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• Course :Contemporary Marketing Research

• Course Code:305MKT
• Program: MBA
• Sem-III
• Class: MBA-II

Dr Ashish R Jaswal
Sanjivani College Of Engineering,
Dept. of MBA
Kopargaon, Dist- Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India, Pin

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Unit 1
Course Code:305MKT

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• Course Code 305MKT
• Type Subject – Core
• Course Title :Contemporary Marketing
• Written Home Assignment

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
What is Methodology?
Systematic Way of doing things
Methodology involves
• Process
• Methods/Techniques
• Tools
• Logic
Research Methodology means
systematic way of doing research
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
What is Research?

• Is Search for Knowledge
• Has to be done Objectively
• Uses a Scientific/Systematic/Logical

Research is an Objective and

Systematic Search for Knowledge
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
What is Research?
Pursuit of Truth
Voyage of Discovery
Movement from Known to Unknown
Organised Enquiry
Scientific Investigation
In-depth Analysis
Cause and Effect Relationship
Fact Finding Exercise
Problem Solving Tool
Supports Decision Making

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
What is Research?
―Research is a process of
systematically obtaining
accurate answers
to the pertinent and significant
by the use of scientific method of
gathering and interpreting
- Clover and Balsely

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Research Process
Define Problem
Formulate Hypothesis
Research Design
Data Collection
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Research Findings
Research Report

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Research Process
Define Problem
• Identify, Understand and Define
• Purpose and Objectives of Research
Formulate Hypothesis
• Assumed solution of research problem
Research Design
• Plan of Research

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Research Process

Data Collection
• Gathering of Data

Data Analysis and Interpretation

• Analysis of Data
• Interpret meaning from the data

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Research Process

Research Findings
• Result/ Outcome of Research
• Conclusions

Research Report
• Report Of Research Activity
• Feedback To The Management

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of

 Methodology is Systematic Way of

doing things

Research is an Objective and

Systematic Search for Knowledge

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Research Process
Define Problem
Formulate Hypothesis
Research Design
Data Collection
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Research Findings
Research Report

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Marketing Research
• Marketing research is a systematic and
objective study of problems pertaining to
the marketing of goods and services.

• It is required and applicable to all areas of


• Marketing research is of both types i.e.

problem solving and problem oriented

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Definition by AMA
The Function
Which Links
The Consumer, Customer And Public To Marketer
Through Information
Used To Identify And
Define Marketing Opportunities And Problems
Generate, Refines And Evaluate Marketing Actions
Monitor Marketing Performance
Improve Understanding Of Market As A Process.
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Definition by AMA-Cont..
• Specifies the information required to address these issues
• Design the methods for collecting information,
manages and
• Implements the data collection process
analyze the results and
• Communicate the findings and their

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Marketing Research Defined
The planning, collection, and analysis of data
relevant to market decision making and
communication of the results of this analysis to

The Importance of Marketing Research to

• Descriptive function
• Diagnostic function
• Predictive function

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Marketing Research in Practice
• Develops market options through market
segmentation, market opportunity analysis, or
Research consumer attitude and product usage studies

• Tests different decision alternatives such as new

product concept testing, advertising copy testing,
Research pretest marketing, and test marketing

• Evaluation of performance of programs


Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Participants in Marketing Research Activities

Information Users
• General management
• Planning
• Marketing and sales managers
• Product managers
• Lawyers

Information Suppliers: Information Suppliers:

Inside the Company Outside the Company
• Marketing research department • Research consultants
• Sales analysis group • Marketing research suppliers
• Accounting department • Advertising agencies
• Corporate strategic planning
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of

 Main Divisions of Marketing Research

1. Product Research
2. Sales Research
3. Customer Research
4. Pricing Research
5. Advertising Research

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
 Product research: Concerns with
a. Design
b. Development
c. Testing of new products
d. Improvement of existing product
It also examines-
a. Quality of new product
It analyses-
Product mix in comparison with the
competitive products.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Product Research
• Concern with analysis of after-sales
service.(consumer durables and technical
products product)
• Packaging has considerable importance,
therefore product and packaging research is
suitable to evolve strategies for market

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Hero unveils fully „desi‟
Splendor iSmart

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Hero Splendor iSmart 110
• designed and developed entirely by Hero
• features a totally new chassis and frame
• powered by a new 110cc engine
• patented i3S technology
• complies with Bharat Stage IV emission
• Fuell efficient engine
• New chassis, Featurepacked
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Sales Research
 Sales research is concern with all sales
 It examines various sales outlets &
territories- in terms of performance of
 It also examines product-wise
performance and know the position in
the market in relation to its competitors.
 Sales research also helps to determine
the effectiveness of the sales force and
factors to improve its performance.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Customer Research
 Customer research is concern with studies of
customer/consumer behaviour.
 It look into various factors such as sociological,
economical, psychological which influence buying
decision of customer.
 It also concern with the customer satisfaction and to its
 Customer research can provide customers‘ suggestions
for product deficiency and improvements.
 Customer research is in the form of attitudinal studies
offers clues to differentiate competitive brands to
certain types of customers & buyers.
 To determine the market share customer research is

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Pricing Research
 Price for goods & services to be fixed-
success factor- cost is basis
 Nature of demand, competition, technological
developments, financial status of consumers
are some of the factors for pricing.
 For new product- test marketing may be
undertaken at various locations with varying
prices- which helps to find the extent of
acceptability and to choose the appropriate
 For established product- firm may like to
know sensitivity of price change (price
elasticity of demand)
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Advertising Research
 Advertising- increase awareness of
product & services- leading to increase
 Two types
1. Media Research
2. Copy Research

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Media Research
 Media research is concern with- television,
radio, newspaper & magazines.
 It helps to choose a particular media or
combination of media.
 It also helps to decide specific insert within a
particular type of media.

Copy testing:
Copy testing is concern with the studies to
determine the suitability of particular copy
before it is finally released as an

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Advantages of Market Research
– Helps focus attention on objectives
– Aids forecasting, planning and strategic
– May help to reduce risk of new product
– Communicates image, vision
– Globalisation makes market information

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Disadvantages of Market Research

– Information only as good as the

methodology used
– Can be inaccurate or unreliable
– Results may not be what the business wants
to hear!
– May stifle initiative and ‗gut feeling‘
– Always a problem that we may never know
enough to be sure!

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Limitations of Marketing Research
1. Marketing research tends to be fragmentary in
its approach as a result of which it becomes
difficult to have an overall perspectives in
which a marketing problem is to be viewed
and studied.
2. Marketing research is criticized on the ground
that it become too superficial and faulty in
3. There is an absence of meaningful dialogue
between the marketing management and the
marketing research team.
4. Marketing research is not pure science.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Marketing Intelligence system
• Marketing intelligence system provides
marketing managers their day-to-day
information pertaining to the external
marketing environment.
• The marketing intelligence received from
managers, can be further improved by the
firms by taking certain steps. (e.g. motivate
distributors & retails to give imp. Mkt.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• The overall ice cream market in India is dominated
by Amul, a brand owned by the Gujarat Cooperative Milk
Marketing Federation, with a 32% share, according to the
• Mövenpick, the nestle-owned premium ice cream brand,
is shifting gears in india.
• Mövenpick—the ice cream brand started by swiss
hotelier ueli prager in 1948
• Entered india in 2000, it had a troubled journey until 2004,
• It plans to have 50 outlets across the country in the next
three years
• Star foods speciality, mövenpick‘s distributor in india.
• At present, mövenpick‘s top five markets are switzerland,
russia, england, france and australia.
• Next five years, we believe india will be among the top 10
markets for mövenpick in terms of size

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Mövenpick sees India among its
top 10 markets in five years
• A study by retail consulting firm technopak
• The annual per capita consumption of ice
cream in india is about 300ml,
• While it is 22,000ml in the US and
• About 3,000ml in china
• According to an April study by euromonitor
international, the ice cream market in india
is estimated to grow to rs.6,198 crore in
2019 from rs.4,160 crore in 2014.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
High-Growth Indian Online Matrimonial
Matchmaking Market Beckons Investors
• The average Indian spends considerable time (in excess of
six months) and money (averaging INR 15 lakhs or
approximately US $25,000) on the entire matchmaking and
wedding ceremony process. Since finding the ―right‖
partner has assumed special significance over the years, it
is little wonder that the wedding services market in the
country is worth over $36 billion.
New analysis from Frost & Sullivan, Investment
Opportunities in the Indian Online Matrimonial
Matchmaking Market, reveals that the top 3 online Indian
matchmaking platforms have accounted for over 5 million
marriages in the last decade. On an average,
has 10,000 new registrations a day and 3 million active users
looking for spouses.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
India will unseat the U.S. as the 2nd largest
smartphone market in the world by 2017
• According to a new report from Strategy Analytics, India will
unseat the United States as the second largest smartphone
market within the next two years, with China remaining the
clear leader of the pack.
• While smartphone penetration in India is currently
relatively low, with only 110 to 120 million of the 1.2 billion
people in the country able to claim ownership of such a
device, forecasters say this will change very quickly in the
coming years.

