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Plan Común Primer Curso Científico – Primer Curso Técnico
Semana: 16 al 20 de agosto
Estudiante: ____________________________________________________________________

Tema: Members of the Family (Miembros de la familia)

Family our refuge from the storm our link from the past our bridge to the future. –
* To think about *


Who is she? – ¿Quién es ella?

It is very common to introduce one person to another in
our daily environment and it is very important to use the
expression “This is….” with the name of that person.
However, are those people your friends? Maybe yes or
maybe will became your friends when someone else
introduces them to you. So next time when you introduce
someone to another person don´t forget to use This is…
to introduce that person. Do you remember how to say
HERMANO in English? (Es muy común presentar una
persona a otra en nuestro entorno cotidiano y es muy
importante utilizar la expresión “Este/a es..” con el nombre
de la persona. Sin embargo, ¿son esas personas tus
amigos? Quizás si o quizás se vuelvan tus amigos cuando
alguien más te los presente. Entonces la próxima vez que
presentes una persona a otra no olvides usar Este/a…para
presentar a esa persona. ¿Recuerdas cómo decir hermano
en inglés?)
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Example: This is my brother/bro (Este es mi hermano).

 José, this is Ana. She is from Argentina.

 Ana, this is José. He is my friend from school.

To introduce members of our family to other people, today we are going to learn vocabulary
about the members of a family (Para poder presentar a los miembros de nuestra familia a otras
personas, hoy aprenderemos vocabularios sobre los miembros de una familia).


https://i2.w /origi nals /d2/c2/1f/d2c21f4af1 65c1 b47 21c3a2dd8 c7ecd4. png

Look at the following family tree and read out loud the paragraph describing it (Mira el siguiente
árbol genealógico y lee en voz alta el párrafo que lo describe).

Hi. My name is Anna. I have one brother and one sister. My sister Lucy is older than me,
and so is my brother Tom. My mom and dad aren’t at home all day. Their names are Mary
and Steve. My mom has a brother, his name is Tony. My uncle Tony is married to my aunt
Susie. They have two children, my cousins Jane and James. My grandparents are still alive.
Their names are Papa and Gigi. I love my grandparents!
https://i mage. -vect or/diagram-s howing -three -generation-family -tree_130 8-5 4476. jpg

A poner en práctica lo aprendido.

1. Write the corresponding vocabulary about the family members according to each
picture below. (Escribe el vocabulario correspondiente sobre los miembros de la familia
acorde a cada imagen de abajo).

https://i mg.fre -vector /fa mily-tree-flat-design_ 23-2147 59934 8.jpg?size =338 &e xt=jpg
2. Look at the family tree above and make your own. (Observa el árbol familiar de arriba y
realiza uno similar sobre tu familia).

https://www. m/ free-vector/ fa mily-tree-vintage -style_1056 341. htm#p age=1 &query=ar bol%20ge nealogi co &po sition=4
Gestor de Tareas

Tarea a ser enviada a través del Gestor de Tareas

Tarea correspondiente a la semana:

Fecha de envío:
Nombre del estudiante:

Propuesta sugerida
Write sentences according to your family tree (Escribe oraciones sobre tu familia de acuerdo
a tu árbol familiar).
Ejemplo: My father is Peter (Mi padre es Pedro).

a. _____________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________________
d. _____________________________________________________________________
e. _____________________________________________________________________

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