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Kamaldeep Singh et al., Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci.

, 2020, 11(3), 4170-4181



Published by JK Welfare & Pharmascope Foundation Journal Home Page:

A Review on Holoprosencephaly Disease (CYCLOPIA): Risk Factors, Causes,

Pathophysiology and Diagnosis with spotlight of various features reported in
Vishal Kumar1 , Savita Devi2 , Kamaldeep Singh*1
Department of Medical Lab Technology, School of Medical & Allied Sciences, Galgotias University,
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, 201310, India
Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, School of Paramedical and Physiotherapy, Lovely
Professional University, Punjab, India

Article History: ABSTRACT

Received on: 20 Feb 2020 Holoprosencephaly has a sever condition called Cylopia that is occur due to
Revised on: 18 Mar 2020 embryonic prosencephalon cleavage failure and contrast. Mostly cylopia form
Accepted on: 27 Mar 2020 is holoprosencephaly, mid facial tissue is absent which causes the one eye on
a single orbit. It is a sever deformity of median faciocerebal development.
There are 1.05 cases in100,000 birth, still births of cyclopean. Abnormal nose
above eyes or absence of nose, single eyes or half divided eyes in single orbit
Cyclopia, are features of cyclopia, where as reduced size of oral aperture or absence of
Holoprosencephaly, mouth, absence of mandible with ears below chin. It is as etiologically hetero-
Proboscis, geneous condition, which can be caused by genetic mutation, chromosomal
Chromosomal defects, defect and teratogenic environmental factors. Environmental factors can be
Magnetic Resonance diabetic embryopathy, retinoic acid, several anecdotal suggestion of terato-
Imaging genic factor for HPE, which includes salicylates and viruses. Some list of syn-
drome are also involved to cause cyclopia Like steinfeld syndrome, dysgnathia
complex,Pseudotrisomy 13 syndrome and Smith–Lemli– Opitz syndrome. On
other hand inborn abnormalities also cause cyclopia but its come under chro-
mosomal syndrome. Anatomical detection can be done by brain MRI, whereas
in prenetal diagnosis, sonography is more signi icant. Ultrasound also used
early detection can be done and knowledge of sonographic inding soectrum
leads to accuracy of prenatal diagnosis of cyclopia. After birth the chromoso-
mal study helps to diagnose cyclopia along with postmortem biopsy.

Corresponding Author INTRODUCTION

Name: Kamaldeep Singh Cyclopia is the extreme form of holoprosencephaly

Phone: +91 9530928021 and that is caused by unsuccessful embryonic pros-
Email: encephalon division and differentiation. Rather
than becoming hemispheric, in major cases there
is an absence of olfactory tracts and septum pel-
ISSN: 0975-7538 lucidum, while the prosencephalon remains as an
unseparated sphere. In peak cases, holoprosen-
cephaly can convert into cyclopia, in which the lack
of medal-facial tissue that may lead to one eye in
Production and Hosted by
a single orbit as shows in Figure 1 (Wilson et al., 1989).

© 2020 | All rights reserved. On the study of the fetus, before the preservation of
the specimen in formalin for storage only the exter-

4170 © International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Kamaldeep Singh et al., Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci., 2020, 11(3), 4170-4181

Figure 1: Shows features of cyclopia patient.

Figure 2: List of Key features in Causes of of Cyclopia Disease.

© International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 4171

Kamaldeep Singh et al., Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci., 2020, 11(3), 4170-4181

