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Composites: Part A 32 (2000) 815±826

General unit cells for micromechanical analyses of unidirectional

S. Li*
Department of Mechanical Engineering, UMIST, P.O. Box 88, Sackville Street, Manchester M60 1QD, UK
Received 13 July 2000; revised 9 November 2000; accepted 4 December 2000

Two typical idealised packing systems have been employed for unidirectionally ®bre reinforced composites, viz. square and hexagonal
ones. A systematic approach has been adopted and it involves the use of only the translational symmetry transformations. There are a number
of important advantages resulting from this. The unit cells so derived are capable of accommodating ®bres of irregular cross-sections and
imperfections asymmetrically distributed around ®bres such as microcracks and local debonding in the system, provided the regularity of the
packing and imperfections is present. Furthermore, all the unit cells established can be subjected to arbitrary combinations of macroscopic
stresses or strains unlike most available unit cells in the literature which can only deal with individual macroscopic stress or strain
components. Boundary conditions for these unit cells have been derived from appropriate considerations of the conditions of symmetry
transformations. Applications of macroscopic stresses or strains as the loads to the unit cells have been described in such a way that they can
be implemented in a straightforward manner and the effective properties of the composite can be evaluated following a standard procedure.
q 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Unit cell; B. Residual stress; C. Micro-mechanics

1. Introduction packed composites, employing a relevant packing is an

obvious choice. However, for UD composites with
With rapidly growing computational modelling capabil- randomly distributed ®bres in the matrix over a cross-
ity, the micromechanical analysis of ®bre reinforced compo- section perpendicular to the ®bres, there are differences
site materials has become an important means of between the two idealisations. An important characteristic
understanding the behaviour of these materials. An appro- of such composites is their transverse isotropy, usually
priately introduced representative unit cell is usually the achieved in a statistical sense. The superiority of the hexa-
®rst step into such an analysis. Before a unit cell can be gonal packing to the square packing is that it preserves this
introduced, a common practice is to assume an idealised characteristic while the effective properties obtained from
regular arrangement of the reinforcing ®bres in the matrix. square packing show signi®cant transverse anisotropy as
Occasionally, regularly packed ®bres are obtained in some will be shown later in the examples. The transverse isotropy
modern composites [7]. The loading conditions to the mate- achieved through a hexagonal packing, however, is at a
rial represented by the unit cell can be thermal, mechanical price, i.e. the unit cell from it is substantially more sophis-
or other types. The prescription of the loads to the unit cell is ticated than that from a square packing. In addition to the
normally expressed in terms of macroscopic ®eld quantities, square and hexagonal unit cells introduced through the two
such as macroscopic stresses, strains and change in tempera- packing systems, a cylindrical unit cell is often used in the
ture. For unidirectionally ®bre reinforced composites as will literature [8,15]. Because of its axisymmetric geometry,
be concentrated on in this paper, frequently employed idea- analytical solution is possible in either an axisymmetric or
lised ®bre±matrix arrangements are square packing and sinusoidal form in the circumferential direction. In many
hexagonal packing. They have both been studied exten- cases, this model tends to produce good results for predic-
sively, e.g. for the square packing [1±3,12,16] and for the tions of the effective properties of a composite. However,
hexagonal packing [5,6,12,13,16,18,20,21]. For regularly since packed cylinders do not ®ll the space fully, there is a
higher degree of discrepancy between the reality and idea-
* Tel.: 144-161-200-3892; fax: 144-161-200-3737. lisation than that of the square and hexagonal cells. Hashin
E-mail address: (S. Li). and Rosen [8] included the gaps between cylinders but a
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816 S. Li / Composites: Part A 32 (2000) 815±826

a Radius of ®bres of a circular cross-section
A Area of a unit cell in the y±z plane
b Half of the distance between neighbouring ®bres
f Fibre volume fraction of the composite
Ex0 ; E .0y ; Ez0 Effective Young's moduli of the composite
Fx ; Fy ; Fz ; Fyz ; Fxz ; Fxy Concentrated forces applied to a unit cell to produce macroscopic stresses of the same subscripts
G0yz ; G0zx ; G0xy Effective shear moduli of the composite
H; H 0 Hexagonal unit cell and its image under translational symmetry transformations
j; k Numbers of periods in the y and z-directions by which the image is away from its origin, i.e. the unit cell, under
translational symmetry transformations
P; P 0 An arbitrary point in the unit cell and its image under translational symmetry transformations
DT Change in temperature
u; v; w Displacements in the generalised plane strain problem at an arbitrary point P
u 0 ; v 0 ; w 0 Image of u; v; w under a symmetry transformation
x; y; z Coordinates
a0x ; a0y ; a0z Effective thermal expansion coef®cients of the composite
v0xy ; v0yx ; v0yz ; ¼ Effective Poisson's ratio of the composite
e0 ˆ {e0x ; e0y ; e0z ; g0yz ; g0xz ; g0xy } Macroscopic strains
s 0 ˆ {s x0 ; s y0 ; s z0 ; t0yz ; t0xz ; t0xy } Macroscopic stresses

