Ce 301 - Prelimexam - Cruz Laus Lugares Ocampo Pineda

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The Patriotism of Macario and Gayudan

Cruz, Allen Andrei

Laus, Wynona
Lugares, Karl Vincent Emil
Ocampo, Justin Laurence
Pineda, Aian Jermie

CE – 301 // 4443

The acts of bravery and heroism can never be measured with the same standards

as it takes on many forms. It can be manifested using our physical strength as we use

our body and abilities to defend a person, principle, or a nation. The knowledge and

wisdom of a person can also be a weapon to fight the hindrances that challenges the

power of nationalism. It is a trait that empowers not just oneself, but also encourage others

to stand firm and embody their principle. Everyone can be brave enough to fight for what

they believe, but not all can be a hero and be honored for what they did.

Philippines is a country of various of culture. There are a vast of traditions that it

reserved and that gives the country its unique identity among all, all over the world. The

country is known for its nationalism as it overcame the threat of losing its own land to the

foreigners years ago. With the courage of certain Filipinos that led the revolution, freedom

was attained, and freedom was achieved. The Filipino heroes’ memories deserve to be

honored but unfortunately, some of them were forgotten. Their sacrifice must not be

ignored but remembered.

Macario Sakay was a Filipino general that fought both for the Spanish and

American war. Born and raise in Tondo, Manila, he was a close confidant of Andres

Bonifacio. He was one of the early members of the Katipunan. Using his skill as an actor,

he recruits for the Katipunan and distributed revolutionary paraphernalia in the hopes that

more Filipinos will join the movement. he continued to fight for the Philippine during war

against the United States of America. He was one of the founders of the Nacionalista

Party that strives for independence through peaceful and legal means. He established his

own government called the Republika ng Katagalugan which opposes to the USA colonial
rule. On September 13,1907, Sakay and his troop were hanged due to the Bandolerism

act that proclaims all captured resistance fighters to be tied in court as bandits, ladrones,

and robbers.

Almost six decades had passed since the Philippines fought for its freedom against

the Marcos Administration. Lumbaya Aliga Gayudan, know as Ama Lumbaya was a

Butbut tribal leader from the Cordillera region. He fought against the Chico Dam River

Project. The project will obliterate villages, burial grounds and ricefields causing the tribes

to resist. Lumbaya along with the other leaders continue to oppose the projevt and even

refuse the bribes offered to him. The administration responded by launching militarization

campaigns to arrest the leaders and tribe members and were released months later. He

became a target of the military and decided to join the New People’s Army where he

continues to oppose the project to protect his land and people. He died in 1984 due to


Sacrificing their lives for their principle to protect the land and people is the true

identity of their heroism. By putting the country first instead of their own safety is the

strongest indication that they may not be well known, but they are true heroes.

Statement of the Problem

The freedom of the Philippines is attained through the acts of heroism and bravery

of Filipino heroes. The country has defended its own land through the years for other

nation and from its own people as well. It is right and just to honor not only the well-known
heroes but also the forgotten individual that fought for the country’s freedom. Macario

sakay and Ama Lumbaya were two of the unsung heroes that deserved to be honored as

they gave their life in fighting for the country.

This research aims to answer the following questions:

1. On what matters does the heroism of Macario Sakay and Ama Lumbaya the

same? Different?

2. How do their acts of heroism contribute to the attainment of freedom in the


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the related literature and studies after thorough and in-depth

search done by the researchers. This will also present the synthesis of the art, theoretical

and conceptual framework to fully understand the research to be done and lastly the

definition of terms for better comprehension of the study.

Related Literature

The Philippine-American War started because of the Treaty of Paris wherein the

Spain sells the Philippines to the United States for $ 20 million during the 1898. Since the

American colonization of the Philippines for decades Filipinos allowed themselves to be

brainwashed by the American victors. Through the 1902 Bandolero Act, patriotic Filipinos

struggles for independence and were branded as Ladrone, Tulisan, Bandolero, Brigand,
Bandit, Outlaw or Criminal. General Macario Leon Sakay was born on Tabora St. in

Tondo Manila in 1870 and he would be regarded as the greatest outlaw of them all. He

joined the Katipunan with Emilio Jacinto in year 1894 and was believed to have helped in

operating the Kalayaan newspaper.

