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Article M AT E R I A L S
Journal of Composite Materials
0(0) 1–16
! The Author(s) 2018
Mechanical behavior of unidirectional Reprints and permissions:
composites with hexagonal and DOI: 10.1177/0021998318759742
uneven distribution of fibers in
the transverse cross-section

M Muthukumar1, J Prasath1, YM Desai2 and NK Naik1

Uneven distribution of fibers can adversely affect the mechanical behavior of unidirectional composites. A micromecha-
nical model based on finite element analysis is presented to evaluate elastic and strength properties of such composites
under normal loading. Analysis starts with identification of micro unit cells/micro repetitive unit cells and/or represen-
tative volume elements. Because of uneven distribution/random distribution of the fibers, fiber volume fraction can be
different for different micro unit cells present at different locations in the transverse cross-section of the unidirectional
composite. Configuration of the micro unit cell is worked out at the outset considering the fiber distribution having the
hexagonal arrangement, but with different volume fraction at different locations. For such micro unit cells, elastic and
strength properties are obtained based on finite element analysis starting with the elastic and strength properties of fiber
and matrix. With the properties obtained for different micro unit cells, elastic and strength properties of the unidirec-
tional composite with micro unit cells having hexagonal arrangement of fibers with different volume fraction at different
locations in the transverse cross-section are determined. Further, elastic and strength properties are evaluated for micro
unit cells with uneven distribution of fibers in the transverse cross-section.

Unidirectional composite, hexagonal distribution of fibers, uneven distribution of fibers, mechanical property, finite
element analysis, micromechanical modeling

manufacturing errors. As a result of this, there can be
Laminated composites made of unidirectional (UD) different fiber volume fractions at different locations.
layers are finding extensive uses in high-performance With the advancement in the composites manufactur-
applications over the last five decades. Such materials ing technology, alignment of fibers along the longitu-
are characterized by high specific stiffness and high dinal direction can be easily obtained. However,
specific strength. Thermo-mechanical properties of possible uneven distribution of fibers within the
laminated composites are derived starting with matrix in the transverse cross-section and different
thermo-mechanical properties of UD layers and using fiber volume fractions at different locations is a major
macromechanical models. Thermo-mechanical proper- concern. Such manufacturing errors can lead to reduc-
ties of UD layers are obtained either by an experimen- tion in mechanical properties of UD composites.
tal technique or by using micromechanical models.
The input data required for micromechanical models 1
Aerospace Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology
are the thermo-mechanical properties of the fiber and Bombay, India
the matrix as well as fiber volume fraction and geomet- Civil Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
ric distribution of fibers within the matrix in the trans- India
verse cross-section.
Corresponding author:
Fiber waviness along the longitudinal direction NK Naik, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400076,
and uneven distribution of fibers within the matrix India.
in the transverse cross-section are the possible Email:
2 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

Micromechanical models available in the literature for these unit cells from appropriate considerations of
are based on the assumption that the fibers are straight the conditions of symmetry.
and aligned and fiber distribution within the matrix in Wongsto and Li18 presented micromechanical FEA
the transverse cross-section has a regular arrangement. of UD composites. They considered two frames having
Generally, hexagonal array or square array is assumed. different fiber volume fractions in the transverse cross-
For the micromechanical analysis of UD composites, section. Further, they obtained random distribution of
the transverse cross-section is discretized into micro unit fibers within the frames using random insertion process
cells/micro repetitive unit cells (RUCs) based on the fiber and determined elastic properties of UD composites
geometric distribution. It may be noted that such micro along the transverse direction.
unit cells/RUCs and representative volume elements Melro et al.21 developed an algorithm for generation
(RVEs) are at micro scale. Starting with the fiber and of random distribution of fibers in the transverse cross-
matrix mechanical properties, mechanical properties of section. Using FEA, stresses and strains were evaluated
the micro unit cell are evaluated. There are typical stu- for the given boundary displacements by applying peri-
dies based on regular arrangement of fibers, either with odic boundary conditions. Then, they evaluated trans-
hexagonal array or square array, for the determination verse elastic properties by randomly selecting integration
of mechanical properties of the micro RUCs.1–9 Because points over the cross-section. Wang et al.22 presented a
of periodicity present in the transverse plane, periodic method for automatic generation of random distribution
boundary conditions are applied to the micro RUCs. of fibers in the transverse cross-section. Random distri-
With the regular arrangement of fibers in the matrix in bution was generated starting with square array of fibers
the transverse plane, the macromechanical properties of and by global crisscrossing of fibers. Further, they deter-
the micro RUC and the UD composite would be iden- mined the mechanical properties of UD composites
tical. In reality, fiber distribution within the matrix in the along the transverse direction. Jin and Pelegri23 numer-
transverse cross-section would be uneven. Hence, fiber ically developed RVE of UD random fibers. They also
volume fraction (Vf) can be different at different loca- studied the packing capacity of a single fiber with respect
tions of the UD composite. This implies that fiber to the cross-sectional geometry of the fibers.
volume fraction would be different for different micro Jia et al.24 analyzed the mechanical response includ-
unit cells/micro RUCs. ing the damage mechanisms for surface and interior
There are typical studies on the elastic and strength parts of 3D orthogonal woven composites by multi-
behavior of UD composites with uneven fiber distribu- scale finite element method. They followed the displace-
tion in the transverse cross-section.10–24 Several meth- ment difference method to apply periodic boundary
ods to generate the random distribution of fibers along conditions to the micro unit cells in order to study
the transverse cross-section have been presented in their mechanical behavior.
these studies. There are also typical studies on failure behavior of
Sautter et al.,10 Fang and Liu11 and Shan and UD composites using micro mechanical analysis.25–30 In
Gokhale16 studied the effects of different cross-sectional these studies, either hexagonal array or square array of
geometry, mesh density and size of the finite element fibers was considered to determine the mechanical prop-
models and randomness of fiber distribution on the erties of the micro RUC. Starting with fiber and matrix
transverse elastic and strength properties of the micro- mechanical properties, mechanical properties of the micro
structure using finite element analysis (FEA). RUC were evaluated. In a recent study, multi-scale mod-
Gusev et al.,13 Matsuda et al.17 and Trias et al.19 eling has been used for the evaluation of mechanical
studied the effect of random distribution of fibers behavior of 3D composites with unequal distribution of
along the transverse cross-section on the elastic behav- fibers within the matrix in the transverse cross-section
ior of the UD composites. Bulsara et al.,12 Van der of strand.31 Micromechanical approaches are employed
Sluis et al14 and Gonzalez and LLorca20 studied the to investigate the influence of different fiber arrangement
effect of distribution of fibers in the transverse direction on the mechanical behavior of UD composites.32
on the elastic and strength behavior of UD composites. Uneven distribution of fibers in the transverse cross-
They used radial fiber distribution method to discuss section of UD composites is a practical reality. Different
the randomness of fibers within the microstructure. micro unit cells/micro RUCs can have different Vf and
Li15 considered two fiber packaging systems namely fiber distribution. The first step would be to identify dif-
square and hexagonal arrangement for UD composites ferent micro unit cells/micro RUCs in the transverse
capable of accommodating fibers of irregular cross- cross-section and evaluate elastic and strength properties
sections and imperfections asymmetrically distributed along the principal directions. Starting with the elastic
around fibers such as micro cracks and local debonding and strength properties of the micro unit cells/
in the system and compared the elastic properties micro RUCs and their distribution in the transverse
between them. He derived the boundary conditions cross-section, elastic and strength properties of the UD
Muthukumar et al. 3

