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Date:​ 8th February 2021

Time: ​9.00 - 10.30 P.M

Venue:​ Online (ZOOM)

Written by: ​Gowtham

Attendees:​ Ajith kumar, Ananthasri, Gobinath, Gowtham, Jothi balamurugan, Mohammed

kashif, Rajesh kumar, Santhosh, Sri balaji, Tanishq sai, Yagna sai

Late joiner: ​Ananthasri

Absentees: ​Nil

Agenda:​ To have a discussion about the education system of five countries, selected
based on the education system standards for schools & their syllabus, Teaching method
psychology & strategies for handling students, current Science field research & development
which will be an indication of their technological advancement, ​Program for International
Student Assessment. (PISA)
1. America (Ananthasri)
2. Australia (Since Sri balaji has provided content for Australian education, system he’ll
present about Indian education system)
3. Finland (Rajesh kumar)
4. Japan (Ajith kumar)
5. Singapore (Santhosh)
[Note: ​PISA​ is the OECD's ​Programme for International Student Assessment​. ​PISA
measures 15-year-olds' ability to use their reading, mathematics and science knowledge and
skills to meet real-life challenges​.​]

● The meeting started with people introducing themselves and Gowtham gave an
introduction about the project.
● Firstly, Ajith kumar presented his research and findings about the Japanese
education system. He stated that their education system is one amongst the top
class schooling education systems in the world. Its student per teacher ratio is about
16.4 and mode of education is via their mother tongue(japanese). Then he added
that there is a bit of disappointment amongst their people for their current education
model. Others applauded his presentation and Ajith Kumar asked if there were any
questions, Mohammed kashif intervened and asked two questions 1. How is it
different from our country system? 2. As stated that there is a bit of disappointment
amongst their people for their current education model reason and brief about it?
Ajith Kumar answered that their methods of teaching differ and since they have
low student per teacher ratio​ ​the students are assessed personally and evaluated to
come upon with a decision on which aspect the students are well versed. For the
second question he added that due to usage of japanese language they struggle in
english standards when competing globally while publishing papers likewise.
Mohammed kashif then added that it would be great if the analysis is centered &
narrowed down to science curriculum and not on the whole education system.
● Next Sri balaji was called upon to present about Indian education system. Initially he
asked whether to present in Tamil or English, as English was insisted by others. He
started his presentation, basically his presentation was interactive by asking
questions and he heated up the discussion with good intuitive talks. Yagna sai
interrupted during his speech and said that, i don't know why you asked which
language to present and your English is really great, keep going. Sri balaji gave a
comparative study discussion about state board, CBSE and ICSE syllabus. He said
that ICSE is a private non-governmental board, whereas CBSE is a central
government board. Then he said that in ICSE there are elective papers, and it gives
equal importance to practical as well as theoretical knowledge, but in CBSE
theoretical part has higher preference. Like in CBSE, ICSE doesn't have a grading
system at all and added that ICSE students can cope up with other countries
schooling system & syllabus since they have a top class methodology. He finally
included that force, solid state & magnesium are common among various education
systems across the globe and told that nanotechnology, quantum mechanics &
relativity are not that of a common topic.
Sri balaji then said when asked whether he has completed his presentation, he
replied yes and added that Jothi balamurugan has something to say on Indian
education system. Jothi balamurugan stated that state board & CBSE has almost the
same content but differs in the way of examination. State board is based on
memorizing things whereas CBSE is based on analytical thinking and so on. Last he
added that ICSE is the best of all the three, because it gives elective papers and
leaves the students to choose, also they don't follow the routine and approach each
topic extensively with deep insights.
● Rajesh Kumar presented the Finland education system after Jothi balamurugan. He
stated that there is full flexibility and syllabus is updated frequently and this factor is
the key competence which makes their education system stand out globally. They
provide free education for everyone, and the syllabus is renewed every year. With
that being said he added that project based learning and various high grade teaching
methods make them a frontier in education.
● Ananthasri was the last one to present, since Santhosh told that he was not aware
that today he had to present and didn’t come up with much of a preparation, he was
excused. He promised that he’ll surely present at the next meeting. Also he prepared
a list of information about the meeting and sent it the Yagna sai, it showed his
efficient listening during the meeting.
Ananthasri understood the fact that we were running out of time and made it crisp
and clear. She said that the two main points that make American education differ
from others is that they keep on changing the syllabus with various updates and
keeps the system up to date, it’s flexible and not a fixed one. Then their teaching
methods are also different, students are asked to come up with scientific essays
likewise.[ One example she gave is that whereas in India students use ph paper and
in america they would be using ph meter instead ]
● Gowtham applauded Ananthasri and asked whether anybody has any questions
and we’re due to finish the session. Tanishq sai said that he was not completely
aware of the plan and he insisted that if he would've made clear about it, he could
contribute efficiently.
Mohammed kashif said that each and everyone's role will be significantly
established once after a proper structure is derived. And asked whether as of now
does he have a base idea of the system. Tanishq sai replied yes and thanked
Mohammed kashif for the information.

● Finally, Gowtham ended the discussion with a vote of thanks, and appreciated each
and everyone's effort and sincere contributions for the meeting.

Decisions made:
● To conduct a meeting with an even narrowed down objective to make use of the
meeting efficiently.
● To conduct another meeting within this weekend.
● To collect data for science curriculum across various countries for topic segmentation
and content flow in the books to be prepared.

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