing concept came into existence and
Since the data are it was pioneered by Salesforce.com6. It primarily provides
Display “Punched Successful” rarely available the information resources as a service and can be acquired
} only with internet usage.
Else The internet has changed entirety of the corporation
Exit(1) services, working manner, government justifications,
Apply sorting according to Gc
and humans’ way to live. But many of the novel
approaches are metamorphosed as “big data”35,36. This
revolutionized method aroused a lot of information with
Gc(n) ≤T
some conflictions and placed around ubiquitously. Only
remove all other punches
a quarter of the total available information has been put
into digital form till the year 2000.
According to Gartner’s Report, there was a rapid
perform operation
growth of digital data doubling around every two years.
apply desk calculator
The report further says that if all the digital information

Table 5. Device discoveries

Years DSCV Year DSCV Year DSCV Year DSCV
1877 PGH 1956 HDDK 1971 FYDK 1997 MACD
1898 TGH 1963 MCTP 1980 CD 2001 USB,SDCD
1928 MGTP 1968 TWMY 1984 CD-ROM
1932 MGDM 1970 BUMY 1995 DVD
Drum,HDDK-Hard-disk,MCTP-Music-Tape,TWMY-Twistor memory, BUMY-Bubble-memory,
FYDK-Floppy-disk, MACD-Multimedia-card,SDCD- SDCard

4 Vol 9 (11) | March 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Amit Verma, Iqbaldeep Kaur and Namita Arora

were kept or stored in the compact disks and placed in validation and optimization. Client server model is used
the form of stack with six different knots then these flocks in RM tool with offering as cloud services. Figure 1, gives
would extend to the Moon. Such is the volume of this simple representation of data processing method with help
massive digital data. of DM tools, techniques and concludes that techniques are
to consider as function.
KNIME is Konstanz Information Miner and
2. Existing Tools and Techniques an affordable tool for data examine, covering and
A spacious heterogeneity of approaches and automations consolidated components of ML and DM through its
have been originated and altered to capture, curate, standard pipelining approach. It represents a GUI and
examine and envision of big data. The skills depict from accord gathering of knobs for data pre-processing. By
innumerable domains like computer-aided, applied using this tool users can optimizing the creation of data
mathematics, statistics, transportation logistics and flow and execute selective paces. It is written in java,
economics. A few proficiencies and high techs were based on Eclipse and not a scripting language. KEEL is
originated in digital globe to handle/address limited Knowledge Extraction Evolutionary Learning and a clump
variety and volume of data but the growth of organizations of ML software tools. Spanish National Project originates
were continuously adapted by novel techniques. There is a the KEEL tool and a module of java programming which
group of tools and techniques that have been developed by is used for heterogeneity KDD tasks. It provides a GUI for
research community and data analyst7. Tools provide set of user to interacting with dissimilar datasets
methods and algorithms that help in better utilization of R, Weka and Rattle-GUI are tools used for Knowledge
data available to researchers and inherit data quality from abstraction, where R is an environment and a Language
past to present. Comparative study of tools is carried out for STAAY and visualizations. Environment operates with
by some open source tools freely available on the internet. OS like UNIX, Windows/Mac. R provides functions
through handling; accumulate bulky data or computing
calculations8 on matrices effectual programming
2.1 Data Analytical Tools language followed as conditional algorithmic functions
The following is an explanation of the advanced tools in whereas weka is a clump of ML apps which are written
data mining. These tools are useful analyzing data and in the java. Waikato Environment is for information
extracting information. Orange and Rapid Miner are the examines/analysis of ML algorithms for DM. Explorer is
tools mainly used for Knowledge extraction. Orange is the primarily interface of the weka. Its add-one functions
a constitutive based data mining, examine and ML tool. are pre-processing paces, ML algorithms, assess methods.
It is written in python. It consists of a canvas interface It can support some import files such as CSV, ARFF, C4.5
onto which the user places widgets and creates a data and Binary. And Rattle-GUI is easily accessible software
analysis workflow. It is beneficial for text mining and bio- which allows a GUI for DM using the R STAPROG8. Through
informatics. GUI it provides DM functions and to divulge the ability of
RSTA tool.
NLTK, Apache Mahout and SCaViS/DataMelt tools
are used for batch processing in which, NLTK: The
Natural Language toolkit is the combination of distinct
libraries and number of programs that which supported
as parabolic and STANLP. Its platform is written in python.
NLTK deals with the data of human language. Apache
Figure 1. Data-End point level-0. Mahout name comes from its close association with
apache Hadoop which uses an elephant as its logo9. In
Where-as RM allows a GUI to design/accomplish Figure 2, gives a simplest/easiest way of describing process
analytical productivity. It is written in java. It provides an in details. In which all techniques are mined the data in
integrated environment for ML, DM, TM, PRA, STAAY and appropriate manner and further categorized in different
entire abuses of the DM process such-as visualization, types.

