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Psychological Bulletin

1974, Vol. 81, No. 12, 945-958




State University of New York at- Binghamton

While there exist a number of papers describing the theory of signal detection,
it appears that many psychologists are not aware of the ease with which
signal detection theory can be applied, the range of applications possible, or
the limitations of signal detection theory. This paper briefly summarizes the
assumptions of signal detection theory and describes the procedures, the limi-
tations, and practical considerations relevant to its application. A worked
example of an application of signal detection theory to the study of cognitive
processes is included.

In recent years, researchers in many di- lider, 1959; Peterson, Birdsall, & Fox, 1954;
verse areas of psychology have begun to Swets, Tanner, & Birdsall, 1961; Van Meter
employ the theory of signal detection to sepa- & Middleton, 1954), there is a clear need
rate the ability of the subject to differentiate for a concise, unified explanation of how and
between classes of events from motivational when to use the various models of signal
effects or response biases. In addition to its detection theory. This article attempts to ful-
extensive application in sensory psychophys- fill that need. The first section of this article
ics, signal detection theory has found applica- presents a brief summary of the models of sig-
tion in such diverse areas as speech percep- nal detection theory on a general level. The
tion (Egan & Clarke, 1956), memory (Banks, second section presents practical considera-
1970; Bernbach, 1967; Parks, 1966), animal tions for the application of signal detection
learning (Rilling & McDiarmid, 1965; Su- theory and the specific procedures used in
boski, 1967), audiology (Campbell & Moulin, these applications. The third section outlines
1968), attention (Moray, 1970; Sorkin, Pas- the potential use of signal detection theory in
tore, & Pohlmann, 1972), clinical psychology several experimental situations and presents a
(Sutton, 1972), and sensory-evoked poten- worked example of an application to the
tials (Hillyard, Squires, Bauer, & Lindsay, study of cognitive processes.
1971). The purpose of this article is to re-
view and briefly summarize the more common OVERVIEW
models 2 of signal detection theory, describe The purpose of this section is to provide a
the procedures required to apply each model, brief overview and summary of the theoreti-
and discuss the limitations inherent in each. cal underpinnings of signal detection theory.
While there are a number of excellent theo- For a more complete introduction and theo-
retical papers describing signal detection retical presentation, the reader should refer to
theory and its various models (e.g., Egan &
the articles by Egan and Clarke (1966), by
Clarke, 1966; Green & Swets, 1966; Lick- Swets et al. (1961), or others. Signal detec-
tion theory is an adaptation of statistical
The authors wish to thank Crawford Clark, Don decision theory (e.g., Wald, 1950). A major
Ronken, John Swets, Douglas Creelman, William
Lutz, and Charlotte MacLatchy for their helpful
aspect of both signal detection theory and sta-
criticisms of earlier drafts of this paper. tistical decision theory concerns the specifi-
Requests for reprints may be sent to either author, cation of a set of ideal processes or observers
Department of Psychology, State University of New as a standard against which a subject's per-
York, Binghamton, New York 13901. formance is compared. While this comparison
The term model is used in this article to connote
a special case of the theory based on certain clearly is an important aspect of signal detection
defined assumptions and, therefore, is limited in theory, the specification of an ideal observer
scope. depends on the exact area or modality under

