PT TRP Mod 6

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Module 6


 Types of crime

A Find the types of crime.

1 5


2 6

1 the act of damaging other people’s property
2 the act of taking goods from a shop without paying
3 the act of encouraging somebody to give away personal information so that others can use
it to get money or goods
4 the act of entering a building illegally and stealing things

5 the act of deliberately setting fire to something
6 the act of breaking into computer systems
7 the act of stealing items from people's pockets or bags
8 the act of stealing money from a bank
9 the act of driving over the speed limit
10 the act of attacking somebody and stealing their belongings

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Module 6
 Types of art

B Label the pictures with the words from the list.

pottery, carving, painting, computer graphics, drawing,

graffiti, photography, architecture, print making, collage

1 …………………………………………….. 2 ……………………………………………..

3 …………………………………………….. 4 ……………………………………………..

5 ………………………………………….. 6 …………………………………………..

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Module 6

7 ………………………………………….. 8 …………………………………………..

9 ………………………………………….. 10 …………………………………………..

C Choose the correct item.

1 Tommy loves to transform/construct toy aeroplanes and spaceships with his Lego bricks.
2 The photographer set up his own website where he uses his pictures to comment/click on
social problems.
3 Her new book received reaction/approval from the critics – they all thought it was really
4 The concrete/crack walls of the building were badly damaged in the earthquake.
5 Personally, I thought the play was rude and offensive/illegal – I wouldn’t recommend it.
6 Nobody is sure who the artist is – his true/public identity remains a mystery.

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Module 6
D Fill in: images, craze, grating, decorations, opinion, phenomenon, landscape, art.

1 We bought lots of colourful ……………………. for the party, including red, blue and yellow
2 The artist has painted many striking ……………………. of life in the slums of Brazil.
3 Graffiti knitting started in the USA and it has become a worldwide ……………………. – you
can now see knitted creations in many countries, including Mexico, Indonesia and the UK.
4 We planted beautiful flowers to brighten up the dull grey ……………………. of the city.
5 The latest ……………………. at college is nature photography – all my friends are taking
pictures of flowers, trees and animals and posting them on the Internet.
6 There are several community ……………………. groups in our town. The most popular ones
are the painting, sculpting and pottery groups.
7 Guerilla gardeners plant sunflowers down pavement ……………………. where the rainwater
8 Public ……………………. is divided about graffiti art – some people like it, while others think
it’s a crime.

E Choose the correct word in bold.

London has its fair 1) share/patch of street artists, but the group who call
themselves the CutUp Collective are a little different. Instead of creating images
with spray paint on the 2) rundown/crumbling walls of the city, CutUp take
billboard adverts from roadsides and bus stops and cut them into about 4,000
pieces. Then they put the pieces back together to produce a new picture,
usually related to urban society.
Some people consider this form of art to be 3) graffiti/vandalism and think the
group should be stopped, but many are fans of CutUp’s work. Either way, the
works of the Collective are now instantly 4) neglected/recognisable on the
streets of London and the group have been invited to 5) exhibit/divide their
work in galleries from Barcelona to New York.
CutUp are also still active in London today, creating pictures all over town. So, if
you’re ever in the city and you pass a billboard advert, 6) plant/take a look – it
may not be an advert at all!

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Module 6
 Crime fighters

F Read the sentences and fill in which job each person does, using the
words from the box.

security guard, private detective, lawyer, forensic scientist,

police detective, judge, store detective, prison guard

1 Mr Mitchell sentenced the accused to seven years in prison.

Mr Mitchell is a …………………………………………….. .

2 The company hired James to protect their offices from burglars.

James is a …………………………………………….. .

3 Inspector Sanders and his colleagues found all the necessary evidence to arrest the
Inspector Sanders is a …………………………………………….. .

4 Miss Shaw gives legal advice to people who are accused of committing a crime.
Miss Shaw is a …………………………………………….. .

5 Alan took the prisoner to his cell.

Alan is a …………………………………………….. .

6 Cathy was hired by several shops at the mall to keep an eye out for shoplifters.
Cathy is a …………………………………………….. .

7 Julia uses the latest scientific techniques to solve crimes.

Julia is a …………………………………………….. .

8 Eileen hired Mr Anderson to help her find her missing daughter.

Mr Anderson is a …………………………………………….. .

