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You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table below gives information about the underground railway

systems in six cities.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

City Date opened Kilometres of route Passengers per year

(in millions)
London 1863 394 775
Paris 1900 199 1191
Tokyo 1927 155 1927
Washington DC 1976 126 144
Kyoto 1981 11 45
Los Angeles 2001 28 50

The table compares about the underground railway networks with respect to their opening
years, sizes and the number of folks who used them every year.

Overall, it can be seen that London, Paris and Tokyo had larger sizes and greater number of
passengers than that of the rest.

London was the most mature underground being launched in 1863 with 394 kilometers of
route, which was twice as many as Paris with 199km. Paris, despite being the second oldest
railway system (1900), surpassed London in terms of the total commuters with 1191 million vs
775 million wanderers correspondingly. Tokyo headed the list with 1927 passengers, making it
the busiest station, and ranked third in relation to the track with 155km.

When it comes to the contemporary railway networks, Washington DC (1976) was much
higher than Kyoto and Los Angeles regarding the passages and travelers each year with
126km vs 11km vs 28km and 144 vs 45 vs 50 million riders respectively. The most recent rail
line systems, Kyoto (1981) and Los Angeles (2001) constituted the least sum in both passages
(11, 28) and numbers (45, 50), compared to the discussed aged ones.

Band 9 (191 words)

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