• As per the report, in 2015, Indians will buy 118 million

smartphones, and by 2017, 174 million phones will be sold
over the course of the year.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Chain Restaurant Study
One day I received a phone
call from a research analyst
who introduced himself as
one of our alumni.
He was working for a
restaurant chain in town and
wanted help analyzing the
data he had collected while
conducting a marketing
research study.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
When we met, he presented me with a copy of the
questionnaire and asked how he should analyze the data.
My first question to him was,

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
When he looked
confused, I explained
that data analysis in
not an independent

Rather, the goal of data analysis is to PROVIDE


Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
I was surprised to learn that he did not
have a clear understanding of the
marketing research
problem and that a written
definition did not exist. So before going
any further, I had to define the
marketing research problem.

Once that was done, I found that much of

the data collected was not relevant to the
problem. In this sense, the whole study
was a waste of resources. A new study had
to be designed and implemented to
address the problem defined.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• Defining the problem is the
most important step, because
only when a problem has been
clearly and accurately identified
can a research project be
conducted properly.
• Defining the marketing
research problem sets the
course of the entire project.
• A broad statement of the
general marketing Research
problem and identification of
Dr Ashishits specific components
R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Proper Definition of the
Research Problem

Marketing Research
Broad Statement

Specific Components

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
At Indigo, Food is Uniting the
Airline With Travelers

Indigo Airlines, as other major airlines, had

to deal with passenger loyalty
(Management Decision Problem: how to
attract more and more loyal passengers).
The broad Marketing Research Problem was
to identify the factors that influence loyalty
of airline travelers.
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
The basic answer is to improve service.
Exploratory research, theoretical framework,
and empirical evidence revealed that the
consumers’ choice of an airline is influenced
by: safety, price of the ticket, frequent-flyer
program, convenience of scheduling, and brand

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
A graphical model stipulated that
consumers evaluate competing airlines
based on factors of the choice criteria to
select a preferred airline. The problem
was that major airlines were quite similar
on these factors. Indeed, "airlines offer
the same schedules, the same service,
and the same fares.” Consequently,
Indigo had to find a way to differentiate
itself. Food turned out to be the solution.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Secondary data, like the J. D Power &
Associates' survey on "current and future
trends in airline food industry", indicated that
"food service is a major contributor to
customers’ loyalty". This survey also
emphasized the importance of food brands.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
The airline's survey told Indigo Airlines that
"customers wanted more varied and up-to date food.”
The following research questions and hypotheses may
be posed.
RQ1 How important is food for airline customers?
H1: Food is an important factor for airline travelers
H2: Travelers value branded food
H3: Travelers prefer larger food portions, but with
consistent quality
H4: Travelers prefer exotic food

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Characteristics which influence the research
design included the identification of competing
airlines (Go Air, Air Asia, etc.), factors of the
choice criteria (already identified), measurement
of airline travel and loyalty.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
This kind of research helped Indigo to define their
marketing research problem, and develop the approach.
Focus groups and surveys were conducted to check
customers' perceptions of food in Indigo aircraft. The
results provided support for all the hypotheses (H1 to
H4). Indigo then made a few changes: new "cooking
menus," larger portions of food, new coffee and branded
products This resulted in better service, increasing
customer satisfaction and fostering loyalty.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Tasks Involved

Discussion Interviews Secondary Qualitative

with with Data Research
Decision Maker(s) Experts Analysis

Understand the Background problem by analyzing Environmental Context of the Problem

Step I: Problem Definition

Facilitates Management Decision Problem

Translated to Marketing Research Problem

Step II: Approach to the Problem is developed

Analytical Model: Specification

Objective/ Verbal, Research of
Theoretical Hypotheses
Graphical, Questions Information
Mathematical Needed

Step III: Research

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of Design
Tasks Involved in Problem

Discussions with Decision Makers

Interviews with Industry Experts

Secondary Data Analysis

Qualitative Research

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Discussions with Decision Makers

Needs to understand the capabilities & limitations

of research

Provides information but cannot provide solutions

Understand what decision manager face

comprehensive Examination of a marketing problem to

understand its origin & Nature

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Firm Losing Market Share

Vague idea of the

Firm losing market
share but may not why
DM tends too focus on
symptoms rather than
cause Symptoms-Inability to
meet sales forecast, loss
of market share, decline
Causes-Better in profits
promotion by the Comp,
inadequate distribution
Underlying causes to be
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Interviews with Industry Experts
Individuals Knowledgeable about
the firm & industry- (Why)

Inside & outside the Firm(Why)

Helps formulate Market Research


Unstructured Personal


Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Secondary Data Analysis

Data collected for some purpose

other than the problems at

Data made available by Business &

Government sources, commercial
marketing Research firm.(WHO)

Economical & Quick source of

Ground information(WHY)

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Qualitative Research

An unstructured ,exploratory
research methodology

Based on small sample

Intended to provide
Understanding of the
problem setting

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Tasks Involved

Discussion Interviews Secondary Qualitative

with with Data Research
Decision Maker(s) Experts Analysis

Understand the Background problem by analyzing Environmental Context of the Problem

Step I: Problem Definition

Facilitates Management Decision Problem

Translated to Marketing Research Problem

Step II: Approach to the Problem is developed

Analytical Model: Specification

Objective/ Verbal, Research of
Theoretical Hypotheses
Graphical, Questions Information
Mathematical Needed

Step III: Research

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of Design
2.Understand the Background problem by
analyzing Environmental Context of the Problem
Researcher Must Understand analyze the factors that have
The Client‟s Firm And Industry an impact on the definition
of the marketing research
PROBLEM problem
Past Information And Forecast
Resources And Constraints Of
Pertaining To The Industry And The
The Firm
Buyer Behavior( A body of Objective (Goals of the organization &
knowledge useful in DM must be considered)
understanding & predicting
Consumers Reactions) Legal Environment (Regulatory policies
& norms within which organisation
Economic Environment( consits must operate- patents,trademarks,taxes
of income ,prices,saving & ,Tariff,Regulatory Body)
general Economy) Marketing And Technological Skills Of
The Firm(Gain Adequate understanding
will help define management problem &
marketing Research
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of problem
Management Marketing Research
Decision Problem Problem
Asks What The DM Ask what information is needed
Needs To Do and how it can best be obtained.

Action oriented. Information Oriented.