rather arti®cial displacement or stress ®eld must be assumed in general. The involvement of re¯ectional and rotational
before an analytical solution is possible. As a result, the symmetries when these unit cells are established is respon-
obtained distribution of stresses may differ from that from sible for not allowing the arbitrary application of loads
the square or hexagonal cells signi®cantly, especially, in the because under these types of symmetry transformation,
matrix. As this particular idealisation and the limitation of some stress components show symmetric characteristics
its application is fairly well established, it will not be while others are antisymmetric. The same stress component
addressed any further in this paper. can be symmetric under one symmetry transformation but
In any of the square and hexagonal packing systems, there antisymmetric under another. It is the intention of this paper
exist many geometric symmetries. In general, by using to avoid these types of symmetries and use will only be
different symmetries, different shapes of the unit cells can made of the translational symmetries. Thus antisymmetry
be obtained, as illustrated by Li [13] in the case of hexago- will be ruled out and all the macroscopic stress components
nal packing in unidirectionally ®bre reinforced composites. applied as loads can be treated in exactly the same manner.
Some of them may be relatively more ef®cient than the As a result, the unit cells introduced here are all expected to
others because more symmetries available in the system be applicable to non-linear problems of any nature, material
have been made used of. In most existing unit cells in the and geometry.
literature, because of the symmetries used, usually of a Another advantage of the unit cells so derived is that they
re¯ectional or rotational type, the boundary conditions can are capable of accommodating irregularly shaped ®bre
only be provided for speci®c loading conditions, e.g. for a cross-sections and even allowing the existence of imperfec-
speci®c macroscopic stress or strain component. As a result, tions, such as local debonding and microcracks, provided
some analyses are restricted to a certain type of load, such as the regularity of the ®bre±matrix arrangement and the
transverse tension, longitudinal shear [2,3]. Others have uniformity of the ®bre cross-section and imperfection distri-
dealt individually with every single component, or a limited bution are maintained throughout the material. In other
combination, of macroscopic stresses or strains [13]. In words, they allow ªregular irregularitiesº, i.e. arbitrary irre-
other words, the macroscopic stresses or strains in an arbi- gularities within a unit cell such as irregular cross-section of
trary combination are not allowed to be applied simulta- the reinforcing ®bres and local cracking and debonding but
neously as loads. While it is possible for linear problems all the cells over the cross-section of the composite perpen-
to employ a superposition law to obtain the combined dicular to the ®bres are aligned showing a regular pattern
effects of such a macroscopic stress or strain state from across the cross-section and the pattern extends throughout
the results of all the individual cases involved, it may not the length of the ®bres. For the square and hexagonal pack-
always be the preferred approach in every application, espe- ing, situations to be treated can be as general as shown in
cially when any form of non-linearity is involved in the Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. The imperfections extend along
problem, in which case, superposition law is not applicable the length of the ®bre. In practice, as long as the length of
S. Li / Composites: Part A 32 (2000) 815±826 817

Fig. 1. A square packing and the square unit cell. Fig. 2. A hexagonal packing and the hexagonal unit cell.

the imperfections is far greater than their in-plane dimen- 2.1. Square packing
sion, the theory here should be applicable over most part in
the length direction away from the ends of the imperfec- For a square packing as shown in Fig. 1, the unit cell S as
tions. Establishing unit cells for these two systems will be obtained from the Voronoi tessellation of this packing is
the objective of this paper. bounded by two pairs of sides
y ˆ ^b and z ˆ ^b …1†
where b is half of the spacing between ®bres as shown in
2. Voronoi tessellations and unit cells Fig. 1. The area of the unit cell is A ˆ 4b2 : When ®bres are
of a circular cross-section, assuming the radius of the ®bres
For a unidirectionally ®bre reinforced composite, it is
to be a, the ®bre volume fraction for this packing can be
normally reasonable to assume that the ®bres are in®-
given as
nitely long and every cross-section of the composite
perpendicular to the ®bres is identical. The micromecha- f ˆ pa2 =4b2 : …2†
nical analysis of such a material can then be simpli®ed
To provide an idea of the compactness of the packing in this
to a two-dimensional problem in the plane of a cross-
case, the maximum theoretically achievable ®bre volume
section of the composite. In this plane, a mathematical
fraction is f ˆ p=4 < 78:54% when a ˆ b:
approach, the Voronoi tessellation [4], can be adopted
to tessellate the domain of interest in the plane with the
centres of the ®bres being the centres of Voronoi cells. 2.2. Hexagonal packing
The cells obtained in this way are call Voronoi cells. A
Voronoi cell is bordered by segments perpendicular to For a hexagonal packing as shown in Fig. 2, the boundary
and passing the midpoint of the segments connecting of the hexagonal unit cell as obtained from the Voronoi
the centre of the cell and those of the neighbouring tessellation consists of three pairs of sides:
cells. Such a tessellation scheme is obviously applicable p
y ˆ ^b and ^ y 1 3z ˆ ^2b …3†
to unidirectional composites of random distribution of
®bres over the cross-section perpendicular to the ®bres. where b is half of the spacing between two neighbouring
A number of publications considered random ®bre± ®bres as shown in Fig. 2. The area of the unit cell is A ˆ
matrix arrangement [6]. However, a complete character- 2 3b2 : Similarly to the case of square packing, if circular
isation of the effects of random distribution of ®bres on ®bres of radius a are considered, the ®bre volume fraction
performance of composites is still unavailable hitherto. for this packing can be given as
An appropriate exploration in this direction is seen as p
f ˆ pa2 =2 3b2 : …4†
an important future development of the present study.
For regular packings, such as square and hexagonal The maximum theoretically achievable ®bre volume frac-
ones, square and hexagonal cells are obtained as a result tion is f ˆ p=2 3 < 90:69% where a ˆ b: Obviously, with
of such tessellations. In either case, all the Voronoi a hexagonal packing, a composite can be made more
cells are identical throughout the plane and any one compact than with a square packing.
cell can be reproduced by another through a certain transla- Comparing the two packing systems, it can be found that
tional symmetry transformation. Thus, the Voronoi cells are the ®bre spacings in these systems are different at the same
the natural choices as the unit cells for the two types of ®bre volume fracture. In addition, in a hexagonal packing,
packing. any ®bre keeps equal distance from those next to it while in
818 S. Li / Composites: Part A 32 (2000) 815±826

