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English Department Procedures for 2021-22

Each student is expected to download the following, read and upload to the allocated task on ManageBac as
evidence of acknowledgement.


FP students are allocated classes. DP1 students choose a subject area in line with
Language Policy requirements.

The following conditions need to be considered for transfer to another class:

 Transfer should follow school rules, policy and procedures.

 Textbooks must be returned before transfer.

 Grades from the original class can count for term and year grades.

 At the new teacher’s discretion, students may need to take additional work
based on topics previously covered in their new class.


1. Assessment consists of Summative and Summative Component.

2. Students are required to make up any missed assessments. They must do so within
two days of the submission date.

3.Requests for extensions for the submission of tasks must be made at least two days
before the deadline.

4.Late submissions on class assessment will be addressed by the class teacher.

5. Late submission of DP draft work or DP final IAs will be dealt with by the
academic office/IBDP Coordinator.

6. Summative assessments will be posted on managebac two weeks before the

deadline. Return on all assessment will be no more than ten working days.

 All students will have three to five summative component tasks and two
summative tasks each semester.

 In Semester 1 the second summative assessment will take the form of an end of
Semester 1 exam.

 At the end of the second semester there will be an additional end of year

 There are also formative tasks which are feedback only (no grade).

All assessment will be graded as a percentage with the boundaries posted on



Term Grades EOY Exam EOY Year Grade

Summatives - 50% Exam TERM 1 – 40%
Summative Components - 50% TERM 2 – 40%
EOY Exam – 20%

Please note that at the end of the year report will give Term Two Grade, EOY
Exam Grade and Year Grade


Students will be issued with notebooks, textbooks or reading materials.

Students are responsible for taking good care of these texts. Any text lost or returned
to the teacher in poor condition will be charged for based on the current cost of the


Predicted grades consider end of year exams and other summative grades. It is at the
discretion of teachers to make informed judgements when predicting realistic
grades for students.

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