Vol 9 (11) | March 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5
Comparative Analysis of Information Extraction Techniques for Data Mining

Figure 2. Technique level-1.

Hadoop is an easily accessible framework from ML methods. It categorized in different versions and latest
Apache which give authorization to accumulate and deal version is 3. 5. 0. It primarily used in bioinformatics field.
with big data37,38 in a distributed system by using basic In Figure 3, the rigorous flow of data in database
programming models27. It is primarily used for creating through various DM operations and these are categorized
scalable ML algorithms. It implements popular ML in different techniques such-as association rule,
techniques such as Recommendation, Classification and classification and other techniques are producing-output
Clustering. It started-as a sub-project of Apache’s Lucene in form of statistics which are converted to graphical
in 2008. Mahout became a top level project of Apache in representation.
2010. Twitter uses Mahout for user interest modeling22. Fityk is an application for data analysis, adjustments
Yahoo! uses Mahout for pattern mining. of arcs and support normal distribution, Gaussian and
SCa ViS/Data Melt is a collaborative framework which sigmoid functions which are provided-as bell shaped
is applicable for data analysis, visualization and a platform functions and required for plotting an arc/curve. It is
for performing various computations. It is written in java written in c++ language, use wx-Widgets. It affirms with
and streams up on various types of OS in which JVM the python and scripting languages. GATE is General
must be installed. It supports an interactive design which Architecture for Text Engineering tool was earlier
plots in 2D and 3D views. DataMelt tool is assist with high acquiring at the Sheffield University in 1995. It generally
level programming language in which are accompanying used for academic and research purpose. It binds up with
as Groovy, Java, JRuby and Jython. The name of DataMelt NLP and information extraction. It is written in java and
was renewed as SCaViS. supports other type of languages. It assumes import files
Mlpy is machine learning python is written in python in several formats which are included-as txt, pdf, xml,
language and support ML libraries. It provides the solution html and java consecutives.
of supervised/unsupervised troubleness with the help of

Figure 2. Technique level-1.

6 Vol 9 (11) | March 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Amit Verma, Iqbaldeep Kaur and Namita Arora

2.2 Data Analytical Techniques problem of frequency estimation. It classified-as decision

Techniques are primarily use for mining information tree induction, Support-Vector Method, Bayesian-
from enormous data. Contemporary issues and arising Classification, Neural-Network. Clustering28 is used to
computing potentiality will inspire the development make different clusters on the basis of certain parameters.
of novel techniques which are easily extracting the It splits up the objects depending upon their shapes,
information in limited time period and developed for features, categories and behaviour. Clusters must have
solving the problem of big data39,40. some similarity which is evaluated using specific metrics1.
Association Rule is a set of techniques for attaining It is a statistical method to analyse the objects and
interesting relationships between parameters in databases. categorized into various methods such-as partitioning,
It consist different possible test rules and develop different model-based, hierarchical agglomerative, density based
kinds of algorithms. AR technique is used in market and grid-based.
basket analysis, in which retailer can determine the To extracting information by the help of distinct
product which are frequently bought together11. They are number of techniques are shown in Table 6, comprises
categorized in such-as multilevel AR, multidimensional the techniques, algorithms, sub-type, specific application,
AR and quantitive rule. pro/cons and arranging in the manner of popularity.
Classification is determining the categories of class Regression is used to transform the value of
labels and a function for generalizing the structure of dependent variable into independent variables. It is used
contemporary data. For Instance classify the e-mails as- for prediction such-as to predict weather forecast on the
spam if it might be not relevant. In Prediction model used basis of these parameters wind, temperature, clouds,
to predict the unknown and missing values, where it used tornado, lightning etc. Its task begins with identification
in persistent evaluate function. It categorized in the form of some target values in the data sets and categorized as
of supervised/unsupervised learning. In supervised the multivariate nonlinear and linear multivariate Regression.
set of training data consisting as vectors and supervisory More details of Table 6 found in Appendix. In order to
signals as desired output12. In unsupervised the hidden implement these techniques/tools which have been
structure finds in unlabeled data and in statistics there is a described in detail in the following section.

Table 6. Information extraction techniques

Sl. Name Algorithm Sub types Specific app Pro Cons
AR-Association, ARL-Association-rule, APAO-Apriori-Algo, ECAO-Éclat(Equivalence-class-transformation)Algo, FPGAO–Frequent-Pattern-growth Algo,
MRAR-Multi-Relation AR, CBAR-Context-Based-AR, BAR-Binary-AR, QAR-Quantitative-AR, FZAR-Fuzzy-AR, DIANA-Divisive Analysis, CULG-Clustering,
KM-K-means, DB-Density-Based, BCLG-Bi-Clustering, AGHR-Agglomerative-Hierarchic, MD-Methods PAMD-Partitioning, HRMD-Hierarchical, DBMD-Density-
based methods, GBMD-Grid-based, MBMD-Mode-based, CTB-Constraint-based, AGNES-agglomerative nesting.

