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oe iM BEFORE ‘THE PRESIDENT DISTRICT CONSUMER REDRSSAL FORUM me —~ WEST TRIPURA, AGARTALA. CASE NOC... 2019 AN Shri Ranjit Goswami, ‘S/O: Late Jadu Kumar Goswami, Vill+ P.O; Battal, P,S.-Sonamura, District: Sepabiala, Tripura. At present resided at Indranager, | (Shiksha Niketan Schoo!) ‘Agartala, West Tripura.Pin-799006. .. Complainant. Versus ‘The Senior Divisional Manager, ‘The New India Assurance Co. Lid, 4, Mantribari Road, Agartala, ‘West Tripura Pin: 799001. .-» Opposite Party. A complaint UIS 12 of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. The Complainant named above begs most respecfuly state as folows:- 41, The complainant being the registered owner of the vehicle No. TRO7-1201 (Bus) was plying the same with valid Registration, Flinass, Roed Permit, Driving License, tax token ote. and the vehicle was duly insured wit the New India Assurance Co. Lid, Agartala Division vide Policy No. '531000031 160100014907 we. 09.11.2016 to 08.11.2017, IDV of Rs. 10,02, 330+ only and the premium was caid by the complainant against the seid policy and the vehicle was running for his, livelitood with a financial help ftom the Financer Cholamangalam INV FIN CO. LTD., Agartala 2. That on 22.01.2017 when the Bus of the complainant was coming from Soamura side towards Agartala Via Bishramganj, it met with an accident at Padmanagar, Bisremganj under jurisdiction of Bisramganj Police Station and as @ result ofthe said accident the vehicle was badly ‘damaged along with some original vehicular documents due to capsized of the Bus caused by @ Violent mob altacked . The police registered a case vide. the BRG P.S. Case No, 04/2017 UIS 2791838/436/51 1of IPC against the drivar of the accidental Bus Contd..PI2. i 3. The complainant made necessary arrangement to repeir the damaging vehicle and on 27.01.2017 Divisional Office ofthe ©.P. received the infimation letter dated 26.01.2017 about the accident of the aforesaid vehicle, . 4, That the compiainant hes submitted all the relevant documents of the damaging vehicle, ie, Registration, Fitness, Road Permit, Driving License, tax token ,MVI Report ee. along with ‘estimate list of repairing cost & Bill ated 0,06.2047 of Mis J. K. Motors, Authorised Dealer :SM ISUZU LTD, Khayerpur, West Tripura for the amount of Rs. 3,61,706/- only (being the total repair ‘cost ofthe said vehicle) during submission of the claim to the Divisional Office ofthe O.P. §, That the OP. issued a letter dated 06.07.2017 to submit the date of issue of fitness cetiiicate of the vehicle end the complainant submitted the fitness certificate by enclosing with the leiter dated 25.07.2017. But in respect of the fitness certificate the O.P. issued another written letter to the District Transport Offcer, Bisramganj, Sepahijala District dated 13.9.2017 and reply of the said letier also received by O.P. on 11.10.2017 wherein itis clarified that the fiiness certificate and registration are valid up to 28.05.2018 and thereafter the O.P. again submit a letter dated 48.10.2017 through RTI application to the District Transport Officer, Bisramganj end the reply lelter dated 27.11.2017 of DTO was also received by the office of the O.P, on 26.11.2017 and in that letter elso the DTO, Agartala, Tripura clarified that the fitness cerificale of the vehicle No. TROT-1204 (Bus) is valid up to 28.05.2018. 