Formative Outline of Argument Assessment Instructions

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Contracts 2: Formative Outline of Argument Assessment

Weight: 20% (20 Marks)

Due date: 23.59pm on Monday 6 September 2021.

Important note:
This is in individual assignment. You should not prepare your Formative Outline
of Argument assessment answer with another student, even if you do an in-
workshop moot this week.

Word Count: 1,500 words. This does not include the template, statement of facts or
the footnotes. There is no 10% extra permitted.

Assessment Instructions
For this assessment, you will submit a Formative Outline of Argument based on one
of the week 5 workshop questions.

Each scenario for the week 5 workshop question contains four submissions, two for
the plaintiff and two for the defendant, for a total possible 8 submissions for the
workshop. You will be required to prepare two submissions only; either both of
the plaintiff’s or both of the defendant submissions for one of the two scenarios.

This means you may pick one of the following choices for your Formative Outline of
Argument assessment:
 Scenario 1: both plaintiff submissions; or
 Scenario 1: both defendant submissions; or
 Scenario 2: both plaintiff submissions; or
 Scenario 2: both defendant submissions.

Do not mix and match your submissions between plaintiffs and defendants or
between scenarios.

You must use the Contracts 2 Outline of Argument Template form as the form for
your Outline of Argument.
FYI: Yes, this can be the same answers that you submit for workshop 5 preparation.
We would presume that you would further improve them after hearing the
workshop feedback. This assessment is intended to help you develop skills related to
presenting a clear written legal argument. It is not intended to be a research

Referencing: You must cite all sources appropriately using the Australian Guide to
Legal Citation, 4th Edition in this assessment.

Submission: You must submit your outline in word document form (i.e., do not
submit a pdf) through the Turnitin submission point under Assessment: Formative
Outline of Argument. Your work must be typed. Do not use the ‘write submission’
or ‘comments’ options. Please include attach the coversheet that will be provided in
the folder. Be sure not to include footnotes in your word count.

Important: This is an individual assignment and the rules of academic integrity

require that you do not collude with other students. Similar submissions are
identified by text-matching software and we are obliged to refer those to the
university's academic integrity process. The penalties can be severe, including
receiving a mark of zero for this item of assessment. Findings of academic
misconduct can affect eligibility for admission as a lawyer.

We will be workshopping the problem question in small groups each week, and you
can (and should) discuss your approach to the submission with other students in
that forum, but you must not give another student a copy of your written answer,
nor look at another student's written work. We strongly advise you not to share
notes in any form with another student. For more information about the University's
academic integrity framework please see the Course Profile.

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