a square packing the distances from a ®bre to the one next to it often used to apply loads to the unit cell. The second part
in 0 or 908 direction and that in 458 direction are signi®cantly is a perturbation on top of the ®rst part as a result of the
different. This is responsible by the large transverse isotropy in heterogeneity. The perturbation part forms a generalised
the hexagonal packing and transverse anisotropy in the square plane strain problem as described in Ref. [13]. A detailed
packing, which will be shown later through examples. micromechanical analysis of a unit cell for a unidirection-
ally ®bre reinforced composite is to solve the generalised
plane strain problem so that the microscopic behaviour of
3. Displacements ®elds under uniform macroscopic the unit cell can be predicted. Before a micromechanical
strains analysis as such can be performed on a unit cell, appropriate
boundary conditions for the unit cell need to be provided. In
Only the translational symmetry transformations will be
the present paper, emphasis is placed on the latter, i.e. to
employed to establish the unit cells in this paper. In this
establish appropriate boundary conditions of the unit cells
section, the relations of displacements to the macroscopic
for subsequent micromechanical analyses.
strains will be examined in the context of translational
symmetry transformations. As has been established in
[13], relative displacements of a point P in the unit cell to 4. The unit cell for composites of a square packing
another point P 0 in another cell (Figs. 1 and 2), which is the
image of P under a translational symmetry transformation, Square packing is relatively more frequently employed than
are related precisely to the macroscopic strains as hexagonal packing in the literature. For composites of this
u 0 2 u ˆ …y 0 2 y†g0xy 1 …z 0 2 z†g0xz particular regular packing, the use of it is fully justi®ed. As
an idealisation for UD composites with random ®bre distribu-
v 0 2 v ˆ …y 0 2 y†e0y 1 …z 0 2 z†g0yz …5† tion, however, it lacks transverse isotropy which most such
UD composites possess owing to the random distribution of
w 0 2 w ˆ …z 0 2 z†e0z ®bres in the matrix over the cross-section perpendicular to
where y and z are the coordinates of point P in the plane of a ®bres. If the transverse isotropy is not the characteristic to be
cross-section perpendicular to the ®bres, u; v and w are the preserved through the idealisation, advantage can be taken of
displacements at this point in the unit cell, those quantities its simplicity by comparing with other packing systems.
with a prime are associated with the image point P 0 and Although this packing has been employed in a great many
e0y ; e0z ; g0yz ; g0xz and g0xy are the macroscopic strains. Due to publications, most of them have used re¯ectional symmetries
the nature of the generalised plane strain problem as to minimise the size of the unit cell. As a result, loads in terms
described in [13], a constant longitudinal macroscopic strain of macroscopic stresses or strains can only be applied indivi-
e0x is also allowed. It can be treated as a single independent dually and an arbitrary combination of the macroscopic stress
degree of freedom for the whole unit cell as it does not appear components is usually not allowed. A more important restric-
in Eqs. (5). In the later sections of this paper, use will be made tion from the re¯ectional symmetries is that it rules out the
of the above relative displacements to derive the displace- possibility of accommodating irregularities, such as ®bre
ment boundary conditions for the unit cells to be developed. cross-section and imperfections. The unit cell to be established
In obtaining Eqs. (5), rigid body motions have been in this section removes these restrictions. A general scenario
constrained in the following manner. The origin O at x ˆ has been sketched in Fig. 1 in which irregular ®bre cross-
y ˆ z ˆ 0 is constrained from displacements in three coor- section and imperfections are illustrated schematically.
dinate directions. The rotations about the y and z-axes are
constrained by ®xing the rotation of the x-axis about these
4.1. Translational symmetries and the square unit cell
axes. This can be achieved naturally if the x-axis is chosen
to be attached to the longitudinal direction of ®bres. Further-
As established in [13], the micromechanical analysis of a
more, the rotation about the x-axis is constrained by ®xing
unidirectionally ®bre reinforced composite can be expressed
the rotation of the y-axis about the x-axis. Expressed analy-
as a two-dimensional generalised plane strain problem and
tically, these are
the y±z plane will be designated for this two-dimensional
2v 2w 2w problem hereafter. For a regular square packing as shown in
uˆvˆwˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ0 at O: …6†
2x 2x 2y Fig. 1, there are two translational symmetries in that plane,
viz. translations in the y and z directions, respectively.
Eqs. (5) do not provide information about the in situ micro- Under these symmetry transformations, any part of the
scopic displacement ®elds inside the unit cell. However, plane, e.g. area S 0 , can be considered as the image of shaded
microscopic displacements in the heterogeneous unit cell area S. With these translational symmetry transformations,
can always be considered as the sum of two parts. The any point P…y; z† in S can be mapped to its image P 0 …y 0 ; z 0 † in
®rst part is identical to the macroscopic strains applied to S 0 and their coordinates are related as
the composite. This would be the only part if the composite
was smeared. In a micromechanical analysis, this part is …y 0 ; z 0 † ˆ …y 1 2jb; z 1 2kb† …7†
S. Li / Composites: Part A 32 (2000) 815±826 819