composite are evaluated. In the present study, FEA is

Discretization of UD composite
used to evaluate the mechanical properties of micro unit Distribution of fibers can have an uneven pattern in
cells with uneven distribution of fibers within the matrix the transverse cross-section in an actual composite
in the transverse cross-section as well as with hexagonal structure. Typical microscopic photographs are shown
fiber distribution. Further, elastic and strength proper- in Wongsto and Li.18 Schematic representation of
ties of UD composite with micro RUCs having hex- uneven fiber distribution is given in Figure 1. Figure 2
agonal arrangement of fibers with different Vf at presents micro-mechanical geometric representation of
different locations in the transverse cross-section are fibers in transverse cross-section of an UD composite.
determined. The focus is on stress–strain plots and Figure 2(a) to (c) shows micro RUCs with periodicity
strength properties along the principal directions. and symmetry, with square distribution of fibers and

Figure 1. Transverse cross-section of a UD composite: schematic representation.

UD: unidirectional.

Figure 2. Micro-mechanical geometric representation: (a) Micro RUC with periodicity and symmetry, (b) Micro RUC with square
distribution of fibers, (c) Micro RUC with hexagonal distribution of fibers, (d) RVE.
RUC: repetitive unit cell; RVE: representative volume element.
4 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

with hexagonal distribution of fibers, respectively.

Identification of hexagonal micro RUCs
A typical RVE is shown in Figure 2(d). To study the effect of different Vf at different locations
A square distribution has fibers arranged uni- of the cross-section of the UD composite, eight micro
formly along the x- and y-directions, i.e. the centers RUCs with different Vf namely 0.35, 0.40, 0.45, 0.55,
of the fiber cross-section are aligned in a straight line 0.60, 0.65, 0.70 and 0.75 are identified with overall Vf
along both the directions as shown in Figure 2(b). equal to 0.65. All the micro RUCs are identified of
In this case, the unit cell can be represented as having hexagonal arrangement of fibers in the trans-
a square with a single fiber surrounded by matrix. verse cross-section.
For the hexagonal arrangement, the reference fiber
is surrounded by six fibers forming a hexagonal pattern
as shown in Figure 2(c). However, it can be seen
Concept of RUC and RVE
that the unit cell with hexagonal array of fibers can Generally, micromechanical analysis is carried out
be represented as a rectangle with one fiber at the based on the concept of RVE or RUC.6 RVE charac-
center and four fibers at the corners. In the present terizes heterogeneous materials with globally homoge-
study, planar dimension of the rectangular unit cell is neous microstructures, whereas RUC characterizes
21.5 mm  20.5 mm. periodic heterogeneous materials. These two different
Normally, micro damages are introduced in compos- geometric representations of heterogeneous materials
ite structures. Typical micro damages are: matrix micro require different boundary conditions at micro level.
cracking, voids, fiber breakage and pull out, de-bond- Homogeneous displacement and traction boundary
ing between fiber and matrix, fiber waviness/twisting conditions are applied in case of RVE, whereas periodic
along longitudinal direction and uneven distribution displacement and traction boundary conditions are
of fibers in the transverse cross-section. Such micro applied in case of RUC.
damages can significantly affect the mechanical behav- The concept of RUC and RVE varies based on the
ior of composite structures. periodicity and symmetry exhibited in the material
Effect of micro damages in composite structures microstructure. Periodic boundary conditions can be
would be very critical in aircraft/aerospace applica- applied using the concept of RUC, if the microstructure
tions. Type, extent and distribution of micro damages is periodic. If the microstructure is random/uneven, the
can be different, even for identical structures made for concept of RVE can be used and homogeneous bound-
different aircrafts/aerospace vehicles. This is primarily ary conditions need to be applied. Micromechanical
because of the possible variations in preform fabrica- geometric representations using the concept of RUC
tion and manufacturing conditions. and RVE are shown in Figure 2.
Such a possible variation in type, extent and distri- In the present study, two different types of fiber
bution of micro damages could lead to different mech- arrangements are considered in the analysis. For
anical properties even for identical components. RUCs with hexagonal distribution of fibers in the
Normal procedure used computed tomography (CT) transverse cross-section, appropriate periodic boundary
scans to obtain micro damage distribution within a conditions are applied. Such a configuration is referred
composite structure.. Mechanical behavior of the com- to as Type I (Figure 2(a)). Figure 2(d) represents a
posite structure can be obtained once micro damage typical RVE with uneven distribution of fibers in the
distribution is obtained by CT scans. transverse cross-section. Here, micro unit cells ‘J’ and
Present work is about one typical case with unequal ‘S’ represent typical local fiber arrangements. Such
distribution of fibers in the transverse cross-section of micro unit cells are referred to as Type II. It may be
UD composite using micro analysis. The micro unit cell noted that micro unit cells referred here are not peri-
considered ‘J’ is a typical micro unit cell with uneven odic. Hence, periodic boundary conditions cannot
distribution of fibers (Figure 2(d). be applied.
Further, the objective is to demonstrate the meth- Different fiber geometric distributions considered in
odology used for the evaluation of elastic and strength the micro analysis are shown in Figure 3. For the UD
properties of UD composites. From typical CT composite with Type I fiber arrangement, the concept
scan studies, distribution of fibers is considered as hex- of RUCs with periodicity and symmetry is employed
agonal with Vf at different locations. For the typical and appropriate boundary conditions are applied.
case considered, fiber distribution can be represented Figure 2(a) shows the micro RUC with periodicity
using eight different types of micro RUCs with Vf vary- and symmetry, which represents Type I fiber arrange-
ing from 0.35 to 0.75. Overall, Vf was 0.65. Next, mech- ment. Here, periodic boundary conditions are applied
anical behavior of the micro unit cell with uneven on the reference micro RUC ‘R’ to get the mechanical
distribution of fibers in the transverse cross-section is properties. Unit cell ‘J’ (Figure 2(d)) represents Type II
studied. fiber arrangement. Here, the mechanical properties of
Muthukumar et al. 5