study and the assumed capabilities of the sumed to be invariant during the measure-
observer. Therefore, this aspect of signal ment interval.3
detection theory is not considered in this
article; for a general discussion of the use of Assumption of Normality
ideal observers, see Tanner (1961) or Tan- One specific set of signal detection theory
ner and Sorkin (1972). models, the Gaussian models, assumes that the
two conditional probability density functions
General Case
[/»(«)] are Gaussian (normal). One theo-
Signal detection theory is applicable to retical basis for this assumption is that there
those situations in which two classes of events are a large number (i.e., M) of independent
are to be discriminated. It also can be gen- characteristics of the event sampled on each
eralized to situations involving more than two observation, and that the system performs a
classes of events (Tanner, 1956; but also see logarithmic transform of the computed likeli-
Luce, 1963), although this generalization is hood ratio (Egan & Clarke, 1966). It should
not discussed in this article. The basic as- be noted that logarithmic transforms are
sumption of signal detection theory is that common in perceptual and behavioral data
each decision made by the subject is based on (e.g., Fechner's and Stevens' laws). Because
a statistic that is derived from the many (i.e., of this hypothetical logarithmic transforma-
M) characteristics of the event in question. tion, the separate likelihood statistics are the
This statistic reflects the relative probability sums of a large number of independent fac-
that the observed characteristics of the event tors. Then, according to the central limit the-
arose from one of a specific class of events. orem, the distribution of the likelihood sta-
The optimum statistic for such a decision is tistics approximates a normal distribution.
the likelihood ratio or some monotonic trans- On a practical level, the important question
form of the likelihood ratio (Green & Swets, is whether there exists evidence that in the
1966). The likelihood ratio, X(«), is the rela- given experimental situation, the assumption
tive likelihood that the event, u,. arose from of normality is tenable. Such evidence might
one as opposed to the other class of events. be in the form of reliable results published in
That is, /»(«), the likelihood that the given the literature or in a test of the assumption
M-dimensional observation u arose from class by the experimenter (see following sections
i, is the product of the probability that each entitled "Assumptions of Normality and
of the M observed characteristics arose from Equal Variance" and "Rating Procedure").
a class i event, and If the Gaussian assumption cannot be justi-
fied, then alternative statistics should be em-
X(«) =/!(«)//,(«). [1]
The theory assumes that the subject computes 3
The computation of a likelihood ratio statistic
\(u), or some monotonic transform of assumes that the observer knows the probability
A(w)[e.g., \'(u) = log A.(w)], for each event distribution for each sampled characteristic condi-
tional on each of the two classes of events. Obvi-
and makes a response decision based on that ously, the discriminaWlity of the events from the
computed value. It is further assumed that two classes of events reflects the subject's knowl-
the subject adopts a fixed criterion value of edge of the actual differences between the two
classes. The assumption of a decision statistic based
A(«), called /3 and that the decision corre- on the likelihood ratio is simply an assumption that
sponding to any event, u, is simply a state- the subject's knowledge of the classes of events can
ment of whether \(u) is greater than /?. The be used in terms of the conditional probability den-
sity functions for each characteristic, ,and that this
capability of the subject to discriminate be- probability information is combined in an efficient,
tween the two classes of events is inversely systematic manner. The theory further states that
proportional to the total area common to the any factor (i.e., learning) that changes the subject's
knowledge of these differences will alter the likeli-
two conditional probability density functions hood statistics, and therefore the discriminability
[/{(«); i = 1, 2]. This common area is as- of the two classes of events.

ployed. Such statistics might include simple The values of f(b\i) may be estimated from
response probabilities, estimates of "thresh- the values of P (response i event i) with a
olds," statistics derived from a different para- table of ordinates of the normal curve. It
metric model of signal detection, or non- should be noted that P (Response 2 1 Event
parametric indexes of signal detection theory. 2) and /8 are monotonically related.
Some of these alternatives, including non-
parametric indexes of signal detection theory, Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC)
are also discussed in the section entitled A receiver operating characteristic is the
"Nonparametric Model." locus of points representing the performance
Since the Gaussian distribution is com- of a subject across all criteria under a fixed
pletely defined by its first two moments, the experimental condition. The ordinate of the
mean and variance, the area common to two receiver-operating-characteristic function is
Gaussian density functions, and thus the dis- P( response * event i) and the abscissa is
criminability of the two classes of events /•(response z|event ;'), i ^ ;, for each criterion.
giving rise to these functions, is a monotonic Since these probabilities are determined by
function of the distance between the distri- the form of the underlying density functions,
bution means scaled in terms of the pooled the shape of the receiver-operating-character-
or average variance (a z transformation). The istic curve also is determined by the nature
most common version of the Gaussian model of these underlying distributions.*
is based on the further assumption that the The receiver-bperating-characteristic curve
variances of the probability density functions is generated by sampling the performance of
conditional on the two classes of events are a subject under a given experimental condi-
equal. If this and the other assumptions are tion while the subject uses various criteria.
valid, then the differential weighting of the The subject's criterion can be manipulated
two distributions caused by any response through the use of instructions or by the use
bias does not affect the estimate of the pooled of a differential payoff schedule; in standard
variance, and the scaled distance between the binary decision tasks (yes-no and two-
two means is called d'. This value is equal to alternative forced choice) the criterion is ma-
the difference of the signed distances, in z- nipulated across, but not within (see section
score units, from each mean to the subject's entitled "Criterion Stability") blocks of trials.
criterion. These distances may be estimated A receiver operating characteristic can also be
by converting into z-score units the proba- generated within blocks of trials by the use
bility (relative frequency) of the subject cor- of the rating scale procedure discussed in a
rectly identifying events from the separate subsequent section entitled "Rating Proce-
classes. The value of d' also may be esti- dure." Since it is assumed that the distribu-
mated from appropriate tables of d' (e.g., tions on which the subject bases decisions are
Elliott's tables in Swets, 1964) by arbitrarily invariant under fixed experimental conditions
calling one of the two classes of events (i.e., independent of the criterion employed, the
Class 1) the "signal," and the other class, receiver-operating-characteristic curve is the
If one is interested in motivational or cri- 4
terion factors, the criterion (/?) employed by Any factor that affects the density functions on
which the subject bases his or her decision will
the subject should be examined. In the equal- affect the shape of the receiver-operating-character-
variance Gaussian model this criterion is inde- istic curve. Some factors known to be important in
pendent of d' and is defined by the following these respects include the., experimental paradigm
equation: employed by the experimenter (Markowitz & Swets,
1967), the strategy" (i.e., decision rule) employed by
. ... [2] the, subject (Luce, 1963), the modality (auditory,
visual, memory, etc.) in which the subject is operat-
where }(b\i) is the height of the probability ing (Green & Swets, 1966), the subject's criterion
density function for class i at the criterion or stability (Healy & Jones, 1973), and the intertrial
boundary, b, between the two response classes. intervals employed (Green & Swets, 1966).