Vol 9 (11) | March 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 7
Comparative Analysis of Information Extraction Techniques for Data Mining

The first DM tools found on records have been with the structured, unstructured, semi-structured and
introduced in 1990s. Initially, DM concepts were used real-streaming data which is growing every second.
to handle very small data and that data was generally The Table 9 represents the range of data mining
structured. In Table 7, the DM tools in the range of tools in 2005 to 2015, which have inherited features of
year 1900 to 2000 have been enlisted and represent the conventional tools and have also added up new robust
language, features, establishment-date, salient-features features for extracting information in fast and effective
and limitations of the different available DM tools. manner.
More details of Table 7-9 found in Appendix. With an The above sections have described the tools and
evident rapid growth of data, the existence of unstructured techniques popularly being used in the DM process. The
data in the form of text, audios and videos has been area of data extraction has attracted many researchers to
posing even greater difficulty to extract relevant data. exploit their creativity to mend the process to become
In Table 8 shown the techniques which are developed more effective, efficient and faster. One of the current
during the years (2000 to 2005) with their factors. The research work by13 reviewed the prevailing results of
challenges of data are being raised at even harder levels compact size files. In this paper the small files of HDFS

Table 7. Data mining tools (1900-2000)

Tool Release Written in Type OS License Features Pros Cons
JV-Java, WK-Weka, FN-Fortran, STACP-Statistical-Computing, CPF-Cross-Platform, GNUGPL–General-Public-License, ML-Machine Learning, RTGUI-Rattle
GUI,PRG –Programming, TK-Toolkit, GT-GATE, TM- Text-mining, INEX-Information-Extraction, Ws-Windows, SY-Scalability, DBSW-Database-Slow,CLS/REGAL-
-support-classification/regression-algorithms, DPT-data-pre-processing-tools, CLUALGO- clustering-algorithms, ARLALGO-Association-rules, DH&EH- Data &
Error Handling.

Table 8. Data mining tools (2000-2005)

Tool Release Written in Type OS License Features Pros Cons
NLTK–Natural-language-toolkit, PY-Python, NLP-Natural-Language-Processing, KE-KNIME, JV-Java, ER-Enterprise-Reporting, , BIN-Business-Intelligence,
DM-data-mining, GNUGPL–General-Public-License, KL-KEEL, ML-Machine-Learning, CPF-Cross-Platform, SCV/DTM-SCaViS/DataMelt, CFG-Curve-fitting,,
Ws-Windows, MTR-Machine-Translation, GTR-Google-Translate, CLSTX-Text Classification, SMFLT-Spam-filters, SY-Scalability, IUIF- Intuitive-user-interface,
HEX-High-extensibility, ARDV-Association Discovery.

8 Vol 9 (11) | March 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Amit Verma, Iqbaldeep Kaur and Namita Arora

Table 9. Data mining tools (2005-2015)

Tool Release Written in Type OS License Features Merits Demerits
OR-Orange,ML-Machine-Learning,DVz-Data-Visualization,CPF-Cross-Platform, GNUGPL-General-Public-License, RM-Rapid-miner, ILA-Language-
Independent, STAAY-Statistical-analysis, PRA-Predictive-analytics, AGPLPY-Proprietary, JV-Java, Lx-Linux, Ws-Windows, FN-Fortran,WK-Weka, ACH-
Apache, MACH-Mahout,DAY-Data-Analysis, SCL-Scala, SY-Scalability,CPF-Cross-Platform,VPG-Visual Programming, VZ-Visualization, DAT-Data-Analytics, ITC-
Interaction, LTX-Large-toolbox, SITF-Scripting-interface.