Figure 3. Fiber geometrical distribution: (a) micro RUC, Type I, (b) unit cell, Type II.
RUC: repetitive unit cell.

the reference unit cell ‘J’ are obtained by applying another and i, k ¼ 1, 2, 3. It may be noted that x1 ; x2
homogeneous displacement boundary conditions over and x3 refer to x-, y- and z-direction, respectively.
a distance to avoid boundary effects. The displacements on a pair of parallel and opposite
boundary surfaces of the micro RUC along the positive
and negative direction can be expressed as
Boundary conditions
Two different types of boundary conditions are used
ujþ jþ 
i ¼ "ik xk þ ui ð2Þ
based on the fiber geometric distribution considered.
As explained earlier, periodic displacement and traction
boundary conditions are applied in case of RUC with uj j 
i ¼ "ik xk þ ui ð3Þ
periodic and symmetric microstructure, whereas homo-
geneous displacement and traction boundary conditions The first condition, i.e. the displacement continuity
are applied in case of a unit cell with uneven distribution condition can be satisfied by finding the difference
of fibers in the transverse cross-section and UD compos- between equations (2) and (3) on a pair of parallel
ite with different Vf at different locations. and opposite boundary surfaces of the micro RUC.
This condition can be applied as the nodal displacement
constraint equation in FEA. The difference between the
Periodic boundary conditions displacements on the two parallel and opposite surfaces
Since the periodic array of micro RUCs represents a should be constant. In the present case, the second con-
continuous physical body, two continuity conditions dition, i.e. traction continuity condition need not be
must be satisfied at the boundaries of neighboring independently satisfied, as the displacement continuity
micro RUCs. The first condition is that the displace- between the neighboring micro RUCs also ensures the
ments must be continuous to ensure that each micro traction continuity between them. Similar approach has
RUC in the composite has the same deformation been followed for implementing periodic boundary
mode and that there is no separation or overlap between conditions in the literature.8,24,26
neighboring micro RUCs. The second condition implies Schematic representation of the micro RUC in the
that the traction distributions at the opposite parallel form of a block used for representing periodic bound-
boundaries of a micro RUC must be the same. ary conditions is given in Figure 4. Here, ‘u’, ‘v’ and ‘w’
The periodic boundary conditions for the micro are the displacements along x-, y- and z-directions,
RUC can be expressed with the general displacement respectively. For example, if ‘u’ is externally applied
boundary conditions as given in Suquet.33 The displace- on the parallel and opposite faces x ¼ 0 (OBFD) and
ment field for a 3D periodic structure is given by x ¼ a (ACGE) of the micro RUC, the displacements ‘v’
and ‘w’ should be equal on either side of the x faces
ui ðx1 , x2 , x3 Þ ¼ "ik xk þ ui ðx1 , x2 , x3 Þ ð1Þ except at the edges. The nodal displacements ‘u’ and ‘w’
should be equal on either side of the y faces (OACB
where "ik is the average strain applied over the RUC, xk and DEGF) except at the edges, whereas the nodal dis-
is the Cartesian coordinate of a material point, "ik xk is placement ‘v’ should be equal in magnitude and oppos-
the linear distributed displacement field, ui ðx1 , x2 , x3 Þ is ite in direction. Similarly, the nodal displacements ‘u’
the periodic displacement field from one RUC to and ‘v’ should be equal on either side of the z faces
6 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

