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273. I never thought that I would win a prize. 273.

It never crossed my mind that I would win a

(CROSSED) prize.
274. I will be thinking of you and hope that you 274. I’ll keep my fingers cross for you on the day
have good luck on the day ò your interview. of your interview.
275. He maintain his position against his 275. He stood his ground against his adversary.
276.Doris tiptoed up the stairs because she didn’t 276. Doris tiptoed up the stair lest she (should)
want to wake the baby up.(LEST) wake the baby up.
277.Andrew doesn’t claim to have a lot of 277. Andrew makes no pretence of having a lot of
musical talent.(PRETENCE) musical talent.
278. The book interestingly describes the life of 278. The book give an interesting account of the
Marx as a young man.(ACCOUNT) life of Marx as a young man.
279.The local council’s considered mass tourism 279. The local council have put the blame on mass
the cause of the environmental problems.(PUT) tourism for the environmental problems.
280. Harry was close to winning the big race. 280. Harry was within an ace of winning the big
(ACE) race.
281. They listened eagerly and attentively to the 281. They were all ears to the president’s speech.
president’s speech. (EARS)
282. Why do I always get the boring jobs? 282. I’m fed up with doing the donkey work.
283.I’m afraid there is no room in the concert 283. I’m afraid the concert hall is fully booked
hall tonight.(BOOKED) tonight.
284. My brother is not feeling terribly well the 284. My brother is under the weather these days.
days. WEATHER 285. You get out of bed on the wrong sides this
285. You look grumpy this morning. BED morning.
286. he is a generous person. NAME 286. Generosity is his middle name.
287. He was finally able to adjust himself to the 287. He finally got into the swing of the new
new working condition. SWING working condition.
288. His acting in a play caused him to lose is 288. He lost his voice because he had been
voice. PERFORMING performing in a play.
289. Are you implying that he is a thief? INFER 289. Am I to infer that he is thief?
290. The worst is over now. THROUGH 290. We are through the worst.
291. They’re faced with the choice of two 291. They are on the horns of dilemma.
alternatives. HORNS
292. I think you’ve misunderstood the situation. 292. I think you have got the wrong end of stick.
293. When the assembly line was introduced, 293. With the advent of the assembly line, five
five hundred workers were dismissed. ADVENT hundred worker were dismissed.
294. She’ll probably win first prize. STANDS 294. She stands a good chance of winning.
295. The staff have always esteemed the 295. the staff have always held the headmaster in
headmaster very highly. ESTEEM very high esteem.
296. She herself admits to being rather selfish. 296. On her own admission, she is rather selfish.
297. I’d made up my mind, but at the last minute 297. I’d made up my mind, but at the last minute I
I lost my confidence. (feet) had cold feet.
298. Emily was determined to get a higher 298. Emily set her heart on getting a higher
position. (heart) promotion.
299. I was extremely happy to know that I had 299. Passing the exam put me on top of the world.
passed the exam. (world)
300. The manager said that he had paid attention 300. The manager said that he’d taken note of my
to my complaint and would take the appropriate complaint and would do accordingly.
action. (note)
301. I was Jane who pointed the mistake out to 301. It was Jane who drew my attention to the
me. (attention) mistake.
302. They were on the pointed canceling the 302. They were about to call of the match when the
match when the opposition arrived. CALL opposition arrived.
303. The Arnolds consider Henry a good friend. 303. The Arnolds look on Henry as a good friend.
304. I tried to talk to Jack about the problem but 304. I tried to have a word with Jack about the
he was too busy. (word) problem but he was too busy.
305. I suppose it’s possible that she didn’t 305. I supposed she may have misunderstood my
understand my message. (may) message.
306. You can’t blame me for your stupid 306. It wasn’t my fault that you made stupid
mistakes. (fault) mistakes.
307. I learn quite a lot of the language simply by 307. I picked up a fair amount of language simply
listening to other people. (fair) by listening to other people.