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Module 6
G Read the questions and answers and fill in: suspects, buildings, methods,
evidence, chip, amount, technicians, blood, crime, analysis, lab, role.

If my house is broken into, what should I do?

Reply: Sergeant Colebrook, Cardiff

Call the police immediately and don’t touch anything before they arrive. There
may be clues, such as traces of 1) …………………….. or saliva, which can help
to solve the 2) …………………….. . The police use scientific 3) …………………..
to examine 4) …………………….. – just a single hair from the burglar’s head or
a tiny 5) …………………….. of saliva can be sent for DNA 6) ……………………..
and may help us catch the criminal. But remember, it’s always best to stop
thieves before they cause any damage. Lock your doors and windows, protect
7) …………………….. with CCTV and install an alarm system if you can.

Do the police still use fingerprints?

Reply: Officer Lyndsey, Liverpool

Yes, we do. Fingerprints have been used in criminal investigations since the late
19th century, but they still play a 8) …………………….. in arresting
9) …………………….. today. This is partly because fingerprints are so unique
and also because they are cheap to analyse – sometimes all we need is a
camera. With DNA, we need to employ specialised 10) …………………….. and
have access to scientific equipment and a 11) …………………….., which all
costs a lot of money. In the future, however, fingerprints might be used less
often – I’ve heard rumours of a device that can analyse DNA simply by putting a
little fluid onto a silicon 12) …………………….. .

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Module 6
H Fill in: specialise, use, identify, represent, supervise, present.

1 Mr Nash will …………………………… Paul in court – he’s been the family lawyer for years.
2 The guards …………………………… the prisoners during the day and make sure they
behave themselves.
3 In this forensic department, we …………………………… in fibres and blood analysis. For
fingerprint specialists, go to the 5th floor.
4 Amy has to go to court tomorrow to …………………………… evidence in the trial because
she witnessed the attack.
5 Forensic scientists have special equipment to …………………………… chemicals found at
the crime scene.
6 The police …………………………… scientific techniques, such as DNA analysis, to catch

 Civil rights

I Fill in: treat, achieved, encouraged, attract, inspired, led, had, create, passed, mourned.

1 The local people gathered outside the Town Hall to …………………………… the attention
of the council, who wanted to close the local sports centre.
2 Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus in 1955, and her actions
…………………………… a huge impact on the Civil Rights Movement in the USA.
3 The managers …………………………… all the workers equally, no matter how old they are
or where they are from.
4 Mahatma Gandhi tried to stop people fighting and he …………………………… non-violent
5 When Martin Luther King was assassinated, people all over the world
………………………… his loss.
6 In 1928, the British government …………………………… an act that allowed all women
over the age of 21 to vote.
7 The March on Washington …………………………… incredible results – a year later the law
in the USA was changed to give all people the same rights, whatever their race.
8 Martin Luther King was …………………………… by the peaceful campaigns of Gandhi in
India and used the same ideas in the USA.
9 Martin Luther King …………………………… the movement against racism in America and
millions of people supported him.
10 The actions of leaders like Gandhi and Martin Luther King helped to
…………………………… positive change in the societies they lived in.

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Module 6
J Choose the correct item.

1 These days, there are CCTV cameras in many public places/spaces.

2 Since 1964, racial discrimination/opposition has been illegal in the USA.
3 The group plans to boycott/ban public transport until the government lower the prices.
4 Standing up for what you believe in takes bravery/legacy and courage.
5 The students are holding a(n) protest/incident because they want free education.
6 Martin Luther King believed people should be judged by the content of their
character/figure, not what they look like.
7 The American Civil Rights Movement showed the world that violence is not necessary in
order for political change/segregation to occur.
8 He wants to become a minister/supporter and work for the church.

 Crime & Technology

K Match the crimes to their definitions.