(ODEA and BFGC) except at the edges, whereas the The periodic boundary conditions used for the
nodal displacement ‘w’ should be equal and opposite. normal loading along x-direction are presented in a
The edges are excluded on the respective faces based consolidated form in Table 1. In a similar way, periodic
on the loading conditions to avoid over constraining. boundary conditions for shear loading in xy-plane for
This is because the corner of the micro RUC is shared micro RUC are worked out and presented in a conso-
by two sides belonging to different pairs. For example, lidated form in Table 2.
when ‘u’ is externally applied on the x faces (OBFD and
ACGE), the nodal displacement ‘u’ on the sides OB,
DF, AC, EG of the y faces gets excluded to avoid
Homogeneous displacement boundary conditions
over constraining. When these boundary conditions Homogeneous boundary conditions are the type of
are discretized, some of them at the corners are not boundary conditions that produce uniform strain and
fully independent. Although this does not introduce stress fields in homogeneous materials. The homoge-
conflicts in a mathematical sense, some commercial neous displacement boundary condition is given by
finite element software diagnose it as a source of error
and lead to over constraining of the system. ui ðx1 , x2 , x3 Þ ¼ "ik xk ð4Þ

where "ik is the average strain applied, xk is the

Cartesian coordinate of a material point, "ik xk is the
linear distributed displacement field and i, k ¼ 1, 2, 3.
It may be noted that x1 , x2 and x3 refer to x-, y- and
z-direction, respectively. Homogeneous displacement
boundary conditions are applied for unit cell ‘J’
shown in Figures 2(d) and 3(b).

Micro analysis
Micro analysis of a composite structure consists of
analysis of fibers surrounded by matrix inside an UD
composite. Analytical methods are well developed to
find the properties of UD composites along the fiber
direction. However, analytical methods are not so ver-
satile to get the properties accurately in the transverse
direction. FEA is a better option to find the mechanical
properties in the transverse plane of UD composites.
Figure 4. Schematic representation of the micro RUC in the With the uneven distribution of fibers in the transverse
form of a block used for representing periodic boundary condi- cross-section, the mechanical properties of different
tions. micro unit cells and those of the UD composite may
RUC: repetitive unit cell. not be identical.

Table 1. Periodic boundary conditions for normal loading in x-direction for micro RUC.

FACES u v w

A. Periodic boundary conditions

x ¼ 0 (OBFD) Externally applied Nodal displacement should be equal Nodal displacement should be equal
x ¼ a (ACGE) on either side except at edges on either side except at edges
y ¼ 0 (OACB) Nodal displacement should be equal Nodal displacement should be equal Nodal displacement should be equal
y ¼ b (DEGF) on either side except at edges and opposite on either side on either side except at edges
z ¼ 0 (ODEA) Nodal displacement should be equal Nodal displacement should be equal Nodal displacement should be equal
z ¼ c (BFGC) on either side except at edges on either side except at edges and opposite on either side
RUC: repetitive unit cell.
Muthukumar et al. 7

Table 2. Periodic boundary conditions for shear loading in xy-plane for micro RUC.

FACES u v w

x ¼ 0 (OBFD) Nodal displacement should be Externally applied Nodal displacement should be

x ¼ a (ACGE) equal on either side equal on either side
except at edges except at edges
y ¼ 0 (OACB) Externally applied Nodal displacement should be Nodal displacement should be
y ¼ b (DEGF) equal on either side except at equal on either side except at
edges edges
z ¼ 0 (ODEA) Nodal displacement should be Nodal displacement should be Nodal displacement should be
z ¼ c (BFGC) equal on either side except at equal on either side equal on either side except at
edges except at edges edges
RUC: repetitive unit cell.

typical micro RUCs are shown in Figure 5. Figure

Assumptions in micro analysis
5(a) to (c) represents micro RUCs having hexagonal
Following assumptions are made in FEA of micro distribution of fibers with Vf of 0.65, 0.55 and 0.35,
RUCs: respectively. It may be noted that these micro RUCs
are of Type I.
A. Hexagonal arrangement of fibers in the transverse Strain loading of e ¼ 0.1% is applied in the form of
cross-section displacement on the respective boundary nodes. Applied
1. The eight micro RUCs identified represent the strain was increased and the corresponding induced
entire domain of the UD composite. stress was evaluated in the elements of fibers and
2. Fibers are hexagonally packed inside the matrix, matrix. Whenever the induced stress within the element
but volume fraction differs from place to place. was reaching the ultimate value, the corresponding elem-
3. For hexagonal distribution of fibers, unit cell is ent in the finite element model is killed. Further, it is
rectangular. considered that the composite breaks as soon as one
4. Fibers are straight and aligned and have the same fiber breaks by employing maximum stress theory.
elastic and strength properties throughout the The average stress on the micro RUC was calculated
domain. from elemental stresses using equation
5. Fibers and matrix are perfectly bonded through-
out the domain. 1X n

6. There is no discontinuity or micro cracks in fibers ij ¼ ij vek ð5Þ

V k¼1
and matrix.
7. Periodic boundary conditions can be applied. where ij is the average stress over the entire domain, ij
B. Uneven distribution of fibers in the transverse cross- is the average stress of all the nodes in an element, V is
section the total volume of the entire domain and vek is the
8. For the micro unit cells with uneven distribution volume of one element.
of fibers, St Venant’s principle can be applied. From the known strain matrix and the stress matrix
obtained from FEA, the engineering constants in com-
pliance matrix are given by
Micro analysis of UD composites 2 1 yx zx 3
2 3 Ex Ey Ez 0 0 0
2 3
Micromechanical analysis of E-glass/epoxy UD com- "xx 6 xy 1 zy 7 xx
6 "yy 7 6 E 0 0 0 7
posite with hexagonal distribution of fibers in the trans- 6 7 6 x Ey Ez 76 yy 7
6 7 6 xz yz 1 76 7
verse cross-section has been carried out to generate the 6 "zz 7 6 E 0 0 0 76 zz 7
6 7 6 x Ey Ez 76 7 ð6Þ
mechanical properties using FEA. As a first step, 6 "yz 7 ¼ 6 76
0 Gyz 0 0 76 yz 7
6 7 6 0 0 1 7  7
homogeneous properties of the eight micro RUCs 6 7 6 76 7
4 "xz 5 6 60 0 1
0 0 Gxz 0 57 4 xz 5
with different Vf having hexagonal distribution of 4
fibers were evaluated from the properties of the fiber "xy xy
0 0 0 0 0 G1xy
and the matrix. FE discretized models of the three
8 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

Figure 5. FE mesh for micro analysis, micro RUCs with hexagonal arrangement of fibers, Type I: (a) Vf ¼ 0.65, (b) Vf ¼ 0.55,
(c) Vf ¼ 0.35.
RUC: repetitive unit cell; FE: finite element.

