Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 Tập 1

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CONTENTS, LOINGI DAU Tiéng Anh 9, Tap Mét dugc Nha xudt bin Gide duc Vit Nam 16 chic bién soan theo Chuang trinh Gito duc phd thong mén Tiéng Anh thi diémcSp Trung hoc cosddo BO Gido duc vada tao ban hanh thea Quyet dinh s6.01/Q0-BGDOT ngay 03 thang 01 nam 2012, tiép theo Tigng Anh 8. Sach duvc bién sogn thea dung hudng giao tgp, gilip hoc sinh st dung nai lieu (ngd am, tu vung, mgd phdp) dé phat trién nang luc giao tiép bang tiéng Anh théng qua bén ki nang nghe, ni, doc va vier, trong dé, uu tin phat trign hai ki nang nghe va ndi, Trong Tiéng Anh 9, Tép Mét vic hor la trung tim, hoc sinh la chi thé ciia qua trinh day hor, trong dé tim I lire tudi cla hoc sinh Trung hoc co's, cic dic diém van hda cia Vigt Nam wa cilia cdc nube trén thé gid, dic biét la cla céc nude ndi tiéng Anh, duoc dc biét coi trong. Tiéng Anh 9, Tap Mét duse bién sean xoay quanh hai chd diém (Theme) e8n gdl val hoc sinh: Our Communities va Our Heritage, M&i chO diém duge chia thanh ba don vi bal hoe (Unit) trong tng vai ba chi dé (Topic) etla Chuang tinh, Sau mai chd dig 1a mot bal On (Review) tip trung vao klén thie ngén ng va ki nding ngén ngit hoe sinh da due hoc v8 rén luyén, Tiéng Anh 9, Tap Mét dugc bién soan trén co sé nhiing kinh nghiém thuc tién aila vige day tiéng Anh Trung hoc co sé Viet Nam wot sy hgp tae chat ché vé chuyén mén wa KI thugt cua T)p dodn Xusit bin Gide due Pearson. Chic tie gid rit mong nhin duge nhéing ¥ kién déng gép cba cic nha gida, hoc sinh, phy huynh hoe sinh va déng dao ban doc quan tam dé sich dugc hodn thién hon, Cae tec gid Ee Unit 1: Reading for general and - Discussing local - Listening for specific specific information traditional crafts, their information about Local abouta traditional craft benefits.and challenges places af interestin ‘environment eae _— Unit ~ Reading for specific ~ Talking about important Listening for specific 2 information about the features of a city information about City life features of cities some problems of city life Unit 3: Reading for general and -Talking about teen stress - Listening for specific informatian and pressure.and howto general and specific Teen stress and © b0utahelplineservice cope with them information about for teens in Viet Nam the work of an advice pressure columnist ~ Reading for specific - Making comments en fps information about (of expressing opinions information eres ikon pasireesin about facts in the past ei par Unit 5: ~ Reading for specific ~Talking about man-made - Listening for specific information about a wanders of Viet Nem information about, Wonders af man-made wonder ef -andhewtapretect and a natural wonder of VietNam preserve thern VietNam Viet Nam Unit 6: - noise > bod weather + high cost of living > crime ~ waffie jarns ~ overcrowding - (2 ster and write the missing word in each mp 1. “Some have problems with pollution, ccrime, or bad weather ~ here we have trafic Janes 2. Before going to the __, she has te take her children ta school. 3. Inthe evening the 4. Naw $0 mary people have a car, and there: aren'tenough ln the ety. iseven worse, 43 "Listen again and choose the correct answer. 4. Whatis the mast serious problem in Banghak? A.Pollution &.Bad weather ©. Traffic jams 2. Haw does Suzanne go to work? ABycar — BBy Skytrain C.Bymeta 3. How long does it take Suzanne to go to work every day? ATwehours 6. Fivehours C.Half an hour 4, Inthe evening the waffic s__. Abetter 8. worse ©. the same 5. Why is traffic so bad in Banghak? A People mave around by boat, 8 There aren't enough roads. C There isn'ta Skytrain or metro, accidents te happen every day, Secondly, air pollution negatively affects peopie’s health, and it also has a bad influence on the environment. Mere and more city dwellers suffer from coughing or breathing problems. Thirdly, the city is noisy, even at night. Noise pollution comes from the traffic and from constuction sites, Buildings are always being knocked down and rebuilt. These factors contribute to making ity life more difficult forits residents, Topic sentence fe mn = 6 ete 5 Choose one item fram the listin T.makean ‘outline, and then write a paragraph an ane of the topics. Writing thp Remembe: te organise your ideas to make your poragraph clearer: Firstly. -in conclusion ... ‘To-canclude ... Une 2/ Ory Life 23: Vocabulary ‘1 Complete the word webs with nouns and adjectives connected with the city. ities, So 2 Put one word from the box ineach gap, 24 Linn 2/ Coy Lie Grammar 3 Complete each sentence with the word given, using comparison. Include any ather necessary words. The last exhibition was not thisone, INTERESTING 2. This city is developing inthe region. sy 3. Let's take this road. Itis way the city, a 4. Leas disappointed as the film was shan Uhad expected, ENTERTAINING 5. You're not a safe driver! You should drive: @ Complete each space with a phrasal verb from the list. Change the form of the verb if recassary. cheer up ( getover mbes = SSE wm down goon 1, She ___ his invitation to the party and now he's really upset, 2, What's___in the street over there? Open the dort 3, Lots of fruit and vegetables wall help you your cald, 4. My brother was. with a trip to the zoe, 5. The toad was jammed, so we had to and find an alternative routa, 6 Uhave about a fabulous place where we can go far a picnic this weekend. 5 Rewrite each sentence so that it has a similar meaning and contains the word in capitals. Don't leave the lights on when you leave the classrocm, OFF 2. Mal spent her childhood in a small tawn in the south, 3. Kathy checked the restaurant on het mobile phone, 4. My grandmother has recovered from ‘cor her operation. 5. We are really expecting to see you 2oain vith pleasure “too CAREFULLY Communication (6 Work in two teams. The first team gives the name of a city er town in Viet Nam. The other team says any man-made or nature attractions that it is famous for, Then switch. The team with the most items wins. 1 Put the items in these scrambled notices in the correct order, starting with the heading in capitals, Where are you most likely ta find these notices? ero Pete arog Se ed abbreviations. If the meaning i 2n also OM pronouns and, in certain eee eee] ee Finished! Now I can... vod lie satvantagesiratuacks of ye Lt = woe he eal inemsveaied i ie ier ia whidh sans testes rosounsin semen and sy thee -omntences omrectly > st adjcins, and compar of _acjectves and adverts comet ast comron phrasal verbs comecty and -apprepritly = reiefrsgectfcinforation about abe Peatures of cities = telkabeut importer feanues uf ary » iste especie prlemscf ch ite = write parageaph abort the 2 Delete the words which are unnecessary in these notices, and make change(s) where £ a appropriate, & In 20 = 30 words, write a notice for one of the following situations. 1, You are onganising a seminar for teenage girls about city life, Write 2 notice to put on the soticeboard, giving some details about time, place, and content of the seminar. 2, You are @ travel agent, You are organising » one-day ‘trip around your city/town for foreigners, Write 2 notice to put at the travel agency. Une 2/ Cry Lite a5 cameos L_ THIS UNIT INCLUDES: (GETTING}STARTED) pea “She's been a bit tense lately...” (TD iisten and reed, Amelie: Phuc: ie: Phuc: Amelie: Phuc: Amelie: Hi Phuc! Where's Mai? Isnt she coming? She said she was toa tited and didn’t want to go aut, She's Been staying up late studying fer the exam Does she need to be that stressed out? Maybe not. But my parents always expect her ta get goad grades and ste doesn’t want to disappoint them. They want her to go ta a top college and study medicine: Really? She tald me she wanted to be a designer ‘Yes, that’s why she's been a bit tense lately, She doesnt know what to do. My parents said design graduates ‘wouldn't find jobs easily and they wanted her to geta medical degree. Oh, f understand. Sametimes | wish my parents could put themselves in my: shoes... Changes in adolescence PRONUNCIATION Stress on the verb be in sentences : revi Reported speech: review: Question words before te-infiritive SKILLS + Reading for: neral and specific information eet c helpline service fr teens in Wet Nar . Talking about teen stress and pressure and + Writing a short note to ask for advice and to give advice COMMUNICATION Discussing necessary life skills far teens Nick: Anyway, Mai needs to take a break, Il call and ask her if she wants ta go and see a film with us tomorrove Phuct Oh, | doulbt