map of data points for all possible criteria defined as

at a fixed level of sensitivity. Thus, the
receiver-operating-characteristic curve is also i
called the Isosensitivity curve. In memory Xj = ^ P (response i\ Event 2)
tasks, it is referred to as the memory oper-
ating characteristic (MOC). and

APPLICATION CONSIDERATIONS ys = Y. P (response i] Event 1). [3]

Assumptions of Normality and Equal

Thus Xj and y} are the values of the distribu-
Variance tion functions for Events 1 and 2 at criterion
If there is sufficient evidence in the litera- ;'. Obviously, if the assumptions of equal-
ture to warrant the assumption of equal- variance Gaussian functions hold, the ex-
variance Gaussian density functions, d' and /? pected values of d' calculated for each point
may be employed to describe, respectively, the (Xj, yf) are equal and therefore not cor-
subject's ability to discriminate the two related with the criterion employed by the
classes of events and the subject's response subject.
bias, subject to the considerations described The functional relationship between y^ (the
below. If there is insufficient evidence to probability of a "hit") and xt (the probabil-
support the assumptions of the model (that ity of a "false alarm") describes the contour
the density functions are Gaussian and of of criteria for a fixed set of density functions
equal variance), these assumptions should be under a specific experimental condition. This
tested directly in applying the model. The function of equal sensitivity is the receiver-
most typical method for testing these assump- operating-characteristic curve described ear-
tions is the use of a rating procedure (cf. lier. If the probabilities *» and yt are trans-
Egan, Schulman, & Greenberg, 1959). This formed to the equivalent z scores [x'j = z of
procedure should be used also if the density (Xj — .5) and y'} = z of (y} — .5)], the nor-
functions are suspected of being Gaussian, malized receiver-operating-characteristic curve
but of unequal variance, and might be can be used to test the validity of the assump-
employed by careful researchers even when tions of normality and equal variance. If the
both assumptions are supported by previous underlying density functions are Gaussian,
research. the normalized receiver-operating-character-
istic curve will describe a linear function:
Rating Procedure = ax' + c. [4]
With the rating procedure, the subject is The slope of this function, a, is equal to the
asked to use N different responses that reflect ratio of the standard deviations of the two
the subject's confidence that a Class 1 event density functions (a = o-2/<ri), and the inter-
has occurred. Typically, five to eight confi- cept, c, is related to the distance between the
dence ratings or responses are employed. It distribution means,
is assumed that the subject operates in a If the receiver-operating-characteristic curve
manner similar to that employed in binary exhibits a systematic deviation from linearity,
decision tasks (yes-no or two-alternative the Gaussian assumption may be invalid. If
forced choice) and adopts N — 1 criteria this deviation from linearity is large, but not
separating each adjacent pair of the N re- systematic, there exists an actual deviation
sponses rather than the single criterion em- from normality and/or a large error factor
ployed in the binary task. The results gen- that may be correlated with the criterion of
erated by the use of these N — 1 criteria are the subject. Any criterion-correlated error
plotted as N — 1 points (%, ys), where ; = 1, factor will distort the form of the normalized
2, . . . , N — 1, and where x} and ys are receiver-operating-characteristic curve. How-