Here E, G and m are the elastic properties and suffixes was used for both the fibers and the matrix. Each elem-
x, y and z represent the corresponding directions. ent has eight nodes at the corners and each node has
Ex, Ey and Ez were obtained by applying corres- three degrees of freedom
ponding axial strain. Similarly, Gxy, Gyz, and Gxz were As a first step, homogeneous properties of the eight
obtained by applying corresponding shear strain. types of micro RUCs with different Vf having hex-
Poisson’s ratios were obtained by applying the normal agonal distribution of fibers were evaluated from the
strains simultaneously in all the three axial directions. properties of the fiber and the matrix. In turn, proper-
By simplifying equation (6), expressions for ties of macro unit cell/UD composite were obtained
Poisson’s ratios are given as using homogeneous boundary conditions.
All the micro RUCs were considered of having
2 3 2 yy 31 2 3
0 "xx  Exxx hexagonal arrangement of fibers in the transverse
xy E Ex
6 7 6 xxx zz 7 6 yy 7 cross-section. Dimensions of all the micro RUCs with
4 xz 5 ¼ 6 Ex 0 Ey 7 4 "yy  Ex 5 ð7Þ
4 5 different Vf are considered to be the same for the pre-
yz 0 xx
Ex Ey
"zz  Ezzz sent analysis. The FE discretization of typical micro
RUCs is shown in Figure 5.
2 3 2 yy zz
31 2 3 The dimensions of micro RUC used for FE model
yx Ey Ez 0 "xx  Exxx
6 xx 7 for E-glass/epoxy were 21.5 mm  20.5 mm  0.5 mm
6 7 6 E 0 zz 7 6 yy 7
4 zx 5 ¼ 4 y Ez 5 4 "yy  Ex 5 along x-, y- and z-directions, respectively, for all Vf.
zy 0 xx yy "zz  Ezzz Then, based on Vf, fiber distribution in the transverse
Ez Ez
cross-section was evaluated. The elastic properties of E-
glass fiber are: Efl ¼ Eft ¼ 72 GPa, G flt ¼ G ftt ¼ 26:66
The above-mentioned procedure was employed for GPa and  flt ¼ 0:35. Fiber diameter is d f ¼ 13.5 mm.
each micro RUC and the mechanical properties were The elastic properties of epoxy resin are: E ¼ 3.5 GPa,
obtained by applying appropriate periodic boundary G ¼ 1.29 GPa and m ¼ 0.35.
conditions to ensure periodicity. Only one element was considered in the thickness (z)
direction to reduce computational time. Number of
elements in the transverse cross-section for the different
FE modeling of micro structure
micro RUCs was decided based on the convergence
Micromechanical analysis was performed for the follow- study for the average stress over the cross-section. In
ing three cases with two possible distributions of fibers in the case of micro RUC with Vf 0.65, a total of 2076
the transverse cross-section, namely Type I and Type II elements were chosen based on this study.
for the evaluation of elastic and strength properties. It may be noted that the micro RUCs with Type I
fiber arrangement are symmetric. For such cases, mech-
Micro RUCs with hexagonal distribution of fibers anical properties were evaluated by applying axial
and shear loading separately after applying periodic
having different Vf, i.e. Type I fiber arrangement
boundary conditions. The periodic boundary condi-
Commercial FEA software ANSYS was used for the tions applied on micro RUCs for normal loading in
micro analysis.34 Eight-node brick element, SOLID 45 x-direction are given in Table 1, whereas the periodic
Muthukumar et al. 9