308. We had a long discussion about problem but 308. We discussed the problem at length but we
we couldn’t solve it. (length) couldn’t solve it.
309. She Wasn’t speaking seriously.TONGUE 309. She was speaking with her tongue in her
310. Defeat is inevitable if you play him at chess. 310. you are bound to lose if you play him at
BOUND chess.
311. Chalk and cheese aren’t all like. 311. These is no comparison between chalk and
312. Selling antiques made him a little extra 312. He dabbled in antiques, which made him a
money. DABBLED little extra money.
313. What exactly am I supposed to have done 313. What exactly do I stand accused of?
wrong? STAND
314. Good colour sense is instinctive for some 314. Good color sense comes naturally to some
peole. COMES people.
315. Julia soon calmed down and explained her 315. Julia soon pulled herself together and explain
problem. the problem.
316. He always makes everything look so 316. He always makes heavy weather of
difficult! weather everything.
317. Thunder terrifies me! DEATH 317. I’m scared to death of thunder.
318. You needn’t feel so superior - you are no 318. You needn’t look down your nose at them –
better than they are! NOSE you are no better.
319. We have nearly reached the deadline for this 319. We are running short of time.
job! SHORT
320. Any personal involvement on the part of the 320. The Prime Minister got caught up in this
Prime Minister in this scandal would be scandal, which would be a disaster.
disastrous. CAUGHT
321. The Yeti has very rarely been seen at this 321. There have been very few sightings of the
attitude. Yeti having been seen at this attitude.
322. It is not certain that Jones willget the job. 322.It is open to doubt whether Jones’ll get the job
323. After six – year relationship, Martha and 323. After six – year relationship, Martha and Billy
Billy have decided to get married. (KNOT) have decided to tie the knot.
324. Noise is something that it is not possible for 324. I find it impossible to put up with the noise.
me to tolerate. (PUT)
325. Graham stoped talking to deal with a 325. Graham broke off to deal with a customer.
customer. (OFF)
326. John is a bit too ill to go out. (UP) 326. John doesn’t feel up to going out.
327. Because it was late, I had to walk home in 327. Because it was late, I ended up walking home.
the end. (END)
328. Ted’s illness was caused by overwork. (ON) 328. Ted’s illness was brought on by overwork.
329. Very little money was raised by the charity 329. The reponse to the charity appeal was poor.
appeal. RESPONSE
330. I choose very carefully who I discuss my 330. I am very careful practicular about when I
private life with.PARTICULAR discuss my private life with.
331. I made sure that I didn’t offend them. 331. I was careful not to offend them.
332. She choose the kind of hotels she stays in 332. She is fussy about the kind of the hotel she
very carefully.FUSSY stays in.
333. It’s uncertain whether the band’s tour will 333. The band’s tour is in the balance.
take place. BALANCE
334. The whole team was in a happy mood. 334. The whole team was in I good spirits.

335. The job will probaply be much simpler than 335. The job should not be anything like as
they say. ANYTHING complicated as they say.
336. She didn’t seem at all surprised to hear the 336. She didn’t turn a hair when she heard the
news. HAIR. news.
337. When she heard the story of his final 337. She found herself move to tears by the story
journey, she found herself crying. TEARS. of his final journey.
338. Nowadays, most people automatically lock 338. It’s the second nature to most people to lock
their doors at night. NATURE. their doors at night nowadays.
339. She was exhausted from trying to satisfy the 339. She was wearing herself out trying to cope
demands of her large family. COPE. with the demands of her large family.
340. His arrival was completely unexpected. 340.His arrival took us completely by surprise.
341. He was famous for his vast knowledge of 341. He is an authority on primitive religion.
primitive religion AUTHORITY
342. Why not tell him the truth and be finished 342. Why not tell him the truth and get it over
with it? GET with?