ever, an equally important concern is that the unequal-variance Gaussian model, dis-
any large error factor might mask an actual cussed in the next section, and the nonpara-
deviation from linearity. Such error factors metric model, discussed in the section entitled
may be due to a number of different prob- "Nonparametric Model," may be more desir-
lems, including a high degree of criterion able than those derived from the equal-vari-
variability and/or an insufficient number of ance model since fewer restrictive assumptions
trials employed in the experiment (see sec- are involved.
tion entitled "Number of Trials"). If the
error factor is large, or is suspected of being General Gaussian Case
large, the interpretation of the results should
If the equal-variance assumption is vio-
reflect this fact.
lated, d' and /? will be correlated to a degree
The linear function best describing the
that is related to the deviation from equality
data, expressed as standard normal deviates,
of variance. The general Gaussian (or un-
should be estimated by standard curve-fitting
equal-variance Gaussian) model is applicable
operations.6 If the data are adequately de-
when the Gaussian assumption is justified, in-
scribed by a linear function, the Gaussian
dependent of the relative magnitude of the
assumption is supported. It should be noted,
variances. Application of the general Gaussian
however, that this use of cumulative rating
model requires knowledge of the slope, a, of
data to generate the receiver-operating-char-
the normalized receiver-operating-character-
acteristic curve provides data points that are
istic curve (Equation 4) which may be esti-
not independent and, at a minimum, imposes
a monotonic relationship between successive mated with the rating procedure (see section
entitled "Rating Procedure"). The basic goal
data points.
of the general Gaussian model is to develop
If the Gaussian assumption is not rejected,
a statistic that describes sensitivity, is inde-
the equal-variance assumption is tested with
pendent of the subject's criterion, and reflects
the slope, a, of the normalized receiver-
the average spread or variance of the two
operating-characteristic curve (Equation 4).
distributions. Several statistics use the fact
If the slope is approximately equal to 1.0, the
that when ft = 1.0, ft is equidistant from the
equal-variance assumption is not rejected and
two distribution means in terms of standard
the equal-variance Gaussian model may be
normal deviates (z scores) for each of the
legitimately employed with d' and ft as pa-
given distributions. At J3 = 1.0, the "hit rate"
rameters. While the values of d' estimated
from the N — 1 criteria are not totally inde- for the two classes of events [P(response i\
event i)] are equal. Thus d' computed at
pendent estimates, the mean or median value
y8 = 1.0, the minimum total error criterion
of d' may be employed as the estimate of ob-
(given equal probability of presentation for
server sensitivity. The measures derived for
the two classes of events), will be based on
the average standard deviation with equal
Many researchers (e.g., Swets et al., 1961) have weighting given to the two distributions. This
used simple visual fits to determine the "best-fit-
ting" straight line. This crude method is probably minimum error criterion is the negative diago-
sufficient for most proposed uses of the function. nal (y' = — x') of the receiver-operating-
Conventional least squares curve-fitting procedures characteristic space (see Figure 1). The co-
are theoretically inappropriate because both variables ordinates (x'm, y'm) of the intersection of
are dependent variables and subject to error. For
rough approximations, this problem is of minor the estimated receiver-operating-characteristic
importance since the error introduced is likely to be curve (Equation 4) and the negative diagonal
small relative to the noise in the data. However, for define the value of d' for this minimum error
researchers interested in precise estimates of the criterion. The value of d' for this point is
parameters of receiver-operating-characteristic curves equal to the distance along the negative diag-
and in a test for goodness-of-fit of the theoretical
model, maximum-likelihood estimators giving exact onal from the positive diagonal (chance line)
fits have been developed by Ogilvie and Creelman scaled in terms of the difference between the
(1968). coordinates (y'm — x'm), and is called d's

(Clarke, Birdsall, & Tanner, 1959). This value tions. Since it is unlikely that, in a particular
of d' (d's) is the distance between the dis- situation, data that are sufficiently deviant to
tribution means scaled in terms of the aver- lead to rejection of the Gaussian model would
age of the standard deviations for the two be sufficiently regular to support an alterna-
distributions. tive model, a nonparametric model of signal
With knowledge of the slope, a, of the nor- detection theory whose measures are indepen-
malized receiver-operating-characteristic func- dent of the exact nature of the underlying
tion, one can compute d's from a single data density function would be of general utility.
point (x'k, y'k) by the formula Green (1964) proposed the use of the
area under the receiver-operating-characteristic
'd'. = 2(y'k -ax' * a). [5] curve, Ag, as a measure of observer sensitiv-
ity. Assuming only that the subject bases his
Other measures of sensitivity that may be
decision on two continuous probability den-
derived for the general Gaussian model in-
sity functions that are identical under the
clude d'e, which equals the square of d's
various experimental procedures, this measure
(Egan, 1958; Egan & Clarke, 1966) and Am,
can be shown to be identical to the expected
the x intercept of the normalized receiver-
operating-characteristic curve (Green & Swets, percentage correct in a two-alternative forced
choice experiment (Green & Moses, 1966).
1966). Since this relationship is independent of the
Whenever d' or d's is computed from repli- form of the underlying probability density
cated sets of binary decisions, the various functions, it may be employed with no prior
estimates of sensitivity for a given subject assumptions concerning the shape of these
should be examined for any relationship be- density functions. This area measure of sensi-
tween the sensitivity measure and the prob- tivity may be employed for both rating data
ability of a false alarm, P( Response l| Event (Pollack, Norman, & Galanter, 1964) and
2). Any such relationship indicates a devia- single data points (Pollack & Norman, 1964).
tion from the assumed slope of the receiver- The derivation of the area measure and
operating-characteristic curve. This simple the corresponding nonparametric measure of
check should be followed whenever repeated criterion is based on the unit square (see
estimates of sensitivity are obtained for each Grier, 1971). This square has as its abscissa
subject, whether or not the variances are and ordinate, xt and yi, as denned in Equa-
assumed to be equal. tion 3. When only a single point relating xt
and yi is available, the area under the curve
Nonparametric Model joining the points (0,0) to (x,y) to (1,1) is
determined. This area, Ag, is then taken to be
The Gaussian models of signal detection the index of observer sensitivity; Ag is the
theory are members of a class of models in average of the maximum and minimum
which the parameters describing the ability possible areas under the receiver-operating-
of the subject to perform the given task and characteristic curve and is given by the fol-
the subject's decision rule are dependent on lowing formula:
the assumption of certain specific underlying
density functions. Other parametric models of ^,=.5+(y-*)(l+y-*)/4y(l-*). ,[6]
signal detection theory based on different as-
sumed density functions (e.g., negative expo- The Ag measure has also been extended to
nential, rectangular, Raleigh, and Rice) can cases where more complete receiving-oper-
be derived (Green & Swets, 1966; Pollack & ating-characteristic curves are available (Pol-
Hsieh, 1969), but such models have not been lack, Norman, & Galanter, 1964) for exam-
fully developed for general use and, in any ple, when data have been obtained through
case, would be of questionable utility since the rating procedure (see previous section en-
the user must be able to justify the assump- titled "Rating Procedure"). In this case the
tion of the given underlying density func- area under the curve Ag, can be estimated by