nal features were registered. Now we can visualize tory rate 42/min and heart rate was 152 beats/min,
internal structures without destroying the specimen a dysmorphic face,with a median single eye, microg-
by the non-invasive nature of MRI, and can issue the nathia, absence of nose,a proboscis above the eye
data to explain the defects of morphogenesis (Situ (shows in Figure 1) and many unusual abdominal
et al., 2002). abnormalities that consists a very large omphalo-
cele including whole spleen and liver, unde ined
Holoprosencephaly (HPE) generally observed in defected external genitalia and urinary bladder
5–6% of cases with Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome extrophy. The infant died after 5 hours. (Salama
(SLOS) (Weaver et al., 2010a) and displays the most et al., 2015).
intenseform of this syndrome. The exact process of
HPE formation in SLOS is not proven yet. Primary facial features of cyclopia might contain
a proboscis above the eye and absent nose and a
Cyclopia is a severe median faciocerebral growth median single eye or a partially divided eye in a sin-
malformation. Cyclopia is a rare fetal deformity gle orbit (Related features observe in Table 1). Other
identi ied by an individual palpebral issure along facial features may include otocephaly, astomia or
with a proboscis deal with severe brain deforma- microstomia and absent philtrum. (McGahan et al.,
tions. Including stillbirths, roughly1.05 in 100,000 1990).
births are determining as cyclopean. Cyclopia with
HPE is a rare congenital anomaly of the forebrain Causes
system. HPE happens from incomplete division of Cyclopia can result from chromosomal defects,
the telencephalic vesicles. A true cyclopia is an infre- which is basically caused by environmental ter-
quent anomaly in which the organogenetic growth atogenic factors or genetic mutations. Generally,
of the two separate eyes is suppressed (Cannistr there is a very less data regarding to the causes of
et al., 2001). cyclopia,because cyclopia is thought to be the most
Historical aspects extreme form of HPE so far (Dubourg et al., 2007).
Latest study of teratology and mythology on The commonest chromosomal disorder involved
cyclopia aside Cohen and by Stahl, Tourameconcede with HPE is the trisomy 13. The trisomies 18
with earlier observers that real infants with those and 21 were also recorded along with triploidy.
defects existed in the origin of the fantastic beings The structure of anomalies explained in the arti-
and mythological creatures (Stahl and Tourame, cle on 11 non-identical chromosomes enabled the
2010). An educated guess suggested the population recognition of 12 loci for HPE (Figure 2, Point
of 66,000,000 though there is no process to get the no. 1) (Roessler and Muenke, 1998). All these
de inite population number at the year 800 BC in all loci are known as HPE1 to HPE12 and are found
over the world and another guess suggested a crude in the regions 5pter, 7q36 (SHH),18p11.3 (TGIF),
birth rate of 80 per 1,000 for this period. If so, in 6q26-qter, 2p21 (SIX3),2q371–q37.3, 13q32 (ZIC2),
the world population around the time Odyssey was prox 14q, 9q22.3 (PTCH1), 1q42-qter (DISP1),
being created, approx. 53 cases of cyclopia were 20p13,and 21q33.3 (Dubourg et al., 2007).
born by year (Mcevedy and Jones, 1978). There are point mutations observed in the syn-
Holoprosencephaly takes place in 1/16,000 live dromes which cause HPE (Figure 2, Point no.
births and 1/250 at the time of embryogenesis. 3). A mindful review of them shows that only 4,
Approx. 1.05 in 100,000 births are recognized as irstly the Steinfeld syndrome, secondly the dysg-
newborn with cyclopia, including stillbirths (Kallen nathia complex, third the Pseudotrisomy 13 syn-
et al., 1992). One diagnostic characteristic of the drome and at last the Smith–Lemli– Opitz syn-
facial defects in holoprosencephaly is the abnormal drome had cyclopia(Figure 2, Point no. 2) (Weaver
shape in the median plane. It includes one orbit et al., 2010b). In addition, only these four
with a removed ethmoid complex, a proboscis above syndromes including cranial sclerosis along with
the eye, a single cyclopic eye, severe hypotelorism, a osteopathiastriata introduced with alobar form of
midline cleft lip, midfacial hypoplasia, a single upper HPE. Rubinstein–Taybi syndrome and Martin syn-
incisor and the absence of nasal bones (Other fea- drome not revealed in the OMIM database,since they
ture shows in Table 1) (Kjaer et al., 1991). were not involved with HPE (Martínez-Frías et al.,
They reported here a 24-week old gestation fetus
On observation, the Apgar score was not estimated
having alobar HPE, Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome
because of severe anomalies but newborn was
and cyclopia. This was the irst case of cyclopia doc-
noticed to have a trunk with peripheral cyanosis and
umented in SLOS and the severest case of HPE,
a pink face. Head circumference was 38 cm, respira-