343. Not many people turned out at the meeting. 343. These was a poor turnout for the meeting.
344.What sort of progress are you making in 344. How are you getting on in your new job?
your new job? GETING
345.It was a simple trick, but the teacher was 345 It was a simple trick, but the teacher fell for it.
taken in by it. FOR
346. I don’t think this record will be ever 346.I don’t think the record will ever catch on.
popular. ON
347. They feel the same about each others. 347. Their feelings about each other are mutual.
348. With six children to look after, she is 348. With six chidren to look after, she has her
extremely busy.HANDS hands full.
349. You can stay with us fir a few days. PUT 349. We can put you up for a few days.
350. Edward couldn’t remember anything about 350. Edward had no memory of the crash.
the crash. MEMORY
351. That makes me think of something that 351. That brings to mind something that happened
happened to me. BRINGS to me.
352. I can’t believe how much money they spent 352.I can’t get over how much they spent on their
on their New Year’s party. GET New Year’s party.
353. Apart from Philip, everyone else in the 353. With the exception of Philip, everyone else in
meeting was a Party member. WITH the meeting was a Party member.
354. The teacher got extremely upset when she 354. The teacher got a cow when she realize
realize nobody has done the homework. COW nobody has done the homework.
355. My husband has had to earn the income 355. My husband has brought home the bacon
when I broke my leg. BACON since I broke my leg.
356. I’m afraid your resume is not good enough 356. I’m afraid your resume is not up to par for the
for the engineering pisition. PAR engineering position.
357.Because I believe his lies, he got a lot of 357. He conned me out of a lot of money.
money from me. CONNED
358. She will be furious when she finds out what 358. She will go mad when she finds out what has
has happened. GO happened.

359. He said he was anxious about the plight of 359. He showed concern for the plight of the
the homeless. CONCERN homeless.
360. He owed his rescue to a passer-by. 360. He was indebted to a passer-by for his rescue.
361. He will not be put off by their comments. 361. He will not let their comments deter him.
362. The Minister felt it appropriate to make a 362. The Minister saw fit to make a statement.
statement. FIT
363. After the scandal, he was asked to resign. 363. After the scandal, he was asked to hand in his
HAND resignment.
364. It’s unlikely that the contractor will 364. The work is likely to take until January.
complete the work before January. TAKE
365. The only thing they could do was to look for 365. Their ony alternative was to look for a new
a new flat. ALTERNATIVE flat.
366. Driving without a seatbelt is illegal in most 366. It’s against the law in most European
European countries. AGAINST countries to drive without a seatbelt.
367. Some people tend to do better in a 367. Some people work better when they are under
pressurized working environment. CONSTANT constant pressure at work.
368.Sport cars are John’s great passion. CRAZY 368. John is crazy about sport cars.
369. I don’t like him because he boasts a lot. 369. I don’t like him because he has a big mouth.
370. He like the new job straight away. DUCK 370. He took to the new job like duck to water.
371. Your attitude has to change if you want to 371. You have to turn oer a new leaf if you want to
succeed. LEAF succeed
372. The new musical has delighted theater 372. The new musical has taken theater audiences
audiences throughout the country. STORM by storm.
373. Even though the election is tomorrow, many 373. Even though the election is tomorrow, many
voters still haven’t decided on the candidate they voters still sit on the fence about the candidate they
are going to vote for. FENCE are going to vote for.
374. ill health resulted in his inability to do the 374. He was unable to cope with the job because of
job. COPE his ill heath.
375. He is often busy all day long. GO 375. He is often on the go all day long.
376. I think you should try to be as optimistic as 376. I think you should look on the bright side.
you can. SIDE
377. He admits he is not one of the important 377. He admits he just a small cog in a big wheel.
members of the organization. COG
378. They suspended Jackson for the next two 378. Jackson was banned from playig in the next
matchs. BANNED two matchs.
379. I haven’t realized yet what winning this race 379. I haven’t sunk in yet what winning this race
means. SUNK means.
380. He seemed to be worried about something. 380. I had the impression that he was worried
IMPRESSION about something.
381.This house is very different from the little 381. This house is a far cry from the little flat we
flat we used to live in.CRY used to live in.
