Worksheet A (Week 7)

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The City School

Academic Year 2020-21

Class 3
Subject: Science_______
Topic: Properties of Rocks
Worksheet # A

Student’s Name: ___________________ Date: ___________

Lesson Objectives: To differentiate between types of rocks by testing. (How quickly rocks are
worn; permeability and other properties)

Kindly refer to the textbook (Exploring Science Book 3); pg-48-49 for this worksheet:

Which rocks are permeable?

You are going to find out which rocks are permeable by seeing which ones absorb water.

You will need

● pieces of rock
● timer
● dropper
● Plasticine
● bowl of water

A Take one piece of rock. Write its name in the table.

B Use Plasticine to hold it so that the top surface is level, like this:

C Drop one drop of water onto the rock. Start the

D Watch the rock carefully. Stop the timer when all the water has soaked into the rock.
Write the time in the table.
If the water has not soaked in after 5 minutes, write ‘more than 5 minutes’ in the table.

E Repeat steps A to D for the other pieces of rock.

Recording your results

Rock Time for water to soak in (minutes and seconds)

Complete the bar chart to present your results.

Thinking about your investigation

The _________________ soaked up the water the fastest.

These rocks did not soak up the water at all:

The _________________ would be the best rock for making a roof because

I made sure my test was fair by

If I could do my experiment again, I would improve it by

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