boundary conditions for shear loading in xy-plane are micro unit cells was worked out based on the mirror
given in Table 2. Schematic representation of the micro image. Planar view is shown in Figure 6. There are 16
RUC in the form of a block used for representing peri- micro unit cells in the planar view. Three planes, one
odic boundary conditions is given in Figure 4. above and one below the reference plane having 16
Boundary conditions for the other loading conditions micro unit cells in each of the three planes are con-
were worked out in a similar way. sidered. This makes a total of 48 micro unit cells includ-
ing micro unit cell ‘J’. This arrangement is worked out
Micro unit cell with uneven distribution of fibers to apply homogeneous boundary condition to micro
unit cell ‘J’. Similar approach can be followed for the
having Vf ¼ 0.65, i.e. Type II fiber arrangement evaluation of elastic and strength properties of micro
Realistically, fiber distribution in the transverse cross- unit cell ‘S’ and other micro unit cells (Figure 6).
section may not have hexagonal pattern. Figure 2(d)
represents a typical RVE with uneven distribution of FE modeling of UD composites having Vf ¼ 0.65,
fibers in the transverse cross-section. Here, micro unit
cells ‘J’ and ‘S’ represent typical local fiber arrangement
Type I fiber arrangement
referred to as Type II. For the present analysis, micro The transverse cross-section of the UD composite is con-
unit cell ‘J’ is considered. For other micro unit cells sidered to be having rectangular shape with overall
with unequal distribution of fibers, damage distribution Vf ¼ 0.65. Number of micro RUCs considered is 48, 37
can be obtained using CT scans, and mechanical behav- and 1 along x-, y- and z-directions, respectively. With this,
ior can be obtained using micro analysis as explained. the dimensions of UD composite are 1032 mm, 758.5 mm
Figure 6 represents micro unit cells with uneven dis- and 0.5 mm along x-, y- and z-directions, respectively.
tribution of fibers having Vf ¼ 0.65. In this case, micro As explained earlier, eight types of micro RUCs
unit cell ‘J’ is a typical micro unit cell. It is surrounded having hexagonal distribution of fibers were identified
by corner points 1, 2, 3 and 4. It may be noted that this for the analysis. It may be noted that it corresponds to
micro unit cell is not symmetric and hence periodic Type I fiber arrangement. Micro RUCs having hex-
boundary conditions cannot be applied. Micro unit agonal arrangement of fibers with different Vf at differ-
cell ‘J’ is considered to be surrounded by 47 micro ent locations in the transverse cross-section were
unit cells of identical fiber distribution for the analysis. considered. Distribution of micro RUCs with different
This arrangement was worked out for applying homo- Vf in the transverse cross-section was carried out in
geneous boundary conditions. To minimize the effect of such a way that micro RUCs having the same Vf are
stress concentration, the arrangement of surrounding not adjacent to each other. This was done to have uni-
form distribution of micro RUCs with different fiber
volume fractions. There are 1776 micro RUCs in
total. Specifically, number of micro RUCs considered
with Vf ¼ 0.35, 0.40, 0.45, 0.55, 0.60, 0.65, 0.70 and 0.75
are 41, 43, 89, 89, 89, 712, 360 and 353, respectively. It
may be noted that the overall Vf of the UD composite is
0.65 with such a distribution of micro RUCs.
To model the UD composite, the micro RUCs are
built as 3D solid block elements in FEA. There are 1776
blocks with 48, 37 and 1 block along x-, y- and z-dir-
ections, respectively. The dimension of a single block
element is the same as that of the micro RUC,
21.5 mm  20.5 mm  0.5 mm. The individual set of prop-
erties obtained for each of the eight different types of
micro RUCS are then assigned to these blocks accord-
ingly. In this case, homogeneous boundary conditions
are applied at the boundaries of the UD composite.

Results and discussion

Elastic properties
Figure 6. Representation of micro unit cell ‘J’ with uneven
distribution of fibers, Vf ¼ 0.65: for FE analysis. The elastic properties for the three cases considered are
FE: finite element. calculated using equations (5) to (8).
10 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

Micro RUCs with hexagonal fiber arrangement higher compared to the case with regular distribution
of fibers. Higher degree of contiguity leads to higher
having different Vf, i.e. Type I fiber arrangement transverse Young’s moduli.35 Hence, Ex and Ey are
Elastic properties of the eight types of micro RUCs higher for micro unit cell Type II compared with
with Vf of 0.35, 0.40, 0.45, 0.55, 0.60, 0.65, 0.70 and those for micro RUC Type I. Further, average stress
0.75 are presented in Table 3a. The transverse elastic is higher within the matrix for micro unit cell Type II
properties as well as the elastic properties in the fiber compared with micro RUC Type I. This would lead to
direction show an increase with increase in Vf. Further, higher Ex and Ey for micro unit cell Type II.
rate of increase is enhanced for Ex, Ey, Gxy, Gyz and Gxz
as Vf increases.
UD composites, Type I fiber arrangement
Micro unit cells with uneven distribution of fibers Elastic properties of the UD composite made of micro
RUCs with hexagonal fiber arrangement with different
having Vf ¼ 0.65, i.e. Type II fiber arrangement
Vf as explained earlier were evaluated using equations
Elastic properties of the micro unit cell with uneven (5) to (8). Results are presented in Table 4. It may be
distribution of fibers having Vf ¼ 0.65 are given in noted that the overall Vf is 0.65. Elastic properties of
Table 3b. For such a configuration, Ez is nearly the micro RUC Type I with Vf ¼ 0.65 are also presented for
same as that for micro RUC Type I, Vf ¼ 0.65. comparison. Ez is nearly identical for both the cases.
However, Ex and Ey are higher for micro unit cell However, Ex and Ey are higher for UD composite by
Type II by 4.85% and 4.12%, respectively, compared 3.43% and 3.16%, respectively, compared with those
with those for micro RUC Type I. With uneven distri- for micro RUC Type I due to the effect of degree of
bution of fibers, the degree of contiguity would be contiguity. With uneven distribution of micro RUCs

Table 3. Elastic properties of micro RUCs.

Ex Ey Ez Gxy Gyz Gxz

Vf (GPa) (GPa) (GPa) (GPa) (GPa) (GPa) txy tyz txz

A. Hexagonal fiber arrangement having different Vf, TYPE I

0.35 7.21 7.29 27.44 2.26 2.29 2.23 0.4085 0.1856 0.1835
0.40 7.48 7.53 30.86 2.77 2.38 2.34 0.4348 0.1732 0.1720
0.45 7.84 7.86 34.28 3.37 2.52 2.49 0.4589 0.1639 0.1635
0.55 9.13 9.03 41.11 4.89 3.00 3.02 0.5114 0.0703 0.0708
0.60 10.25 10.07 44.53 5.90 3.42 3.47 0.5186 0.0716 0.0727
0.65 11.95 11.64 47.92 6.38 4.06 4.17 0.5185 0.0763 0.0782
0.70 15.02 14.31 51.36 9.07 5.73 5.93 0.5112 0.0869 0.0906
0.75 21.05 20.05 54.77 11.64 7.76 8.16 0.4695 0.1126 0.1179
B. Type I and Type II fiber arrangement, Vf ¼ 0.65
TYPE I 11.95 11.64 47.92 6.38 4.06 4.17 0.5185 0.0763 0.0782
TYPE II 12.53 12.12 47.88 4.86 4.88 4.79 0.4779 0.0925 0.0679
RUC: repetitive unit cell.