1 identity theft a the act of using somebody else's credit card to

buy things on the Internet
2 illegal downloading b the act of encouraging somebody to give away
personal information so that others can use it to
get money or goods
3 credit card fraud c causing serious problems for a country and its
people by using computers to disrupt water
supplies, power stations, air traffic control, etc
4 spread computer viruses d the act of breaking into computer systems

5 cyber terrorism e the act of stealing somebody’s personal

information in order to pretend that you are that
6 hacking f to pass on bad computer programs that damage,
copy or erase data
7 phishing g the act of taking files from the Internet without

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Module 6
L Fill in: attachments, passwords, geeks, security, systems, branches, scale, buddies,

1 If someone hacks into the government computer network, it is a threat to national

…………………………… .
2 Someone discovered Melanie’s confidential …………………………… and they used them to
access her email account.
3 A group of script …………………………… have changed the road signs on the motorway.
Instead of saying ‘DRIVE SLOWLY’, they say ‘ZOMBIES AHEAD’!
4 Don’t open those email …………………………… – you don’t know who sent them and they
might contain computer viruses.
5 I know those boys – they know a lot about computers, but they’re just harmless
…………………………… and they would never do anything illegal.
6 The navigation …………………………… have broken down and the Coastguard are using
maps instead.
7 Shelley and her sister are computer …………………………… – whenever I have a problem
with my laptop, they fix it for me really quickly.
8 Over 10,000 post office …………………………… are closed across the country because a
worm has stopped their computers from working.
9 If someone hacked into the air traffic control network, it could cause disruption on a global
…………………………… .

M Choose the correct item.

1 Hackers try to gain/introduce access to private computers and networks.

2 The children love to get/make mischief and cause trouble.
3 The company is going to hire/scare a top hacker to test the security of their computer
4 If the power stations were hacked into, it would cause/alter havoc for everybody.
5 Security crackers disrupt/infect computer systems with worms and viruses.
6 We need to strengthen the defences/exploits of the company network in order to stop
7 If somebody accesses your account/scenario, they can send emails which look as if they
have been sent by you.

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Module 6
 Law cases

N Read the newspaper article and fill in: reach, send, refuse, trace, enter, attempt,
give, spend in the correct form.

3rd January


Reported by: Mary Grace

On 31st December, while Helen Brewer was out at a New Year’s Eve party,
somebody 1) ………………………… her London flat by force. They did not
2) ………………………… to steal her expensive jewellery or flat screen TV, however.
They stole her prize possession; a heated fish tank and her collection of tropical fish.
Ms Brewer called the police in the early hours of the morning on 1st January. They
tried to 3) ………………………… the thief, but as no fingerprints were found at the crime
scene, there was nothing they could do. Then, Ms Brewer got an unexpected phone call
from her ex-husband, Mike Johnson – he wanted to know what her tropical fish liked to
eat! Apparently, he knew how much she loved her fish and he had decided to steal them
in order to upset her.
Mr Johnson 4) ………………………… the night in police custody and was taken to
court this morning. The jury quickly 5) ………………………… a verdict of guilty on the
charges of breaking and entering and theft. Mr Johnson could not be
6) ………………………… to prison for such minor offences, but the judge ordered him to
return Ms Brewer’s fish and 7) ………………………… him a fine of £565 – the amount
needed to fix the door of Ms Brewer’s flat.
Ms Brewer’s lawyer said that his client is “delighted” with the outcome of the trial and
“relieved to have her fish back.” Mr Johnson 8) ………………………… to comment.

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Module 6
O Choose the correct item.

1 I can’t stand that parrot – it scratches/squawks loudly every morning and wakes me up!
2 An official survey/service shows that people who have burglar alarms in their homes are
15 times less likely to be the victims of theft.
3 Burglars often use a car or van to make a quick census/getaway.
4 Police are looking for the burglar/defendant who broke into Mrs Thomas’ flat.
5 Danielle made an unfortunate/unlucky mistake when she forgot to lock her front door.
6 I feel safer now that police officers are patrolling/protecting the streets.

 Problems in the community

P Read the leaflet and fill in: rubbish, thefts, repairs, bumps, bins, day, holes, scheme,
drivers, graffiti, spaces, rate, ankle.

Ten years ago, Summerville won the UK’s Top Town Award, but now we are facing some
problems. There are plenty of things we can do to make our town into a great place to live again,

Watch your step!

All around Summerville, there are 1) ……………………….. in the roads and pavements. This is
extremely dangerous, as they could cause pedestrians to trip and sprain a(n) 2) ………………….., or
worse. The council needs to make 3) ……………………….. to our pavements – visit to find out how you can get involved.

Slow down!
Dangerous 4) ……………………….. road cause accidents, injuries and even deaths. The community
group Slow Down Summerville is campaigning for the council to put speed 5) ……………………….. on
the roads in order to slow down these criminals and save lives. For more information call Dave Hodges
of Slow Down Summerville on 376820.

Clean up your mess!