which are accumulates in storage and analyses for finding TM algorithm has been compared with other two
the flaws, volume distributions of small files are based algorithms of file import using the comparison of time
on its consistency. The author proposes the small file consumption of importing files into HDFS. Comparison
merging algorithm based on balance of data block and shows that memory consumption at name node is reduced
gives integrated algorithm. Finally, the paper concludes by 31.4%, as compared to other algorithms. On the whole,
with experimental analysis on the proposed algorithm the author reduces the speed, memory consumption
and proves that algorithm by reduces the memory and time consumption as compared to other import file
consumption at the crucial nodes of collections and algorithms
improves the efficiency of data processing of collections. The implementation of Tetris Merge algorithm gives
experimental result on the basis of three parameters such
Algorithm TM (Tetris Merge)
as by importing small files represents in Table 10, by
Initialize Fset, q f l , qtl processing speed in Table 11 and by memory consumption
For (Fset =1, Fset <Mlimit , Fset++) in Table 12.
// Merge of the files where merge limit is the Table 10. Comparison of importing small-files
maximum limit ALGO VOF File After Merge Time CSPT (s)
//Fset€ Smin (minimum free space) NIM 4294/10.12 GB 4294 567
if MFMA 4249/10.12 GB 82 249
{ TMA 5249/10.12 GB 84 252
f!=0; NIM-Normal-Import, MFMA-Monofile-merging-algo,TMA-Tetris-Merge-
algorithm, VOF-Volume-of-file, MSG-Map-Stage, RDSG-Reduce-Stage, CSPT-
cout<<”select maximum q f l , qtl ”; Consumption
Select a queue qt from qtl , push f into qt , push qt into
qfl Table 11. Comparison of processing speed
} ALGO Time CSPT of Time CSPT of Total time CSPT
then MSG (s) RDSG (s)
NIM 13,993 333 14,326
f ==qmax // qmax € q f l
MFMA 1190 119 1309
// Push f into qmax otherwise
exit (1) TMA 1035 101 1136
NIM-Normal-Import, MFMA-Monofile-merging-algo,TMA-Tetris-Merge-
else algorithm, VOF-Volume-of-file, MSG-Map-Stage, RDSG-Reduce-Stage, CSPT-
{ Consumption
f==NULL Table 12. Memory consumption of name node
Perform FMlimit // FMlimit Merge remain ALGO Data Blocks after merg- Memory CSPT at Name
files to MergedFile in queues ing node (byte)
} NIM 4294 644,100
} exit MFMA 245 36,750
TMA 168 25,200

Vol 9 (11) | March 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9
Comparative Analysis of Information Extraction Techniques for Data Mining

In14 proposed the usage of context awareness In18 has worked for mapreduce, its advantage,
scheduling by improvement of apache Hadoop and disadvantages and integration with other technologies.
provides comparative performances on the basis of time The paper clarifies the improvement techniques for
parameter and standard deviations, the experimental mapreduce which can handle big data in less run time and
results shows the positive impact of performance. In Table described the complete series of steps for mapreduce in
13, shows the analyses of elements which are affected by which data management and data processing techniques
the context-aware scheduling with four cases. are easily applied.
In8 proposed the integrated approach for Hadoop
Table 13. Context-aware scheduling
and R-tool which are used for processing data. The paper
Case Total-Map- Aver- Map-tasks- Specula-
provides three ways to integrate R and Hadoop for big-
Time (s) age-Map-Time Standard tive-tasks
data analysis with R Hadoop, Rhive and R streaming. Then
the author has been integrated to traditional databases
A 149 39.47 15.73% 2
B 788 222.97 59.86% 1
like RJBDC, RODBC and Apache Mahout.
C 348 38.38 18.09% 3 In7 studied as the rise of big data in cloud computing
D 477 68.42 29.91% 1 and focus on relationships between big-data and cloud-
computing. The paper presents the comparison between
A-Simulates a dedicated Hadoop-cluster, B-nodes storage system of big data, NoSQL databases, several big-
used for other purposes, C-nodes are shared with other data cloud-platforms, big-data categories, its case studies
applications, D-provide extension of applications. and vendors. The author proposed a visionary view for
In15 describe the methods and surroundings for big-data with classification method and focused on the
analytics on cloud for big data analysis and identify the batch-processing tools and its challenges.
gaps between technologies. The paper gives complete In3 represents a brief review on big-data problems,
scenario on three key groups such-as data management, opportunities, challenges, current techniques,
developing model, validation and user-interaction. The technologies and proposed various potential techniques
usage of cloud resources being enables and strengthens to overcome the problem, including cloud-computing,
big-data area. quantum-computing and biological-computing. These
In16 present the complete survey on yesterday, today technologies are still under development and new
and tomorrow of big-data. Authors mention the troubles emergence trends such as granular-computing and bio-
and overall assessment of big-data. The paper gives inspired-computing have been discussed. In this paper
the introduction on big data features, classification, the author proposed several techniques to overcome the
techniques, process and applications. The author also problems of newly emerged techniques.
increased the reliability of accessing and handling the big In4 proposed a method to improve traditional
data. information handling/retrieval tools by including
In17 proposed the method for processing data in elements of distributed-processing. The experimental
parallel manner as small-clusters in distributed-chunks result presents a viable test of mapreduce-framework for
and enhanced by the sentiment-analysis through NLP. In pattern matching and data analysis
this paper the proposed model increased the performance In19 proposed a novel language which is dedicated
of complexity analysis. The author also evaluates the modeling language to reduce the gap between
experimental result by comparison of existing system, multiformalism and logical modeling, to evaluate the
proposed system and transformed unstructured-data dissimilar abstraction levels by granting permission to the
into structured-form by using proposed method on big-data application designer and system administration.
Mapreduce technique. The paper represents the complex metaphor into the big-
In10 focused for analysis of collected tweets on Hadoop data applications and originates with the SIMTHESys-
based framework and ecosystem and transformed the framework which provides a tool for rapid origination
result into graphical-charts as representing purpose. for new formalisms. The author uses the HQLqueries
Hadoop-ecosystem is core functionality of Hadoop. The for easily revamp with proposed big data formulism and
author represents the comparison between the HBase- gives complete translation algorithm.
component and Traditional-RdBMS.