Table 4. Elastic properties of micro RUCa and UD composite.b

Properties Ex Ey Ez Gxy Gyz Gxz

Type Vf (GPa) (GPa) (GPa) (GPa) (GPa) (GPa) txy tyz txz

UD composite 0.65 12.35 12.01 47.89 5.45 5.31 4.56 0.4852 0.0853 0.08566
RUCa 0.65 11.95 11.64 47.92 6.38 4.06 4.17 0.5185 0.0763 0.0782
Elastic properties of micro RUC with hexagonal fiber arrangement, Type I, Vf ¼ 0.65.
Elastic properties of UD composite with micro RUCs consisting of hexagonal fiber arrangement having different Vf. Overall Vf ¼ 0.65.
RUC: repetitive unit cell; UD: unidirectional.
Muthukumar et al. 11

having different Vf, the degree of contiguity would be Figure 8 presents stress–strain diagrams. Plots are
higher for UD composite compared with that for micro presented for Vf ¼ 0.65 and 0.45. In these plots, point
RUC Type I. This would lead to higher Ex and Ey for ‘1’ indicates failure initiation in the form of matrix
UD composite compared with that for micro RUC cracking, whereas point ‘2’ indicates the ultimate fail-
Type I. Further, the average stress is higher within ure. Stress–strain plots for the transverse tensile loading
the matrix for UD composite compared with micro (Figure 8(a) and (b)) are linear. For these cases, ultim-
RUC Type I. This would also lead to higher Ex and ate failure is the first mode of failure. In Figure 8(c),
Ey for UD composite. point 2 indicates the ultimate failure in the form of fiber
It is interesting to note, from Table 5a and Figure 9,
Stress–strain behavior the trend of variation of the ultimate transverse tensile
Using maximum stress theory,35 stress–strain plots strength as a function of Vf. It increases up to about
were obtained. Strain loading of e ¼ 0.1% was applied Vf ¼ 0.55 and then decreases. This is because of strain
in the form of displacement on the respective boundary concentration effect.
nodes. Applied strain was increased and the corres- Figure 7 presents FE mesh for micro analysis and
ponding induced stress was evaluated in the elements locations of strain concentrations. Regions ‘a1’ and
of fibers and matrix. Whenever the induced stress ‘b1’; ‘a2’ and ‘b2’; and ‘a3’ and ‘b3’ are, respectively,
within the element was reaching the ultimate value, the locations of strain concentrations for Vf ¼ 0.75,
the corresponding element in the finite element model Vf ¼ 0.55 and Vf ¼ 0.35. The strain concentration
is killed. The stress–strain behavior for the three cases values at regions ‘a1’, ‘b1’, ‘a2’, ‘b2’, ‘a3’ and ‘b3’ are
considered is presented below. 7.1%, 0.8%, 1.2%, 1.1%, 1.3% and 0.7%, respectively
for the applied average strain of 0.5%. It may be noted
Micro RUCs with hexagonal fiber that strain concentration decreases as Vf increases up to
arrangement having different Vf , i.e. 0.55 and then increases. Specifically, strain concentra-
tion is the minimum at regions ‘a2’ and ‘b2’ with
Type I fiber arrangement Vf ¼ 0.55. Hence, the transverse tensile strength is the
Strength properties of micro RUCs with hexagonal highest with Vf ¼ 0.55.
fiber arrangement having different Vf are presented in From Figure 8(c), it can be seen that the longitudinal
Table 5a. Vf is varied in a practical range of 0.35 to tensile stress–strain behavior is linear up to point ‘1’.
0.75. Figure 7 presents FE mesh for micro analysis and The slope changes at point ‘1’. This is because of matrix
locations of strain ("x ) concentrations. cracking at strain corresponding to point ‘1’.

Table 5. Strength properties of micro RUCs.

Transverse tensile
strength in Transverse tensile Longitudinal tensile
Fiber volume x-direction, strength in strength in
Type fraction XT (MPa) y-direction, YT (MPa) z-direction, ZT (MPa)

A. Hexagonal fiber arrangement having different Vf, TYPE I

– 0.35 86.5 80.2 1006
– 0.40 89.7 82.9 1150
– 0.45 94.1 86.5 1294
– 0.55 104.0 99.4 1580
– 0.60 102.5 100.7 1725
– 0.65 83.7 93.1 1870
– 0.70 75.1 80.4 2012
– 0.75 64.9 62.4 2160
B. Type I and Type II fiber arrangement, Vf ¼ 0.65
TYPE I 0.65 83.7 93.1 1870
TYPE II 0.65 71.3 73.1 1842
RUC: repetitive unit cell.
12 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

Figure 8. Stress–strain diagrams for micro RUCs with hex-

agonal arrangement of fibers, Type I, Vf ¼ 0.65 and 0.45:
(a) transverse tensile behavior along x, (b) transverse tensile
behavior along y, (c) longitudinal tensile behavior along z.
RUC: repetitive unit cell.

Figure 7. FE mesh for micro analysis, micro RUCs with hex-

agonal arrangement of fibers, Type I, locations of strain ("x )
concentrations: (a) Vf ¼ 0.75, (b) Vf ¼ 0.55, (c) Vf ¼ 0.35.
RUC: repetitive unit cell; FE: finite element.

Figure 9(b) shows longitudinal tensile strength as a

function of Vf. The behavior is linear.