Determine what information is
Concerned with the
needed to make the best
possible actions the
DM could take.
Can be obtained effectively
and efficiently.
Focuses on
symptoms Focuses on
underlying causes

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Management Decision Marketing Research
Problem Problem

Should a New product To determine the consumer

be introduced? preference and purchase
intentions for the new products

Should the
To determine the effectiveness of
Advertising campaign
the current Advertising campaign

To determine the price

Should the price of
elasticity of demand and the
the Brand Changed
impact on sales & profits of
various level of Price Change

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Tasks Involved

Discussion Interviews Secondary Qualitative

with with Data Research
Decision Maker(s) Experts Analysis

Understand the Background problem by analyzing Environmental Context of the Problem

Step I: Problem Definition

Facilitates Management Decision Problem

Translated to Marketing Research Problem

Step II: Approach to the Problem is developed

Analytical Model: Specification

Objective/ Verbal, Research of
Theoretical Hypotheses
Graphical, Questions Information
Mathematical Needed

Step III: Research

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of Design
Components of the Approach

• In the process of developing an approach, we must

not lose sight of the goal - the outputs.
• The outputs of the approach development process
should include the following components:
• Objective/theoretical framework
• Analytical models
• Research Questions
• Hypotheses, and
• Specification of Information Needed.
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Objective/Theoretical Framework

Supported by
Objective Evidence

Evidence-unbiased Conceptual scheme

evidence that is based on
supported by foundational
practical foundation statements which
are assumed to be

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Analytical Model
• An precise specification of a set of
variables and their interrelationship
designed to represent in a whole or part
some real system or procees

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Research Question
• Refined statements of the specific
components of the problem
• RQ-Do customers of Titan Exhibit store
• RQ Does Nike Have an upscale image

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• An unproven statement or proposition about a factor or
phenomenon that is of interest to the resaercher
• RQ-Do customers of Titan Exhibit store Loyalty
• H: Customers of Titan are loyal
• RQ Does Nike Have an upscale image
• H- Nike is perceived to be expensive brand
• H2-Purchasers of Nike have higher than Average

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Framework Blueprint

Conducting The Marketing


Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Tasks Involved In a Research Design

Define the Information Needed

Design the Exploratory, Descriptive, and/or

Causal Phases of the Research

Specify the Measurement and Scaling Procedures

Construct a Questionnaire

Specify the Sampling Process and the Sample Size

Develop a Plan of Data Analysis

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Classification of Market Research Designs


Exploratory Conclusive
Research Research

Secondary Experience Pilot Studies Case Studies

Data Surveys

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Classification of Market Research
Exploratory Conclusive
Research Research

Descriptive Causal
Longitudinal Design Design


Survey Observation
Data Study Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• Usually conducted during the
initial stage of the research
• Purposes
– To narrow the scope of the
research topic, and
– To transform ambiguous problems
into well-defined ones.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• Provide specific information that aids the
decision maker in evaluating alternative
courses of action
• Sound statistical methods & formal research
methodologies are used to increase the
reliability of the information
• Data sought tends to be specific & decisive
• Also more structured & formal than
exploratory data

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of

• Descriptive Research
– Describes
attitudes, perceptions, characteristics, activ
ities and situations.
– Examines who, what, when, where, why, &
how questions

• Causal Research
– Provides evidence that a cause-and-effect
relationship exists or does not exist.
– Premise is that something (and
independent variable) directly influences
the behavior of something else (the
dependent variable).
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
A Comparison of Basic Research Designs
Descriptive Causal

Objective: Describe market Determine

characteristics or cause and effect
functions relationships

Characteristics Marked by the Manipulation of

: prior formulation one or more
of specific independent
hypotheses variables

Preplanned and Control of other

structured design mediating

Secondary data Experiments

Methods: Surveys
Observation and
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
other data MBA
Descriptive Research
• Definition
A type of conclusive research which has
its major objective the description of
something-Usually market
Characteristics or functions
What is happening?
How is something happening?
Why is something happening?
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Descriptive Research
 Market studies-Size of the Market, buying power of
the consumers ,availability of distributors &
consumer Profile
 Market Share- proportional of total sales received by
the company & competitors
 Sales Analysis-Sales by Geographic region,product
 Image studies-perception of the firm & its products
 Pricing- Range & frequency of price Change &
consumer response
 Advertising studies- audience profile for specific
program & magzines

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Cross Sectional
Design Types of DS
Involves collection of
Single Cross information from any
sectional given sample of
Designs population elements
only once
Multiple Cross One sample is drawn from
sectional the target population and
Design information obtained from
this sample once

Two or more samples are drawn from

the target population and information
obtained from each sample is once
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Longitudinal Design

Involving a fixed sample of

population elements, which is
measured repeatedly

Involving A Fixed Sample Of Population


Elements, Which Is Measured Repeatedly

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Relative Advantages and Disadvantages of
Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Designs

Evaluation Cross-Sectional Longitudinal

Criteria Design Design

Detecting Change - +
Large amount of data collection - +
Accuracy - +
Representative Sampling + -
Response bias + -

Note: A “+” indicates a relative advantage over the other design,

whereas a “-” indicates a relative disadvantage.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Cohort Analysis

A multiple cross section Design consisting of a series

of survey conducted at appropriate time intervals

Cohort refers to group of respondents who

experience the same event within the same
time interval

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Gathers data from Reliable
Consumer Panels
the same sample of Information
A longitudinal study
Over Time Policy Decisions On

Purchase Panel Audience Panel Attitude Panel

Product Testing Retail Panel/Retail

Dealer Panel
Panel Audit

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Applications of Longitudinal Studies in Marketing

To study the purchasing

Purchase Panel habits and trends of

Audience Panel Designed to provide

information regarding
media audiences.
Attitude Panel
Consumers towards a
product/ marketing
Dealer Panel practice.
Total sales, prices
charged, promotional
efforts made, services
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Product Testing Testing The Utility And
Panel Other Features Of The
Product Before Bringing It
In The Market

Retail Panel/Retail
Audit Information about their
stocks at regular intervals

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Media Audience Tracking
tProvides details of channel tDesigned to provide
,programme and time information regarding media
duration viewed audiences.

TV- Tracking
AC Nielson

Same set of respondents

Time Series tested over period of
Analysis time on the same set of

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Target Rating
Points (TRPs)

Gross rating
points delivered
by a media
vehicle to a
specific target
Measure Impres
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Brand Tracking Studies

Monitor The Health

Of The Brand

Effectiveness Of

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Awareness Recognition

Recall Recall-A brand

that first comes
to mind when it is
R Identify product or
service just by viewing
logo,packaging or colour
Brand purchase,Purchase
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Frequency & Customer loyalty
• Qualitative versus Quantitative

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• Ritu is absolutely correct & wise in her
• Numbers & equations must be fine for
predicting rainfalls
• Need to strategize and deliver Human
• Qualitative analysis …… goes Deeper
and understand
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Qualitative versus Quantitative
Qualitative Research Quantitative Research

Objective Can be used to explore To quantify ,explain &

describe or understand predict the occurrence of
reasons and motivations certain phenomenon the
For a certain data and generalize(to
phenomenon(low cost measure purchase intention
for Nano as demographic
car means to Consumer)
variables of Income,family
size and distance travelled)
Sample Small number of non- Large number of
representative cases representative cases

Data Collection Unstructured Structured

Non-statistical Statistical
Data Analysis
Recommend a final course
Outcome Develop an initial
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department ofof action
understanding MBA
A Classification of Qualitative
Research Procedures
Qualitative Research

Purpose of the project are Purpose of the project are not

disclosed to respondents disclosed to respondents
Direct (Non Indirect
disguised) (Disguised)

Depth Interviews Techniques
Focus Groups

Association Completion Construction Expressive

Techniques Techniques Techniques Techniques
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Focus Group
• An interview conducted in an
unstructured and natural manner by a
trained moderator among a small group
of respondents

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Key Characteristics Of Focus Group


 SIZE-8-12

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Advantages of Focus Group
1. Synergism 1+1=3 wider range of information
insights and ideas
2. Snowballing- one persons reaction triggers a
chain reaction
3. Stimulation- Expression of ideas & exposure
of feelings increases in the group
4. Security- feelings are similar hence willing to
5. Spontaneity-Not required to answer the
specific questions hence responses are
spontaneous Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department
Advantages of Focus Group
6. Seredipity-ideas likely to arise out of group
7. Specialization- Use of highly trained
8. Scientific scrutiny of data-close scrutiny
recorded later analysis
9. Structure- depth with which they are treated
10.Speed- Data collection & analysis is relatively

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Disadvantages of Focus Group
1. Misuse- group misused /abused
2. Misjudge-susceptible to client/researcher
3. Moderation- Difficult to moderate
4. Messy- Unstructured nature of respondents
makes coding ,analysis & interpretation
5. Misrepresentation- not representative of
general population and not projective

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
A Classification of Qualitative
Research Procedures
Qualitative Research

Purpose of the project are Purpose of the project are not

disclosed to respondents disclosed to respondents
Direct (Non Indirect
disguised) (Disguised)