the formula: actually affecting the true discriminability of

the two classes of events. Obviously, any
experimental manipulation that affects cri-
A. = (1/2) Z (*y+i - *y) (yi+1 + yy), [7] terion variability will alter the estimate of d'.
Safeguards against criterion variability in-
where Xj and y^ are defined by Equation 3. clude the use of trained subjects, strict
Pollack and Hsieh (1969) have used Monte instructions to the subjects about maintaining
Carlo methods to sample from various den- a stable criterion, and strict definitions of the
sity functions in order to investigate the subject's response classes. Since the subject's
sampling distributions of Ag and d'e (dis- criterion is partially determined by the expec-
cussed in a previous section entitled "General tation of the probability of presentation of
Gaussian Case"). They determined that when the two classes of events, the subject should
the normality assumptions of signal detection be made aware of the absence of sequential
theory are satisfied, d'e and a Gaussian trans- dependencies across trials.
form of Ag, N(Ag),w& related by the formula While it may be reasonable to assume that
the criterion employed by a single subject
N(Ag) = [.707 - .2341og2 [8] during any measurement session (block of

They found that the empirically determined trials) is stable, it is less reasonable to assume
values of N(Ag) tended to overestimate the that the subject will employ the same cri-
values of d'e by l%-6%. terion across sessions, or even across separate
Hodos (1970) developed a nonparametric blocks of trials within a session. Therefore,
measure of criterion or bias. This measure only the data for a single block of trials
was based on the fact that the negative diag- should be used to estimate a value of d'. The
onal of the unit square represents the locus estimates of d' from the various blocks of
of points where the subject would be equally trials may then be averaged.
likely to respond "i" or "j" given ambiguous
stimulus conditions. The measure reflects the Malingering
degree to which a data point deviates from The positive diagonal of the receiver-oper-
the negative diagonal relative to the maxi- ating-characteristic space (x' = y') defines
mum possible deviation. A computational chance performance. Under the equal-variance
formula for the nonparametric measure of Gaussian model, the receiver-operating-char-
criterion, ft', based on the Hodos measure, acteristic curve that corresponds to the posi-
has been developed by Grier (1971). The tive diagonal is generated under the condition
formula is: of exact equality for the two density functions.
Data points below this chance line can be
(? = 1 - *,-(! - *,)/?,-(! - *), [9]
generated only by (a) measurement error or
where Xi and yt are defined in Equation 3. (b) the subject performing the discrimination
and then emitting a response that is incon-
Criterion Stability sistent with the computed decision statistic
[A'(y)l- If a subject consistently produces
If the criterion adopted by the subject is data that fall below the chance line, there is
not stable during any given session, the vari- justification to assume that the subject can
ability of the criterion will affect the results. perform the discrimination, but is malingering.
The presence of criterion variability cannot
be detected easily, and will have the same
Number of Trials
effect on the results as an increase in the
variance of both likelihood density functions. In applying signal detection theory, the ex-
Criterion variability therefore decreases the perimenter is assuming that there are two
estimate of d' by an amount that is related fixed internal probability density functions,
to the size of the criterion variance without and the subject has established a fixed cri-

