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Discussion Points: Read the case scenario and relate it to the theory
you’ve learned.

Amy 30 years old, married, now in the 3rd month of her second pregnancy,
came to the Center for prenatal consultation. For her first pregnancy, she availed of
the services of a traditional birth attendant (hilot) that ended in a stillbirth in the
eight month of gestation. Working full time in a garment factory she claims that she
hardly has the time for regular prenatal visits. However, she says that she and her
husband want a healthy baby, which is the reason for her “early” consultation.

Apply HBM and Pender’s HPM in the situation given above.

Write your answer inside the box…

1. The Health Belief Model (HBM) is a model that emphasizes change at the individual
level, and it is helpful in looking at health protection or disease-preventive behavior.
Based on the given scenario, each health belief component can be applied to Amy’s
situation. Since Amy knew from her first pregnancy that availing the services of a
traditional birth attendant (hilot) could end in a stillbirth which she had experienced in
the eight months of gestation, she now has the knowledge of the possibility of it
happening again if she will still avail it in her second pregnancy. In that case, I could say
that Amy now has perceived susceptibility and severity of the given condition. In her
second pregnancy, Amy came to the Center for prenatal consultation because she now
has the belief of reducing complications in pregnancy by having prenatal consultations.
But as Amy is currently working full time in a garment factory, she claims that she has
no time for regular prenatal visits, which means that Amy has perceived barriers.
Consequently, Amy and her husband going early to the Center shows that they have the
readiness to take action for them to have a healthy baby. With this action, Amy has
developed self-efficacy by gaining knowledge on what to do during pregnancy and
preventing stillbirth.
2. Nola Pender's Health Promotion Model is similar to the HBM. This model examines
factors that affect individual actions to promote and protect health. Amy's experience of
stillbirth in her pregnancy due to a traditional birth attendant's services made her come
to the Center for prenatal consultation. In that case, Amy has the characteristics and
experiences that affect her behavior through perceived self-efficacy and has perceived
the benefits of having a prenatal consultation during pregnancy. The perceived barrier is
described when Amy claims she has no time for regular prenatal consultation because of
her work. Perceived self-efficacy is gained when Amy believes that they could have a
healthy baby by coming early to the Center for prenatal consultation and showing that
Amy will likely repeat or maintain that behavior. With Amy having prenatal visits with
her husband, she is influenced by her husband's thoughts about having a healthy baby if
they seek consultation where she will be educated by her health care providers. As a
result, Amy will develop health-promoting behavior by having efficient knowledge that
she will gain from regular prenatal consultations.

having efficient knowledge that she will gain from regular prenatal consultations.

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