where j; k ˆ 0; ^1; ^2; ¼ are the number of Voronoi cells between the points sharing the common z coordinates as
by which P 0 is away from P in the y and z directions, indicated in Eqs. (10.1). The same notation applies to the
respectively. From Eq. (7), it suggests that a translational other pair of sides as in Eqs. (10.2).
symmetry transformation can be de®ned by two integer It should be noted that, when these boundary conditions are
number j and k in this case. Use will be made of this to discretised, some of them at the corners are not fully indepen-
refer to a particular transformation. dent. This is because a corner is shared by two sides belonging
Stress and strain ®elds are distributed identically in S 0 and to different pairs. Although the inclusion of dependent equa-
S and, therefore, one needs only to consider those in the unit tions in the boundary conditions does not introduce con¯icts in
cell. Substituting the coordinates in Eq. (7) into Eqs. (5), one a mathematical sense, some packages, e.g. the commercial
obtains ®nite element code, abaqus [9], may diagnose it as a source
of errors when this kind of equation boundary conditions is
u 0 2 u ˆ 2jbg0xy 1 2kbg0xz imposed and the user is expected to exclude those dependent
ones from the boundary conditions. In order to obtain only
v 0 2 v ˆ 2jbe0y 1 2kbg0yz …8† independent conditions at the corners, a corner should only
be considered as a part of one side of two intersecting ones.
w 0 2 w ˆ 2kbe0z : Effectively, one can select one corner of the unit cell since all
the others are related to this by certain translational symme-
These equations will bring forward the boundary conditions
tries. Without loss of generality, corner 1 as shown in Fig. 1 can
for this unit cell.
be chosen.
Corners 2, 3 and 4 are associated with corner 1 by transla-
4.2. Displacement boundary conditions for the square tional symmetry transformations … j ˆ 1; k ˆ 0†; … j ˆ 1; k ˆ
unit cell 1† and … j ˆ 0; k ˆ 1†; respectively. Thus, the displacements at
corners 2, 3 and 4 are related to those at corner 1 as
A micromechanical analysis of the unit cell S requires
2u2 1 u1 ˆ 2bg0xy
appropriate boundary conditions which should be
prescribed along all the sides of the unit cell. To obtain
boundary conditions along these sides, one is interested in 2v2 1 v1 ˆ 2be0y …11:1†
the translational symmetry transformations from the unit
cell to those cells immediately next to the unit cell. In 2w2 1 w1 ˆ 0
these cases, when P is chosen to be at the boundary of S
on one side, P 0 can be on the opposite side if one has chosen 2u3 1 u1 ˆ 2bg0xy 1 2bg0xz
an appropriate transformation. Then conditions (8) will lead
to relations between the displacements on a pair of the sides
2v3 1 v1 ˆ 2be0y 1 2bg0yz …11:2†
of the unit cell. This applies to both pairs of the sides of the
unit cell, representing the interaction between neighbouring
cells. The translational symmetry transformations corre- 2w3 1 w1 ˆ 2be0z
sponding to these two pairs of face are
… j ˆ 1; k ˆ 0† for y ˆ ^b 2u4 1 u1 ˆ 2bg0xz
… j ˆ 0; k ˆ 1† for z ˆ ^b: 2v4 1 v1 ˆ 2bg0yz …11:3†
Substitute the values of j and k into Eqs. (8), the displace-
ment boundary conditions on the two pairs of sides can be 2w4 1 w1 ˆ 2be0z
obtained in the form of equations as
where the subscripts to the displacements indicate the dis-
…uuyˆb 2 uuyˆ2b †uz ˆ 2bg0xy placements at corresponding corners as numbered in Fig. 1.
It is straightforward to prove that the above equations are all
…vuyˆb 2 vuyˆ2b †uz ˆ 2be0y …10:1† independent because each equation introduces a new unknown
into the system. It can also be proved that they are complete
…wuyˆb 2 wuyˆ2b †uz ˆ 0 because any further equations one can obtain can be derived
from those above. For instance, three additional equations can
…uuzˆb 2 uuzˆ2b †uy ˆ 2bg0xz be obtained by relating the displacements at corners 3 and 4
from the symmetry transformation … j ˆ 1; k ˆ 0†: They can
…vuzˆb 2 vuzˆ2b †uy ˆ 2bg0yz …10:2† be found to be identical to the three equations obtained after u1,
v1 and w1 have been eliminated from Eqs. (11.2) and (11.3).
…wuzˆb 2 wuzˆ2b †uy ˆ 2be0z : Boundary conditions obtained above are all in form of
The transformation for a pair of sides, e.g. y ˆ ^b; is equations relating the displacements on the opposite sides of
820 S. Li / Composites: Part A 32 (2000) 815±826