4172 © International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Kamaldeep Singh et al., Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci., 2020, 11(3), 4170-4181

Table 1: Shows all case reports highlight including patient detail, clinical characteristics of
cyclopia patient, previous history of maternal and at last end result of case report.
Author Case Clinical Maternal End
Report Features History Result
(Kumar · 24 years old · Semi lobar and prosen- · Married at the age of 21 Pregnancy was
et al., mother. cephalon fails to develop into years bring to close.
2015). · 2nd gravida two hemispheres. · 1st conception ended as A boy was
· ultra- · Single eye observe in face. a 6 month spontaneous stillborn,
sonogram · Diaphragmatic hernia abortion. extremely
done at 21 &excess of amniotic luid · Conceived after 1 year preterm (22
weeks 0 days. in the amniotic sac. without any drugs. weeks).
· Boy weighing about 600 gm · No
· pregnancy & length of 27 cm. fever/drugs/radiation/
was termi- · Absence of nose. vaginal bledding in the
nated · Low set ears. past.
· It was (22 ·
weeks) boy
(Nalam · 23-year-old · Ultrasound at 30 weeks showed · History of second Delivered
et al., woman microcephaly. degree consanguinity a stillborn
2018). · At 30th · Baby weighing 1.02 kg · No history of any male
week of · Multiple congenital anomalies. infectious disease. baby.
pregnancy · Single central eye, low set ear. · Non Smoker and Alco-
had some · Omphalocele, Single umbilical holic.
problem. artery. · Not taken any terato-
genic drugs.
(Goswami,· A boy child · Child length was 39cm, weight · Mother was alcoholic. After ive
2015) was born, 1.8kg. · No history of consan- minutes
after 32 · Head circumference 20 cm. guinity, exposure to any the child
weeks of · Diamond shaped orbit containing other teratogenic dru- dies due
gestation. single eyeball& neck was short. gor any family history of to severe
· Location: · Bilateral not present in thumb. dysmorphism. asphyxia.
Dibrugarh, · Liver, gall bladder and were on left
India. side where as spleen, heartwas on
· Pregnancy right side.
was compli-
(Yadav · 35 year · Delivered a boy vaginally weighing · had normal vaginal The baby
et al., oldwoman. 2.5 kg. delivery in all pregnan- died after
2018). · 34 weeks · the newborn was with pink face cies.. 15min-
of gestation · Heart rate was 134 beats per min. · No history of diabetes. utes of
admitted in · Head in circle shape with 38 cm, birth.
the labour a median single eye and absence of · consanguineous mar-
room of nose. riage which may be the
NMCTH. · micrognathia. causing factor for this
(Raman · A 20-year- · Fetal skull bones were poorly rigid. · She has one irst nor- The preg-
and old second · Dysmorphic with blend orbits and mal girl. nancy
Jagadesh, gravida. single median eye in the forehead. · No history of consan- was ter-
2014). · Come for · Poor osteogenesis of the skull bones guinity of marriage. minated
routine and normal spine.
obstetric · Alobar holoprosencephaly with
ultrasonogra- facial dysmorphism.‘
Continued on next page