382. Robert was offended when he was left out of 382. Robert took exception to being left out of the
the team. EXCEPTION team.
383. Trends and fads often go out of fashion for 383. Trends and fads often experience a revival
some years before experiencing a revival. after having gone out of fashion for some years.
384. Any culture that lives near the sea and 384. Gods associated with the sea exist wherever
depends on it has gods associated with the sea. there are cultures that…
385. I wanted to make sure that all my work 385. I wanted to prevent all my work from going
wasn’t wasted in any way. to waste in any way.
386. I helped Ray, with the result that his 386. I did Ray a favor due to which his business be
business became successful. came successful.
387. Interrupting when someone is speaking is 387. It’s rude to cut in when someine is speaking.
rude. CUT
388. They had to dismantle their vehicles to get 388. They had to tear their vehicles to pieces to get
them across the gorge. PIECES them across the gorge.
389. The Conservative Party won the election 389. The Conservative Party came into power this
this year. POWER year.
390. I won’t go near her until she’s feeling more 390. I will keep away from fer until she’s feeling
optimistic. AWAY more optimistic.
391. The Austrians ended hostilities with 391. The Austrians made peace with Napoleon in
Napoleon in 1809. PEACE 1809.
392. I couldn’t understand why he refuse to 392. His refusal to come to my party was beyond
come to my party. KEN my ken.
393. The arrested man didn’t loo the same as the 393. The arrested man didn’t answer to the
wanted man. ANSWER discription of the wanted man.
394. She was so beautiful that I couldn’t stop 394. She was so beautiful that I couldn’t take my
looking at her. EYES eyes off her.
395. Winning this prize has made him very 395. Winning that prize has gone to his head.
conceited. HEAD
396. I do wish you stop biting tour nails, Brian! It 396. I do wish you stop biting tour nails, Brian! It
really annoys me. NERVES really get on my nerves.
397. You made an embarassing mistake when 397. You put your foot in it when you asked him
you asked him where his wife was. FOOT where his wife was.
398. I really think she should stop ignoring me in 398. It’s about time she stop giving me the cold
the neeting. SHOULDER shoulder in the meeting.
399. I will not hesitate to live if I’m not paid 399. I will have no hesitation in leaving if I’m not
more. NO paid more.
400. I never consider buying an English 400. It never occuedto me to buy an English
newspaper while I was on holiday. OCCURED newspaper while I was on holiday.
401. My brother finds it totally impossile to write 401. My brother’s handwriting is completely
legibly when he has to take notes. IS illegible when he has to take notes.
402. Everybody ants Pauline as an after-dinner 402. Pauline is in great demand as an after-dinner
speaker. DEMAND speaker.
403. I don’t think you mean what you say about 403. I don’t think you are in earnest about helping
helping me. EARNEST me.
404. At first the new computer made me a bit 404.At first I was abit in awe of the new computer.
afraid. AWE
405. I felt vaguely that something was wrong, but 405. I felt at the back of mind that something was
what was it? BACK wrong, but what was it?
406. Why does life have to be so difficult?ONLY 406. If only life weren’t so difficult!
407. He hated the way the media scrutinized his 407. He hated how hs private life came under
private life. CAME scrutiny from the media.

408. If you want to succeed. You need to make 408. You have to play your strengths if you want
good use of things you are good at. PLAY to succeed.
409. I quite like snails, but they wouldn’t be my 409. Although I’m not averse to snails, they
first choice. AVERSE wouldn’t be my first choice.
410. We were elated by the birth of our first 410. We were over the moon when our first
grandchild. MOON gradchild was born.
411. Ton’s presence at the party adds to 411. Tom is the life and soul of parties.
everyone’s enjoyment. SOUL
412. Russ’s opinions o the new managemant 412. Russ was at odds with his fellow workers over
policies were very different from those of his the new management policies.
fellow workers. ODDS
413. He bought a new jacket without having 413. He bought a jacket on the spur of the moment.
planned to. SPUR
414. Do you mind if I watch you while you 414. Do you have any objection on my watching
paint? OBJECTION you while you paint?