the unit cell. Conditions (10) should be imposed to the sides …s z uzˆb 2 s z uzˆ2b †uy ˆ 0
of the unit cell excluding the corners and Eqs. (11) to the
corners of the unit cell. Along with an appropriate prescrip- …txz uzˆb 2 txz uzˆ2b †uy ˆ 0 …12:2†
tion of the longitudinal macroscopic strain e0x and the
constraints for rigid body motions as given in Eq. (6), micro- …tyz uzˆb 2 tyz uzˆ2b †uy ˆ 0:
mechanical analyses on this unit cell for composites of this
particular ®bre matrix packing can be performed. Through The above traction boundary conditions are independent
these conditions, six macroscopic strains are involved which of the displacement boundary conditions as obtained in the
can be considered as six independent degrees of freedom. previous subsection. They can be waived if a displacement
They are equivalent to the key degrees of freedom as intro- based variational approach has been adopted, such as most
duced in Ref. [13] through which any combination of ®nite element methods. For a general analytical microme-
macroscopic deformation can be prescribed. chanical analysis of the unit cell, they need to be imposed to
Most available square unit cells in the literature assume guarantee the uniqueness of the solution. However, when
that sides keep straight after deformation [1,16,21]. The such an approach is adopted, the dependence of some of the
sides of a square unit cell may remain straight only if re¯ec- boundary conditions on the others does not usually present
tional symmetries are present in the system. Otherwise, the any problem and, therefore, ®nding a set of independent
sides of the unit cell after deformation may become curved traction boundary conditions at the corners of the unit
and such an assumption may place restriction on the appli- cell will be omitted here although it can be pursued in a
cation of the unit cell. Using the unit cell as described above, similar way to that employed for displacements in the last
no such restrictions are imposed. subsection.
It should be pointed out that, for a general description of the
deformation of the unit cell, displacement boundary condi-
tions as obtained above are not suf®cient to determine the 5. The unit cell for composites of a hexagonal packing
solutions yet. Traction boundary conditions are also required
Like square packing, hexagonal packing is sometimes
for the completeness of the presentation of the problem as will
seen actually in real composites [7]. As an idealisation for
be provided in the next subsection. However, if a displace-
composites with randomly distributed ®bres over the cross-
ment-based variational approach is employed, as is the case in
section perpendicular to the ®bres, it delivers the transver-
most commercial ®nite element codes, traction boundary
sely isotropic characteristics which a real composite
conditions are natural boundary conditions [19] which should
possesses in a statistical sense by having ®bres distributed
not be imposed but will be satis®ed automatically through
in matrix completely at random over the cross-section
energy minimisation. Imposing traction boundary conditions
perpendicular to the ®bres. The latter type of composites
unnecessarily in such an approach may prevent the energy
includes the majority of UD composites in engineering
function taking its minimum and, therefore, introduces errors
applications. A unit cell for this packing has been formu-
to the overall approximation.
lated in Ref. [13] after a comprehensive examination of the
symmetries in the problem. Three types of symmetries have
4.3. Traction boundary conditions for the square unit cell been employed, translations in the y±z plane, re¯ections
about the y and z axes and a rotation in the y±z plane
By mapping the stresses from the unit cell to an about a special point. The boundary conditions for the
appropriate neighbouring cell of it, through a translational unit cell introduced there become speci®c to individual
symmetry transformation as employed in the last subsection macroscopic stresses or strains because of the applications
for displacements, the tractions on one of a pair of sides of of the re¯ectional and the rotational symmetries. In this
the unit cell can be related to those on the other of the pair. section, an alternative unit cell will be formulated for the
The tractions on a side of the unit cell can be expressed in same problem with the re¯ectional and rotational symme-
terms of a direct stress component perpendicular to the side tries avoided so that it is free from the restrictions associated
and the two shear components parallel to the side since the with these symmetry transformations.
side is perpendicular to one of the coordinate axes. From
the fact that the tractions on both sides of the border between
the unit cell and its neighbouring cell are actions and reac- 5.1. Translational symmetries and the hexagonal unit
tions, the traction boundary conditions for the unit cell can cell
be obtained as
Limiting consideration to the translational symmetries,
…s y uyˆb 2 s y uyˆ2b †uz ˆ 0 one may ®nd that any periodical element cited in Ref.
[13] can be employed as a unit cell as shown in Fig. 3.
…txy uyˆb 2 txy uyˆ2b †uz ˆ 0 …12:1† Among those periodical elements, the rectangular one R
and the diamond ones D1 and D2, tend to have complicated
…tyz uyˆb 2 tyz uyˆ2b †uz ˆ 0 partitions of the internal ®bre and matrix regions as the ®bre
S. Li / Composites: Part A 32 (2000) 815±826 821

obtained by considering three special translational symme-

try transformations to the unit cell so that the image cells
resulting from them are all next to the unit cell. In any of the
three transformations, the common side of H and H 0 is the
image of its opposite side of H. This brings forward the
required conditions relating the displacements on this pair
of sides. These three transformations can be expressed in
terms of j and k corresponding to the pairs of sides as

…j ˆ 1; k ˆ 0† for y ˆ ^b
…j ˆ 0; k ˆ 1† for y 1 3z ˆ ^2b …15†
…j ˆ 1; k ˆ 21† for 2 y 1 3z ˆ ^2b:

Fig. 3. Different periodical elements for hexagonal packing. Substituting these j and k values into Eqs. (14), one
volume fraction increases, as discussed in Ref. [13]. The
…uuyˆb 2 uuyˆ2b uz ˆ 2bg0xy
rectangular ones R1 and R2 are twice as big as R, D1 and
D2 in area and hence will not be the most effective ones. An
optimum choice is the hexagonal periodical element H …vuyˆb 2 vuyˆ2b †uz ˆ 2be0y …16:1†
which is the Voronoi cell for this particular packing as
described in Section 2, while the uni®cation of all these …wuyˆb 2 wuyˆ2b †uz ˆ 0
shapes has been discussed by Li [13]. This unit cell will
be adopted for the subsequent development in this section. p
The symmetries which will be used to obtain this hexa- …uu^y1p 3zˆ2b 2 uu^y1p 3zˆ22b †up 3y7z ˆ bg0xy ^ 3bg0xz
gonal unit cell are the translations along the y-axis and 6 -
axis which is 608 from the y-axis as shown in Fig. 2. With p
…vu^y1p 3zˆ2b 2 vu^y1p 3zˆ22b †up 3y7z ˆ be0y ^ 3bg0yz …16:2†
these translational symmetries, a point P (y,z) in the unit cell
H is transformed to P 0 (y 0 ,z 0 ) in cell H 0 and their coordinates p
are related as …wu^y1p 3zˆ2b 2 wu^y1p 3zˆ22b †up 3y7z ˆ ^ 3be0z :
…y 0 ; z 0 † ˆ …y 1 2jb 1 kb; z 1 3kb† …13† By alternating the signs, two sets of equations can be
obtained from Eqs. (16.2) for the two pairs of sides.
where j; k ˆ 0; ^1; ^2; ¼ are the numbers of the Voronoi
The transformation for the pair of sides perpendicular
cells by which H 0 is away from H in the y and 6 -directions,
to the y-axis is between the points sharing the common
respectively. This shows that a translational symmetry
z coordinates and, for the other p pairs, they
p are between
transformation can be identi®ed by two integer number j
the points sharing common 3y 2 z and 3y 1 z values,
and k.
respectively, as indicated in Eqs. (16).
In a similar manner to that in the square packing, the
Similar to the situation in the square unit cell, while the
displacements at P 0 in the image cell H 0 and those at P in
boundary conditions (16) are applicable to all the sides of
the unit cell H are related as follows:
the unit cell, they tend to result in many dependent equations
p when the corners of the unit cell are considered. From the
u 0 ˆ u ˆ …2j 1 k†bg0xy 1 3kbg0xz
translational symmetries, the six corners of the unit cell can
p be classi®ed into two groups, corners 1, 3, 5 and 2, 4, 6, as
v 0 2 v ˆ …2j 1 k†be0y 1 3kbg0yz …14†
shown in Fig. 2. It is obvious that with any translational
p symmetry transform the corners are transformed within
w0 2 w ˆ 3kbe0z : a group but never from one group to another. Applying
Use will be made of these to obtain the displacement bound- the similar technique as in the previous section to each
ary conditions for this unit cell. of the two groups of the corners, a complete set of
independent conditions for the corners of the unit cell
can be obtained. Without loss of generality, one can
5.2. Displacement boundary conditions for the choose corner 1 from the ®rst group and 4 from the
hexagonal unit cell second. Corners 3 and 5 are associated with corner 1
by translational symmetry transformations … j ˆ 1; k ˆ 0†
The boundary conditions for the unit cell H can be and … j ˆ 0; k ˆ 1†; respectively. Thus, the displacements
822 S. Li / Composites: Part A 32 (2000) 815±826