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Table 1 continued
(Ole- · The patient, · Fetal pulse noted 140 beats /minute. · The irst pregnancy After 2
jek 30 weeks had ended with a birth hours
et al., gestation · Child weighed 1270g and was 35cm of a normal newborn, Child was
2011). · 2nd preg- in L. healthy in all prospec- declared
nancy. · The cranial observed was 27cm, and tive. dead, due
· initial the chest circumference 24cm. · Family history was to lack of
diagnosis · High forehead with a single centrally unremarkable. breathing.
of hydro- localized eye. · Her husband has
cephalus · No nose &Complete absence of cere- diabetes history.
· Before being bral hemispheres.
referred to
the hospital,
ive checks
up had been
(Srini- · A 36yr-old · A female infant with “True Cyclopia.” · Previous all pregnan- Death
vasan woman. cies and deliveries were occurs
et al., · 4th preg- · Weighed 2910 g. healthy. after 20
2014). nancy. · Other body parts were normal. · Suffer from hemor- minutes
· Mother was · The face had a single large eye ball rhage and infection, so of birth,
gone under X with a pair of eyelids and medial a course of hexcaprone due to
ray examina- orbit. and ampicillin were respi-
tion for other · Absence of mouth, nose and pro- given for two weeks. ratory
diseases boscis. · Treatment given conges-
detection. · Ears were at a lower level. before three weeks of tion.
· Micrognathia was observed. baby’s birth.

(Rathod · 32 year old · A female fetus weighing 2200gm · Previously normal The baby
et al., F with multiple congenital anomalies. vaginal delivery. died soon
2015). · Presented in · A single eye in mid-forehead · No history of any after
second stage (cyclopia). terato-genic exposure. birth.
of labour. · No nasal aperture in face or pro- · Had uncontrolled
· Irregular boscis in the midline. diabetes which further-
check-up. · micrognathia. cause for this anomaly
(Sarma, · A 25 years · Single orbital cavity, orbit diamond · No history of any The boy
1983). Old mother. shaped. speci ic infection, drug die after 2
· She had a · Conjunctival fornices were present. intake, radiation or hours of
second child · A single globe with one cornea, one bleeding during the birth.
· pre- iris, one pupil one lens and one retina. present pregnancy.
eclamspsia · History of consanguin-
on the time · Had no nose and Olfactory bulbs and ity present.
admmsion. tracts were absent.
· Blood pres- · Holoprosencephaly.
sure was 150 · Gyri and sulci were absent.
100mm Hg.
Continued on next page

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Table 1 continued
(Rodrigues· A 30 year · Calvarium absent, anencephaly. · Immunized with 2 After
et al., old female · A female fetus weighing 160 gm doses of T.T. and was family
2019). came to hos- · Umbilical cord measuring 3.5. taking regular iron and counseled
pital for irst · Eye was noted in the midline of the calcium tablets, but no then ter-
antenatal face with two fused eye globes, and folic acid supplementa- mination
check-up. two separate pupils each.Nose was tion. of preg-
· She was 3rd absent · History of any alco- nancy.
gravida with · Cranial vault was absent hol consumption,
two previous · Brain was replaced by Anencephaly. hypertension, diabetes
normal mellitus, renal disease
· Third · The vertebral arches were de icient. or any other major
degree con- illness.
(Otu- · The 37year · A live girl infant with weight 1.5kg · Mother was not dia- Pronounced
aga old mother delivered by cesarean section. betic and gave no his- dead ten
et al., and has three · Multiple congenital abnormalities. tory associated with the minutes
2007). healthy & · Single centrally located eye, no nose complications. following
normal chil- and small mouth. delivery.
dren. · Several facial bones were missing.
· The delivery · Holoprosencephalic, Cardiac
done at City anomalies
Nigeria in the · Presence of a holosphere in brain.
of Benin
(Mon- · A 24 Years · Weight of infant was 800 gms. · No historical infor- Cause of
dal patient with · Different measurements: Head Cir- mation of mother was death was
et al., IUD at 29 cumference was 20 cm, Crown Ramp found in this case. multiple
2015). years of ges- length was 28 cm, Chest was 23 cm, con-
tation. and Femur Length was 6 cm. genital
· USG per- · Histopathology con irmed eye – ball anoma-
formed structure. lies.
· Holoprosencephaly with Synoph-
(Babaji · A female · Birth weight of infant was 2.93 kg. · There was neither his- Infant
et al., infant born · Fused eyes tory of consanguineous died after
2014) . to 21-year- · Abnormal positioned nose above the marriage nor positive few min-
old female eyes. family history. utes of
through nor- · Alobar holoprosencephaly with syn- birth.
mal vaginal ophthalmia forehead proboscis.
Continued on next page