415. The young actress was very nervous before 415. The young actress had butterflies in her
the audition. BUTTERFLIES stomach before the audition.
416. Janet persuaded me not to sell my house. 416. Janet talked me into not/out of sellling my
OUT house.
417. Members of the audiences started making 417. Members of the audiences started sending up
fun of the speaker. UP the speaker.
418. I can’t affort such expensive clothes on my 418. I can’t run to such expensive clothes on my
salary. TO salary.
419. Martin cannot go any higher in his career. 419. Martin has reach the pinnacle of his career.
420. “I admit that I forgot to turn on the alarm 420. Robert confessed to forgetting to turn on the
system”, said Robert. CONFESSED alarm system.
421. The politician tried to find people who wre 421. The politician tried to drum up support for his
willing to back his campaign tp help the campaign to help the homeless.
homeless. DRUM
422. Being her only niece, Ann is very prcious to 422. Being her only niece, Ann is the apple of her
her. APPLE eye.
423. How much did the supermarket bill come to 423. How much did the supermarket bill amount to
this week?TOTAL a total?
424. She loves animals and tend to become very 424. She loves animals and tend to see red when
angry when she sees one being badly treated. she sees one being badly treated.
425.His father was very angry with him when he 425. His father blew his top when he heard he had
heard he had damaged the car. BLEW damaged the car.
426. Magarette is said to be a good cook. 426. Magarette has a reputation for being a very
REPUTATION good cook.
427.You must do something to make sure this 427. You must take steps to make sure this doesn’t
doesn’t happen again. STEPS happen again.
428. We’ve been trying to sell our house for well 428. Our house has been on market for well over
over six months. six months.
429. He began to do the homework as soon as he 429. He got down to doing the homework as soon
arrived home. GOT as he arrived home.
430. Unfortunately, all his efforts were 430. Unfortunately, all his efforts came to nothing.
unsuccessful. NOTHING
431. He imitated George Bush and some other 431. He took of George Bush and some other
politicians in a humorous way. TOOK politicians.
432. He feels bitter and inferior because he didn’t 432. He had a chip in his shoulders because he
go to university. CHIP didn’t go to university.
433. It was with great reluctance that they came 433. They were loath to come to our aid.
to our aid. LOATH
434. Since the institution’s methods were printed 434. Since the institution’s methods were printed
in a newspaper, people have lost their good in a newspaper, it has fallen into disrepute.
opinion of it. DISREPUTE
435. What you have done is inexcusable. 435.It is impossible to make amends to what you
AMENDS have done.
436. She’s not really upset, she’s only 436. She’s not really upset, she’s only putting on
pretending. ACT an act.
437. Was the exam OK? WELL 437. Did the exam go well?
438. We never purchase small quantities as we 438. We always buy in bulk in order to make more
would make less profit. BULK profit.
439. She felt uncomfortable in the huge hotel. 439. She felt out of place in the huge hotel.
440. Could I make a suggestion? FORWARD 440. Could I put forward an idea?
441. All of us wish to help you. 441. There is none of us but wishes to help you.
442. Follow this advice and you will find 442. Follow this advice and you will find yourself
yourself in trouble. WATER in hot water.
443. He has done stupid things before, but this is 443. He has done stupid things before, but this
really annoying. BISCUIT really take the biscuit.
444. It seems that John doesn’t really want to go 444. It seems that John has haft a mind about going
camping with us. MIND camping with us.
445. They hate each other intensely. SWORN 445. They are sworn enemies.
446. I have a habit of having a lie-in on Sundays. 446. I am inclined to have a lie-in on Sundays.
447. Such proposal is contrary to common sense. 447. Such proposal flies to the face of common
FACE sense.
448. It is her father who is Italian. HALF 448. She is half Italian on her father side.
449. She says awful things when she is angry. 449. She says awful things when she flies into a
INTO temper.