10 Vol 9 (11) | March 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Amit Verma, Iqbaldeep Kaur and Namita Arora

In20 presented an algorithm for dividing the frequent Table 14. Characteristics of used databases
1-sequences and prelarge 1-sequences from original Sl. No. Database #D #I AvgLen MaxLen
database when some sequences are deleted and to 1. DB1 59,601 467 2.51 267
handle the sequential-pattern by adopted the concept 2. DB2 88,162 16,470 10.3 76
of prelarge with sequence deletion. Earlier, only Fast_ 3. DB3 990,002 41,270 8.1 2,498
Updated_Sequence_Pattern (FUSP) was mainly used 4. DB4 100,000 870 10.1 29
#D-Total transactions, #I-Total transaction, AvgLen-Average-length
to handle frequent 1-sequence from database. This
of transaction, MaxLen-Maximal-length of transactions, DB1-
proposed algorithm used to maintain and update the BMSWebView, DB2-retail, DB3-Kosarak, D4-T10I4D100K
FUSP tree. In experimental-phrase the paper represents
Table 15. Pre-large1-sequences under threshold
the performance of proposed algorithm based on time
and the number of tree-nodes. DB1 0.3% 0.35% 0.4% 0.45% 0.5%
(DR: 10%) 2 4 4 2 3
Table 14 represents the list of data-sets and Table
DB2 0.6% 0.8% 1.0% 1.2% 1.4%
15 represents the comparison of performance basis on
(DR: 5%) 37 21 12 4 2
thresholds and DR (Deletion-Ratio) set to evaluate the
BD4 1.2% 1.4% 1.6% 1.8% 2.0%
proposed algorithm.
(DR: 1%) 11 12 6 7 4

Algorithm Fast_updatation_sequence_pattern The formula of pre-large concept is calculated as

(Su `-S l )´ D
Initialize D, Ht, ps, F_tr, Su, Sl , c, T. f=
// F_tr =FUSP_tree, Ht= Htable, ps=Pre_Seqs In21 presents a HACE-theorem which is characterized
as heterogeneous-autonomous complex and evolving
For(F_tr=1, ps =1,F_tr <T, ps++, F_tr ++) relationships. The author proposes a big-data processing-
{ model and features of revolution of big data. Big-data
Update C-T processing-models consist three-tier architecture and
(U - L )x | D |
//Where function F = AT s AT s each tier have different performance which are consisting
U AT s
as in tier-1, it covers the main platform for data-mining
} as low level techniques, in tier-2, target on high-level-
If (Cn !=0) semantics and tier-3 describes an actual challenges of
{ //count number of q from T. mining-algorithms.
Calculate ST (s)// 1-sequences from T. In22 convergence on emerging trends and it works on
} //Where s € ST(s) distributed data centers for hosting large data repositories.
Do To handle structure, unstructured, semi structure and
=− real-time-data have been analyzed and equate. Brewer’s
If CAP theorem provides the solution for handling big-data
{ analysis for decision making in business, productions as
s € Htable then well as Research academy.
call Procedure_ In23 present a framework to disintegrate the big system
} into four different consecutive modules. These four modules
Else if are such-as generating of data, acquisition of data, storage of
{ data and analytics of data. The paper gives the comparison
s € then between the traditional-data and big-data and entire review
call Procedure_SubCases. on big-data evolution, paradigms, its architecture, challenges
} and steps to handling bulky-data, storage infrastructure and
Else taxonomy of big-data analytics. The authors focus on the
Rescan all sequence value chain of big-data, which covers the entire lifecycle of
End big-data and gives the overall mechanisms and approaches
in different big-data phases.