Depth Interviews Techniques
Focus Groups

Association Completion Construction Expressive

Techniques Techniques Techniques Techniques
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Depth Interview
• An unstructured ,direct, personal interview in which a
single respondent is probed by a highly skilled
interviewer to uncover underlying motivations, belief
,attitudes and feeling on a topic.
• Features
• D-Depth of coverage
• E-Each respondent is individually interviewed
• P-Probe the respondent
• T-Talented Interviewer required
• H-Hidden motives may be covered

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Depth Interview- Advantages&

 Advantages of Depth Interview

 Lot of detail is provided.
 Information obtained is comparatively more accurate.
 Personal or intimate topic can also be discussed since the
personal rapport is established between the respondent
and the interviewer
 Disadvantages of Depth Interview
 It is difficult to generalize since the interviewers are non-
 Since the success depends on the interviewer, there are
chances of bias.
 Data analysis takes a lot of time.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Projective Techniques
• An unstructured and indirect form of
questioning that encourages the
respondent to project their underlying
motivations, beliefs, attitudes or feelings
regarding the issues of concern.
• Interviewer presents to the respondents
a series of questions, statements or
pictures which are incomplete

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Projective Techniques
• Association Technique
• Respondent is presented with the
stimulus and ask to respond with first
things that come to mind

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Important Projective Techniques

• Word Association Test:

– Given a clue or hint and asked to respond to the first thing that comes to mind. The association can take
the shape of a picture or a word.
– There can be many interpretations of the same thing.
– A list of words is given and you don‘t know in which word they are most interested. The interviewer
records the responses which reveal the inner feeling of the respondents.
– The frequency with which any word is given a response and the amount of time that elapses before the
response is given are important for the researcher. For eg: Out of 50 respondents 20 people associate
the word ― Fair‖ with ―Complexion‖.
• Completion Test:
– In this the respondents are asked to complete an incomplete sentence or story. The completion will
reflect their attitude and state of mind.
• Construction Test:
– This is more or less like completion test. They can give you a picture and you are asked to write a story
about it. The initial structure is limited and not detailed like the completion test. For eg: 2 cartoons are
given and a dialogue is to written.
• Expression Techniques:
– Verbal or visual situation In this the people are asked to express the feeling or attitude of other people.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• Research Proposal

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Research Proposal
• Written account of the plan for the
research project
• Why a particular problem should be
investigated and what appropriate
research design is to investigate it

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Structuring the
Research Proposal
• Executive Summary • Budget
• Problem Statement • Schedule
• Research Objectives • Results & Practical
• Importance/ Benefits of Utility of Research
Study • Bibliography
• Research Design • Appendices
• Data Analysis

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Executive Summary
• Abstract
• Spell Purpose & Objective of the study
• Give summary about the management
• The probable research question?

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Research Question
• Refined statements of the specific
components of the problem

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• An unproven statement or proposition about a factor or
phenomenon that is of interest to the researcher

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Tasks Involved In a Research Design

Define the Information Needed

Design the Exploratory, Descriptive, and/or

Causal Phases of the Research

Specify the Measurement and Scaling Procedures

Construct a Questionnaire

Specify the Sampling Process and the Sample Size

Develop a Plan of Data Analysis

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Unit 2
Course Code:305MKT

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
What are we going to study?
• Different types of measurements
• Various formats of rating scale
• Construction of attitude measurement
• Distinct criteria in analyzing a good
measurement scale

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
What is Measurement?
• Assigning numbers or some other
symbols to characteristics or objects
according to certain pre specified rules

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Specification Rules for assigning
numbers to the characteristics
Rule 1: Assignment Process must be Isomorphic
one to one correspondence between the numbers &
characteristics being measured
(Income in Rupees)
Rule No 02 :Should be standardised & applied Uniformly

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Scaling is extension of measurement

• The generation of continuum on which

measured objects are located

Locating consumers according to the characteristics attitude towards

Big Bazaar
Unfavourable attitude-01
Neutral Attitude-02
Favourable attitude-03

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• Suppose you want to measure satisfaction level
towards Indigo Airlines and a scale of 1 to 11 is
used for the purpose.The scale indicates
degree of satisfaction with 1= extremely
dissatisfied & 11= extremely Satisfied
• What is measurement & scaling?
• Assignment of numbers from 1 to 11 to each
• Placing the respondent on continum with their
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Types of measurement Scales
1. Nominal scale
2. Ordinal scale
3. Interval scale
4. Ratio scale

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Nominal Scale
• Lowest level of measurement
• Assigned for purpose of identification
• Each number is assigned to one object and each
object has only one number assigned
• Objects are divided into mutually exclusive &
collectively Exhaustive
• Numbers assigned in nominal scale cannot be added
,substracted,multiplied ,divided
• Assignment of higher nember is in no way superior to
one with assigned lower number
• Frequency Distribution can be prepared
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Nominal Scale
• What is your • Are you
religion? married?
a) Hinduism a) Yes
b) Sikh b) No
c) Christian
d) Islam
e) Any other

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Nominal scale
Reasons for purchase by Gender
Reasons Male Female
No % No %
Weight 10 26
Speed 30 14
Total 40 40

Numbers assigned to runners Are needed to measure brand

number,store types, sales
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-DepartmentTerritories,
of Geographical
MBA location,Gender Classification
Ordinal scale
• A ranking scale in which numbers are assigned to
objects to indicate the relative extent to which some
characteristic is possessed
• Cannot answer how much more or less
• Krishna-III
• Difference in the marks between MOHAN/SHASHI or
SHASHI/KRISHNA is not known
• CAT Score 95%

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Ordinal Scale
• Rank the attributes while choosing a
restaurant for Dinner
• The most important ranked number 1
and so on
Attribute Rank
Food Quality
Menu Variety
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Ordinal Scale
• Ranks assigned in ordinal scale cannot
be added ,subtracted, multiplied ,
• Ordinal scale data can be converted into
nominal scale but not the other way

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Interval Scale
• A scale in which the numbers are used to rate objects
such that numerically equal distance on scale
represent equal distance in the characteristics being
• How do you rate your present refrigerator for the
following qualities
Company Less 1 2 3 4 5 Well known
Name Known

Price Low 1 2 3 4 5 High

Design Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Ratio Scale
• The highest scale .It allows the
researcher to identify or classify the
objects, rank order the objects and
compare intervals or differences

Time to finish in seconds

Length, Weight,Age,Income,sales,
market shares

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Primary Scales of Measurement
Nominal Numbers
Assigned Finish
to Runners 7 8 3

Ordinal Rank Order Finish

of Winners
Third Second First
place place place

Interval Performance
8.2 9.1 9.6
Rating on a
0 to 10 Scale

15.2 14.1 13.4

Ratio Time to Finish
in Seconds
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Classification of Scale
• Depending upon number of items in the
• Single item Scale
• Multiple item scale

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Single item Scale
• Only one item to measure the construct
• Satisfaction with current job

• There are many other aspects of job

• Pay,work environment,rules & regulation,security of
job,communication with seniors

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Multiple item Scale
• There are many items that play a role in
framing the underlying construct the
researcher is trying to measure

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
A Classification of Scaling Techniques

Scaling Techniques

Comparative Noncomparative
Scales Scales

Paired Rank Constant Q-Sort and Continuous Itemized

Comparison Order Sum Other Rating Scales Rating Scales

Semantic Stapel
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Comparative Scales
• Direct comparisons of stimulus objects
with one another
• Whether you prefer Coke Or Pepsi?
• Comparative scale data must be
interpretated in relative terms and have
only ordinal or rank order properties

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Paired Comparison Scaling
• In which a respondent is presented with
two objects at a time and asked to select
one object in the pair according to some

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Obtaining Shampoo Preferences Using Paired

Instructions: We are going to present you with ten pairs of

shampoo brands. For each pair, please indicate which one of the two
brands of shampoo you would prefer for personal use.
Recording Form:
Sunsilk Pantene Dove Chik Clinic Plus
Sunsilk 0 0 1 0
Pantene 1a 0 1 0
Dove 1 1 1 1
Chik 0 0 0 0
Clinic Plus 1 1 0 1
Number of Times 3 2 0 4 1
Preferred b
aA 1 in a particular box means that the brand in that column was

preferred over the brand in the corresponding row. A 0 means that the
row brand was preferred over the column brand. bThe number of times
a brand was preferred is obtained by summing the 1s in each column.
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Comparative Scaling Techniques
Rank Order Scaling
• Respondents are presented with several objects
simultaneously and asked to order or rank them
according to some criterion.
• Furthermore, rank order scaling also results in
ordinal data.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Preference for Toothpaste Brands
Using Rank Order Scaling

Instructions: Rank the various brands of toothpaste in

order of preference. Begin by picking out the one brand
that you like most and assign it a number 1. Then find the
second most preferred brand and assign it a number 2.
Continue this procedure until you have ranked all the
brands of toothpaste in order of preference. The least
preferred brand should be assigned a rank of 07.