450. The time has come to consider possibilities 450. The time has come to think the unthinkable.
that used to be unacceptable. THINK
451. I don’t understand a single word of this 451. I can’t make head or tail of a single word of
letter. HEAD this letter.
452. The address that Peter sent the parcel to 452. There is no such address that peter sent the
does not exist. SUCH parcel.
453. Brian was about to blurt out my secret when 453. Had I not caught his eye, Brian would have
I attracted his attention. EYE blurted my secret.
454. The standard of her homework is no longer 454. The standard of her homework is up to
acceptable. SCRATCH scratch.
455. At the moment I only have time to think 455. At the moment I am preoccupied with my
about my university thesis. PREOCCUPIED university thesis.
456. My husband and I had a row about buying a 456. I had words with my husband about buying a
car. WORDS car.
457. The firm went bankrupt after failing to win 457. The firm went into liquidation after failing to
the contract. LIQUIDATION win the contract.
458. She was miserable when her mother made 458. She was miserable to have parted with all the
her give away all the childhood toys. PARTED childhood toys.
459. My uncle didn’t suffer from his experience. 459. My uncle was none the worse for his
NONE experience.
460. I really admire you for your improvement. 460. I take my hat off to you for your
HAT improvement.
461. David feels uncomfortable in front of all 461. David seems really ill at ease in front of all
these people. ILL these people.
462. I promised him that the situation wouldn’t 462. I gave him my word that the situation
be repeated in the future. WORD wouldn’t be repeated in the future.
463. Don’t be upset by what she said. HEART 463. Don’t take what she said to heart.
464. This liver condition is common in those who 464. This liver condition is common in heavy
drinks a lot. DRINKERS drinkers.
465. Many soldiers of the Ming army were killed 465. The Ming army suffered from heavy losses in
in the battle. LOSSES the battle.
466. Mick thought that we were married. 466. Mick was under the impression that we were
467. He tried to pretend to be some sort of expert. 467. He tried to pass himself off as some sort of
PASS expert.
468. There’s nothing new about crimes of 468. Crimes of passion is as old as the hills.
passion. HILLS
469. To put it bluntly, we are making no progress 469. This rehabilitation scheme is at a standstill.
with this rehabilitation scheme. STANDSTILL
470. It’s terrible to think that in three day’s time 470. It’s terrible to think that in three day’s time
our holiday will be over and we’ll have to return our holiday will be over and we’ll have to get back
to our tiring job. GRINDSTONE to the grindstone.
471. The terrible scheme frightened me. BLOOD 471. The terrible scheme made my blood run cold.
472. Karen’s schoolwork definitely seems to be 472. Karen’s schoolwork shows definite signs of
improving this term. SIGNS improvement this term.
473. I’ve been thinking about it all week, but I 473. It’s preying on my mind all week, but I still
still haven’t made a decision. ON haven’t made a decision.
474. We sometimes feel a tremor of fear living in 474. We live in an earthquake zone and every so
the earthquake zone. SO often we fell a tremor of fear.
475. Because he was new, they made him do 475. Because he was new, he was made to do the
most of the work in the office. LION lion’s share of the work in the office.
476. Bob doesn’t want to become a fat cat, so 476. Bob doesn’t want to become a fat cat, so it
how much money he earned is not important. was neither here or there how much money he
NEITHER earned
477. Everyone noticed that Jane was absent. 477. Jane was conspicuous by her absence.
478. Under no circumstances would I have 478. I wouldn’t have missed the concert for all the
missed the concert. WORLD world.
479. The problem are the same for all the *479. All employees are all the same boat.
480. There haven’t been such long queues at the 480. Not since the release of the last blockbuster
cinema since the release of the last blockbuster. have there been such long queues at the cinema.
481. We shouldn’t continue the experiments 481. Since we have come up against serious
because we have encountered serious problems. problems, we sould call/put a halt to the
HALT experiments.
482. He has such a high opinion of himself. 482. He is very full of himself.
483. It was doubtful whether they could support 483. It was touch and go whether they could stick
him without difficulties. STICK up to him without difficulties.