6 That the complainant has submitted to the O.P, the Form No, 24 of Motor Vehicle Registration wherein itis shown thet the fitness valid up to 28.05.2018 with Insurance Policy coverage from 09.11.2016 fo 08.11.2047 with the New India Assurance Co, Ltd. comprehensive Policy No. 631000031160100014907. Moreover, the complainant also submitted the certificate of fiiness issued from the State Transport Department, Sepehijala DTO wherein itis also clearly mentioned that the fess certificate will expire on 28.05.2018 ofthe vahicle No. TRO~1204(Bus) and its validity covered for One year. 7 “That the complainant on several ime has approached to the O-P. forgetting the claim ‘amount as he is passing days in very hardship due to the hypothecation of the said vehicle under ‘he fnancer Cholamangalam INV FIN CO. LTD. Contd,..P/3. PB 4 ¥ & 8. That the O.P, failed to release any amount in respect of the claim of the policy benefit, rather the O.P. has issued a letter dated 07.12.2017 rejecting the ctaim of the complainant with a false plea that the vehicle had operated / plied the commercial vehicle (Bus) without fitness certificate and for which the cialm of the complainant ts not admissible. 9, That finding no other alternatives, the complainant compelled fo serve a demand notice dated 26.12.2017 towards the repairing Cost! claim amount of Rs. 3,61,706% oniy/-#4,00,000/- as compensation which is payable to the complainant and in total Rs, 3,64,708/-+1,00,000/-=Rs. 4,61,706/- (Rupees four lac sity one thousand end seven hundred six) only with 8% interest for damages, unfair trade prectioes eto. 40. Thatin response to the cemend notice , the O.P. replied on 6.1.2018 admitting the claim of Rs, 2,05,862/- only asking further to submit valid filness certificate of the vehicle without any basis. 11. That the complainant had to suffer @ lot for Wegal rejection in respect ofthe claim of the damaging vehicle of the complainant and thus the complainant is entitled to get the adequate the compensation of Rs. #,00,000V- only being the amount of laa rejection and for mental pain and harassment. 42, That from the whole transactions, documents and versions of the complainant itis very rmuich clear thatthe act complaint of an infingement of right, ike and interest and thus the O.P. has committed a wrongful gain legally towards the repairing costclaimed amount of Rs. 3,61,706)- only under the said insurance policy which is payable to the complainant with ‘compensation and in total Rs. 3,61,706/-+1,00,000/-=Rs. 4,61,706/- (Rupees four lakhs sixty one thousend and seven hundred sbi only with 9% interest for damages, unfair trade prectices etc. 43. That the complainant has also appeared and defended the tile suits arises before the MACT , Sepahala District , Sonamura vide case no. T.S. (MAC) $I 2018 & T.S. (MAC) 101 2018 ‘Awarded on 24.7.2019 & 45.7.2019 affixing the entire lability upon the O.P. insurer and it can be presumed that the complainant produced all necessary particulars fo the Insurance Company aS ‘yell 2g before the Learned Tribunal . But in spite of the said ability, the insurer Opposite Party (OP, unnecessary adopted dily-dallying process to frustrate the claim Cont...P/4. 14, That the cause of action of the instant claim has been carisen firstly on 224.2047 the date of aocident and on 271.2017 the date of intimation of ciaim, and on 7.12,2017 rejecting the claim and on 26:12,2047 the date of demand notice and lastly on 6.1.2018 reply of demand notice ‘ding some portion ofthe claim amount. 48, That the complainant and opposite parties are resided within West Tripura Dstret and thus this cout has got both terol and peouniary jurisdiction to proceed with this complain. 16. ‘That the complaints being fled within he period of2 (two) years from the date of lasly arisen cause action, i<.6.1.20'8. 