MID, BUS 535, Md. Tanzil Rahman, 2115520660

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MID 1, BUS 535,

Md. Tanzil Rahman, ID # 2115520660

Welcome Inc. is a chain of fast-food restaurants located in major metropolitan areas in the
South. Sales have been growing very slowly for the last two years. Management has decided to
add some new items to the menu, but first they want to know more about their customers and
their preferences.

1. Discuss the role that business research can play in helping Welcome Inc. maintain and build
on its leadership position in the fast-food market.
Information is the key element of business decision making process. By knowing about the
nature of the market, strong and weak points of the business or the competitors, effective
research enables the business with growth and stability .
Business research can help Welcome Inc. to be in the leading position in the fast food industry
by :
Strengthening their position in the Market : only by business research a business can know it’s
market effectively and by that business can reach it’s target customers and be in the leading
Identifying of potential threats and opportunities: By utilizing the researches methods and
technique Welcome.Inc can understand the future prospects of the business and thus can
withstand any threat and grab the opportunitites .
Strong Strategic Planning: with proper information and data the executive body of welcome.inc
can create a strong strategy that can easily lead them to leading position.
Business research can assist welcome.inc to stay ahead of the competition, with the help of the
knowledge about their customers by selecting the right products and services that will delighted
the customers and flourish the business.

2. Develop two appropriate research questions, each with suitable hypotheses, based on the
management’s decision to know more about their customers and their preferences.
Two research questions are:
Question 1: are the customers getting bored with the existing menue on the restaurants, thus
adding new items on the menue will definitely increase the sales?

Question 2: Are customers willing to come to the restaurant in the time of pandemic for dine in
ratherthan getting the online fast and easy delivery system ,only by introducing the online
delivery system can increase the sales?

3. How can Welcome Inc. make use of exploratory research to understand how household
consumers enjoy fast food?
Exploratory research is inconclusive. Some ways Welcome Inc. can use exploratory research to
understand how household consumers enjoy fast food by conducting a focused group
discussion or by conduct a survey. A focus group is a sample of people who participate in an
open discussion about the feedback of a product or service they bought or used. Welcome Inc.
can create a focus group discussion with some of members from household consumers and get
their feedback on how they enjoy the fast food or Welcome Inc. can surveys their existing
customers or members from the household consumers regarding their feedback of enjoying the
fast food .
This way Welcome Inc. can use exploratory research to understand how household consumers
enjoy fast food.

4. Describe one way in which Welcome Inc. can make use of descriptive research.
Answer :
Welcome Inc. can directly use the survey method from the descriptive research .
From their existing customer data base they can easily conduct a survey that will give in a result
for both of the questions or variable .
Welcome Inc. can surveys both of the types of their customers like who are coming to the
restaurant till the day regards whether their feedback on their product, service and others and
with customer that are not coming through mail, telephone or automated telephone survey why
they are not satisfied with the service or product they are offering .
They can also surveys with the new potential customers through in mall ,telephone or mail
whether they want to come or not with the new menue listing.
In this way Welcome Inc. can use the descriptive research method. It can used to know the
preference of the customer to get the feedback from customers and appropriate to make the
changes according to customers need.
Questionnaire is a best method when it is used in the right way it gives right information and
more authentic and most updated information.
The two hypotheses is supported with this method.

5. Describe one way in which Welcome Inc. can make use of causal research.
Welcome Inc. can use the experiment way of causal research .Causal research can be defined
as a research method that is used to determine the cause and effect relationship between two
variables. This research is used mainly to identify the cause of the given behavior.

1. They can conduct several experiments to learn more about the feedback of the new
menue they are going to introduce on their customers.
2. They Can also know about any feedback from their customers regarding any problem or
findings in their existing menue .
3. Through the experiment methods of the causal research Welcome Inc. can know the
facts is their new delivery system if favorable or not .
4. Concerning to the experiment, they can include questions related to sensibility of price
and brand changes possibility, what customers like and want to eat and the disposition of
brand change, ask for quality of the food, service, cleanliness, why they choose different
5. Using a sample from the population of the consumers and by using experimenting
method of causal research Welcome Inc. can intersect the findings between the variable
that can lead them to identifying the actual problem that will need more research to know
more about the exact problem or finding.

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