Vol 9 (11) | March 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 11
Comparative Analysis of Information Extraction Techniques for Data Mining

In12 present comparative analysis on various Table 16. Three datasets

clustering techniques which are recently used for analysis Data sets Class Samples Condition attributes
of big data, and finding the major techniques which Iris 3 150 4
gather information in an appropriate manner. The Soy bean 19 307 35
author reviewed the overall trends in between clustering Zoo 7 101 16
In24 proposed a novel prediction algorithm by In Table 17 performance evaluation for increase the
combining the rough sets theory with extreme learning accuracy of proposed algorithm and it presented the
machines. According to its experimental results, the conventional ELM algorithm, higher training and higher
performance of proposed algorithm has higher prediction testing accuracy.
accuracy and better efficiency as compared to Extreme
Table 17. Training and testing accuracy comparison
learning machines. ELM methods have several defects
Data sets ELM Proposed algorithm
such as it based on the minimized empirical risk and it
Training Testing Training Testing
calculates directly least square solution. Through ELM
accuracy accuracy accuracy accuracy
as compared to proposed algorithm the performance of
Iris 0.9200 0.9067 0.9876 0.9876
model is substances affected and poor robust. In Table 16,
Soy bean 0.5033 0.4771 0.6950 0.6804
the proposed algorithm performs with online data sets
Zoo 0.9000 0.7200 0.9600 0.9600
and removes the duplicate attributes.

Algorithm of integration of rough sets and ELM

Initialize RSET // RSET is raw data set

Select Data(Proc) // Data(Proc) is data processing
If Data(Proc) = Data(Pre-Proc) // Data(Pre Proc) is data pre processing
Create DDT // Discrete Decision Table for n attributes
For (DDT(n)=1, DDT<DDT(n) , DDT(n)++)
RDT : Reduce Decision Table
For (RDT=1, RDT< RDT(n) ,RDT(n)++)
Create DS // DS Data set
Perform Normalization for DS
For each value of DS under given value of threshold T
(DS =1, DS < DS AT T ,DS ++)
Create NN // Randomly generated Neuron threshold
Training of each NN
Perform testing

12 Vol 9 (11) | March 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Amit Verma, Iqbaldeep Kaur and Namita Arora

Big data has been in use nowadays for diverse generated data set. Table 17 elucidates the execution time
application domains like improvement of life styles, of revised apriori algorithm on different data sets. The
planning and implementation of smart cities and other performance of dissimilar datasets is tested on single
developmental activities. In6 present an intellectual node Hadoop system.
perspective on smart cities based on big data processing Text mining has found a significant place in
and propose a cloud based services that can be integrated conventional as well as current data mining techniques.
with big data and develop decision making in smart future In26 design the text retrieval system which is based on
cities. Cloud computing provides better probabilities for dynamic knowledge and improve the question answering
manage, process and analysis large amount of data that information retrieval speed. The accuracy of retrieving
has been generated in cities. In25 presented Ophidia (a the text and the speed have been improved on the
storage model), the effort of a big data analytics research basis of some instances that are with catch technology,
resolves at reinforcing approach, analysis, and mining of without catch technology, distributed computing and
n-dimensional array-based scientific data. The author also multithreading. The retrieval time is an evaluative
reviewed the ways in which this project integrated with parameter for comparison with various optimization
conventional data ware house, OLAP framework, novel techniques. Table 19 shows the comparison of retrieval
storage model, parallel paradigms and numerical libraries. time on the basis of different instances which considerably
These all are follow the order from which the big data enhance the speed of information retrieval system in less
analytics are faced as challenges in domaine Science. number of time units.
Some researchers have done work related to
Table 19. Comparison on retrieval time
Association data mining technique and integrated it with
Instance No Use Distributing Multithreading
cloud computing and big data29–33. In9 reviewed and revised
cache cache index at same time
a parallel Association Rule (AR) mining strategy integrated
Times About About About 60ms About 20ms
with cloud framework and developed the improved
10s 100ms
Apriori algorithm on Hadoop platform with map reduce
programming model. The improved algorithm has been In11 presented an approach of optimization technique
performing better with comparatively less cost than that named as adaptive interval configuration and developed
of original apriori algorithm. The experimental result to upgrade the dynamic approach. The candidate pruning
have been evaluated with online data sets and applied on technique has been developed using Adaptive Interval
revised apriori algorithm which improve the performance Configurations algorithm for mining better association
of proposed algorithm and performance totally depends rules. The results have been evaluated by comparing these
on the number of Hadoop nodes. Table 18 shows the algorithms, where AIC gives encouraging results than
online data sets and execution performance on the basis that of Dynamic item set counting and apriori algorithm.
of time. One of the earlier research works by2 includes an
approach for processing data with tabulation system. This
Table 18. Execution time for all data sets
formed the basis of effective processing and management
Dataset/ .95 .90 .85 .80 .75 of data. The challenge of fast rising population cropped
threshold up which led to resolutions and innovations in the whole
DS-1 50.26 68.529 88.559 133.621 220.631 process of data management using mechanisms such
DS-2 108.18 156.326 220.122 392.927 878.156 as tabulating system, associated devices like the press,
sections of pin and press, the counters and the combination
DS-3 65.746 71.005 86.53 91.251 111.547 counting for handling data. The storage of data was a
DS-4 84.612 241.172 681.576 1552.194 2934.792 dream to be realized till then. The improvements in data
DS-1-T1014D100K, DS-2-chess, DS-3-mash room, DS-4-connect technology saw the advent of data storage with time for
which rest is history.
Revised Apriori algorithm evaluates results using
online real-life datasets. Here, ‘Chess’, ‘Mash room’ and
‘Connect’ are the names of the datasets that have been used
3. Scope of the Work
and another data set ’T1014D100K’ has been synthetically The current paper is a thorough survey and analysis of