17 “The rest would bo submitted verally by the counsel at the time of hearing Under the circumstances stated above itis humbly preyed that your honour would be kind enough to i) Admit the complaint i) Issue notice to the opposite pery, iy Alter heering the both partes alow the claim on the basis of those ratelals and direct the opposite party to pay the complainant the total loss mounting 0 RS. 3,61,708/-4,00,0001- = Rs. 464,706I- (Rupees four fakhs sixty one thousend end seven hundred six ony along wth 124% Interest from 22.4.2017 i the realization ofthe entre amount and the cost of procecdngs for damages, unfair trade practices ete ‘and for this act of kindness the complainant shall es in duly bound every pray. VEFIFICATION Veried thatthe contents ofthe aforesaid paras 1 to 16 are true and correct to the best of my knowedge and believed tobe true as gathered {rom official records and | have _day of August, 2018 at Agertala Court premises. dO signed this . Altidanit follows: ALU.Date.... 2:9 AUG 2018 M BEFORE Si. Wo. | THE PRESIDENT . { DISTRICT CONSUMER REDRSSAL FORUM i WEST TRIPURA, AGARTALA 1 CASE NO.CC..........++2./2019 Shri Ranjit Goswami, Complainant, Versus ‘The Senior Divisional Manager, ‘The New India Assurance Co, Ltd... Opposite Party. AFFIDAVIT |, Shii Ranjit Goswami, S/O. Late Jadu'Kumar Goswami, Vl.+ P.O: Battal, P.S.- ‘Sonamura, District: Sepahijela, Tripura, At present resided at indranagar, (Shiksha Niketan School) Agartala, West Tripura Pin-799008, Aged about. 4.Pp, years, by rligion- Hindu, by Profession- Service do hereby solemnly affir on oath 2s folows: 4. That lam the complainant in the instant case and | am well conversant with the facts and circumstances of this case and, a8 such, | am competent and duly authorised to swear this affidavit. This is true to my knowledge. & 2 That the statements made In the petition from paras 1 to 17 are true to my belief and information. This is true to my knowiedge. in vetification whereof | solemnly affirm and sign this the2aMday of. 12019 before the Notary Public at Agartala, West Tripura. Deponent. ‘Deponent is known to me and identified by me. a » oaTAPAS KUMAR DAS’ dao. BOTARY, Govt. of nore Ayariaia West Trou Q naga, No 8480 of 2017 Fite eae PECLAREO Wan» SE eter, A 8-1 TAPAS KUMAR Gas MOTARY, Govt at invea Agarista’ West Trigun Yaad. No 8480 of 2094 Fnncoman of atblacaraneants et = “rina doponenddaponens, Th doponeniseno nen ‘ethvee sexing the content ana hasihavt nie tien nt BEFORE ‘THE PRESIDENT DISTRICT CONSUMER REDRSSAL FORUM WEST TRIPURA, AGARTALA CASE No.cC,/.Z: ‘Shri Ranjit Goswani, .. ». Complainant, Versus my ‘The Senior Divisional Manager, The New India Assurance Co. Ltd... Opposite Paty. INDEX ‘submit on beta ofthe complainant, SiNo. Particulars No.of Sheet 1. Zerox copy of Registration carticate Z 2 Zerox copy of Insurance certfete. “ % 2 Zorox copy of Route Permit. L 4 Zerox copy of Tax Token. ~ 4 8 Zorox copy of Fitness certificate. 4 a Zetox copy of Police Caso & MV Report x 1 Zerox copy of intimation Latter dt 27.4.201T nace 8 Zorox copy of eter e271 2047 regarding calms 2. 8. Zerox copy of Derend Notice dt. 2.42.20 4 10. Zorox 6.42018 reply of demand notice. zs 1 Zaox copy of MACT cats... 4 2 Zarox copy of Driving Liens oH Tota ZF Sheets. Submitted by. prarianns CM _ aE overnment of Tripura reificate of an “yf Laat} aay ly owned by the Govt. of India) POLICY SCHEDULE CUM CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE, tie NEW INDIA ASSURANCE co. LTD, _PAGE-46 & Commercial Vehicle Package Paticy reap, owe | BATTAL SONANRA, SEPAMUALA |SUNAMURA TRIPURA, 799131 - Ingurede Detsile — oie Dota st | Taare Nema: IMR. RANJIT COSWAM Policy number [sstodbs1169r00034007 ‘tstomer I: pousaetnea Period of cover: 45 09-01 AM OBFROTT ela —— Traeds Aarons Si0. or say ie loa rre-o7-1204 ay. Policy no. |s3100031160100014334_ Maica/Modot; SWARASMAZIGMLSTEUS | Ea : neato sine iiontciaes aie Panelbar skater MAL Issuing office — New India Contact ] se esergooee. FESO" Mr. Mr Sasanka