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English 201 ELL Communication and Presentation Skills

(Final MCQs)

1) Communication is the act of ………………...

a) Transmitting and receiving information.
b) Receiving information.
c) Transmitting information.
d) None of them
2) Communication is ……………
a) Continuous.
b) Complicated.
c) Contextual.
d) All of the above.
3) Communication is affected by …………….. Context.
a) Psychological
b) Environmental
c) Cultural
d) All of the above
4) Communication is the process of …………………..
a) Creating shared understanding.
b) Speaking & listening.
c) Understanding the opponent ideas.
d) Making yourself clear.
5) The first and most important reason for communicating is ……………
a) To build relationships with other people.
b) To deliver a message.
c) To understand the opponent ideas.
d) To create shared understanding.
8) Our relationship defines the ………….. of our conversation.
a) Limits
b) Type
c) Time
d) Ease
e) (a & c)
9) If we feel low in status relative to the other person, we may …………..
a) Ignore them.
b) Disrespect them.
c) Agree to any thing they say.
d) Put them down.
10) Conversations can fail because ……….
a) We dislike each other.
b) We like each other a lot.
c) We don’t know each other.
d) (a & b).
15) ……………. will sometimes say things to the other person that we don’t intend them
to know.
a) Thoughts
b) Verbal communication
c) Non-verbal communication
d) Feelings
16) Non-verbal messages are ………….
a) Ambiguous.
b) Continuous.
c) Multi-channel.
d) All of the above.
17) When you are judging someone’s behavior, you ……………
a) Don’t consider past experience.
b) Don’t look for clusters.
c) Check the context.
d) All of the above.
e) Nove of the above
18) ………………… are powerful first-stage thinking tools.
a) Mind maps
b) Flip charts
c) Metaphors
d) All of the above.
19) When an expert holds a conversation with an amateur, the conversation may
probably fail because ……………..
a) Completely different ranks.
b) Absence of clear objective.
c) The high power of one of the members affects the conversation.
d) Both (a & c).
21) The main difference between a conversation & an interview is ……………
a) Interview is called and led by one person.
b) Interview has a specific reason.
c) Conversation is always informal.
d) Both (b & c).
22) Using visuals in your conversation means to …………….
a) Use images and picture to explain your idea.
b) Use your facial expressions and body language.
c) Write notes of your ideas and show them.
d) Both (a & b).
23) You are talking with someone, and he starts scratching his chin this means
a) He is bored.
b) He is lying.
c) He doesn't believe what you says.
d) He is very interested.
24) The ability to bring the right people together is called …........ power.
a) Expert
b) Coercive
c) Reward
d) Convening
25) ………............ is a formal exchange of views.
a) Conversation
b) Interview
c) Presentation
d) Proposal
26) During preparing for a presentation ……............. must be considered.
a) Material, Place, Time and Audience
b) Material, Yourself, Place and Time
c) Material, Yourself and Audience
d) Material only
27) “You are always completely wrong!" ............. is/are the main error(s) in this expression
of criticism.
a) Aggressive language
b) Missing the positive
c) Personalizing
d) (a & b)
28) Effective communication is that in which
a) sender sends a complete message
b) Receiver understands the message of sender
c) Communication is oral
d) communication is in writing
29) _____ is an active process ; whereas _____ is a passive process
a) Listening ; hearing
b) Hearing ; listening
c) Reading ; writing
d) Writing ;
30) a common method for making decisions
a) Listening b) writing c) meeting d) speaking
31) Many conversations fail because one or both of us ignore......
a) Context b) relationship c) structure d) behavior
32) The quality of conversation depends more on .........
(a) the quality of the listening than the quality of the speaking,
(b) the quality of the speaking than the quality of listening.
(c) The quality of understanding the speakers of each other.
(d) The time of the conversation.
33) The ability to punish others is :-
(a) Reward Power. (b) Coercive Power.
(c) Referent Power. (d) Expert Power.
34) When you make a presentation, you should .........
(a) Define you objective. (b) Construct a message.
(c) Put it on Cards. (d) All of the above.
35) The rank we grant to another person in relation to us is........
(a) Power. (b) Role.
(c) Status. (d) Liking.
36) When you are in a conversation with someone, you should .......
(a) Search for the area of common understanding.
(b) Show yourself.
(c) Interrupt the speaker.
(d) Not show interest to the speaker words.
37) Most of us use ________ and _______ in addition to words, when we speak.
a) words and gestures
b) gestures and body language
c) body language and posture
d) posture and eye gazing
e) b, c, and d
38) As a means of communication, e-mails have features of the immediacy of both
_______ and _______
a) reading, receiving
b) writing, sending
c) calling, receiving
d) receiving, sending
39) A resume needs your_______ and______ all into one document.
a) objectives, experiences
b) accomplishments
c) experiences and skills
d) all of the above
40) _____ is essentially a statement of facts of a situation, project or process or test and it
should be supported by.
a) notice, proof b) technical report, evidence
c) memo, information d) letter, documents
41) ________ and ________ as visual aids should contain the minimum information
a) flip charts, slides
b) power point, overhead projects
c) video, film
d) overhead projects, slides
42) Language of a memo should be _______ and ______ to understand.
a) indirect, personal
b) direct, concise
c) lucid, easy
d) concise, difficult
43) In letter writing, _______ indicates to the reader of the letter what the _____ is about.
a) salutation, letter
b) subject, notice
c) body, memo
d) subject, letter
44) Which one of the following is correct: process of communication.
(a) encoding, receiver, message, response, feedback, sender
(b) sender, encoding, message, decoding, receiver, response, feedback
(c) sender, response encoding, message, decoding, receiver, feedback
(d) sender, decoding, message, encoding,
45) In oral communication, there is a possibility of immediate response.
a) True
b) False
46) Oral communication always saves time.
a) True
b) False
47) A cover letter is the narrative of your resume/CV.
a) True
b) False
48) There are --------------Cs of written communication.
a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7
49) Back straight, and arms and legs uncrossed indicates a posture
a) Closed b) Tensed c) Open d) Relaxed
50) All gestures, hand movements and thumbs up, eye
contacts and facial expressions are……….
a) Haptics
b) Chronemics
c) Kinesics
d) Proxemics

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