it. She’ already fully booked for the weekend with her maths dass, Envglish class, juclo class, anc rruasic lesson Find the OPPOSITE of the follawing wards in the conversatio to.go to bed eorly tobe relssed bad exam results to make someone happy to werk continuously to have no plans Choose the best answer, Why is Mai not playing badminton with Phuc, Mick, and Amelie? A She daesn’t like playing badminton, 8. Shes late, ©. She wants to stay at hame. 2. Why's Mai working very hard for the exam? A She failed the last exam. 6. She wants her parents to be proud at hes, C. She wants to compete with her classmates, 3. How is Mai feeling naw? A Confident and tired 5, Tense and disappointed . Tired and stressed 4. What do Mais parents want her to be? A. Amedical doctor 8, Adesigner ©. Amusician 5. What does Mai want te be? A. Amedicaldactor 5, Adesigner C, Amusician: 1. What are Phuc, Nick and Amalie trying to do? AL Understand Mars situation and help her feel better 8. Make Mal feel left out. © Find somebody else te replace Mai for the: badminton. ‘¢ What do you think Amelie means when she says, Sometimes / wish my parents eould put themselves inmy shoes? ee 2 Fill the gaps with the words in the box. In some cases more than ane word may be suitable, tense frustrated delighted confident, relaxed worried depressed alm stressed 1. Thu had been studying very hard for the exam, but she still felt Now that she has done well in the exam she is feeling much more, 2, My mother is 9 strong person, She stays even in the worst situations, 3. Linh is feeling a bit about her study. She's falled the exam once again! 4. I think taking a speech class. isa good ideaif youwantto be more __. 5. Emmas feeling so with her fashionable new hairstyle. 6. Phuc, Mick, and Amelie fee! They want to help Mal but don’t know what they can do fer hee, Many adjectives of emat eel Ce ee eet 3 Match the statements with the functions, giveadvice to somecne — enedurage someone empathise with someone assuresomaone 1. “Go anil know yau can da it! 2. ‘fl were you | would iget some sleep). 3. "You musthave been really disappointed.” 4 ‘Stay calm. Everything will ba alright 5. ‘lunderstand how you Feel” 6 ‘Well done! You did a really great job” 4 Howdo you feel today? Work in pairs. Tell your friend how you feel today and what has happened that made you feel that way. Your friend responds to you, using one statement from the bax in 3 Unit 3/ Teen Stress and Pressure 27 Vocabulary 'T Completa the paragraph with the words In the box, There is one word that you don't need, ‘Adolescence is the period between childhood and young adulthood. Your body will change ing) Your brain will grow and you'll hawe ienproved self-control and (2). Physical ‘changes are different for everyone, so you dort need to feel (3]_or frustrated! Youll experience emotional changes as well, You'll feel you want mare (4) and responsibility. You may become more (3) and rare about other peoples opinions, especially these of your friends. But rensernber youll need adult suppart and guidance to make (6]____ decisions and overcome stress. 2 Match the source af stress and pressure tothe: ‘expression, ———————, 28 Unt 3/ Teen Stress end Pressure 3 Which of the following can be done in the above situations? Discuss with your partner. (Mare than one solution can be sultable for one situation.) @ Have you ever been in any of those situations? 30, what did you do te deal with them? Pronunciation Stress on the verb be in sentences Listen again to what Amelie said in GETTING STARTED. Notice the way she pronounced the verb be in the sentence. “Hi Phuc! Where's Mai? Isn't she coming?’ PC i Ce ee ae ey ! statement or question. ed She was stressed, De try Cet een ee) ‘questions and atthe end of sentences. ed ery Sea See ed Say Cee ee) Cas (S¥usten ‘to the recording and practise saying the sentences. Pay attention to the way the verb be is pronounced. 1. -Where are you? You arent atthe bus stop. lam at the bur stop, but | cart ree you. «Are you busy right now? ~Yes, lam. Sarry, could you wait for a minute? 