No two brands should receive the same rank number.

The criterion of preference is entirely up to you. There is

no right or wrong answer. Just try to be consistent.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Preference for Toothpaste Brands
Using Rank Order Scaling

Brand Rank Order
1. Meswak _________
2. Colgate _________
3. Babul _______
4. Vicco _________
5. Sensodyne _________

6. Close Up _________
7. Pepsodent _________

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Rank order Scaling
• Respondents presented with
several objects simultaneously
•Asked to rank according to
•If none of the drink is liked
•Forced to rank
•Ranked 1 should be treated as
least disliked
•Used to measure preference of
brands or attributes

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Comparative Scaling Techniques
Constant Sum Scaling

• Respondents allocate a constant sum of units, such as

100 points to attributes of a product to reflect their
• If an attribute is unimportant, the respondent assigns it
zero points.
• If an attribute is twice as important as some other
attribute, it receives twice as many points.
• The sum of all the points is 100. Hence, the name of
the scale.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Importance of Bathing Soap Attributes
Using a Constant Sum Scale

Average Responses of Three Segments
Attribute Segment I Segment II Segment III
1. Mildness 8 2 4
2. Lather 2 4 17
3. Shrinkage 3 9 7
4. Price 53 17 9
5. Fragrance 9 0 19
6. Packaging 7 5 9
7. Moisturizing 5 3 20
8. Cleaning Power 13 60 15
Sum 100 100 100

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Constant Sum Rating
Respondents are asked to
allocate a total points of 100
Distribution of points in the
order of preference

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Q Sort Technique
• Discriminate among a large number of
objects quickly
• A rank order procedure is used in which
objects are sorted into different piles
based on similarity with respect to
certain criterion

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Noncomparative Scaling Techniques

• Respondents evaluate only one object at a

time, and for this reason non-comparative
scales are often referred to as monadic scales.

• Non-comparative techniques consist of

continuous and itemized rating scales.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Continuous (Graphic)
Rating Scale
Respondent is asked to tick the
preference on the graph
Preference towards Fast food
One has to measure distance
from extreme left
Limitation if put to make tick
mark again may change
Coding Tabulation of data is

Differences in two response

would be negligible

Smiling Face Scale

Pointing the face that best shows
your attitude & taste

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Itemized Rating Scales
• The respondents are provided with a scale that has a
number or brief description associated with each

• The categories are ordered in terms of scale position,

and the respondents are required to select the specified
category that best describes the object being rated.

• The commonly used itemized rating scales are the Likert,

semantic differential, and Stapel scales.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Likert Scale

Multiple item agree-

disagree five point
Respondents are
asked to express
degree of
Summated Score
Scores of individual
items can be added to
produce a total score of
Use of likert scale to
measure the image of
the company
1,2,4,6,9 Favorable
3,5,7,10- Unfavorable Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Semantic Differential
Respondent is required to rate
each attitude or object by number
of 5 or 7 point rating scale
The scale is bounded at each
end by a bipolar adjectives or
Problem is creating bipolar

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Stapel Scale

Uses only single adjective

Used to measure direction &
intensity of Attitude
The scale generally has 10
categories involving numbering -
5 to +5without a neutral point
Presented in vertical form
Positive higher number
describes it more favorably
Quality of Food & quality of
Service for restaurant to be

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Basic Noncomparative Scales
Scale Basic Examples Advantages Disadvantages

Continuous Place a mark on a Reaction to Easy to construct Scoring can be

Rating continuous line TV cumbersome
Scale commercials unless
Itemized Rating Scales

Likert Scale Degrees of Measurement Easy to construct, More

agreement on a 1 of attitudes administer, and time-consuming
(strongly disagree) understand
to 5 (strongly agree)

Semantic Seven- point scale Brand, Versatile Controversy as

Differential with bipolar labels product, and to whether the
company data are interval

Stapel Unipolar ten- point Measurement Easy to construct, Confusing and

Scale scale, - 5 to +5, of attitudes administer over difficult to apply
without a neutral and images telephone
point (zero)

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Rating Scale Configurations

Rin detergent is:

1) Very harsh --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Very gentle

2) Very harsh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Very gentle

3) . Very harsh
. Cheer
. Neither harsh nor gentle
. Very gentle
4) ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
Very Harsh Somewhat Neither harsh Somewhat Gentle Very
harsh harsh nor gentle gentle gentle

5) -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3

Very Neither harsh Very

harsh nor gentle gentle

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Some Commonly Used Scales in Marketing


Attitude Very Bad Bad Neither Bad Nor Good Good Very Good

Importance Not at All Important Not Important Neutral Important Very Important

Satisfaction Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither Dissat. Nor Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied

Purchase Intent Definitely will Not Buy Probably Will Not Buy Might or Might Not Buy Probably Will Buy Definitely Will Buy

Purchase Freq Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often

Criteria For Good Measurement
• Reliability: Consistency, Accuracy &
Predictability of Scale
• Validity: Whether we are measuring what
we want to measure
• Sensitivity : Ability to accurately measure
the variability

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• Two methods
• Test retest Reliability
• Split Half Reliability method

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Test retest Reliability
• Repeated measurements of the same
person or group using the same scale
under similar conditions are taken
• A very high correlation between the two
scores- Reliable
– Appropriate time differences between two
– (2-3 Weeks)- Same answer-make the instrument
reliable –which may not be the case
– (1 Year)- Poor Reliability
– (5-6 months) ideal

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Split Half Reliability Method
• Number of items is randomly divided
and Correlation coefficient between two
is obtained
• High Correlation leads to greater
reliability (internal consistency)
• Coefficient alpha or Cronbach Alpha

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Values of Alpha & Its Interpretation

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• Validity

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
The concept of Validity
• Validity is the ability of an instrument to measure what it is
intended to measure.
• Degree to which the researcher has measured what he has set out
to measure (Smith, 1991)
• Are we measuring what we think we are measuring? (Kerlinger,

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Why validity ?
• Validity is done mainly to answer the following
– Is the research investigation providing answers to the
research questions for which it was undertaken?
– If so, is it providing these answers using appropriate methods
and procedures?

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Questions to ponder

Readers of report
Experts in the field


Statistical tests

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Logical thinking

• Justification of each question in relation to objective of


• Easy if questions relate to tangible matters

• Difficult in situations where we are measuring attitude,

effectiveness of a program, satisfaction etc

• Everybody‘s logic doesn‘t match . . No statistical


Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Statistical procedures
• By calculating coefficient of correlations
between questions and outcome

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Types Of Validity


Content Criterion Construct

validity related validity

Face validity Concurrent Predictive

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of

 Uses logical reasoning and hence easy to apply

 Extent to which a measuring instrument covers a

representative sample of the domain of the aspects

 Whether items and questions cover the full range of

the issues or problem being measured

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
 The extent to which a measuring instrument appears
valid on its surface
 Each question or item on the research instrument must
have a logical link with the objective

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Face validity is not content
validity. Why?
• Face validity
– Simply addresses whether a measuring instrument
looks valid

– Not a validity in technical sense because it does not

refer to what is actually being measured rather
what it appears to measure

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of

• The extent to which a measuring instrument

accurately predicts behaviour or ability in a given

• The measuring instrument is called ‗criteria‘

• It is of two types:
– Predictive validity

– Concurrent validity

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Predictive Validity

• If the test is used to predict future performance

• Eg: Entrance exam . . . . Performance of these tests

correlates with later performance in professional


• Eg:Written driving test

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Concurrent Validity
• If the test is used to estimate present performance or
person‘s ability at the present time not attempting to
predict future outcomes