terion along the dimension (decision axis) on tional example from memory work is pre-
which these functions lie. The purpose of the sented in some detail to provide a worked
experiment is to estimate the area [P (re- example for persons unfamiliar with the com-
sponse "i"\event j)] in the tail of each of the putational procedures involved in a signal
two distributions from the relative fre- detection theory analysis.
quencies of the responses. The expected
standard error in estimating the probablity Evaluating the Condition of Subjects or
[P("i"\j)] as a function of both tie sample Environment
size and the expected value of this probability
is p • q/s, where p is the expected value of the The ability of a subject to perform detec-
probability, q = 1 —p, and s is the sample tion, discrimination, or recognition tasks can
size. The expected error of estimation for d' be altered by a number of conditions includ-
can be obtained by applying a z transforma- ing the psychological or physiological condi-
tion to p — (p • q/s). Green and Moses tion of the subject (e.g., behavioral or organic
(1966) found that the actual error involved dysfunction), the existence of a drug state, or
in estimating this parameter is slightly larger the imposition of an external stimulus. In
than predicted by this assumption of binomial many cases, however, it is unclear whether
variability. Pollack and Hsieh (1969), in a the performance difference is due to changes
computer simulation, found that the error in the ability of the subject to perform the
variance in Ag was slightly smaller than pre- task or changes in the response tendencies of
dicted by the assumption of binomial vari- the subject. Signal detection theory may be
ability. Therefore, the expected binomial vari- used in a between-groups design to evaluate
ability would seem to reflect the magnitude the cause of the observed differences between
of error to be expected in a given measure. an altered and a control population. Simi-
Obviously, the use of only a small number of larly, signal detection theory could be used
trials for one or both of the event classes re- in a pretest-posttest design to investigate the
sults in a large expected error in estimates of locus of performance differences as a result
the parameters of the model. Furthermore, of pharmacological or surgical interventions.
reliable estimates of sensitivity require a large A somewhat less obvious potential applica-
number of trials when based upon extreme tion occurs in the area of motivation. If an
values of P("i"\j). experimenter discovers that rats initially ex-
hibit a preference for a given solution over
APPLICATIONS OF SIGNAL DETECTION THEORY water, but after two months of continuous
ad libium intake of the solution exhibit no
Since signal detection theory provides the differential preference, the experimenter does
researcher with a means of evaluating inde- not know whether the motivation of the tats
pendently both the ability of an organism to or their ability to discriminate between the
discriminate between classes of events and two solutions ;has been altered. However, by
motivational or other response effects, it can using the given solution and water as the
be a powerful research tool having applica- discriminative stimuli with either an appeti-
tion in a variety of different experimental tive or avoidance conditioning technique, the
settings. It is the purpose of this section to researcher could apply nonparametric mea-
outline some potential applications of signal sures of signal detection theory to the per-
detection theory in areas of psychology where formance data to evaluate the nature of this
this method has not been widely used. The change.
applications discussed include the evaluation
of (a) the state of the organism or environ-
Evaluating Response Factors
ment, (b) the relationship between stimuli
and potential or actual responses, and (c) the Performance in any given task is deter-
independence of "channels" for processing mined by two main classes of variables:
stimulus information. Finally, a more tradi- those -that affect the discriminability of

stimulus events or conditions and those that have statistical validity, the "average" re-
affect the motivational state and response sponse they extract may be typical of none
tendencies of the given subject. These two of the actual responses. Signal detection
classes of variables are completely analogous theory offers another statistical means of
to the sensitivity and criterion factors con- extracting a "characteristic response." As-
sidered by signal detection theory. Therefore, sume that in a study of multicellular activity
differences between response or motivational in a given nucleus, it is found that vibratory
effects may be evaluated by signal detection stimuli presented simultaneously with a light
theory analysis techniques. For example, the flash cause a characteristic "averaged" re-
responses of infrahuman subjects may be sponse that differs in certain aspects from
evaluated in terms of the "hit" and "false the response to only a light flash. An analy-
alarm" rates with nonparametric measures of sis of the individual trial data using an
signal detection theory applied to separate arbitrarily defined response can estimate a
the two classes of effects. In addition, if one complete outcome matrix (hit, false alarm,
is willing to assume that the magnitude of the etc.) for the given response from which a
response (e.g., galvanic skin response or signal detection theory measure of the ade-
reaction time) is directly (or inversely) pro- quacy of that "response" in distinguishing
portional to the likelihood ratio, one can gen- "stimulus-plus-noise" events from "noise-
erate a receiver-operating-characteristic curve only" events. Systematic modification of
and employ parametric measures of signal the definition of a "response" can then be
detection theory (cf. Pike, 1973). used to determine the response pattern that
An assumption with greater face validity best discriminates the stimulus from the
and some empirical support (Emmerich, noise. Thus, the averaging may have indi-
Gray, Watson, & Tanis, 1972) is that the cated the importance of a burst of respond-
magnitude of a response parameter reflects the ing 10 milliseconds after the stimulus, while
absolute value of the difference between the iterative signal detection theory tech-
the given likelihood ratio and the subject's nique may indicate the requirement of two
response criterion. Partitioning the data on distinct bursts that must begin between 7 and
the basis of a subject's binary (yes-no, etc.) 9 milliseconds, and must be separated by a
response, the strength or speed of a "yes" 2-millisecond lull in firing.
(or "signal") response may be assumed to be
monotonically related to the likelihood ratio, Evaluating Channel Independence
with "no" responses reflecting likelihood
ratios that are below those for "yes" re- Recently there has been considerable inter-
sponses and are an inverse monotonic func- est in the ability of subjects to process inde-
tion of the strength or speed of response. pendently the information presented to differ-
Once a receiver-operating-characteristic curve ent sensory or perceptual "channels." One
is generated, the assumptions for the para- factor contaminating much of the early work
metric measures (df, d's, etc.) can be tested, in this area is the change in the criterion of
and the appropriate measure employed. For the subject with changes in the requirements
an example of this type of analysis applied of the task. Eijkman and Vendrik (1965)
to response latency, see Murdock (1966). studied the independence of processing of
The use of modern data-acquisition and auditory and visual signals. Signal detection
analysis procedures have opened the area of theory measures of the detectability of the
the neural coding of stimuli to study. Many auditory and visual stimuli were estimated
analysis techniques (e.g., average evoked for a set of subjects in separate experiments.
potential, poststimulus time, and interpulse Then the same subjects were asked to per-
interval histograms) pool the data across form simultaneously the same independent
trials to extract statistically the average re- auditory and visual detection tasks with sepa-
sponse from the data. While these techniques rate sets of responses for each type of stimu-