at these corners are related as cells identically. By the same translational symmetry trans-
formation argument as in the last subsection, the traction
2u3 1 u1 ˆ 2bg0xy boundary conditions expressed in terms of stresses can be
obtained, given the fact that on the opposite side of the unit
2v3 1 v1 ˆ 2be0y …17:1a† cell, the outward normals are opposite to each other and the
tractions on the side of the unit cell are the reactions of those
2w3 1 w1 ˆ 0 on the side of the neighbouring cell

p …s y uyˆb 2 s y uyˆ2b †uz ˆ 0

2u5 1 u1 ˆ bg0xy 1 3bg0xz
p …tyz uyˆb 2 tyz uyˆ2b †uz ˆ 0 …18:1†
2v5 1 v1 ˆ be0y 1 3bg0yz …17:1b†
p …txy uyˆb 2 txy uyˆ2b †uz ˆ 0
2w5 1 w1 ˆ 3be0z :
p p
Similarly, corners 2 and 6 are associated with corner 4 ‰… 3s y 1 tyz †uy1p 3zˆ2b 2 … 3s y 1 tyz †uy1p 3zˆ22b Šup 3y2z ˆ 0
by translational symmetry transformations … j ˆ 1; k ˆ 0†
p p
and … j ˆ 0; k ˆ 1†; respectively, leading to ‰… 3tyz 1 s z †uy1p 3zˆ2b 2 … 3tyz 1 s z †uy1p 3zˆ22b Šup 3y2z ˆ 0
u2 2 u4 ˆ bg0xy 1 3bg0xz p p
‰… 3txy 1 txz †uy1p 3zˆ2b 2 … 3txy 1 txz †uy1p 3zˆ22b Šup 3y2z ˆ 0
p …18:2†
v2 2 v4 ˆ be0y 1 3bg0yz …17:2a†
p p p
w2 2 w4 ˆ 3be0z ‰… 3s y 2 tyz †u2y1p 3zˆ2b 2 … 3s y 2 tyz †u2y1p 3zˆ22b Šup 3y1z ˆ 0

p p
‰… 3tyz 2 s z †u2y1p 3zˆ2b 2 … 3tyz 2 s z †u2y1p 3zˆ22b Šup 3y1z ˆ 0
u6 2 u4 ˆ 2bg0xy
p p
‰… 3txy 2 txz †u2y1p 3zˆ2b 2 … 3txy 2 txz †u2y1p 3zˆ22b Šup 3y1z ˆ 0:
v6 ˆ v4 ˆ 2be0y …17:2b†
w6 2 w4 ˆ 0: As has been explained in the previous section, the traction
boundary conditions need to be imposed only in approaches
In Eqs. (17) the subscripts to the displacements indicate
which solve the ®eld governing equations analytically. If a
the corners as numbered in Fig. 2. The independence
displacement based variational approach is adopted, these
and completeness of Eqs. (17) for the corners of the
boundary conditions will be satis®ed automatically in the
unit cell can be argued in exactly the same manner as
sense of energy minimisation.
in the previous section for the square unit cell.
To apply this unit cell in a micromechanical analysis,
boundary conditions (16) should be imposed to the relevant
6. Application of loads in terms of macroscopic stresses
sides of the unit cell excluding the corners while Eqs. (17)
and effective material properties
are to be imposed to the corners. Along with an appropriate
prescription of the longitudinal macroscopic strain e0x and
In all the previous sections for the two unit cells estab-
the constraints on rigid body motions as given in Eq. (6),
lished for unidirectionally ®bre reinforced composites, the
micromechanical analyses of composites of this type of ®bre
macroscopic strains are involved in the boundary conditions
matrix packing can be performed.
and they can be treated as independent degrees of freedom
At this stage, if the geometries of the ®bre cross-section
to the system as the key degrees of freedom introduced in
and the debonding possess the re¯ectional symmetries about
[13]. They can be prescribed to impose macroscopic strains
the y and z axes, use can be made of them to reduce the size
as the loads. Alternatively, concentrated forces (generalised
of the unit cell to a quarter of it. However, this is always at
as their energy conjugates are strains rather than displace-
the price of having to apply different boundary conditions
ments) can be applied to these key degrees of freedom. They
when dealing with different loading conditions. The unit cell
are equivalent to the key nodal forces in introduced in [13].
in Ref. [13] can be reproduced in this way.
Effectively, macroscopic stresses are applied to the unit cell.
The macroscopic stresses are related to these concentrated
5.3. Traction boundary conditions for the hexagonal unit forces, denoted as F with subscripts coincident with those of
cell the corresponding macroscopic stress components. From a
consideration of simple energy equivalence, i.e. the work
Stresses are mapped from the unit cell to its neighbouring done by any F over the corresponding macroscopic strain
S. Li / Composites: Part A 32 (2000) 815±826 823