• Professional college exam

• Eg: driving test, pilot test

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Problems in criterion validity
 Cannot be used in all circumstances

 Esp in social sciences where some conditions do not

have a relevant criteria

 Eg: for measuring self-esteem, no criteria can be


Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• Most important type of validity

• Assesses the extent to which a measuring instrument

accurately measures a theoretical construct it is
designed to measure

• Measured by correlating performance on the test with

performance on a test for which construct validity has
been determined

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Summary of Validity

What it Whether the test The ability of The ability of the The extent to
measures covers a the test to test to predict which the
representative estimate future instrument
sample of the present performance measures a
domains to be performance theoretical
measured construct
How it is Ask experts to Correlate Correlate Correlate
accomplished assess the test to performance on performance on performance on
establish that the the test with a the test with a the instrument
items are concurrent behaviour in with a
representative of behaviour future performance on
the outcome an established
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• Methods of measuring Validity
• Content Validity
• Concurrent Validity
• Predictive Validity

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Content Validity
• Face Validity
• Assessing appropriateness of the
• Subjective judgment –check
• List of items measuring perception needs
to be analyzed

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Concurrent Validity
• Measure the validity of the new
measuring techniques by correlating
them with established technique
• Perception /Image

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Predictive Validity
• CAT Score for admission to MBA
• Predicts candidates aptitude for studies
towards business Education
• Ability of measured phenomenon at one
point of time to predict another
phenomenon at a future point of time

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• Advertising research is a specialized
form of marketing research conducted
to improve the efficiency of advertising
• Advertising research is the systematic
gathering and analysis of information to
help develop or evaluate advertising
strategies, ads and commercials, and
media campaigns.
• A subset of marketing research.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
“Advertising research may focus on a specific
ad or campaign, or may be directed at a
more general understanding of how
advertising works or how consumers use the
information in advertising.
It can entail a variety of research approaches,
including psychological, sociological,
economic, and other perspectives.”

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Types of Advertising Research
Customized research is conducted for a specific client to address that
client’s needs. Only that client has access to the results of the research.

Syndicated research is a single research study conducted by a research
company with its results available, for sale, to multiple companies.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Method of Advertising Research
Pre-market research
Can be conducted to optimize ads for any medium optimize advertisement for
any medium: radio, television, print (magazine, newspaper or direct mail),
outdoor billboard (highway, bus, or train), or Internet.

Post-market research
Conducted after the advertising, either a single ad or an entire multimedia
campaign has been run in-market. The focus is on what the advertising has
done for the brand, for example increasing brand awareness, trial, frequency of

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Pre testing or Copy Testing
Evaluation of alternative ways for advertisers to
present their messages.

“Copy” refers to an entire advertisement, including

the verbal message, pictures, colors, and
dramatizations, whether the advertisement appears
in print, on radio or television, or some other medium.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Copy Testing
• Consumer Jury.
• Rating Scales.
• Portfolio Tests.
• Psychological Tests.
• Physiological Tests.
• Sales Tests.
• Day-after recall Tests.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Consumer Jury:
 Oldest & simplest test.
 Personal interview may be used or a group may be
assembled & asked to vote on an alternative based on their
preferences, interests, or influences to buy the product .
 Provides a “rating” given by a group of consumers who
may represent potential buyers of the product.
 Assumption: The respondent must like at least one

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Rating Scales:
Requires the establishment of standards for effective copy
and numerical weights for each standard.
Ads are then “rated” in accordance with the scale values and
a numerical score is obtained.

Provides a list against which to check an ad & helps to single
out the elements that are good or bad.

Different judges will rate the ad differently.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Portfolio Tests:
Sometimes the ad is placed in dummy copies
of newspapers or magazines.
A group of ads, usually a mixture of test ads and
control ads, is placed in a portfolio.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Physiological Tests:
Tests are obtained using special laboratory
equipments which record an individuals
physiological responses to ads.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Psychological Tests:

A list of reactions like self pity, security, fear or

nostalgia is set up.
Alternative ads are then rated on how readers
respond w.r.t. those reactions.
A no. of techniques including word association,
sentence completion, depth interview & story
telling are adopted.
Difficult to implement, since skilled interviewers are

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Sales tests
Sales tests are a useful measure of advertising
effectiveness when advertising is the dominant
element, or the only variable, in the company's
marketing plan.
Sales response may not be immediate and sales
tests, particularly field studies, are often costly
and time-consuming.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Day-after recall Tests:
Research method that tests consumers‘
memories the day after they have seen an
ad, to assess the ad's effectiveness.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
•Including brand awareness, brand preference,
product usage and attitudes.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Media Research


Molly Erdman
Media research is a survey or series of surveys, which
provide media consumption information (i.e., which radio,
television and new programs, and magazines an individual
or household watches, reads or listens to) for a given

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Readership Survey
• The Indian Readership Survey (IRS) is the largest
continuous readership research study in the world
with an annual sample size exceeding 2.56 lakh
(256,000) respondents.
• IRS covers information on over 100 product
• IRS is conducted by MRUC (Media Research Users
Council) and RSCI (Readership Studies Council of

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
What is National Readership Survey?
• The NRS is a survey on all media, but
especially the print medium, conducted by the
National Readership Survey Council.
• This body consists of members from the INS
(Indian Newspaper Society),
• AAAI (Advertising Associations of India) and
ABC (Audit Bureau of Circulation).

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
What is the audience covered by the
• The survey is done on an all-India basis, urban
as well as rural, amongst individuals who are
12 years and older.
• All town classes are covered in the urban area.
• However, only towns with a population higher
than two lakh are reported on an individual

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
What is the type of data one gets from
• Reach of each medium among various
audiences defined demographically.
• For publications, one gets the number of
readers, type of readers in demographic terms
(NRS defines readers by sex, age, income,
socio-economic class, occupation, education,
geographical location), spread of these
readers, and lifestyle parameters such as
product ownership and consumption patterns.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Mystery Shopping
• The use of individuals trained/briefed to experience
and measure compliance or any customer service
process, by acting as potential customers / actual
customers and in some way reporting back on their
experiences in a detailed and objective way.
• Mystery Shopping is above all a tool to assess the
quality of service, organisation and management,
rather than a market research technique.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Mystery Shopping
• Central Bank of India has embarked on a
"mystery shopping" exercise with focus on
customer retention and (customer)

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Mystery Shopping
• Mystery shopping in India is a fledgling $30-
million market with its leading patrons being
organised retail, automotive, banking and
hospitality industries.
• About 20% audits done by banks are focused
exclusively on monitoring anti-money
laundering (ALM).

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Brand Research
• About Creating differentiation in the minds of
the customer
• Why customer Choose to purchase those new

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
When to conduct Brand Research
• New Company- New Brand
• Brand Extension
• Merging company- Brand Architecture- two
brands too retain their current customer &
attract New customer

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Retail Survey
Retail Survey:
• To ascertain customer opinions and uncover potential
• Measure industry and market trends, helping to serve as a
platform for the development of new products and
• Judging the satisfaction and interest levels of a potential
new product or service before development.
• Understanding likes and dislikes, thereby increasing

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Unit 3
Course Code:305MKT

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Describe Test Marketing & its Various forms.
Suggest test marketing for a company to Launch
a new snack market

Unit No 3

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Test Marketing
• An application of a controlled experiment done
in limited, but carefully selected test market.
 It involves replication of the planned national
marketing programme for a product in test
 Test Market-A carefully selected part of the
market place that is particularly suitable for test
 Objectives
To determine market acceptance of the product
To test alternative levels of marketing mix variable

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Advantages of Test Marketing
• Data provided is from actual customer
• Reduces the risk of a full-scale launch – if
the product fails a test then significant
costs may be saved
• Provides a way to twist the marketing mix
before full launch
• Can create a promotional "noise" which
supports the main launch
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Disadvantages of Test Marketing

• Danger of the competition learning about the product

and coming up with a response before the full launch
• Test market may not be representative of the full target
market, leading to inappropriate decisions
• Delays in full launch may limit the revenue opportunity
in markets subject to rapid change
• Costly and time-consuming to administer