484. It is absolutely essential to dispatch this 484. We must get this parcel off without fail or we
parcel today or we will lose the contract. FAIL will lose the contract.
485. He mentioned in passing that after the death 485. He happened to mention that after the death of
of his wife, he was so depressed that she couldn’t his wife, he went to pieces without her.
live without her. PIECES
486. Shall we split the cost of a taxi to the party? 486. Why not go halves on the cost of a taxi to the
HALVES party?
487. Bill has a very strong personality and we 487. So strong was bill’s personality that we live in
were constantly frightened of him. FEAR constant fear of him.
488. Were you at all worried about moving to 488. id you have any misgivings about moving to
London. MISGIVINGS London.
489. Will you please stay with me for a while? 489. Will you please keep me company foe a
COMPANY while?
490. Two men stole the lady’s handbag. 490. The old lady was robbed of her handbag.
491. He threatened the officers with violence. 491. He made threats of violence against the
492. He’s becoming very successful. PLACES 492. He is going places.
493. No one listened to what the politician was 493. What the politician was saying fell o deaf ear
saying last night. EARS last night.
494. Our supplies of firewood will soon be 494. We are running low on our supplies of
finished. LOW firewood.
495. I’m sure the robbery has nothing to do with 495. My son was not mixed up in the robbery, I
my son. MIXED can assure you.
496. Our luggage has been stolen! RUN 496. Someone has run off with our luggage.
497. She was delighted with the new car. PINK 497. She was tickled pink with the new car.
498. Down we sit in front of the telly for the 498. We spent the remainder of the evening sitting
remainder of the evening. in front of the telly.
499. The Social Security pamphlet told me all 499. The Social Security pamphlet told me all
about the benefits I could claim. ENTITLED about the benefits I was entitled to.
500. Your empty promises won’t have any effect 500. Your empty promises will cut no ice with her.
on her.ICE
501. Martin promised to baby-sit but didn’t show 501. Martin promised to baby-sit but let me down.
up. LET
502. The garden party won’t take place if the 502. Unless the weather picks up, The garden
weather stay bad. party won’t take place.
503. After such a long time together they are still 503. The marriage has stood the test of time.
happily married. TEST
504. We want you to inform all the details. INS 504. We want you to inform the ins and outs.
505. You don’t take on more than one can 505. You don’t bite off more than you can chew.
handle. CHEW
506. I can’t make any sense of this. UTTER 506. This is utter nonsense!
507. The boy is a nuisance. I can’t stand him. 507. The boy is the pain in the neck.
508. I think it’s going to rain all day. SET 508. I think the rain has set up for the day.
509. The area was completely devoid of 509. There was not any vegetation whatsoever in
vegetation. WHATSOEVER the area.
510. I felt relaxed at Gita’s house because her 510. Gita’s parents put me at my ease with the
parents greeted me so warmly. EASE warmth of the greeting.
511. Although she was upset, there was never 511. Upset as she was, revenge was the last thing
any question of revenge. LAST on her mind.
512. I wanted to tell her what I really felt, but in 512. In the end, I stopped short of telling me my
the end decided not to. SHORT real feelings.
513. You should feel horrible! Why did you say 513. Shame on you! Why did you say that to Jack?
that to Jack? SHAME
514. This is the procedure. FOLLOWS 514. The procedure is as follows.
515. You are absolutely forbidden to smoke any 515. There is total ban on your smoking anywhere
where in the factory. TOTAL in the factory.
516. In particular, the school library was 516. The inspectors singled out the school library
criticized by the inspectors because of its poor for criticism because of its poor lighting.
lighting. SINGLED
517. Do you have any idea about how Jack made 517. Can you throw some light on how Jack made
enough money to buy that sports car? LIGHT enough money to buy that new sports car?
518. I didn’t like the way you spoke to your 518. I was disgusted at the way you spoke to your
sister. DISGUSTED sister.