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Table 1 continued
(Singh · A male · The baby weight 1000 g. · Mother has a history The
et al., child was · Had one single midline orbit and eye of two spontaneous neonate
2018). delivered to (cyclopia), absent mouth (astomia). abortions in the past at was pro-
a 20-year-old · a proboscis in midline above the 6–8 weeks of gestation. nounced
third gravida orbit, absent mandible (agnathia). dead at
· US done · Ears fused. · She was non-diabetic birth.
showed · On physical examination, baby and normotensive.
gestational had no other gross abnormalities or · Had anaemia (Hb 10
age of 9–10 abdominal organomegaly. g%) and was on tablet
weeks. Fetal · Umbilical cord had two arteries and iron and folic acid.
heart sounds one vein. · Immunized against
were present tetanus.
at that time. · No past family history
of holoprosecephaly.
(Arathi · An aborted · Most striking anomaly was cyclopia. · There was no history Pregnancy
et al., female fetus suggestive of a terato- was ter-
2003). of 16 weeks · Absence of cleft lip was noted genic insult. minated
gestation was with micrognathia and a prominent by induc-
observed. tongue. tion.
· Second · Short forearms, but long tapering The
pregnancy ingers. aborted
occurs in the · Lungs were hypo plastic, thymus fetus was
26-year-old absent, heart grossly malrotated, ixed in
mother. liver terminating into the atrium on 10% for-
· Child from the left. malin and
irst preg- · In the abdominal cavity a severe dissected.
nancy having degree of kyphoscoliosis
produced · A single eyeball seen, covered by
a normal, eyelids and a single cornea.
healthy baby. · alobar holoprosencephaly.
(Zim- · A 28 yr-old · A cyclopic fetus was delivered by · Her 2nd pregnancy After
mer femalewas female, body weight 2400 g&brain inished in the 5th observ-
et al., admitted at weighed about 90 g. month as a result of ing,
1982). 37 wk gesta- · The cerebral hemispheres were aborton. inally
tion. merged without a corpus callosum. · In her present preg- decided
· Uterine · One ventricle no olfactory tracts. nancy she was under to ter-
fundal height · Boyborn with one eyeball, absence treatment by her minate
was 50 cm. of nose and agenesis of left ear. gynaecologist with 6 the preg-
· A micro- · The karyotype test was 47 XY due to IM injections of 5000 nancy.
cephalic fetus trisomy D. IU amount chorionic
with a BPD of gonadotropin each, at
62 mm the time of 8th and 9th
wk of gestation.
Continued on next page

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Table 1 continued
(??lhan · The · At 37 weeks a female infant born. · Mother and Father The baby
Sezgin mother’s · At the birth time body weight was are irstly cousins died
et al., age was 38 1600 g, length 46 cm, and head in relation and the after few
2002). and both circumference 24 cm observed with mother had taken reg- minutes
parents were agnathia. ularly 500 g dosages of birth
healthy. · Presence of one midline eyeand the of aspirin two times a due to
· 3rd gravida. eyelids were open. day for 7 days during salicylate
· There were · A proboscis was observed the irst trimester in amount
two normal · Brrain front-lobes were fused and order to terminate the
sibs. no interhemispheric issure. pregnancy.
· Two optic
nerves were
(Chuk- · 32 year · New born baby with deformed face · No maternal history The baby
wuegbo patient deliv- · A single central eye observed. were recorded. was
et al., ered female · Proboscis withblind-ending, no stillborn.
2015). new born nose.
baby. · Absence of corpus callosum.
· Mother · The heart shows a large atrial septal
already with defect with bilateral atrial dilatation.
· Delivery
done by
(Tomoda · A 39-year- · A male fetus born with weighing · No maternal history The baby
et al., old gravida 2. 273.6 g. was recorded. fetus was
1983). · Anomalies were observed including: aborted at
· Trisomy holoprosencephaly arhinencephalia, 20 weeks
13 was con- ventricular channels abnormal in the
irmed. cerebellum.
· cyclopia with midline orbit had com-
plete fused eyes.
· A tiny proboscis above the eye.
(Bus- · Mother’s · Birth child length was 46 cm; weight · The mother delivered The baby
tami age – 38 yrs. 2300 gm and head circumference 27 about three years ago a expired
and & father’s age cm. baby with spina bi ida ive min-
Amr, – 55 yrs. · A fused single central eye. and that baby died soon utes after
1986). · Already · Supraorbital proboscis and after birth. delivery.
have 2 chil- hypoplastic maxillary region were · At the time of delivery,
dren. evident. polyhydramnios was
· First degree · Tissue culture study failed to grow evident.
cousin con- for genes.
sanguinity · Abnormal facial musculature
was reported features were seen.
by the par-
Continued on next page