(generalised displacement) should be the same as that by the when

corresponding macroscopic stress over the same macro- Fy ˆ Fz ˆ Fyz ˆ Fzx ˆ Fxy ˆ DT ˆ 0
scopic strain in the volume of the unit cell, the relations
between these concentrated forces and the macroscopic Ey0 ˆ s y0 =e0y ˆ Fy =Ae0y
stresses can thus be obtained as when
s x0 ˆ Fx =A Fx ˆ Fz ˆ Fyz ˆ Fzx ˆ Fxy ˆ DT ˆ 0

s y0 ˆ Fy =A v0yx ˆ 2e0x =e0y

s z0 ˆ Fz =A
Fx ˆ Fz ˆ Fyz ˆ Fzx ˆ Fxy ˆ DT ˆ 0
t0yz ˆ Fyz =A
v0yz ˆ 2e0z =e0y

t0zx ˆ Fzx =A when

Fx ˆ Fz ˆ Fyz ˆ Fzx ˆ Fxy ˆ DT ˆ 0
t0xy ˆ Fxy =A
Ez0 ˆ s z0 =e0z ˆ Fz =Ae0z
where A is the area of the unit cell as given in Section 2 for
each of the two unit cells concerned and it has been assumed
that unit cells are all of a unit thickness in the x-direction. Fx ˆ Fy ˆ Fyz ˆ Fzx ˆ Fxy ˆ DT ˆ 0
Conventional approach to obtain effective strains and stres-
ses are based on some average processes [5]. While they v0zx ˆ 2e0x =e0z
introduce an additional cause for numerical errors, they
require extra efforts, especially when these processes are when
impossible to be implemented directly in the ®nite element Fx ˆ Fy ˆ Fyz ˆ Fzx ˆ Fxy ˆ DT ˆ 0
analysis as is the case in many commercial codes.
The load to the unit cell can also be thermal loading, i.e. a v0zy ˆ 2e0y =e0z
change in temperature, DT. Microscopic stresses and strains
due to thermal loading, in particular, the thermal residual when
stresses in the composites after a certain curing process, can
Fx ˆ Fy ˆ Fyz ˆ Fzx ˆ Fxy ˆ DT ˆ 0
be obtained through a micromechanical analysis of the unit
cell. Such information is of signi®cance since they are
closely associated with the early stage of development of G0yz ˆ t0yz =g0yz ˆ Fyz =Ag0yz
many damage modes. Also, from such an analysis, the effec- when
tive thermal expansion coef®cients of the composite can be
evaluated.With the macroscopic stresses being expressed in Fx ˆ Fy ˆ Fz ˆ Fzx ˆ Fxy ˆ DT ˆ 0
terms of forces applied to the unit cell, it is straightforward
to obtain all the effective elastic and thermoelastic proper- G0zx ˆ t0zx =g0zx ˆ Fzx =Ag0zx
ties of the material represented by the unit cell in terms of when
the macroscopic strains and the forces applied to it. For
orthotropic materials these effective material properties in Fx ˆ Fy ˆ Fz ˆ Fyz ˆ Fxy ˆ DT ˆ 0
conventional notations can be given as follows
G0xy ˆ t0xy =g0xy ˆ Fxy =Ag0xy
Ex0 ˆ s x0 =e0x ˆ Fx =Ae0x
Fx ˆ Fy ˆ Fz ˆ Fyz ˆ Fzx ˆ DT ˆ 0
Fy ˆ Fz ˆ Fyz ˆ Fzx ˆ Fxy ˆ DT ˆ 0

a0x ˆ e0x =DT

v0xy ˆ 2e0y =e0x
Fx ˆ Fy ˆ Fz ˆ Fyz ˆ Fzx ˆ Fxy ˆ 0
Fy ˆ Fz ˆ Fyz ˆ Fzx ˆ Fxy ˆ DT ˆ 0