519. When I grow up, I’m going to be really 519. When I grow up, I’m going to be a fat cat.
important. CAT
520. I’m never going to speak to Annie again. 520. I’m never going to speak to Annie again. She
She made me look foolish in front of all my made a monkey out of me in front of all my
friends. MONKEY friends.
521. You’ll have to work harder if you want to 521. You’ll have to pull your socks up if you want
pass your exam. SOCKS to pass the exam.
522. Has anybody been hurt in the road collision? 522. Has anybody come to any harm in the road
523. The direct aim of the statement is to make 523. The statement boils down to making the
the public aware of the present situation. public aware of the present situation.
524. The community spoke enthusiastically about 524. The community sang the recent elected
the recent elected mayor. SANG mayor’s praise.
525. By leaving Mary alone, I’m sure she will 525. If Mary is left to her own devices, I’m sure
finish the project on time. DEVICES she will finish the project on time.
526. Something told me to say exactly what I 526. I was sorely tempted to say exactly what I
thought but I didn’t. SORELY thought.
527. Since she met that boy, she’s been thinking 527. Since she met that boy, she’s been wrapped
only about him. WRAPPED up in him.
528. One of my guests left the room very 528. One of my guests made a quick exit from the
quickly. EXIT room.
529. I can recommend you to the manager; I’m a 529. I can put a good word for you to the manager.
friend of his. WORD
530. That young man used to be a drug addict. 530. That young man used to have a monkey on
MONKEY his back.
531. That guy was a secret enemy. SNAKE 531. That guy was a snake in the grass.
532. He’s got a hoarse voice. FROG 532. He’s got a frog in his throat.
533. The new science building should soon be 533. The new science building is well under way.
finished. WAY
534. It is rather early to us to make any plans. 534. We cannot make any definite plans at this
STAGE stage.
535. Sam was really anxious, waiting to see if he 535. Sam as on tenterhooks, waiting to see if he
has got a place in the cricket team. has got a place in the cricket team.
536. We all wan to breathe new life into the 536. We want to rejuvenate this project.
537. I think people who help the old, sick and 537. I think people who help the old, sick and
homeless are very honest people. SALT homeless are the salt of the earth.
538. If you want to be a successful gardener, of 538. If you want to be a successful gardener, of
course you’ve got skill in gardening. FINGERS course you’ve got green fingers.
539. There is a considerable number of choices 539. This brochure has a large array of choices.
on offer in this brochure. ARRAY
540. The banking world was changing minute by 540. A wind of change was blowing in the world
minute. WIND of banking.
541. The government must be seen to be 541. The government must be seen to the whiter
completely honest and morally good. WHITE than white.
542. Even now, I still don’t understand why he 542. To this day, I still don’t understand why he
did it. DAY did it.
543. People’s race, creed, or color is not taken 543. Everyone can apply for a job with us
into account when they apply for job with us. irrespective of race, creed or color.
544. The director of the company consulted one 544. The director of the company put their heads
another to formulate a new scheme. HEADS together to formulate a new scheme.
545. All his scheme came to nothing. SMOKE 545. All his scheme ended in smoke.
546. This reminds me of an amusing incident. 546. This puts me in mind of an amusing incident.
547. He like the new job straight away. EASE 547. He was at ease in his new job.
548. His colleague will do anything to avoid 548. His colleague will go to any lengths to avoid
confrontation. LENGTHS confrontation.
549. There is no need to make such a fuss about 549. There is no need to make such a song and
it. SONG dance about it.
550. He loves his tomato plants. PRIDE 550. His tomato plants are his pride and joy.
551. I found her explanation very difficult to 551. She gave an implausible explanation.
552. There is no need to be upset by the result. 552. There is no need to shed any tears over the
SHED result.

553. I’d be grateful if you could have a look at 553. I’d be grateful if you could cast an eye over
these figures. CAST these figures.
554. Although he is young, there are several 554. Although he is young, he is by no means the
ministers even younger than him. MEANS youngest minister.

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