Macario Sakay attempted to form his own Republic otherwise known as “Republika

ng Katagalugan” and it was regarded as return and resurrection of Bonifacio’s old

Katipunan. The U.S. Government once again didn’t recognize Macario Sakay’s

government and thus, he was declared an outlaw under the Bandolerism Act. The

American governor general promised amnesty for Macario Sakay and his men in

exchange for surrender. In the end, Macario Sakay was one of last remaining Filipino

generals to surrender on July 14, 1906.

During September 21, 1972, Former President Ferdinand Marcos signed Proclamation

1081 or the declaration of martial law. It includes transfer of all power to president, military

arrests of individuals suspected of conspiracy of taking over the government, curfews,

and prohibition of group assemblies. Marcos’s martial law imprisoned 70,000 tortured

34,000, and killed 3,240 according to Amnesty International. With this law, the freedom

was lost once again. Lumbaya Aliga Gayudan and communities in the Mountain Province

and the Kalinga confronted a bigger challenge in the year 1970s when the Marcos regime

unveiled the Dam Project in Chico River. He launched a campaign to prevent teams from

the National Power Corporation from conducting surveys on their land. He became a

target of bribes and then threats. They were arrested and brought to the army’s

headquarters. He remained active in the campaign against the dam project and died in


This part of the study tackles the method of the researchers used in development of the

study. It presents the data gathered and the procedures that the researchers used in the study.

In data gathering, the researchers approach the study with the historical method, which

consist of gathering information from primary and secondary sources. With this method the

researchers will be able to analyze and interpret data comfortable enough for a better outcome.

Through this approach, the researchers determine the comparison between Gayudan,

Lumabaya Aliga and Sakay, Macario. The researchers gathered reference online and they are

classified as follows:

• Articles

• Journals

• Books

• Interviews

• News Report

• Government Publications

The procedure of data gathering of historical method which used in this study are below:

1. In order to start a study, first is to choose a specific topic.

2. Find reliable sources, in this case it can be either primary or secondary source

which dependable enough for research.

3. Assess the chosen sources, evaluating each source to ensure the contents of the

research because this will support the research itself.

4. Proceed on writing the study, which is done in order.

With data gathering tools and procedures, the researchers can identify and interpret the

comparison and contribution of Gayudan, Lumabaya Aliga and Sakay, Macario. The recognition

of the two untold Filipino heroes can now be identified. This will distinguish the difference

between the two Filipino heroes. With this the researchers will be able to fulfill the objectives of

the study.

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Anonymous (2017), Gayudan, Lumbaya Aliga “Ama Lumbaya”. Bantayog. Retrieved

from: http://www.bantayog.org/gayudan-lumbaya-aliga-ama-lumbaya/

Anonymous (2020), Police wants monument of Macliing Dulag, Pedro Dungoc,

Lumbaya Gayudan and other heroes and martyrs of the Anti-Chico Dams Struggle
DEMOLISHED. Cordillera People Alliance. Retrieved from:

Holm, E. (2013), The Philippine-American War (1899-1902): Compassion or Conquest?

Retrieved from:

Jimenez, Jose B. (2019), Macario Sakay and misinformation. The Manila Times.
Retrieved from: https://www.manilatimes.net/2019/07/04/opinion/columnists/macario-

Pangilinan, F & Pimentel, A (2009), A Resolution Expressing The Sense Of Thesenate

Honoring The Sacrifice Ofmacario Saka Y And All Other Filipinos Who Gave Up Their
Lives In The Philippine-American War For Our Freedom. Retrieved from:

Veyra, L. (2017), All you really need to know about Martial Law. Hayag Dakila Tabloid.
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