3. = 1s lonisin? - Na, she's out ee-skating, + But it's so cold! > This. But she’s got all her warm clathes on. 4. - Wesn'tBill disappointed abour the exam result? «He was. ut he was hiding it well Crook at the following sentences ond underline the verb forms of be which should be stressed, Then listen ta the recording ta check and practise, 1. -You arent worried about the exam? Good for you! = Lam worried! But | try not ta-showe it 2 - Da yau think jacks gad at Japanese? Hels. But he'sa bit shy to speak it - Isat eceninton he favourite sport? Yes, itis, 4, - Who's he? 5. ~ Sorry - were late! + Actually, you arent, We haven't started yet 6 «Is she happy at thenew school? ~ Yes, she is. She likes it alot. AG@eSRMERA [ Reported speech: review 1 Read the conversation in GETTING STARTED again, Underline the reported speech. Then rewrite in diteet speech what Mai said te het brother Phuc and to her parents. | Mai: ‘Tim tac tired and ‘Mok Vwant___ ‘Mats parents; ‘Gesign _ 2 Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech, “We will visit you this week,’ my parents told ene, 2. Dur teacher asked us, ‘What are you mast worried about?’ 3. ‘thn so delighted. Ive just recelved a surprise birthday present from my sister,’ Phuong tald me. 4. ‘Kate can keep calm even when she has lots of pressure,’ Tor saiel 5. ‘1 got a very high score in my last test, Mum, she said, 6. "Do you sleep at least eight hours a day? the doctor asked him. Question words before to-infinitives: We can use question words who, what, where, when, how before a to-infinisive tc express a situation that itis difficult.or uncertain. Exarrptes We dantt now who we should contact. —+ We don't know wha fa contact ‘Look Pou The question ward why cannot be Sed We often use the verbs ask, wonder, (not) be sure, have no idea, (nat) know, (not) decide, (mot) teil before the question woed + fo-nfinitive, Evanipic: have ne idea where to get this Information, Unit 3 Taen Stress and Pressure 28 3 Rowrite the sentences using question words ‘+ to-infinitives. 1. Tidso't know what | should vroar! 2 Could you tell me where | should sign my name? 3. Thavena idea when we should leave For the bus, 4 Were not sure where we should hang the painting. 5. He wondered haw he could tell this news to his parents, 6. Thay can’t decide who should go first, Reported questions with question words before to-infinitives, de Pe ead ee mtu ae ne wondered whether to tell her parents Se Laat 30 Lint 3/ Teen Stress end Pressure 4 Rewrite the follawing questions in reported speech, using question words to-infinitives, before 1. "How should we use this support service? they ‘wondered, 2. ‘Who shauld I tun ta for help?’ he asked. 3. "Mur, when should | turnoff the oven?! Mai asec! her mother. 4 ‘Where should wo park our bikes?’ asked Phong and Minh, 5. ‘Should we call her now! he asked. 6. ‘What shoulel we de to make Lind fee! happier?" they wondered, 5 GAME SOMETHING ABOUT OUR TEACHER. Decide as a whole class five questions you want to ask about the teacher. Then the class divides into two groups: one group stays inside the class and the other goes outside, The teacher will tell each group the answers to the questions, The class gets together again and in pairs you must report on what the teacher has told you. De you howe a. pet’? Lire cy LU borer Our teacher said she hada dog called ‘To Be’ at home. A i No, aur teacher said she ha & et eal “ToBe athone, J Extra vocabulary cognitive emotions ‘concentrate self-discipline resolve conflict risk taking fe skills for teens T Read about the necessary life skills tor teenagers in the United States. Match the skills to thelr eategory. 1, Social skills ) Pr pk - % Cognitive skills % a * cacao ta organisational sidlls Hi t © concentrate and be . sef-disciplined it develop healthy habits * know how to act and where to get help in emergencies Understand the boundaries of SS _rsketaking @ Look at the list of life skills for teens that your class has developed. 3 Ingroups, work outa similar listof skills that Which skills do you already have? Vietnamese teens should have today. Add of remove categories and skills as you wish and remember to support your decisions with examples and explanations, Present your list along with other groups and make a common list forthe whole class, Which skills do you need to develop? Share what you think with a partne Unit S/° Teen Stress and Preseure 31

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