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
1. Standard Test Market
2. Controlled & mini market
3. Simulated Test Market

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Standard Test Market
• A test market in which the product is sold
through the regular distribution channels
• Constitutes one shot case study
• Criteria for Selecting Test Market
• How many test Markets to use
• Duration of the test market

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Criteria for the Selection of Test
1) Be large enough to produce meaningful projections. They
should contain at least 2% of the potential actual population.
2) Be representative demographically.
3) Be representative with respect to product consumption behavior.
4) Be representative with respect to media usage.
5) Be representative with respect to competition.
6) Be relatively isolated in terms of media and physical distribution.
7) Have normal historical development in the product class
8) Have marketing research and auditing services available
9) Not be over-tested

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
How many test Markets to use
• Two test Market if resources are limited
• Four test Market

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Duration of the test market
• Depends upon
1. Repurchase cycle
2.Probability of competitive response
3. Cost

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Controlled Test Market
• A test marketing program conducted by
an outside research company in field
• The research company guarantees
distribution of the product in retail outlet
that represents a predetermined
percentage of the market

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Simulated Test market
• A quasi test market in which respondents are
preselected:then they are interviewed and
observed on their purchases and attitudes
towards the product
• The selected are exposed to new product
concept & given an opportunity to purchase
• On purchasing evaluation of the product,repeat
purchase intention

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Selecting a Test-Marketing Strategy

Very +ve New Product Development -ve

Other Factors Research on Existing Products
Socio-Cultural Environment

Need for Secrecy

Research on other Elements

Stop and Reevaluate

Very +ve -ve
Simulated Test Marketing
Other Factors
Very +ve -ve
Controlled Test Marketing
Other Factors
Standard Test Marketing

National Introduction

Overall Marketing Strategy

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• Danone test marketed its dahi and
flavoured yoghurts in parts of Maharashtra
and Pune and its Choco Plus milk (a
chocolate smoothie) in Hyderabad.
• HUL test marketed its fabric conditioner
'Comfort' in Tamil Nadu, then across South
India prior to a national launch
• Hindustan Lever's Lipton Iced Tea, Kinley,
Coca-Cola's Sunfill, Johnson's Nizarol anti-
dandruff shampoo-Hyderabad
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• Pureit sachets -Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh,
where it is distributing free

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Unit 4
Course Code:305MKT

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Factor Analysis

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Factor Analysis

• Multivariate Data Reduction technique

• There is no distinction between
dependant & independent variables
• Reducing large number of variables
results in complexity
• Leads to few Manageable Factors
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Factor Analysis

• A factor is a linear combination of


• It is construct not directly observable

• Needs to be inferred from the input


Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Factor Analysis

• The variables for factor analysis are

gathered through exploratory research
• Focus Group Research, unstructured
interview with Knowledeagable people,
literature survey and analysis of case

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Conditions for a FA Exercise
• Requires Metric data-interval or ratio scale
in nature
• All responses obtained through different
scales should be standardized
• Size of the sample respondents should be 4-
5 times more than number of statements
• Initial set of variables should be highly
correlated (Check correlation coefficient)

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Steps in Factor Analysis
• Formulate the problem
• Construct the correlation Matrix
• Determine the methods of Factor Analysis
• Determine the number of factors
• Rotate the Factors
• Interpret the Factors
• Determine the model fit

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Establishing The Strength Of Factor Analysis

• Essential to establish the reliability &

validity of obtained reduction
• Testing the appropriateness of the factor
• Bartlett‘s Test Of Sphericity
• Kaiser Meyer Olkin(KMO)

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Bartlett‘s Test Of Sphericity
• Variables should be highly correlated
• Significance of Correlation matrix can be
conduced by BTS
• Testing for the significance of the correlation
matrix of variables
• P value corresponding to chi square
• P value .000 which is less than .05
• Rejection of Hypothesis that the correlation
matrix of the variables is insignificant
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Kaiser Meyer Olkin(KMO)
• Measure of sampling adequacy
• Sampling size =80
• Variables =7
• Sample size should be 5 times the
• KMO should be greater than .500
• If fulfilled factor analysis can be used

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Establishing the strength of factor analysis

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Establishing the strength of
factor analysis
• KMO> .5
• Bartletts test of sphericity
• Testing for the significance of the
correlation matrix of variables
• P value corresponding to chi square
• P value .000 which is less than .05
• Rejection of Hypothesis that the
correlation matrix of the variables is
insignificantDr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Component Score Coefficient Matrix

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• To decide how many factors are to be
extracted from the given set of data
• Principal component method is used
• First factor is extracted in such a way that
it explains the larger portion of total

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Factor Loading And Computation of Eigen Value

• Factor loading : The correlation coefficient between the

factor score and the variables included in the study

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Computation of Eigen Value
• Total variance explained by each factor

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Total Variances Explained

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of

Indicates how much each variable is accounted for by the underlying

factors taken together
The communality for the first variable is .598 which means 59.8 percent
of variance or information content of first variable ,namely risk
averseness is explained byDrtwo factors
Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Rotated Component Matrix

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Chi Square

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Chi Square Test of

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Contingency Table
Second First Classification Categories
of Category
1 1(1,1) 2(1,2) 3(1,3) R1
2 R2
3 R3
Total C1 C2 C3 N

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
T Test

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Conjoint Analysis

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Conjoint Analysis
• Technique for predicting how the
product created and designed by the
organization performs when taken to the
• Understanding how people make choice
between product/service or combination
of product/services so that organization
can design new product /services that
best meet customers underlying needs

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Applications in Marketing
• Determining the relative importance of attributes in
the consumer choice process
• Estimating market share of the brands that differ in
attribute levels
• Determine the composition of the most preferred
• Segmenting the market based on similarity of
preferences for attribute levels
• Conjoint analysis is used in areas of New
product/concept identification, competitive analysis,
pricing ,market segmentation ,Advertising &

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Steps in conjoint Analysis
Formulate The Problem

Pair Wise Approach/Full Profile Approach

Construct The Stimuli

Metric Data-Rank Order /Non Metric Data-Rating

Decide On The Form Of Input Data

Select A Conjoint Analysis Procedure

Interpret The Results

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Assessing Reliability & Validity
To purchase a smart phone

Colour RAM Technology

Option-I Black 2GB Dual Core

Option-II Red 3GB Quadra Core

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Attribute Level

Colour Black Red


Technology Dual Core Quadra Core

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Values Assumed by the attributes
Value Value
Level assig Level assig
Attribute ned ned
Colour Black -1 Red 1
RAM 2GB -1 3GB 1
Technology Quadra Core -1 Dual Core 1

Number of combination
possible=2*2*2( Number of levels).
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Conjoint Attributes Conjoint Matrix
Sr.No Ranking
Colour RAM Technology Xc XRAM Xtech

1 Black 2GB Quadra Core -1 -1 -1 8

2 Red 2GB Quadra Core 1 -1 -1 7

3 Black 3GB Quadra Core -1 1 -1 6

4 Red 3GB Quadra Core 1 1 -1 5

5 Black 2GB Dual Core -1 -1 1 4

6 Red 2GB Dual Core 1 -1 1 3

7 Black 3GB Dual Core -1 1 1 2

8 Red 3GB Dual Core 1 1 1 1

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Mathematical Model
m ki
U(X )  
i 1
 x
j 1
ij ij

U(X) = overall utility of an alternative
= the part-worth contribution or utility associated with the j th level (j, j = 1, 2, i)of the i th attribute
(i, i = 1, 2, . . . m)
xjj= 1 if the j th level of the i th attribute is present= 0 otherwise
ki= number of levels of attribute i
m= number of attributes

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Unit 5
Course Code:305MKT

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Cluster Analysis

What is cluster analysis? Discuss its

application for analysis of
Psychographic and life style

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Used to classify objects or cases into relatively homogeneous groups

Objects in each cluster tend to be similar to each other

Best Classification Technique

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Dissimilar to objects in other clusters
Reducing to smaller or more Homogeneous group

