BLD & Construction Seminar

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(For industry management, project staff, technical staff and others concerned)

One Day Interactive Seminar /training programme on:

“ Employment (Labour) Laws for Building and Construction Industry”

Date: Venue: Time:

An Introduction:

For the last couple of years Construction Industry has witnessed fast track growth both in the Public
as well as Private sector in the country, more so in vast developing cities. Labour law compliance
and statutory observance in terms of social security legislations play an important role in smooth
completion of any project and is also on the main agenda in any Building and Construction activity.
A plethora of labour laws are regulated in this industry and the latest addition been the Building and
Other Construction Workers Act, a central legislation, which is now being implemented by the state


As one of the key sectors of growth and employment generation, the industry is still not completely
equipped with a systemised compliance both under labour laws as well as social security legislations,
which is now an emerging law in the country, to protect the safety and minimum standards of the
large number of construction workers who are in the unorganised sector.

Many stakeholders in the industry now have come to realise the potential problems and
consequences of non-observance of statutory regulation. Further, construction industry is
compounded with various issues like Inter-State Migrant labour, Contract labour and also women
whose employment conditions are regulated and needs to be implemented in order to avoid legal
action by the authorities and in conformity with Corporate Governance. Multiple authorities and
multiple legal compliances need to be simplified so that issues are made simple and understandable
to the HR, Legal cell and other stake holders in these industries. It is with this intention the seminar
is structured and intends to deliver. The seminar also aims to provide a forum for the industry
leaders to voice their concern and give suggestions, so that a consensus is reached to create
conducive environment for the growth and prosperity of Construction Industry, without any hassles
in the field of legal compliance.


1. The Building and other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of Service)
Act, 1996

2. Inter state Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979

3. Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Cess Act, 1996

4. The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970

5. Various benefits available by Construction Board.

Other Related Laws:

Minimum Wages Act, Workmen’s Compensation Act, Child Labour Act, Equal Remuneration Act,
Social Security legislations and Labour Welfare Fund.


1. Awareness about applicable laws for the Building and Construction Industry

2. Applicability of laws to the work undertaken by both Public/Central & State Projects and Private

3. Compliance Management tips

4. Records/documentations- Tips

5. Dos and Don’ts for employers of the industry

4. Inspections and Checklists for statutory compliance

Who can Participate/ For Whom:

Construction industry management personnel, HR Executives, Auditors, Builders and Promoters,

Administrative officers who are into Real Estate business, Construction Safety personnel,
Contractors, Site engineers responsible for labour law compliance, Executives concerned with man
management functions.


Presentation through lectures, discussions, Case study, Question & Answers

Facilitators: Mr. Ram K Navaratna, Chief Executive of HR Resonance, Corporate Tainer Post
Graduate in Social Work with additional qualifications in PMIR, Law, Dip. in Training and
Development. Over two decades industry experience in different segments. Author of Five books in
HR and Labour laws in English and Kannada. Served in the capacity of General Manager (HRD &
Trng). Conducted innumerable training programmes covering more than 13000 participants of
various levels. Conducts open house and In house training programmes in English and Kannada.

For details contact:

Ram K Navaratna, Chief Executive, HR Resonance.# 554, First Floor, Opp Food World, Sampige
Road, Malleshwaram, Bangalore- 560 003. Email: Visit: Mob: 09448274030.


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