Summerville doesn’t have a lack of green 6) …………………….. – there are lots of playing fields and
parks. But litter makes our town look untidy and is also dangerous for wildlife. Write to your local
councillor asking them to collect 7) ………………….. more often and install more litter
8) …………………….. in public places. You could also organise a clean-up 9) …………………….. in
your local park or children’s playground.

Keep your eyes open!

Summerville used to be a safe spot, but now we have a high crime 10) ……………………….. –
burglaries and car 11) ……………………….. have increased, as well as incidents of vandalism and the
spraying of 12) ……………………….. . The police are doing their part to reduce crime, but you can help
too. Why not start a Neighbourhood Watch 13) ……………………….. in your area? Studies have shown
that this deters criminals and makes areas safer for everyone. If you’re interested, check out this

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Module 6
 Citizenship

Q Fill in: fight, gain, raise, publish, inform, improve, encourage, organise, take, protest in
the correct form.

1 Ian called the television station because he wanted to ………………………….. the media
about what had happened.
2 The local people are gathering to ………………………….. against the closure of the library.
3 Some of the children don’t have clean water to drink – we need to take action to
………………………….. their living conditions.
4 The members of Amnesty International ………………………….. for human rights by writing
letters to governments.
5 The work of the group helped to ………………………….. the release of over 500 prisoners.
6 Humans Rights Day ………………………….. place on 10th December every year.
7 They are holding a concert to ………………………….. support for Amnesty International.
8 We ………………………….. our members to take part in peaceful protests.
9 The charity ………………………….. events such as sponsored walks and bake sales.
10 The newspaper is going to ………………………….. Jenny’s report on unfair trials.

R Choose the correct item.

1 She started her campaign/belief by handing out leaflets at the shopping mall, and now she
is on national television!
2 They believe that everyone should have freedom/abuse of speech.
3 He won the award for his outstanding contribution/organisation to the charity’s work.
4 Amnesty International has about 3 million members/supporters and many more people
support their work by giving donations.
5 Many children across the world live in extreme poverty/rights.
6 They are all prisoners of conscience/lifestyle – none of them have committed a crime.

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Module 6
 Verbs

S Fill in: receive, spark, get, build, catch, light, drink, found, be, delete.

1 The new computer virus can ………………………….. everything on your hard drive in less
than a minute.
2 The electricity has gone off. Can you ………………………….. a candle? I can’t see a thing!
3 The factory employees work 12 hours a day, but they still ……………………….. low wages.
4 If the software detects a virus on your computer, a message will …………………………..
displayed on the screen.
5 The police are sure that they have enough evidence to ………………………….. the thief.
6 Julia hopes to ………………………….. strong friendships with the other people on her
course at university.
7 Paul and Sue are going to buy a new carpet for their living room when they …………..
………….. paid.
8 Robin and Simon helped ………………….. the charity which cares for homeless teenagers.
9 Let’s ………………….. a toast to the members of Amnesty International and their good
10 Rosa Parks was only one woman, but she managed to ………………………….. a revolution.

 Prepositions

T Fill in the correct preposition.

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Module 6
1 The identity of the artist is surrounded 6 Criminals tried to hack ………. the
………. mystery. government network, but the security
A with B by C in D from system stopped them.
A onto B into C to D in
2 I’m very pleased ………. your homework,
Sarah. 7 The armed robber was sentenced
A for B at C by D with ………. fifteen years in jail.
A for B of C to D with
3 In class, the teacher separated Alison
………. her best friend because they 8 Andy’s parents are so proud ………. him
wouldn’t stop talking. for passing his driving test.
A from B with C by D off A to B on C with D of

4 The letter-writing campaign resulted 9 It’s our duty to fight ………. poverty and
………. the prisoner being released. injustice.
A of B in C at D to A with B for C against D from

5 We rely ………. computers for many things 10 Although he was killed in 1968, the
in our everyday lives. memory of Martin Luther King lives
A on B to C for D into ………. .
A from B on C by D with

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Module 6
 Phrasal verbs

U Underline the correct particle.