Vol 9 (11) | March 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 13
Comparative Analysis of Information Extraction Techniques for Data Mining

new techniques, novel languages, improved and new existing work and a novel algorithm has been proposed
algorithms for handling large data volume with different for function normalization. In the proposed algorithm,
parameters. In this paper, gaps have been found between the data are pre-processed and a discrete decision table

Algorithm NIA_Norm
Function Generation::Function Normalization
Initialize RSET // RSET is raw data set
Select Data(Proc) // Data(Proc) is data processing
If // Data(Pre Proc) is data pre processing
Data(Proc) = Data(Pre-Proc)
Create DDT //Discrete Decision Table for n attributes
For (DDT(n)=1, DDT<DDT(n) , DDT(n)++)
RDT : Reduce Decision Table
For (RDT=1, RDT< RDT(n) , RDT(n)++)
{ // DS Data set
Create DS
Perform Normalization for DS // Randomly generated Neuron threshold
For {each value of DS under given value of threshold T}
(DS =1, DS < DS AT T ,DS ++)
Training of each NN
Perform testing
Function Normalization (Parameter DS , n)
Initialize DSET (n) and weights Wi.j = 1/2p , 1/q for y= 0,1
Where p and q are the no. of negatives and positives respectively.
For (t = 1, t< T, t++) // i=1 to n
{ n
Normalize the weights for data set, W t,,i = wt ,i / å j=1 w t,j
Weight error of odd n
data set (D f( x, f , r, ⍬) is
C1 = å j=1 w i |hf (xi – y1)|
} // where ft , rt, and ⍬t are the minimizers of εt
For (C1 =1, C<Ch, C1 ++)
Select Dbest (best dataset)ε werror
εt = min r, f ,⍬ å v i |h(xi , f , r, ⍬ )|or efficient implementation
select the value for ht(x) = h ( x, ft, , pt ,⍬)
Update the w t,,i
C1(x)=1 or 0

14 Vol 9 (11) | March 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Amit Verma, Iqbaldeep Kaur and Namita Arora

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16 Vol 9 (11) | March 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Amit Verma, Iqbaldeep Kaur and Namita Arora