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Table 1 continued
(Yil- · Baby boy · Boy was length was 40 cm, weight · The irst two delivered The child
maz born in a was 1.4kg, and observed head cir- children were normal. died after
et al., woman at the cumference was 30 cm. · All investigations of 5 min-
1998). age 27. · Single midline orbit with single eye the mother were nor- utes, due
· Consan- of complete fused eyes. mal. to severe
guineous · Meningomyelocel & no nose. · Chromosomal studies apnea and
couple. · Short length in right femur. were normal karyotype bradycar-
· The boy · At autopsy, there was cyclopia and a (46-XY). dia,
was delivered proboscis like mass above the eye.
at 33 weeks · holoprosencephaly, no optic tracts
through or pituitary gland.
(Deftereou· 2nd gravida. · At birth, the new born baby weight · No family history of The infant
et al., was 1.6 kg . congenital malforma- died at 15
2013). · Mother- 29 · Microcephaly, absent nose. tions. minutes
yrs. · No external genitalia. · During the initial 15 postdeliv-
· A non- · The umbilical cord only an artery days of gestation the ery.
consanguineous and a vein is present. mother was suffering
couple. from respiratory infec-
· Both mother tion.
and father · The mother not taken
were healthy. any teratogens.
Faten · A 36 year- · The fetus weighed was 135 g and · no particular past The infant
Limaiem old woman noted the placenta 45,4 g. medical history was a
et al., patient with · Monophtalmic with almost fused · Consanguinity and stillborn
2017. gravida 2. eyes. hereditary diseases female
· Going for · Observed one lacrimal punctum in were denied. baby.
check up and the midline. · First pregnancy of
meet her · Absent of nasal structures. woman was unexcited
gynaecologist · The brain and the rest of the body and she did not take
at 14 weeks’ organs were Soften. any drugs before or
gestation during her pregnancy
regarding period.
pelvic pain.
(Situ · The 21-year- · The male fetus with crown foot · The mother was The fetal
et al., old woman. length of 38.1 cm, healthy and did not heart
2002). · The fetal · A single eye. suffer any internal or stopped 7
heart stopped · The tubular proboscis measured external illness. h before
working was 2.5 cm in long and 1.2 cm in · At the time of irst parturi-
before 7 wide. stages of gestation tion.
hours of · Alternating polydactyly was she had not taken any
labour. observed. medication.
· The ears were low-set.