1 The vandals tried to run out/away, but the police caught up with them.
2 On the bus, I gave up/off my seat to an elderly lady who needed to sit down.
3 Ron set off/up an organisation to help the victims of crime.
4 After interviewing several witnesses, Inspector Charles worked off/out that the suspect was
5 Please turn up/off the radio – I’m trying to do my homework and the noise is distracting me.
6 I ran out/into Lauren at the supermarket this morning. It was such a surprise to see her!
7 I didn’t really want to go to the art exhibition, but it turned out/up to be really interesting.
8 The thieves smashed Karen’s window when they broke up/into her flat.
9 The Neighbourhood Watch are carrying out/over a survey to see how many people have had
their homes burgled in the last ten years.
10 When the mugger took his wallet, Steve called out/up but no one heard him.

 Word formation

V Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets.

1 I would like to complain about the receptionist – her behaviour this morning was rather
…………………….. . (OFFEND)
2 Downloading files from the Internet without permission is …………………….. . (LEGAL)
3 An electron microscope is a …………………….. device for looking at extremely small objects.
4 Before you leave, please ……………….. that all the doors and windows are locked. (SURE)
5 The school was destroyed by a …………………….. flood. (DEVASTATE)
6 Evan has made a great …………………….. to the charity by donating his money and his
7 Lisa was the victim of a …………………….. incident. Armed thieves took her handbag, keys
and mobile phone. (MUG)
8 I’m going to buy some colourful flowers to ……………. up the room. (BRIGHT)

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Module 6

 The passive

A Put the verb in brackets into the active or passive.

1 Matt’s bike …………………………… (steal) yesterday afternoon while he was at college.

2 That colour …………………………… (not/suit) Fran – it makes her look very pale.
3 Look up on the stage! The awards …………………………… (present) by that celebrity from
4 The hospital …………………………… (open) by a member of the royal family next week.
5 Ellen …………………………… (do) a project for school when I got home last night.
6 Police are warning residents to lock their doors because several suspicious vehicles
…………………………… (see) in the neighbourhood recently.
7 All the food in the restaurant …………………………… (make) with organic ingredients from
local producers.
8 The vandals …………………………… (already/disappear) by the time the police arrived.

B Rewrite the sentences in the passive form.

1 Andy has to make an important decision.

2 They haven’t hired Mr Thomson yet.
3 The journalist is interviewing the director.
4 The police were chasing the burglar for two hours yesterday.
5 They pay me quite well.
6 Dad will make dinner tonight.
7 Who wrote the report for the committee?
8 Someone broke into their apartment.
9 They might deliver my new computer today.
10 The children had decorated the cake.

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Module 6
 The passive – Personal/Impersonal construction

C Rewrite the sentences in the passive personal and impersonal construction,

as in the example.

1 People say that he has the most beautiful garden in the neighbourhood.
It is said that he has the most beautiful garden in the neighbourhood.
He is said to have the most beautiful garden in the neighbourhood.
2 People think that the car has been stolen.
It .............................................................................................................................................
The ........................................................................................................................................
3 They know that the thief was wearing a red T-shirt.
It .............................................................................................................................................
The thief .................................................................................................................................
4 People say that he escaped from prison yesterday.
It .............................................................................................................................................
He ..........................................................................................................................................
5 People expect that the President will win the Nobel Peace Prize this year.
It .............................................................................................................................................
The President ........................................................................................................................
6 They believed that she had stolen the money before she resigned.
It .............................................................................................................................................
She ........................................................................................................................................

 The causative

D Write the sentences in the causative form.

1 The hairdresser dyes Linda’s hair.

2 Mike has installed some new programs on my computer.
3 Did someone clean your pool?
4 A cook will prepare a meal for them.
5 They stole my brother’s bike last night.
6 A beautician is painting Charlotte’s nails.
7 A travel agent had organised their trip.
8 They were decorating Tom’s house.

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Module 6
 Reflexive pronouns

E Complete the sentences with the appropriate reflexive pronoun .

1 I hurt .............................. when I slipped and fell on the stairs.

2 He didn’t have any lessons. He taught .............................. how to speak French.
3 My little sister is three and she can already wash and dress .............................. .
4 Can’t you guys make dinner ..............................? I’m really busy.
5 We set up the gardening group .............................. .
6 They enjoyed .............................. very much at the party.
7 Alan, if you want some more cake, please help .............................. .
8 I like Peter, but I wish he didn't spend so much time talking about .............................. .

 Say/Tell/Ask

F Fill in: say, tell or ask.