Micro unit cells with uneven distribution of fibers

having Vf ¼ 0.65, i.e. Type II fiber arrangement
Strength properties of the micro unit cell having Figure 9. Tensile strength as a function of Vf for micro RUCs,
Vf ¼ 0.65 with uneven distribution of fibers in the trans- Type I: (a) transverse strength, (b) longitudinal strength.
verse cross-section are given in Table 5b. RUC: repetitive unit cell.
Muthukumar et al. 13

Stress–strain diagrams for the micro RUCs Type I the stress–strain plots are linear for Type I, whereas
and micro unit cell Type II are given in Figure 10. they are not linear for Type II. It can be seen from
Stress–strain diagrams for the transverse strength are Figure 10(c) that the longitudinal tensile stress–strain
presented in Figure 10(a) and (b). It may be noted that behavior is linear up to point ‘1’. The slope changes at
point ‘1’. This is because of matrix cracking at strain
corresponding to point ‘1’.
It can be seen from Table 5b and Figure 10 that the
transverse tensile strength values are significantly lower
for Type II fiber arrangement compared with Type I
fiber arrangement. This is because of enhanced strain
concentration for Type II fiber arrangement compared
with Type I fiber arrangement. Specifically, the max-
imum strain concentration is 2.9% for Type II fiber
arrangement compared with 1.2% for Type I fiber
arrangement for the applied average strain of 0.5%.
It is interesting to note that the transverse tensile
strength decreases for Type II fiber arrangement com-
pared with Type I fiber arrangement, even though stiff-
ness increases for Type II arrangement compared with
Type I fiber arrangement. On the other hand, longitu-
dinal tensile strength and stiffness are nearly identical
for Type II and Type I.
Elastic and strength properties of possible other
micro unit cells with different uneven distribution of
fibers can be obtained in a similar way, for example
micro unit cell ‘S’ in Figure 2(d). In turn, properties
of macro unit cell/RVE/UD composite can be obtained
using homogeneous boundary conditions.

UD composites, Type I fiber arrangement

Strength properties of the UD composite made of the
micro RUCs with hexagonal fiber arrangement and dif-
ferent Vf as explained earlier are evaluated and pre-
sented in Table 6. It may be noted that the overall
Vf ¼ 0.65 for the UD composite. Strength properties
of the micro RUC Type I with Vf ¼ 0.65 are also pre-
sented for comparison. Stress–strain diagrams for UD
composite and Type I micro RUC are presented in
Figure 10. Stress–strain diagrams for micro RUC Type I and Figure 11.
unit cell Type II, Vf ¼ 0.65: (a) transverse tensile behavior along x,
Stress–strain diagrams for the transverse strength
(b) transverse tensile behavior along y, (c) longitudinal tensile
behavior along z.
are linear (Figure 11(a) and (b)). For these cases,
RUC: repetitive unit cell. the ultimate failure is the first mode of failure. It can

Table 6. Strength properties of micro RUCa and UD composite.b

Transverse tensile strength in Transverse tensile strength in Longitudinal tensile strength in

Type x-direction, XT (MPa) y-direction, YT (MPa) z-direction, ZT (MPa)

Micro RUCa 83.7 93.1 1870

UD compositeb 73.3 62.6 1871
Strength properties of micro RUC with hexagonal fiber arrangement, Type I, Vf ¼ 0.65.
Strength properties of UD composite with micro RUCs consisting of hexagonal fiber arrangement having different Vf. Overall
Vf ¼ 0.65.
RUC: repetitive unit cell; UD: unidirectional.
14 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

tensile strength and stiffness are nearly identical for UD

composite and Type I fiber arrangement.

Micromechanical analysis has been performed for three
cases with two possible distributions of fibers in the
transverse cross-section, namely Type I and Type II
for the evaluation of elastic and strength properties.
A computational method is presented for the micro
analysis of micro RUCs with hexagonal arrangement
of fibers in the transverse cross-section of the UD
composite for the mechanical properties. Mechanical
properties of UD composite with micro RUCs having
hexagonal arrangement of fibers with different Vf at
different locations in the transverse cross-section are
also evaluated. Further, mechanical properties of
micro unit cells having uneven distribution of fibers in
the transverse cross-section are presented for micro unit
cell ‘J’. Elastic and strength properties of possible other
micro unit cells with different uneven distribution of
fibers can be obtained in a similar way, for example,
micro unit cell ‘S’ in Figure 2(d). In turn, properties of
macro unit cell/RVE/UD composite can be obtained
using homogeneous boundary conditions
Specific observations are:

. Transverse moduli Ex and Ey are higher for micro

unit cell Type II (micro unit cell ‘J’) by 4.85% and
4.12%, respectively, compared with those for micro
RUC Type I with Vf ¼ 0.65.
. Transverse moduli Ex and Ey are higher for UD com-
posite by 3.43% and 3.16%, respectively, compared
Figure 11. Stress–strain diagrams for micro RUC and UD
with those for micro RUC Type I with Vf ¼ 0.65.
composite: (a) transverse tensile behavior along x, (b) transverse
. Transverse strength of micro RUC Type I with
tensile behavior along y, (c) longitudinal tensile behavior along z.
RUC: repetitive unit cell; UD: unidirectional. Vf ¼ 0.55 is higher compared to the other micro
RUCs with different Vf.
. Transverse strength in x- and y-directions is signifi-
cantly lower for the micro unit cell Type II (micro
be seen from Figure 11(c) that the longitudinal tensile unit cell ‘J’) compared with micro RUC Type I with
stress–strain behavior is linear up to point ‘1’. The slope Vf ¼ 0.65.
changes at point ‘1’. This is because of matrix cracking . Transverse strength in x- and y-directions is signifi-
at strain corresponding to point ‘1’. cantly lower for UD composite compared with
It can be seen from Table 6 and Figure 11 that the micro RUC Type I with Vf ¼ 0.65.
transverse tensile strength values are significantly lower
for UD composite compared with Type I fiber arrange-
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
ment. This is because of micro RUCs having different
Vf ranging from 0.35 to 0.75 at different locations of The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
UD composite.
It is interesting to note that the transverse tensile
strength decreases for UD composite compared with
Type I fiber arrangement, even though stiffness Funding
increases for UD composite compared with Type I The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
fiber arrangement. On the other hand, the longitudinal authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Muthukumar et al. 15

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