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Kamaldeep Singh et al., Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci., 2020, 11(3), 4170-4181

to their knowledge. On the basis of molecular nancy abortion for recorded cases in many countries
study, the fetus had two separate mutations a splice- all over the world should be examined (McGahan
site mutation and the DHCR7 geneanda deletion of et al., 1990).
the entire 3rd and 4th exons. This inal deletion Most of the nations it is still not permitted abortion
enclosed every 3 and 4 exons of DHCR7 (Weaver due to religious, cultural and other reasons, but it
et al., 2010a). The father of the fetus had an oddly is also legalized by medical law in several countries
low plasma,in the view of the decrease mean serum to abort the pregnancy if severe congenital anoma-
cholesterol level of heterozygote parents of the SLOS lies found during pregnancy. In some cases, the
patients the total cholesterol level wasn’t exceeding parents were examined early that their baby has
(Figure 2, Point no. 4).The history of pregnancy was an extreme hydrocephalus, but unfortunately, they
also common for any familiar teratogen producing had no option to abort the pregnancy and they had
HPE Cunniff et al. (1997). to suffer the extreme psychological pain of hold-
The LDL receptor in embryonic neuroepithelium ing a malformed fetus till term and delivering alive
associated in the transportation of placental LDL of distorted baby who expired within just few hours
mother, in rodents these indings were also been after birth. These cases call for an urgent world-
recorded to form HPE. Lack of cholesterol levels wide legalization of pregnancy abortion in recorded
in maternal blood could also interrupt with fetal- cases (Bullen et al., 2001).
cell membrane mechanisms and cell-to-cell inter- The major fact is that though HPE is a syndromic
actions. Other functions may contain cholesterol deformity with several genetic causes, both with and
levels in the in luenced fetus and/or mother, envi- without a chromosomal examination and associated
ronmental factors, other maternal or fetal genes, chromosomopathy, and postmortem autopsy can be
impaired transplacental transport of cholesterol or add up to the diagnosis of cyclopia (Tonni et al.,
a pooling of these factors (Dehart et al., 1997). 2008).
Risk factors
Some particular risk factors associated with envi- CONCLUSIONS
ronmental along with retinoic acid, diabetic embry-
Cyclopia is a rare disease which depicts the fea-
opathy, ethyl alcohol, and some anecdotal sugges-
tures of fetus like the absence of the facial midline
tions of teratogenic factors for HPE including sali-
bones and aproboscis presence as a nose-like struc-
cylates and viruses (Cohen and Shiota, 2002). The
ture above the single eye on the middle orbit of
maternal diabetes and maternal lu as more preva-
frontal bone of skull that mean there was a devel-
lent in HPE as compared in controls which was
opmental defect. Diseases mostly associated were
con irmed in South American (Orioli and Castilla,
with chromosomal anomalies, majorly trisomy 13.
2007). The National Birth Defects Prevention Study
Another cases presented with defects that are not
cases shows and discovered HPE to be associ-
related to HPE. The list of risk factors is involved to
ated with aspirin use, pre-existing diabetes, use of
cause cyclopia and mainly maternal pre diabetic and
assisted reproductive technologies and lower edu-
maternal lu lead to develop abnormal fetus struc-
cation level (Miller et al., 2010). In the same case,
ture. The prenatal diagnosis is required to iden-
noted that non-genetic risk factor summary for HPE
tify cyclopia and can be come to known early by
that have been inspected in case series and case
ultrasound. On other hand the sonographic ind-
reports, epidemiologic studies, and animal stud-
ings of cyclopia can upgrade the accuracy of prenatal
ies, containing therapeutic & non-therapeutic expo-
diagnosis. In developing countries women were do
sures, maternal illnesses, sociodemographic and
not receive consistent antenatal care and do not go
nutritional factors (Johnson and Rasmussen, 2010).
through prenatal diagnosis, such cases will go unde-
Diagnosis tected.
MRI indings of the brain could be helpful to char- Funding Support
acterize cyclopian anatomical features. The most
helpful diagnosis is done by Sonography in the fetal
diagnosis of cyclopia (Filly et al., 1984). There may Con lict of Interest
new cyclopian syndromes still can emerge due to the None.
demonstration of cyclopia is not fully exposed. The
fetal diagnosis of cyclopia can be perform early by REFERENCES
ultrasound and the awareness of the range of sono-
graphic detections of cyclopia can enhance the accu- Arathi, N., Mahadevan, A., Santosh, V., Yasha, T. C.,
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