“OK everyone,” 1) ………………..……… the group leader. “Welcome to the

Guerrilla Gardeners Club. My name’s Anya and it’s my job to
2) ………………… you where we’re going and what we’re going to plant. If
you have any questions, please 3) ………………..……… me now.”
“Do we have to wear special clothing?” 4) ………………… a young woman.
“No,” 5) ………………..……… Anya, “but wear old clothes – you could get
very muddy!”
“Someone 6) ………………..……… me that what we’re doing is illegal,”
7) ………………..……… a man. “Could we get arrested?”
“Well, we don’t actually have permission to do our gardening,” Anya
8) ………………..……… him, “but it’s unlikely the police will arrest us for
planting flowers and vegetables!”
Everyone laughed.
“So,” 9) ………………..……… Anya, “let’s get to know each other! When I
point at you, I want you to 10) ………………..……… your name and
11) ………………..……… me why you want to be a Guerrilla Gardener.”

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Module 6
 Reported statements

G Report the people’s words, as in the example.

1 Chris said (that) he wouldn’t go out

I won’t go out this evening.
that evening. There was a programme
There’s a programme
about cybercrime that he wanted to
about cybercrime that I
want to watch.

2 The policeman ....................................... The criminal escaped on

................................................................ foot. He was wearing a
black T-shirt and jeans.

3 Mrs Jones .............................................. If the neighbours don’t

................................................................ turn their music down, I
................................................................ will call the police.

4 Liz .......................................................... I started my own

................................................................ charity and we take
................................................................ food to the homeless
every day.

I have written the report, but

5 Officer Sharp .........................................
I haven’t given it to
................................................................ Inspector Riley because he
is interviewing the witness.

I’m investigating a
6 The private investigator ......................... series of crimes and I
................................................................ have discovered a lot
................................................................ of evidence.

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Module 6
 Reported questions/commands

H Reporter Amy Turner interviewed Police Officer Adam Blake yesterday. Turn
Amy’s questions into reported questions, using ask as the reporting verb, as
in the example.

1 “Why did you decide to become a police officer?”

She asked him why he decided / had decided to become a police officer.

2 “Did you have to do a lot of training?”


3 “Do you drive a police car?”


4 “Have you ever arrested the wrong person?”


5 “Are you working on any cases at the moment?”


6 “What will you do in the future?”


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Module 6
I Read the speech bubbles and match them to the sentences. Then complete
the sentences in reported speech, as in the example.

A Call the B Can I borrow your

police. phone, Pete?

What’s your
C D Lock the doors
email address?
and windows.

Install an alarm Will you help

E system. F me, Ross?

Come to our I’ll call you back.

G park clean-up H

1 E Amy was worried about burglars, so I told her to install an alarm system.

2 ……. Maria was going on holiday, so I .............................................................................

3 ……. I was at the police station when Tom called, so I ....................................................


4 ……. Daniel said his car had been stolen, so I .................................................................

5 ……. Lucy wanted to do something for the community, so I ............................................


6 ……. The detective said he might need to speak to me again, so he ...............................


7 ……. I couldn’t paint the house by myself, so I .................................................................

8 ……. I needed to call my boss, so I ..................................................................................

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Module 6
 Special introductory verbs

J Match the sentences in column A to the correct reporting verb in column B.

Then rewrite the sentences in reported speech as in the example.

1 “I didn’t break the window!” Martha said. a remind

2 “Why don’t we grow our own vegetables?” Dad said to us. b agree
3 “Don’t forget to pick your sister up from school,” Mum said to me. c forbid
4 “Please, please don’t tell anyone,” Collins said to me. d suggest
5 “You really must come with us,” they said to us. e warn
6 “Don’t leave your car unlocked,” the policeman said to us. f wonder
7 “Yes, I’ll help you to pick up the litter,” Josh told me. g refuse
8 She asked herself, “How did the burglars get in?” h deny
9 “You mustn’t go inside the old castle,” he said to us. i insist
1 “No, I won’t help you,” she said to us. j beg

1 d Martha denied breaking / having broken the window.

2 ……. ..................................................................................................................................
3 ……. ..................................................................................................................................
4 ……. ..................................................................................................................................
5 ……. ..................................................................................................................................
6 ……. ..................................................................................................................................
7 ……. ..................................................................................................................................
8 ……. ..................................................................................................................................
9 ……. ..................................................................................................................................
10 ……. ..................................................................................................................................

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Module 6
 Key Word Transformations

K Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Use two to five words to complete each

1 “You read my e-mails!” he said his sister.