lus; signal detection theory measures of sensi- that a second series of items would be pre-
tivity were computed for each of these two sented, each for a few seconds. They were
stimulus channels. A comparison of the signal told that some of the items had been pre-
detection theory measure under the simple sented previously and some had not, and were
and simultaneous condition provides an indi- given the following instructions:
cation of the degree of interaction between
When an item appears, look at it and decide
the two tasks, which may be evaluated in whether the item appeared in the first series. You
quantitative terms by methods developed by should record your decision on the answer sheet.
Taylor, Lindsay, and Forbes (1967). Because There are six categories you can respond with:
there is independence across stimuli and +H-+ if you are definite that you have seen the
across most stimulus-response categories in item before;
the response matrix, it is possible to calculate ++ if you believe that you have seen the item
a signal detection theory measure of sensitiv- before;
+ if you guess that you have seen the item
ity in one channel conditional on the simul- before;
taneous stimulus, response, or outcome event — if you guess that you have not seen the
in the other channel. With modern data- item before;
handling techniques, partitioning of the data if you believe that you have not seen the
item before;
in this manner has become a simple matter. if you are definite that you have not seen
Pastore and Sorkin (1972) examined the ef- the item before.
fects on sensitivity in a single sensory chan- For each stimulus you should respond with one and
nel as a function of the various possible only one of the above categories. For each item that
stimulus events and outcomes in the second appears, circle the appropriate symbol on the answer,
channel in a simultaneous two-channel detec- sheet as soon as you have made your decision. Try
tion paradigm. This technique of analysis has to use all six categories but only where appropri-
ate ... In summary, when the first item appears
also been successfully employed by Harvey look at it, decide whether the item appeared in the
and Treisman (1973) in a simultaneous task first series . . . Then wait for the next item to
and by Sorkin, Pohlmann, and Gilliom (1973) appear [p. 317].
in a successive two-channel task.
AH instructions were read aloud to the sub-
jects, with the category definitions typed on
Evaluating Memory Processes a card given to the subject for reference
Lutz and Scheirer (1974) investigated during the experiment. A series of 120 test
differences in the processes involved in the stimuli were presented to the subject, 60 ;of
encoding of visually presented verbal and these test stimuli were randomly chosen from
pictorial stimuli. Each subject was presented the original 190 items. These "old" items
with a series of 190 stimulus items; each were randomly mixed with 60 "new" items
item was presented for either .25, .50, 1.00, that were not in the original set....
or 2.00 seconds with a fixed interstimulus The relative frequency of responding with
interval of either .25, 1.00, or 2.00 seconds. each of the six categories to each of the two
All conditions in the 4 X 3 X 2 (Presentation classes of events is shown in Table 1 for two
Interval X Interstimulus Interval X Stimulus of the subjects. These rating response data
Type)' factorial arrangement were presented were converted to cumulative response prob-
to independent groups of 12 subjects. abilities as described by Equation 3 and then
At the beginning of the session the sub- plotted as receiver-operating-characteristic
jects were told that a series of items would curves. Figure 1 is the normalized receiver-
appear on the screen in front of them. The operating-characteristic curve for the two sub-
subjects were instructed to "pay careful at- jects reported in Table 1. The upper and right
tention to each item . . ." since the subjects margins of the figure are delineated in
would "later. . . be given a test based on z-score units. The lower and left margins are
these items." Following the presentation of delineated in terms of probabilities. The
the 190 stimulus items, the subjects were told data points are labeled according to the limits