Bhowmik resurnce/ | (NIAAGO0042968) = Nine ToShie = = rong [77 eon are ee i [Ena [ue someon Ee oe i, SES SRR STATS _ [eet | MRE " a RETA DO HG) eg Connt Aone, noaaAT Details (Seesreppisat Arca Zones [Your of manafacture: [aot fr yoe of Commoreial vehicas [sub Tepe: [c2.Fove Whelan sving 8) Nane ofthe Financier: [Chassis novEngine nos lMeuztsoasxorosz08/SLT#TSH sores lcorrpagt on Fie ora [Diese (Gubie capacity (oak 5 Tyee of boo [cross vorile Waiant (evw: 0 Song capacity including variant: SMzIST BUS [Automobile Acsaalation IColoure a \Gover Nola NolCaver Note leave Name of voglatation authority ~ ~ (“transit From NAL J Transit To Na Distance Covered | NA oVUIn 2) Based on annexure [__Vehicle | Traiter Hon-flec Acc | Electrical Acc [Blue Kit Total valve, 002530 ° @ o 0 100233 nease of Accident, Survey of the amaged vehicle on spot is MUST #1no scove given for spot survey, - 25% of the claim amount will be Jeducted from the assessed loss. {SSUING OFFICE ‘THE NEW INDIAASSURANCE <0. LTO DIVISIONAL OFFICE (531000) 4, MANTRI BARI ROAD, AGARTALA-709001, TRIPURA (WEST), GRAMNI ASSURANCE PH : 230 4787 /230 6328 FAX : 0381-2304787 Page 1019 ‘ 4 pe dennmnessueates 4. © page At Schedule of Premium, ‘Own Damage big [ic 05 Cover ‘Qasle TP Cover ‘Legal ligbity © passengers, UL Linder Wen, for darsane af rhore |tian'sk< emptoveas (excusing the Driver, ia pels sver conductor [leaner empldved fer 736 Fp Premiom ae ones 5 5549 is25a J Limitations as to use Limits of Liability ] Tis Bol covers uae only under a permit within the meaning [Li of the amount the Company's Uablliy Unger Seven | hie Noho Vehicis Re i88e orguch crane lng"? |p Inteaseet ay onc octane SOU Urge Sepa Ebru. Scion (5) of action 68 of Uie Motor Vehetss Act. [Ack 1U8E" Lint of te omnount ef te Concamy's Vobiiy 2B rn aly dass fet vez Ue oa Grghies acing Onder Sesion ho tecpuc or any one cso Sees of Ess aking ch Rotablity Trials} Speed Testing e) Use we clans esing cutof one evens Up 00 1.50,000, fering» ali cept ne taming Tener hat reve of ‘Snvoné disabled Mechanically propelieg vei | Forindhidual covers (6D) ine: [1002330 imposed excess in & 0 [Voluntary excess io % 0 _ [Compulsory excessin& 1000 [Penns or dasses of persons ened to drive 'Arty person, including the ineured provided that a person driving holds an effective anving leepos al tho Upe of the accident Sale not lsqualifoa trom noluila or ostaning sucha liceneas Mov ded sos tek Se sevaoy Rats on eisceue canes ices may also dive the vehicle and that such a person sates the requirement of Rule 3 of the Casal Motor Vehicles PA cover for Our Bl fwerecrucmnee [agecTionince [Rapa wihs [ines ipedes [Rdaiogtinw ae none 3 nen Ione non A cove for ned person [rveme [C51 Opteatey [Nominee [Relationship tua rn nA [Na GR hee st UeaPa ac ences Pan ERE le ie et ea ae! NSD OR LNA Bocunenr sts aurounncae Tg aly ale the Teng cain exer plea Zcazann, ey acne one CE eth Te ca esters pt pce ar [important notice: 7 ede by te company By reason of wider terms appearing in the celfcats in order to comply withthe Mater Vehicles Act, 1988 is recoverable from the insured: see clause headed "AVOIDANCE OF CERTAIN TERMS AND RIGHTS OF RECOVERY. itis re a ie ea ive ser era es thy ry tte leh ig Cty gry or tte Ww ogg COP Were ereyorteosiy emcee xan a pss Sy Seer eee Ain it Rea EN ISSUING OFFICE THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE <0. LTD. DIVISIONAL OFFICE. (531000) a eau BARI ROAD, GARTALA-798001, TRI § GRAMNI ASSURANCE HPURA (WEST), NTA eecgamummnnes resent nan TARGA RIGE RRM T ee ereteeca sian Page 2015 datp:tsuarpanie.in/permiPrinyPermitPrintasps - s FORM (PER TEM) PDGE-4E. (See Rule 73(/) (vi) of Tripura Motor Vehicles Rules —_— 1991 ) Sta‘ Transport é Pormit No. Authority, Tripura 2016/23438 1, Neme of Holder MR RANJIT GOSWAMI LT JADU KUMAR GOSWAMI 2. Aldress BATTAL! SONAMURA SEPAHIJALA 3. Type of Vehicle BUS 4, Fuel used DIESEL (i) Registration Mark TROT 1201 (wv) Seating Capacity 31 (i) Chasis No MBUZTS4XHX0198298 —(v) Ladden Weight 7000 (ii) Engine No SLTHT3HX191946 (vi) Unladden Weight 2700 lote: - If (i) is filled in (ii) andi (iliy may be struck out, othenwise (ii} and (iii) must be filled in. 6. Purpose of Journey(s) STAGE CARRIAGE PERMIT . 