He ....................................................................................................................... his e-mails.
2 You can’t carry the couch on your own – it’s very heavy.
You can’t .................................................................................................... – it’s very heavy.
3 There is no more tea left.
We .................................................................................................................................. tea.
4 “Don’t forget to invite the Wilsons to the wedding,” my mother said to me.
My mother ................................................................................ the Wilsons to the wedding.
5 The secretary was photocopying the boss’s report.
The boss .................................................................................................... by the secretary.
6 They will fire him if he goes on behaving like this.
He .......................................................................................... he goes on behaving like this.
7 They began their journey as soon as the sun came up.
They .......................................................................................................... the sun came up.
8 Sandy doesn’t like people shouting at her.
Sandy doesn’t ................................................................................................................... at.
9 A cleaning lady cleans Laura’s house every Thursday.
Laura .................................................. by a cleaning lady every Thursday.
10 “Were you at Maria’s party?” Kelly asked me.
Kelly wanted ................................................................................ had been at Maria’s party.
11 People believe that he is innocent.
He .......................................................................................................................... innocent.
12 “I won’t talk to strangers,” she said.
She ............................................................................................................. talk to strangers.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 23

Module 6
a) Read the texts and match them to the headings. One heading is extra.

Community Warriors
Pleasant, safe communities bring happiness and security to our lives, but unfortunately not all communities
are like that. These three people have won awards for the work they do to help young people in their

Elena Durσn Miranda was horrified when, on a trip to After returning home to Haiti from the
Argentina, she saw that children as young as 3 years old USA after cancer treatment,
were collecting things to eat and to sell at a rubbish businessman Patrice Millet felt
dump. “I saw children collect green sausages, crisp determined to start living the life he’d
crumbs and a bag of noodles covered in cream,” she always wanted to live; helping the
said. She was later told that many children dropped out children of Haiti’s poorest slums to have
of school in order to work at the dump. Elena decided to a better future. So, he started a
start a charity to give the children a free education so programme that uses football to help
that they didn’t have to work at the dump. She started by children stay out of trouble. “In football,
working alongside the children until she started to be you need to give and receive, you need
trusted by their families. Many of the children have gone team spirit, discipline, sportsmanship …
on to get stable jobs and study at university. Elena sees it’s not all about football, it’s about life,”
her work as ‘full-life’ rather than ‘full-time’. “I wouldn’t Patrice says. Today, the programme is
have it any other way!” she says. attended by hundreds of children and he
regularly talks to the kids about their
C lives, encouraging them to believe in
Diane Latiker is a grandmother from one of Chicago’s most themselves. One 11-year-old lost his
dangerous neighbourhoods. In 2003, to stop her teenage home and his father in the terrible 2010
daughter getting involved with a gang, she started taking Haiti earthquake and his family depend
her out along with her friends. Soon, Diane started inviting on the food that is received from the
young people from the neighbourhood to her house. She programme. Patrice also pays his
told them that they could come any time, any day, for food, school fees. Patrice’s dream is to set up
homework help or simply to talk about their hopes and his own school with playing fields and
dreams. This is how ‘Kids Off the Block’ was born! Soon, programmes in music and art.
Diane was taking the kids out to museums, finding tutors for
them, organising sports and training them for job interviews.
Later, she even started taking groups to other cities to talk 1 A MEMBER OF THE TEAM!
to young people in other difficult communities and in 2010 2 FROM TRASH TO TRUST
she finally opened a youth community centre in the building 3 HELPING THROUGH BUSINESS
next door. “Miss Diane, she changed my life. I love her for 4 MY HOME IS YOURS
that,” one young person said.

b) Which person/people …

travelled to tell others about his/her programme? 1

work to prevent crime? 2
fulfilled a life-long dream? 3
was shocked by something he/she observed? 4

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 24

Module 6
mentions that he/she considers their job to be a way of life? 5

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 25

Module 6

You will hear five people talking about their communities. Listen and match the
speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-F). Use each statement once. There is one
extra statement.

A The speaker often sees crimes taking place. Speaker 1

B The speaker is happy about something that’s happened in their community. Speaker 2
C The speaker feels afraid of something. Speaker 3
D The speaker has started a community programme. Speaker 4
E The speaker wants to move out of their area. Speaker 5
F The speaker is fighting to keep something.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 26

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