Subject response i P(j'lnew) P(»|old) SP(t|new) SP(»Iold)

1 + ++ .033 .533 .033 .533

++ .000 .050 .033 .583
+ .067 .117 .100 .700
— .067 .133 .167 .833
.200 .100 .367 .933
.633 .067 1.000 1.000
Total 1.000 1.000

2 + ++ .033 .517 .033 .517

++ .250 .200 .283 .717
+ .167 .050 .450 .767
— .183 .100 .633 .867
.234 .117 .867 .984
.133 .016 1.000 1.000
Total 1.000 1.000

»See section entitled "Rating Procedure.'

of summation indicated in Equation 3 and than d'. The negative diagonal (minimum
Table 1. The linear function describing error criterion) of the receiver-operating-
each set of data is plotted in Figure 1. characteristic space in Figure 1 is delineated
The data for the second subject appear in units of d's. The intersection of this diag-
to be curvilinear. Had the data for a onal with the linear regression lines for the
majority of the other subjects been curvi- obtained data yield d's estimates of 1.94 and
linear, the Gaussian assumption would have 1.14 for the two subjects. The corresponding
to be rejected. However, a small and approxi- values of the nonparametric area measure of
mately equal number of receiver-operating- sensitivity, Ae, computed with the use of
characteristic curves were curvilinear in each Equation 7, are .892 and .785. These are
direction, and most functions were linear estimates of the ability of the subjects to dis-
(e.g., see the curve for Subject 1 in Figure 1). criminate the two classes of events indepen-
Therefore, the Gaussian assumption was held dent of the criteria employed and any dif-
to be supported by the data and the few ferences in variability within the classes of
deviations from linearity were assumed to be events.
due to error. Using any positive (+, ++, + + + )
The linear functions for the two subjects response as a response indicating an "old"
plotted in Figure 1 have estimated slopes of stimulus and any negative response (—, — — ,
.91 and .85, respectively. While these slopes ) as a response indicating a "new"
do not differ substantially from the slope of stimulus, the probability of a correct response
unity required by the assumption of equal- was computed for each subject. A within-cell
variance Gaussian distributions, larger devia- product-moment correlation of .91 was ob-
tions were found for a number of subjects. tained between d's and the probability of being
Since acceptance of the equal-variance as- correct. This high correlation appears to be at
sumption is therefore tenuous and since the least partially due to the use of a strict set
rating procedure allows the use of the general of criterion categories. While this procedure
Gaussian model (see sections "Rating Proce- was intended to minimize within-subject vari-
dure" and "General Gaussian Case"), d'g was ability, it also appears to have caused most
used as the measure of discriminability rather subjects to adopt a set of criteria whose

-2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

0.99- 2.5




Y 0.50-


i........... Subj. 1 Y' = 0.91 X' +- 1.84

0.02- (X> Subj. 2 Y'= 0.85 X'-i-UO _L _ 2 0

0.01- i i i i—r -2.5

0.01 0.02 0.10 0.30 0.50 0.70 0.90 0.98 0.99

FIGURE 1. Normalized receiver-operating-characteristic for two subjects,

which is the probability of a "hit" [y = P(response i| stimulus »)1 plotted as
a function of the probability of a "false alarm" lx = P(response z|stimulus
;), Z96;'] in terms of z scores. (The right and upper edges of the figure are
delineated in terms of z scores lx', y ' ] , while the left and lower edges are
delineated in terms of the equivalent probabilities lx, y\. The procedures used
to generate the receiver-operating-characteristic curve are described in the
last part of this article. Units of d's are delineated along the negative diagonal
and are explained in the section entitled "General Gaussian Case.")

centroid was consistent. This improved the signal detection theory have been generalized
validity of the probability-of-correct response to multicomponent recognition tasks (Pastore
measure by limiting the criterion variability & Sorkin, 1971; Tanner, 1956), and to a
between subjects. broad spectrum of research applications in
modern psychology (i.e., Swets, 1973). In
FINAL CONSIDERATIONS addition, statistical tests for various signal
While this article is intended to provide the detection theory parameters have been devel-
reader with an overview of the general theory oped (i.e., Gourevitch & Galanter, 1967;
and requisite procedures to use signal detec- Ogilvie & Creelman, 1968). Critiques of signal
tion theory, it is recommended that this detection theory may be found in Luce
article also be used as a guide to reading the (1963), and Abrahamson and Levitt (1969).
more detailed statements of signal detection
theory, most of which deal only superficially REFERENCES
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