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The first cry of revolution plays a big role on where we are today, apparently there

is no concrete evidence to prove the exact date on when and where it happened.

Eyewitnesses gave different date and location it maybe a cause of stress and anxiety

about the war that is about to happen. The one common thing about their statements is

that it happened around August of 1896 somewhere in Balintawak. Where in they tore

their cedulas which is the start of the revolution against Spaniards. The freedom we enjoy

today came from the sacrifices of the revolution in the past.

The cedula during the Spanish colonial period was use as an identification card

and as a residence tax certificate that had to be carried all the time, a person failed to

present his or her cedula could be arrested and imprisoned by Guardia Civil. It is also a

reminder of Spain’s tyranny against Filipinos who were called “Indios”. It is a piece of

paper that symbolizes the Spaniards’ oppression and tearing them means the start of our

fight for freedom and independence. Katpuneros tore their cedulas, signifying their protest

against the Spaniards. The start of the Philippine revolution against Spain. It is important

that we stand on what we believe in, we just have to start somewhere.

How surprising that there are different versions about the date and place for the

first cry of revolution. This controversy up to this time remains unsolved, but on the other

hand there is no controversy about the act of courage of Bonifacio and the Katipuneros

and the significance of their act. They tore their cedula as expression of defiance against

Spanish rule. Reflecting on this act today, we see the bravery of Filipinos who fought

against a foreign enemy with superior arms.

We face different kinds of battle everyday we must just find the purpose and reason

to continue fighting and face the conflicts ahead of us. Just like what Bonifacio and the

Katipunan did. However, you must be able to recognize when to accept what is about to


Today, we no longer have an oppressive foreign ruler depriving us of dignity. We

no longer struggle that we need to wage in order to secure our independence. The

battlefield has changed but the heroism required remains the same.

Cry for freedom (Luci-Atienza, 2019),

The Cry for a Nationwide Revolution (Guerrero et al., 2003), http://gwhs-

1st Cry of Balitawak (Samonte, 2018),

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