7. Nature of Goods to be carted bs 8, Date of Expiry 29-Mar-2017 ‘ fe CHOLAMANDALAM INV AND FIN CO 8. HPA Delails( Any) LTD,AGARTALAAGARTALA 10. Under the provisions of sub-section (4) of Saction 88 of Act, and with the particular/general consent of the Transport Authority concemed this permit is valid in the following regions/route ares, RoUtelArea, BUS : SONAMURA to NAGERJALA MOTORSTAND Via BISHRAMGANJ Not available 100 ai Conditions 6) The vetiole shell ply in the epecified route/area, : b) Approved number of passengers to be carried as per Rebisiration Cerificate with fare approved by STA. ‘The driver of the vehicle (') shall aways crive with his driving licence and valid permit, Insurance, Polution Cerificate, Registration Certificate, fitness, Tax token of the vehicle te. in original (i) shall produce on demand by a police officer in uniform or ary officer of the Transport Deparlmant or any other officer authorised by the Government, the original documents for inspection. c) The vehicle shall comply with ail provision of the M. V. Act, 1988 and Rules ‘1989, Tripura Motor Vehicle Tax Act and Tripura Motor Vehicle Rules made thereunder, d) Smoking is prohibitted in the vehicte. Secretary State Trensport Authority, Tripura, 0771272016 12:53 P. ASTESTOD BY ME ay fet Rov} + Govt. of india Agartala, West Troura Bead No ‘0507 of > Bi ds _peme AS. PURI 22 (MU 1UR VERILLE REGIS IER) « a iat emu penne ro Page 50 TRIPURA TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT , AUTHORITY- SEPAHIJALA DTO Registration Na. TRori201 Dnito of Registration, \_-+re-Bee2 Doaives Namo & HIKMOTORSAAROAD, KH YERPURAGARTALA Address woe Namo MR RANIITGOSWAN — Sunhfeldnugiter of ——:LT JADU KUMAR r osm Fun Adress: BATTALISONAMURA Sapa T3815 (Permanent) Furaaciess: BATTALISONAMURASepanite 799115 s (Temporary) Mobic No. sasors04s4 Oi Ragistartion No Hypottecation Dota ‘a Fnancer Name CHOLAMANDALAM INV ANE FINCOLTO 1) Binancer Type HYPOTHECATION c}Financer Address AGARTALA AGARTALA 7990 1 W/EST TRIPURA “790008 TRPURA The MotorVohice - —NEWCTRAKSPORT) Claes of otlela BusihPY) Month ane Year of 10/2018 Nn OFCytndere Pe Manufacture Chassis No !MBUZTESXHO190298 Colour LUE WHITE Engine No. SUTHTOHXIOIN46 Typo Of body aus Modal Hamme FielUsedinEngine DIESEL Horse Power@.iP) 10000 ible Capacity sss00 Maker's Name SML ISUZU CTD WheelBase 0 Seating Capacity 3 Standing Cepacty ° Sleopor Capacity 0 Length 0 vain ° Heian o fader Weight 000 Ho Uva wis 27009 Grose Vehicle Weight :7000 1g Number & Description of sizeof ype : 2) Front 70 b) Rear ° «) Other : «) Tandem ‘eaglieaates cote Wiig Or esbact ot ects ase) a) Front Okgs b) Rear Okgs 2) other 1oKgs Tandem 0 xg Purchase Date 14.0er2014 INSURANCE COMPANY (E NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. GURANGE TYPE y,“conpeenis hve Paley Ho. '5910008"469100014907 Insurance Upto ,_-From 09-11-2016 7o.08-11.2017 TRTRI7OS00000111 Tx Receipt No. 21085 ‘Amount \_ Paty Total 250 ° 250 MyAG(01-06-2018103 gop 5 \U6ep-2017) ae Rogsiraon va upto 2-4-2017 Fliness valid upto 20-May-2018, ‘GHLANIE TOTAL (ne): 2750 - (TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNORED AND FIFTY ONLY) as 4 a te 2 fe sli} aes ee at a j Sec Z23p perf ey oe vise ; oun 201? fe" ipod af etey dre ’ patets Day PS ar omyivo 4D Bt At