v0xz ˆ 2e0z =e0x a0y ˆ e0y =DT

824 S. Li / Composites: Part A 32 (2000) 815±826

Table 1 or if there is a local debonding between the ®bre and

Material properties of the constituent ®bre and matrix the matrix at an arbitrary location, the symmetries
E (GPa) v a (10 26/8C) Volume fraction required for the material to show orthotropic or trans-
versely isotropic characteristics may not be available.
Fibre 10 0.2 5 60% The macroscopic characteristics of a material like this
Matrix 1 0.3 50 40%
is described as monoclinic owing to the re¯ectional
symmetry about the y±z plane. For such a material,
when additional material properties are required in order to
describe the behaviour of the material fully. Their de®-
Fx ˆ Fy ˆ Fz ˆ Fyz ˆ Fzx ˆ Fxy ˆ 0
nitions can be found in Ref. [11]. When desired, they
can be expressed in terms of the macroscopic strains
a0z ˆ e0z =DT and the applied forces in the similar manner as in
Eqs. (20).
Fx ˆ Fy ˆ Fz ˆ Fyz ˆ Fzx ˆ Fxy ˆ 0: (20)
7. Examples and discussion
In obtaining each of the above properties, it is essential
that the corresponding loading state is observed. Although Applications of the unit cells established in this paper to
for a given unit cell, from the material's symmetries, many practical problems will be pursued as future developments.
of the above listed properties are related, for instance, a Examples included here are to show the correctness of the
square/hexagonal unit cell with a ®bre of circular cross- formulation for each unit cell. To this end, the simplest case
section and perfect bonding to the matrix shows orthotro- with circular ®bre and perfect bonding will be considered.
pic/transversely isotropic characteristics, calculating them Both the ®bre and the matrix will be assumed to be isotropic
individually and ®nding out whether the relationships in order to make comparisons with the effective properties
among these properties resulting from the symmetry consid- predicted from Ref. [8]. However, these should not be
erations are observed appropriately can serve as good understood as the limitation of the unit cells established
checks on the model, i.e. the formulation of the unit cell, and they can be used to obtain more information than effec-
in particular, the correct application of all the boundary tive properties, in particular, stress distribution around
conditions before the unit cell is employed in a more sophis- ®bres. It should also be pointed out that the bounds
ticated level of applications. predicted from the Hashin and Rosen's theory are the
When irregular cross-sections of ®bres are involved, bounds for cylindrical models, strictly speaking, and for a

(a) (b)

Fig. 4. Meshes for ®nite element analyses: (a) square unit cell; (b) hexagonal unit cell.
S. Li / Composites: Part A 32 (2000) 815±826 825

Table 2
Macroscopic strains and effective material properties

Square unit cell (transverse Hexagonal unit cell Hashin and Rosen's theory
properties in 458 direction)
Lower bounds Upper bounds

Ex0 …GPa† 6.4033 6.4029 6.4029 6.4029

Ey0 ˆ Ez0 …GPa† 3.2951 GPa 2.8552 2.5381 3.0152
(2.5623 GPa)
G0yz …GPa† 0.91441 GPa 1.0824 0.91055 1.1780
(1.3398 GPa)
G0xy ˆ G0xz …GPa† 1.1948 1.1533 1.1495 1.1495
v0xy ˆ v0xz 0.23234 0.23337 0.2334 0.2334
v0yz 0.22974 0.31896 0.2798 0.3937
a0x …1026 =8C† 8.1233 8.0815 8.0785 8.0785
a0y …1026 =8C† 23.195 23.804 23.848 23.848

realistic composite with either regular or irregular packing properties showing transverse isotropy which has
they could be good approximations to the bounds but can
never be rigorous ones. G0yz ˆ Ey0 =2…1 1 v0yz † …22†
The material properties for the ®bre and matrix are included in addition to those given in Eqs. (21). These can easily be
in Table 1. The meshes for the square and hexagonal unit cells shown from the results in Table 2. There is no error within the
are shown in Fig. 4 where a ®bre volume fraction of 60% is signi®cant digits available from the ®nite element code.
assumed. The meshes used are all converged as was demon- It is interesting to notice the difference between the
strated in Ref. [14]. Quadratic quadrilateral elements are used results from the square and hexagonal unit cells. The trans-
for the matrix part while for the ®bre part quadratic triangular verse Young's modulus obtained from the square unit cell
elements are used for generating the mesh. These two types of tends to be higher than that from the hexagonal unit cell.
elements are fully compatible with each other. The effective This often put the former in a more favourable position than
properties are obtained according to Eqs. (20) from ®nite the latter when comparisons are made with some experi-
element analysis using abaqus [9] as shown in Table 2 mental results [10,17]. The strong transverse anisotropy in
along with those from Hashin and Rosen's theory. Agree- the square packing has not been paid suf®cient attention to.
ment is obvious while discrepancy is purely due to the In fact, the effective transverse Young's and shear moduli
differences in the idealisations adopted, i.e. cylindrical and Poisson's ratio in the 458 direction to the y and z axes in
model, square and hexagonal packing. a transversely square symmetric system can be expressed in
The unit cells have also been validated in the following terms of those in the y and z directions as follows
ways. When the ®bre and matrix are given the same properties, 0
uniform stress/strain ®elds are obtained identical to those E458 ˆ 4Ey0 G0yz =‰Ey0 1 2G0yz …1 2 v0yz †Š
prescribed macroscopic stresses and strains respectively.
The effective properties obtained are identical to those of the G0458 ˆ Ey0 =2…1 1 v0yz † …23†
®bre and matrix. In this case, however coarse or ®ne the
meshes are, ®nite elements produce the exact solution and v0458 ˆ ‰Ey0 2 2G0yz …1 2 v0yz †Š=‰Ey0 1 2G0yz …1 2 v0yz †Š
there is no rounding error. When ®bres are given different
properties from those of the matrix, still assuming circular where Ey0 ; G0yz and v0yz are the effective transverse Young's
®bres and perfect bonding, validations can be made on the and shear moduli and Poisson's ratio in the y and z direc-
square symmetry of the properties obtained, i.e. tions. The longitudinal Young's and shear moduli, Poisson's
ratio and thermal expansion coef®cients remain constant
Ey0 ˆ Ez0 with respect to any rotation about the longitudinal axis.
The values obtained from Eqs. (23) differ from those in
the y and z directions by around 22% for the Young's modu-
G0xy ˆ G0xz
lus, 47% for the shear modulus and 75% for the Poisson's
(21) ratio as shown in Table 2 in brackets for this particular set of
v0xy ˆ v0xz constituent properties and ®bre volume fraction. The valid-
ity of the comparison with the effective properties from a
square packing could be questionable without referring to a
a0y ˆ a0z speci®ed direction. On the other hand, a hexagonal unit cell
produces a unique set of these effective transverse properties
while the hexagonal unit cell should produce effective owing to the transverse isotropy pertaining to the hexagonal
826 S. Li / Composites: Part A 32 (2000) 815±826

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