Representation is easy with pictures, MAGUI - GUI as great - Re-task able components (Java beans), including GUI
as memory aids, ESU - Ease of use, RMEX - can be extended components, LED- benefit LE system developer, EXOMAT/
in RM, BGINS-Big installation, RPcpL-Limited reporting DBT
- Ability to exploit the maturity/efficiency of database
capabilities technology, EBDC - Easy modeling of blackboard-type
DBH-Requires prominent knowledge of database handling, distributed control regimes, QE-Quantitative evaluation,
EMTL - Limited error measurements, OZPPR poor RY – Repeatability, ARCDEG - Architecture development at
parameter optimization ,LALGO - Limited algorithms, LDM/ same time as word sense disambiguation engine, OCDDS
- Less specialized for data mining and less knowledge - Distributed data storage in Oracle or PostgreSQL (over
of array language , DOCPR-Poor documentation, STAWK JDBC), DBSW - Speed of database i.e. Tipster database
- weak classical statistics, CRWK- weak csv reader , PICL- slow for large amounts of lexical data.
Pictures can be a limited Representation, HRDLY - High EIM-Easy to implement, LIPY-Uses large item set property,
readability, OOPES - Easy object oriented paradigm, ESEX- EPRL-Easily parallelized, SAPAO- Apriori Algo. can be very
easily extensible, UCSG- Strong Unicode support, LIBPOW- slow, TRDB-Assumes Transaction database is memory
powerful standard library, TKZTX - Tokenizing the text, resident, SCDB-Requires many database scans, CLAG-
CTWD - Counting the remaining words, ENVDS- works well Items automatically assigned to clusters, RYSC/SI-Relatively
in distributed environment, DMBG- Doing data mining scalable/simple, CSCDS- Suitable for datasets with
tasks on Big data, BGAYQ-Analyze Big data quickly, ICMX/ compacts spherical clusters, SCKM-k means relatively
- include matrix and vector libraries, FIFDS- Support scalable in processing large data sets, FKM- k mean is fast,
distributed fitness function, MPTR- pattern mining, UIM- HSPH/NO/OU-High sensitivity to initialization phase/noise/
user interest model, SY-scalability, NOALGO-No tuning outliers, FELO- Frequent entrapments into local optima,
or algorithm choices needed, RFE&HBE -Integrated real- NCVS/DY-Inability to deal with non-convex clusters of
time front-end & batch Hadoop-based backend, OHBE varying size/density, ODKM -K-means applicable only
- Offline Hadoop backend are not integrated. STACAL- when mean objects defined, HNOD/OU-k-means unable to
Includes packages for statistical calculations. D2D/3D- 2D handle noisy data and outlier, DTUD/IP - Decision trees are
and 3D interactive visualization of data, FHT/CH/AY/CAY/NN/ simple to understand/ interpret. , HNM/CD -Handle both
- functions of histograms/charts/analytic calculations/ numerical and categorical data, ATCLS- Good classification
neural networks/Cluster analysis/Fuzzy. VZEXF - Data provide definitive array of types, RCX-Reduce complexity,
stored in external files for convenient visualization. SLRZ-Allow us to recognize similarities, DTNV- Decision
FMTH/NCAL/VZ - Provide Mathematics functions/numeric Trees Hard to run for numerical values , SKRXV/SW:
calculations/visualization, WSTA/ARI- provide better work SVM not look effective without using kernel but kernel
for statistics/artificial intelligence, BNS/MAY - Better work makes it computationally expensive/ slow, LRBM-Logistic
for natural science and market analysis. LKJY- Support Regression Lack of benchmark results, UNBY- Naive Bayes
Jython &Lack of Knowledge, CLSLDA/LR - Classification: Works strangely on unbalanced classes, PDSH/LG-Accurate
Linear discriminant analysis/logistic regression, REGLSQ/ prediction for short/long-term, WAPP-Wide scope of
- Regression: least squares/ridge regression, CLUHC/KM application, PZDF/HD-Difficult and hard to popularize, DEX-
- Clustering: hierarchical clustering, k-means, DMRFDAY excessive data as required, KB-kilobyte, MB-megabyte,
- Dimensionality reduction: Fisher discriminate analysis, GB-gigabyte, TB-terabyte, PB-petabyte, EB-Exabyte, ZB-
SPVM/PLS/MHC - Support vector machine, partial least squares, zettabyte, YB-yottabyte, NKAO -K Nearest Neighbor Algo,
memory saving hierarchal clustering, DSH - handling NBY- Native Bayes, DCTE -Decision Tree, SPBA-Statistical
series of dataset, EQCT - equality constraints, DMU - data Procedure based approach, MLBA- Machine learning
manipulation, ATSCP - automation of common tasks with Based approach, OUANA-Outlier analysis, EVANA- Evolution
scripts, WLSQLAGM/NM/GA- support three weighted least Analysis, GA- Genetic Algo., RSA-Rough set approach,
squares methods: Levenberg -Marquardt algorithm / FZSA-Fuzzy set approach, RGEG- Regression, GLMD-
Nelder-Mead method/ Genetic algorithm, GPPLS/PRS Fill Generalized Linear Models, VM-Vector Machine, LREG-
gap b/w plotting software/programs specific, DSMPH - won’t linear regression, PREG-Polynomial Regression, LGREG-
allow you to measure the phasing of the dataset, ANNIE Logistic regression, GUIEXDA/EXP/KF - Support graphical user
- A Nearly-New Information Extraction system, GUIJB interfaces of exploratory data analysis/The Experimenter/

Vol 9 (11) | March 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 17
Comparative Analysis of Information Extraction Techniques for Data Mining

the Knowledge Flow, BSLR/PR - Bootstrap tool for creating Macro viewer shows macros values, FOD- File operators
new Language Resources and Processing Resources, CLIB operate directly, SMFLT - Spam filters, SY-Scalability, IUIF-
- provide class library that implements the architecture, Intuitive user interface, HEX-High extensibility, BEX -Batch
FKGDE - graphical development environment built on the executions, WFIMP/EXP, - Import/export of workflows, PEX-
framework, VZ-Visualization, DAT-Data Analytics, ITC- Parallel execution on multi-core systems, APIPL - well-
Interaction, LTX-Large toolbox, SITF-Scripting interface, defined API for plugin extensions, CLSDV- Classification
EXDOC- Extendable Documentation, GUIIV-Intuitive GUI, Discovery, CLUDV- Cluster Discovery,, REGDV- Regression
BEX -Batch executions, DM-data mining, PY-Python, DH/ Discovery, PALM-Poor absence of local-minima.
AF- Data handling/new aggregation functions, MACV-

18 Vol 9 (11) | March 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology

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