abet Fe Ee ES ype of informa hienelogegnenies tal Danetan an (ts Pls. my Aires A arintctin 4s OM q a ered rq Delete. sClnapects 1 ophat Mor th, Kars heres, © deg, Dob meth iF senate ad teh Qe2y ae fe (aoe beenge 15 pls + ats umepare bye fe SE, We wean Hasetes “oh 3 : oP tree inant iniormant ! Inquest Report/U.D. Caso ia 12. First Information, ‘Contents (Attacks er SA eee Tike Covginag Sre- roto Presta fh FIR kiheed 4, 18, o Pest stn atthe mene Berg Luby offrer ef lke ®) Skeceatnimsonog, ie lovestigation ee Ces frees ©) Reluse seestignion cue to... (©) Taneeredion s von Dishict FR rou ow: to the comp Complainant ornant ronalcs gf 4 49 & 7apie Chg P Lnek, Ph. iifveeFs gale Aiken nove, Nam Midst apeas i the Re 91 tha complainanvintocant Res Bateai tune ofespatct ig the Court Ge Hm tee ene rn nantes, seit 0 be roaty recorded and as Gist the mgpthany fester S08Y given to the 9 Po, BG. oe # oe Bs Car No eo pcs “ To ‘The Officer-In-Charge Bishramganj Police Station Sepahijaia, Tripura. sul Lodging of FIR sir, | Sri Manindra Debnath(S6)$/0 Late Krishna Kanta Debmath, Inspector of Police, 0/¢ BRG PS do hereby lodge a Suo-Moto complaint on behalf of state, to the effect that today om 22/01/2617 at 1738 irs | received a telephonic information on BRG PS Land Line that # Road traffic accident had taken place at Padmanagar area. The informant requested immediate Patice present atthe spot. noted this fact in GD for reference vide BRG PS GDE No. 3¢ dated-22/01/2017 aud self along with SI Sanjit Bhowmik and others PS staff lft BRG PS to reached the spot of accident. ‘While moving towerds Padimenager and when I reached Bishramganj Railway bridge | notice ane SML Bus Bearing Registration No. TR 07-1204 on right side of the road facing Towards Bishramganj direction, The bus was eurrounded by at least 40 to 50 persons who arf were ing on te bus wit the hap of wooden branck, wooden tiber and bricks beds Due feeeowed \ nat thelr violence action the mob had broken all the gasses of the bus. | along with PS 22} 112619 fears and men isetatay rushed wowards te bus and ted to conta the mob, There ! et 901e-f saw one person trapped under the left front wheel of the bus along with severely damage ed Head bicycle, which was trapped under side of the bus, 1 immediately informed to the District 7386 Ps Lote, control coom over telephane requested them to send the recovery van from Sepabiaia Police & oer BRS ne In the mine time twa ‘informed by one person that the bus had hit one person at ~ 40h DT 20d teeimanagar due to rush and negligent driving with high spzed. The same bus also hit us aailesa] another person with bieyele while the bus driver trying to flew away from the Padmanagar Dey.) 1% ates hing tne hist person. Gn asking bya nformod that she bus aver had dragging the Mc Hefprepped person with his biegce onder bis bus approx 3 KM zum Padmanagat and upon jug /953)5¢4frencing Bishrargn) Rit bridge area he sap te bes and fed ay into the open ares, Due 333] Yat] to mob attacked all the passengers had already de-boarded from che bus. jeit He 435] ‘The police recovery van Bearing Registration No. TR 01 F O¥!1 reached at the spot £4) around 1800 hrs and using tie recovery van the front side of the bus was lifted and the Beg | swapped person was freed ftom the bus seeing that the person was severely injured, gut ® ehibenseless Eeh in eoleal condliion, 'immediately shifted the person tolOP hospital Agatala dey f PO for immediate advance treatm2nt using Police vehicle, aah AF BRE (IMT, The Mob sein the conton ofthe person started shouting slow: ied, to st ry Siete so the fending vehicle nang with FS Sat tied to intervene 3 pe oS ame ohSeuget Sram seat & side of the bus.

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