• SOTC Travelling Company

• Vijay-Tour Packages to exotic Location Like Egypt
• Problem- July /August – Ramzaan- Abstinence
• Mr Gupta his Boss –Sift through database to find
out –exciting offers
• Pleasant/special incentives/
• Age group/occupations/group members/time of
travel/place & mode of Payment

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Psyco-graphic Segmentation

Personality Trait

Use of Psychology & Demography to better understand customer

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• Traditional Vs Modern
• Blackberry
• Harley Davidson Owners

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Role of Psychographic
Segmentation by Lipton
SR.n VALS Attributes Product Offering
o Segment
1 Innovators Succesful, Sophasticated,Image Summer Peach(Tea &
Most Receptive to new ideas Ice Tea Lemonade
2 Thinkers Conservative, practical,look for Pure green Tea
durability, functinality & Value of Lipton Natural Agency
the product
3 Achievers Self Motivated by the desire for Lipton Fresh Brewed
achievement, favours Ice Tea
established Prestige product, Lipton Spiced
respect Authority Cinnamon tea
4 Experiences Young Enthusiastic &impulsive Lipton Refresh k Cup
consumers- seek variety & Pack
excitement Tropical Mango Ice
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of Tea Mix
Role of Psychographic
Segmentation by Lipton
SR.n VALS Attributes Product Offering
o Segment
5 Believers Motivated by Ideas and are Lipton Herbal Tea
Concrete belief Ice Tea Lemonade
6 Strivers Trendy Fun Loving Motivated by Peach Mango White
achievement Tea
Favour Stylish Products but
lacks finance
7 Makers Prefer value to luxury Lipton Pure Green Tea
8 survivors Cautious Consumers, loyal to Lipton Black Tea
favourite brand if they can
purchase at discount

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Application of Cluster Analysis

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Application of Conjoint Analysis
• Market Segmentation
• Segmenting Industries /Sector- Grouping
Blocks having common traits
• Easier for Policy Makers evaluating &
framing Policy
• Segmenting Financial Sectors/Instruments
– Investment Behavior & Benefit
• Career Planning & training analysis
– Educational

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
What is MDS. Discuss approaches to MDS &
Perceptual Mapping

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Magazines Dimension- Dimension-II
I(coverage) (credibility)
Frontline -1.03 -0.80
Society -0.85 -0.85
India Today 1.44 1.39
Outlook 0.32 0.49
Business World -0.27 0.59
Open 1.93 -0.66
Investor -1.28 -0.52
Business India -0.71 1.25
Ife & Time 0.45 -1.35

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of




-2 0 2

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• It is a class of procedure for representing
perceptions and preferences of
respondents spatially by means of visual
• The geometric representation is called as
spatial maps
• The axes of the spatial map are assumed to
denote the psychological bases
• Form perception and preferences for
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Why Used in Marketing
To identify
1.The number & nature of dimensions use
to perceive different brands in market
2.The positioning of current brands on the
selected dimensions
3.The positioning of consumers ideal
brand on the selected dimensions
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Marketing Applications
• Image Measurement: By comparing the customers, non
costumers & firms perception of itself would help to identify
the perceptual gap.
• Market segmentation: Positioning brands and consumers
in the same space would help in grouping of consumers in
Homogeneous group
• New product development: The gap in the spatial map
which indicates potential opportunities for new product
• Assessing advertising effectiveness: Spatial maps can be
used to study the effectiveness of the advertising in
achieving the desired brand positioning
• Pricing analysis: Spatial map can be used to determine
the effect on pricing.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-
Department of MBA
Steps in conducting MDS

Formulate the problem

Obtain Input data

Select an MDS procedure

Decide on Number of dimensions

Assess Reliability & Validity

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Step no :1 Formulate the
• Specify the purpose for which the MDS
results would be used
• Select the brands to be included in the
• At a minimum eight brands
• To obtain a well defined spatial map.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department
of MBA
Step no :2 Obtain Input data
• Input data is obtained from the
respondents related to perceptions or
• Perception data is either of Direct
(similarity) Approach or Derived
(Attribute Rating) approach

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department
of MBA
Perception Data Direct
Very Very
Dissimilar similar

Pairs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Colgate Vs Aquafresh

Sensodyne Vs

The number of pairs to be evaluated is n(n-1)/2

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department
of MBA
Perception Data Derived

Does not
Whitens teeth Whitens

Do Not
Prevents tooth
tooth decay

Pleasing Taste

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department
of MBA
Step no :3 Select An MDS
• Nature of input data & whether the
analysis will be done at an individual
respondent level or at an aggregate
• MDS procedure could be either Non
Metric MDS or Metric MDS.
• The metric & Non metric data produce
the same results

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-
Department of MBA
Step no :4 Decide on number of
• Prior Knowledge- Theory or past research
may suggest number of dimensions
• Interpretability of the spatial map: It is
difficult to interpret maps derived in more
than three dimensions
• Elbow Criterion: A plot of stress versus
dimensionality used in MDS. The point at
which an elbow or sharp bends occurs
indicates an appropriate number of
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-
Department of MBA
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Step no :5 Assess Reliability & Validity

Stress(%) Goodness of Fit

20 Poor
10 Fair
5 good
2.5 Excellent
0 Perfect

This is a lack of Fit Measure. Higher Value

Indicates poorer fit

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department
of MBA
Perceptual Mapping

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• Perceptual mapping is a graphic display
explaining the perceptions of customers with
relation to product characteristics.

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Perceptual maps
• “Perceptual maps measure the way products
are positioned in the minds of consumers and
show these perceptions on a graph whose
axes are formed by product
attributes.” (Kardes, Cronley, & Cline, 2011).
• “A perceptual map represents customer
perceptions and preferences spatially by
means of a visual display” (Ferrell & Hartline,

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Benefits of Perceptual Maps
Reason Benefits of Perceptual Maps

Check reality To see how the target consumers actually perceive the various
offerings and positions

Impact of campaigns To measure/track the impact of recent marketing campaigns and

any other marketing mix changes

Monitor new products To identify how well any new products have been positioned into
the market

Monitor competition To monitor the impact of various competitive offerings over time

Look for gaps To assist the company identify market gap, as an input into the new
product development process

Understand segments To provide information that will help further understand different
market segments

Track preference changes To track any changes in consumer preferences (and other
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
environmentalMBA factors) over time
Limitations of Perceptual Maps
• Perceptual maps often simplify the consumer‘s
purchase decision down to two product
• They tend to be more beneficial for low-
involvement purchase decisions
• They are more relevant for individual brands,
and less helpful for corporate brand image
• The data is often difficult or expensive to obtain
(via marketing research)
• There is a often difference between consumer‘s
perception of the brand‘s benefits versus reality
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department
of MBA
Mr.Ghosh –owner of Restaurant –Rasoi
20 Years
Rasoi- Indian & Chinese
3 Years Back- New Restaurant
Clientage of Rasoi started decline sharply
Possible Reasons
Variables that differentiate
Relative importance of variables in
discriminating between the choice
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
• A technique for analyzing Marketing
Research Data when the criterion(Variable
to be Predicted) or dependant variable is
categorical(nominal) and predictor (is
a variable that is being manipulated in an
experiment in order to observe the effect
on a dependent variable) or the
independent Variable are interval in nature
• Predict Group Membership
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department
of MBA
1. To find a linear combination of variables that
discriminate between categories of dependant
variables in best possible manner
2. To find out which independent variables are relatively
better in discriminating between groups
3. To determine the statistical significance of the
discriminant function and whether any statistical
difference exist among groups in terms of predictor
4. To evaluate the accuracy of classification,i.e the
percentage of customers that it is able to classify

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department
of MBA
1. Scale Construction
– Identify Variables that are discriminating and on which
people with diverse views will respond differently
2.Segment Discrimination
Helps understand what are the key variables on which
two or more groups differ from each other
a. What are the demographic Variables on which
potentially successful salesman & potentially
unsucessfull sales man differ?
b. What are the variables on which users/non Users of the
product can be differentiated
c. What are the variables on which buyers of
local/national brand of product be differentiated

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
3. Perceptual Mapping
– Attribute based spatial map can be created
– Help to determine what attribute is the USP of
which Brand

Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of
Dr Ashish R Jaswal,SCOE-Department of

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